about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Warframe’s 6th Anniversary is fast approaching! To kick off the celebrations, get ready to declare war: a Weekend War.

Happening over three weekends starting in February, the 6th Anniversary Weekend War Event is made up of a trio of Gift of the Lotus Alerts, with an objective of killing as many of a certain enemy as you can. Take out enough enemies before time is up and you’ll unlock a Bonus Weekend in March for the whole community!

Each completed Gift of the Lotus Alert will also reward you with ten Relics that you can crack for a chance to earn Spira Prime, Nikana Prime, and Saryn Prime components.

To track the progress of the Weekend War, there will be an in-game status bar. The Alerts aren’t the only way to contribute though, Tenno. Playing missions and killing that weekend’s enemy will also advance the status bar. Once it reaches 100%, a Bonus Weekend will be unlocked for the entire community in March!

The full schedule for Gift of the Lotus Alerts and Bonus Weekends is as follows:

Weekend War 1: War on Lancers (February 15, 2 p.m ET - February 18, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Meso S9 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Affinity Weekend (March 9-10)

Weekend War 2: War on Crewmen (February 22, 2 p.m. ET - February 25, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Axi N6 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Credits Weekend (March 16-17)

Weekend War 3: War on Chargers (March 1, 2 p.m. ET - March 4, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Neo S10 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Resources Weekend (March 23-24)

This is just the beginning of our 6th Anniversary celebration! From March 27 until April 13, make sure to log in and check your inbox to get the new Dex Skin. There will also be opportunities to get previous Dex items from the past five years, so you won’t want to miss this, Tenno!

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Hey all! I have answers to some of your questions:

"Does that mean that only once the gift of the lotus appears or does it appear like 3 times on one weekend so that we can get 30x relics on one weekend of each?"

  • There will be 1 alert per weekend, and successful completion will grant you 10 Relics for that weekend!

"is this both resource drop chance and booster?"

  • It will be double the amount of resources you receive, not chance

"Wait, does it have to be Lancers, or do Elite Lancers count as well?"

  • Lancers of all types will be your targets!

"will the enemy level matter? or as long as you kill the faction that is related to the rewards is enough?"

  • Enemy level is not important - focus on the faction!

"Someone tell me which relic of those relics give Spira a Prime please?"

  • Spira Prime Pouch (Mesa S9 Relic)
  • Spira Prime Blueprint (Mesa S9 Relic)
  • Spira Prime Blade (Neo S10 Relic)

We have also added a breakdown of the contents of each Relic to the beginning of this thread. 😄

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

"Will there be a leaderboard for most kills of that enemy type over the weekend? I sense the bar is scripted like most in game events and was curious if there is an incentive to do it more than necessary."

  • No plans for a leader board this time!

"Follow-up: Do kills in Sanctuary Onslaught count even though the enemies aren't real?"

  • Yes, Sanctuary Onslaught does count 👍
about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
1 hour ago, Kylo. said:


Hmm.... Looks like I've been playing with that gunslinger too much lately....

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Let the Weekend Wars begin! 🎉

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
On 2019-02-08 at 2:44 PM, [DE]Helen said:

Weekend War 1: War on Lancers (February 15, 2 p.m ET - February 18, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Meso S9 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Affinity Weekend (March 9-10)

Weekend War 2: War on Crewmen (February 22, 2 p.m. ET - February 25, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Axi N6 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Credits Weekend (March 16-17)

Weekend War 3: War on Chargers (March 1, 2 p.m. ET - March 4, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Neo S10 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Resources Weekend (March 23-24)

You will find the Bonus Weekend dates for each Weekend War listed here and on the Warframe news post. Since all platforms achieved 100% during the War on Lancers, all platforms will have a Double Affinity Weekend on March 9-10! Well done!

I'm sure this news will strike terror into the hearts of Crewmen across the system as they gear up for the coming weekend...

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

The Weekend War on Chargers has begun!