about 1 month
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | YouTube chat uh in theory we're live |
3s | it's thinking it's thinking you all know |
6s | how this goes we have to a wait for an |
8s | ad to finish be wait it's thinking still |
11s | for me H |
14s | refresh |
16s | refreshing I didn't change anything on |
20s | the on the refreshing |
24s | harder maybe we're not |
27s | live H says we're live |
31s | okay Sam's saying we're live apparently |
33s | we're live we're live thanks Sam let's |
36s | see I'm waiting to see emperion was |
38s | first imperion was first what y I'm just |
41s | reading oh the person I was like the |
43s | update spider Rider says hi you're live |
46s | hello hi hi hi I don't see us oh I do |
48s | see us live now okay I have twitch chat |
50s | open oh an ad for Uber Eats calaban uh |
54s | floating animation Quinn calaban |
57s | floating there already is one he already |
59s | has that that's his whole thing okay uh |
62s | welcome to a Dev short if you're here |
64s | this is a 15minute show in 15 minutes |
66s | only I'm going to hit start and once 15 |
68s | minutes goes we're done cuz we're we're |
71s | busy here at De but we have 15 minutes |
73s | to we're busy so busy what do you know |
76s | why do you know why why are we busy |
78s | there's a Dev stream this week I know |
79s | there's two Dev streams this week oh my |
81s | god let's let's open a fortune cookie to |
83s | see just made my heart give a be okay |
85s | Lunar New Year is right now um and let's |
88s | open our fortune cookies okay |
92s | okay let's see I'm actually going to eat |
95s | this are you hungry yeah just I'm I'm |
97s | feeling like I want to eat this oh my |
99s | gosh okay Steve should give you 1 |
101s | million Platinum what an amazing |
104s | Fortune maybe I got yours you are |
107s | capable of tremendous creativity oh |
109s | maybe I got yours it is better to get |
111s | something done late than |
114s | never I can think we we literally got |
116s | the wrong ones okay there you go okay |
119s | wait so what is yours what is |
121s | you're capable of tremendous and sorry |
123s | what was that 2 4 15 16 23 sorry and it |
127s | is better to get something done late |
129s | than never we literally got opposite |
131s | cookies oh my God okay anyway how's |
133s | everyone doing how's everyone doing |
135s | we're back in the office this is our |
136s | we're over the hump of the dark months |
138s | if you're a tunno in the in the |
140s | hemisphere same as us here in |
142s | Canada uh oh I see someone from Thailand |
145s | so they're not worried about the winter |
147s | months like that like I am right now hey |
149s | you got some Hong TI uh demon blood says |
151s | Tech rot is my new favorite faction Tech |
154s | rot are awesome demon blood would like |
156s | something like Tech rot like are perfect |
159s | names together uh don't forget to watch |
161s | this Friday's uh Warframe Dev stream |
163s | it's a big one uh it's going to be going |
165s | on on our twitch Channel and our YouTube |
167s | channel and you can tune in to a very |
169s | very thorough first Dev stream of the |
170s | year uh there's a lot so from like we're |
173s | going to give you preview of the next |
175s | prime access of course we're going to |
177s | give you a first look at the next |
179s | heirloom skin in game with all like the |
181s | things cuz Rino heirloom was announced |
182s | it's launching February 6th but you'll |
184s | see it all in game with Megan driving |
187s | the the ship on Friday so don't miss it |
189s | we got a full Deep dive on that and the |
191s | next nightwave season so currently uh |
194s | volume seven is ending soon and then |
195s | Volume 8 is going to swap in and this is |
198s | a 1999 themed nightwave that's coming so |
201s | you'll yeah you'll see all of the |
202s | Cosmetics that you can earn for free in |
204s | it on Friday so really don't miss it the |
206s | 1999 theme nightwave is awesome there's |
208s | lots of cool stuff for you to uh earn |
210s | for free oh people are saying rip rip |
212s | rip in |
214s | chat you guys want to refresh make sure |
216s | we're still live here twitch chat seems |
218s | fine I don't know what to tell you |
220s | someone just said LOL too short fine |
222s | here what fine here |
225s | already Chad are we good you're still |
227s | live thanks Charlie I think we might |
228s | have uh kind of dipped out and I think |
230s | we're back still on uh YouTube okay stre |
233s | is fine okay I'll say okay let me call |
236s | up YouTube hello hi it's the Warframe |
238s | team oh you've never heard of us okay my |
240s | mistake sorry for bothering you YouTube |
241s | is fine we're back okay well we had a |
243s | little we had a little glitch somewhere |
245s | in the world but where we didn't have a |
246s | glitch with did you drop something I |
