about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.12

Anomaly Shards
For every Sentient Anomaly POI that you complete you’ll earn a new Anomaly Shard; a shard ripped from a Sentient Anomaly in the Veil Proxima!

  • As mentioned in 27.0.11, we wanted to implement a more token based system to obtain the Tenebrous Ephemera that we removed from the drop table. An Anomaly Shard is 100% guaranteed at End of Mission for every Sentient Anomaly POI you complete. 

Little Duck + Exotic Goods
Little Duck is no stranger to Exotic goods - an Amp assembler and Toroid master, the strong and the strange are what she makes her business on. Her interest in Anomaly shards allows you to access new Exotic Goods:

  • Tenebrous Ephemera
  • ALL Sentient Captura Scenes 
    • Sentient Captura Scenes have also been removed from the drop table and will be purchasable from Little Duck exclusively. 

Railjack Additions, Changes & Fixes:

  • Sharing is caring! Loot gathered when on-foot in a Point of Interest, Crewship, and from killing a Boarding Party are now shared between the whole squad, so you don’t individually need to go collect the loot if you’re busy Piloting, Engineering, etc!
    • This excludes Health, Ammo, and Energy pickups. Also, AFK players do not get the items shared and cannot pick them up later.
  • Minor Breaches, Fires, and Electrical traps now restore Railjack Health once again when a Catastrophic Failure breach is active!
    • The Health return was removed in 27.0.10 due to being used to manipulate Railjack invulnerability.
  • Added tips to the "Configure Railjack" screen in the Dojo. Simply hover over the "i" icon in the bottom right corner to learn more about each category! 
  • Avionics and Wreckage dropped in Railjack missions will now display a distance marker!
    • The distance marker will appear when the Avionic or Wreckage is near the center of the screen, regardless of how far it is!
  • Updated the ‘Components and Armaments Slots’ description to clarify that they do not apply to Wreckage, only Repaired Wreckage.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the Railjack UI. 
    • For those wondering: Micro-optimizations means small adjustments were made to improve performance without any changes to the game’s behavior. So you shouldn’t see anything change except that game runs a little faster!
  • Made a micro-optimization to a common function used by Railjack game-code.
  • Made a micro-optimization to numerous Railjack missions.
  • Made a micro-optimization to Railjack lighting.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to HUD marker performance, especially on Railjack.
  • Fixed a crash when the Host aborted from a completed Railjack mission.
  • Fixed a rare crash if you were connecting to a squad while another player was dealing damage with a Railjack weapon.
  • Fixed a crash when fighting Sentients in the Sentient Anomaly POI. 
  • More fixes towards broken Dry Docks when some players have different progression into the Rising Tide quest.
  • Fixed cases of Turrets being inoperable if a Host migrates while they were operating it.
  • Fixed Client bodies disappearing, Railjack turning into just black walls, and more bad states if they were operating a Turret when the Host migrates.
  • Fixed Clients dying and being Revived when operating a Turret resulting in the Railjack disappearing.
  • Fixed Clients crashing if the Host migrated during a Critical Breach.
  • Fixes toward Railjack Fast Travel not working properly while operating a Turret.
    • Some issues still persist that we are investigating! 
  • Fixed Wing Turrets moving their positions each time a Client mounts them.
  • Fixed exiting the Railjack with Hildryn’s Balefire active defaulting you to Unarmed with no Arch-Gun.
  • Fixed weird camera rotations after launching out of the Archwing Slingshot.
  • Fixed the Quick Progress screen not being usable after the first node transition in Railjack.
  • Fixed Lavan Elemental Reduction Avionics gain nothing from being Upgraded to Rank 1 unless on an Upgraded Grid.
  • Fixed Sentient Cores displaying the wrong marker after being picked up.
  • Fixed a couple issues of hangar doors on the Missile Platform not opening for Clients.
  • Fixed a script error when an enemy Crewship deploys their healing bubble.
  • Fixed a script error in the Railjack UI.

General Changes:

  • Defense Waves will now complete if NPCs are downed (but not dead), except for the final Wave, where all NPCs must be taken care of.
  • Removed the hit-scan tracers from Imperator Vandal as it's now a projectile weapon. 
  • Optimized server-side code for game log-in.
  • Optimized enemy Enemy class hierarchy slightly.
  • Improved robustness of a script interface to try to avoid scripts breaking if you switched to your Operator at the wrong time.
  • Made some systemic optimizations to the script runtime.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to the UI system.
  • Improved error handling in cache optimizer (some errors like being out of space) would trigger silent abort; it should now properly send you to https://www.warframe.com/en/iofail as intended.
  • Updated the "Boss Kills" section of the Profile stats to include 5 years of game updates (untouched since Update 14!).
    • Not only does this stat include the updated boss types it now includes special bosses like the Hemocyte and Razorback. There are a few known issues for some bosses that remain.
  • Hydroid, Limbo, Mesa, and Mirage ability videos have been added to their respective Arsenals!
  • Increased the scan projector FX when Conserving on the Orb Vallis to address colorblind difficulty. 