248s | dropped out my forun cooking I want to |
250s | eat the whole thing eat mine okay all |
252s | right we have how rude is that to eat on |
254s | on a d sh quite rude cover your mouth |
257s | all right we have |
258s | a you are a mess you're kicking the desk |
262s | what is going on what are you doing |
265s | explain yourself everyone's happy |
267s | everyone's happy okay things to someone |
268s | wants a Saturn six armor in the new |
270s | nightwave someone wants the Saturn six |
272s | armor in the new night wave I don't know |
273s | if it's in there I guess watch the dev |
275s | stream to find out we'll find out at the |
276s | same time but I know there's new stuff |
278s | well yeah I don't know but let's find |
281s | out together on Friday I don't know but |
282s | we'll look at it Friday we are hey |
286s | Travis I will eat the cookie off the |
287s | floor when I find it I swear to God I |
289s | will the worst decision you could ever |
291s | make at digital extreme oh my God I |
293s | crushed it with the with the chair |
295s | Wheels I was about to say the worst |
297s | decision you could ever ate is eat |
299s | eating off my floor |
300s | but but look at all this I crushed it |
304s | there's a reason that found the Hat e |
307s | this is the worst day of my life um the |
310s | my office is disgusting at the best of |
311s | times and the Steve is grundle that's |
313s | right okay |
316s | anyway we have actual news to talk about |
318s | so okay let's get let's get our head we |
320s | have Dev streams this uh on Friday a |
323s | huge one for war frame we're going to do |
324s | a soul frame one as well talking about |
326s | preludes that just dropped and what's |
328s | coming in the next preludes it's going |
329s | to be very |
330s | yes there is a soul frame Dev stream and |
331s | a Warframe Dev stream this Friday don't |
333s | miss it uh but things you might want to |
336s | learn about oh we have currently gone |
338s | dark for hot fixing we are going to be |
340s | doing our next build is aert build uh |
343s | it's in the submission process lots of |
344s | things are being fixed including switch |
346s | freeze and crash fixes so last week we |
349s | had some concerns about switch stability |
351s | the next uh deployment will have fixes |
353s | to improve stability uh we have fixes |
355s | for challenges we're setting on host |
356s | migration so this a lot of folks are |
358s | seeing that when you're doing 1990 a |
360s | to-do thing for the calendar you're |
361s | losing progress if there's a host |
363s | migration that'll be fixed and we have |
365s | lots lots and lots of quest polish for |
367s | lighting bugs uh just because maybe |
371s | there's people playing um Warframe from |
374s | the beginning and they're seeing bugs in |
375s | their quests and stuff so we want to get |
377s | those fixed and we have them coming or |
380s | some improvements along we do and we |
382s | have um also our top top iOS mobile |
386s | crash has been the has been yes has been |
388s | figured out yes there's two two tops one |
392s | was a um if there's any technical people |
394s | watching there usually is like dozens of |
396s | us right um one was we were releasing uh |
400s | F audio handle on a thread and you can't |
403s | can't so there there was um uh some |
406s | resource tracking issues there and then |
407s | the other one that they're still working |
409s | on is that the Reverb processing is |
411s | introducing a nan into the sample stream |
413s | an Nan bug it's a nan bug we always not |
416s | just in graphics but in audio who knew |
418s | uh which caused the whole audio to drop |
419s | drop out |
420s | isn't this exciting just to talk about |
422s | all these things there's something okay |
424s | we need you to do your best expression |
425s | Jade skin win can we get more cinematic |
429s | emotes cinematic emotes what does that |
432s | mean I don't know like is that kind of |
435s | like do we with Gemini like the Gemini |
437s | style it's pretty cinematic with the |
439s | camera moving I think I think that's |
441s | what that's probably what the question |
442s | is cuz I love that yes that's true Civ |
444s | is like I've been waiting forever for |
446s | this new Cod system it's coming it's |
448s | coming we're going to talk about it but |
450s | but uh also if you liked the music for |
452s | Whispers in the walls it has launched on |
453s | Spotify streamable so if you loved the |
456s | uh music tone that our team took with |
458s | The Whispers In The Wild |
460s | soundtrack you can listen to it on |
462s | Spotify it is there the whole Whispers |
464s | In The Wall soundtrack has been uploaded |
466s | and you can check it out so if you want |
468s | to hear |
473s | you good for your spa day no it's good |
476s | for your haunted Spa your man in thewall |
478s | Pursuits yeah totally |