Upgraded our compiler toolchain:

  • Improved code-generation for certain types of compiler optimizations.
  • Fixed a performance regression in some rare cases for Ryzen processors.

Controller Fixes:

  • Fixed inability to use any Piloting maneuvers due to left stick being bound to zoom, effectively ignoring callouts in Intrinsic details screen.
  • Fixed the Upgrade screen for Avionics in the Dry Dock missing button callouts for Upgrading when using a controller.
  • Fixed LTHUMB button worked to activate the Search box even when the picker wasn't visible in the Avionics screen.
  • Fixed the Left/Right bumpers not functioning in the Avionics Upgrade Screen.
  • Fixed the Sort menu not working in any of the Avionics screens.
  • Fixed becoming stuck in the Avionics screen and having to restart the game.
  • Fixed inability to exit the Avionic Grid Upgrade screen if you place your virtual cursor over a Grid.


  • Fixed several crashes and hangs on Windows 10 when an audio device is unplugged or changed.
  • Fixed a rare crash when using Profile > Log Out from the menu.
  • Fixes towards pathing issues with the Drone in the Plains of Eidolon. This also fixes a very specific spot where the Drone would regularly get stuck. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/es51n3/cmon_de_its_been_2_years_why_do_we_still_need_a/ 
    • Most noticeable in Plague Star at the moment, but still existed outside the Operation with Plains Bounties. We’ll continue to check up on this issue.
  • Fixed the Vengeful Charge Ephemera providing constant light source for Mirage's Eclipse, resulting in a cosmetic granting the light buff to remain 99% of the time.
  • Fixed Mission Time carrying over from time spent in Dojos or Relays.
  • Fixed Mission Time including the time spent in your Orbiter after aborting a mission prior.
  • Fixed your Kuva Lich having the default Excalibur Helmet on their shoulder if you killed the Kuva Larvling as a Client. 
  • Fixed Tactical Reload, Lock and Load, and Eject Magazine Mods not functioning for Clients.
  • Fixed toggle sprint carrying over into Wukong’s Cloud Walker (normal hold sprint did not).
  • Fixed Ivara’s Navigator cast animation not being replicated between Host/Client, resulting in no sound or movement.
  • Fixed the Quellor Alt Fire being silent when it’s meant to be Alarming (as indicated in the Arsenal). 
  • Fixed enemies being immune to Vauban’s Bastille if they were ragdolled out of it previously.
  • Fixed Excalibur’s Chromatic Blade elemental FX and statistics on Exalted Blade not updating after you change your Energy colour. Instead, they are stuck on the default Electricity element.
  • Fixed Inaros getting stuck in his Devour animation if Devour is cast on an enemy that dies at the exact same time.
  • Fixes towards the Octavia’s Anthem music note FX trail disappearing when you locate and collect the first or second Mandachord part.
  • Fixed Coildrives in Orb Vallis never despawning if the player doesn't move and the Coildrive has passengers still inside.
  • Fixed dispatched Drop Pod NPCs being confused at their own existence by standing stationary and staring into the sky contemplating life as ‘just another clone’.
  • Fixed Volt visually missing his arm rings in his Codex/Market diorama.
  • Fixes towards Ivara Prime’s helmet cloth clipping through her forehead.
  • Fixed cases of Warframe stats appearing unranked when viewed in the Arsenal.
  • Potential fix towards Resource Crate names lingering after being destroyed.
  • Fixes towards odd pathing behaviors with the Jordas Golem.
  • Fixed the Primary and Secondary weapons Upgrade > Actions screen including the Umbra Forma in the UI count of how many Forma you have.
  • Fixed a UI error when selecting certain enemies in the Simulacrum that you don’t have fully scanned.
  • Fixed some distortion FX on the Ice Planet's heat generators and improved their performance by removing a bunch of scripts to animate them. 
  • Fixed distortions being offset with Dynamic Resolution enabled.
  • Fixed Sigma Series Sugatra not being positioned correctly on Glaives.
  • Fixed some items in the Market having overlapping text (Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment, etc).
  • Fixed a potential crash in the Weapon Upgrade screen.
  • Fixed a script error in the Focus Arsenal screen.
about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
3 minutes ago, -equal- said:

Got an Shard from Sentient Ship and also as Mission Reward makes 2 - inventory shows 1 :facepalm:

We're looking into this!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
Just now, HasenFratz said:

Same here. Crashes as soon i try to pick up avionics.

Did you happen to get a WAR # when you crashed?