480s | anyway Razer Wing has an interesting |
482s | question about panthera's secondary fire |
484s | could it have an option to change it |
486s | from held fire to toggle holding the |
489s | atick down while trying to aim at the |
490s | same time is unwieldy that actually is |
493s | extremely true and you know what seeing |
494s | some panta representation in the chat is |
496s | uh we'll we'll take a we we'll take a |
499s | community note for that that's a that's |
501s | a very good question and I totally get |
502s | it |
505s | yes can we get a Scottish Warframe with |
507s | a claymore and a kill I love it I I love |
511s | that be cool inspiration oh my God that' |
513s | be awesome oh my God we can get like ah |
516s | some oh Scotland's amazing love you |
519s | Scottish Folk Sinclair so vaguely |
522s | Scottish vaguely Scottish Steve uh 1999 |
525s | is missing some wall graphics including |
527s | all the clocks do we need more well |
531s | there some of them are intentionally not |
532s | showing a Time on of the quest but um |
536s | Scotland forever there you go excellent |
538s | uh we also have when we first did our |
540s | first Dev short of the year we took some |
541s | New Year's resolutions from the team uh |
543s | as you know uh Warframe is a game made |
545s | by and soul frame here at D many many |
548s | many folks uh some of which you gave us |
549s | some other resolutions so if you just |
550s | want to learn a little bit more about |
552s | the team oh do you have some more I do |
553s | okay uh Andre who always is listening in |
556s | chat um AKA persel uh introduce more |
558s | people to the wonders of decorating and |
560s | Warframe if you do like decorating |
562s | that's Andre resolution we have some U |
565s | decorations to show you on Friday as |
566s | well in the dev stream uh Corey oh I |
569s | love Cory know wants to do a party of |
570s | your lifetime fan medley oh yeah Cory y |
574s | that that's he's the guy get working on |
576s | that okay and jacqu uh and we we'll do |
579s | we'll do jacqu story jacqu says double |
580s | coffee consumption for double |
582s | productivity I think that's how the math |
583s | works out that is how the math works out |
585s | now jacqu has been a programmer on |
587s | Warframe since day one and uh was behind |
591s | the snip Dron I believe yes he named the |
593s | snip Dron yeah that was when we let our |
594s | coders name weapons so every now and |
597s | then we still do uh I've been seeing |
598s | this a lot and we screening note cuz you |
600s | mentioned uh Spotify Jade Shadows ostd |
605s | oh it's so good um I don't know I don't |
608s | know we we'll have to chase it I know |
610s | there's some like uploads on YouTube |
612s | which is literally what I listen to like |
614s | I listen to the F we got to get it out |
615s | there on the proper place man I know |
618s | okay I know hex FL iral |
622s | please now we have a very uh 4.8 second |
625s | reload Kazar that's too short make it |
627s | longer make it longer get a negative |
629s | reload re I don't even want to look at |
631s | the community until I see a 10-second |
633s | reload time on the Zar I want that |
635s | reload to take 10 seconds do you hear me |
639s | I don't want to I don't want to see or |
641s | hear from a single tenno until I see a |
642s | 10-second kubar reload what's the point |
646s | make it slow I see someone here being a |
648s | little bit spicy saying zero mentions |
650s | about uh someone resignation yeah I mean |
653s | we some people move on from the company |
655s | and and uh and we always wish them well |
658s | but it's not like something we talk |
660s | about and you know we're not trying to |
662s | hide from it or anything it's sort of a |
663s | strange thing to call out but you know |
665s | well all right new year new youth some |
668s | people need different challenges |
670s | definitely not me yeah are you going to |
672s | are you going to roll over all all it'll |
673s | be my corpse to roll out of here folks |
675s | white angel bonjour or I guess |
678s | bons uh release scalr weapons watch the |
681s | dev stream to learn more yeah I would |
683s | got more my necklace came undone oh no |
686s | oh no what's happening that 10-second |
688s | kuasar reload got me all cot and |
691s | bed okay didn't didn't Happ all right |
694s | site9 void we don't really do void |
696s | shills anymore uh unfortunately uh SC |
700s | scandalous it is scandalous new helmet |
703s | upgrade for augments please someone was |
704s | talking to me about this in game the |
706s | other day a player but we nothing on |
708s | that uh what else do we have on the |
709s | agenda here we got lots what would you |
713s | like to talk about you want to just read |
715s | chat no we well let's go through our |
717s | agenda because we've been kind of mostly |
718s | reading chat so so and eating floor |
720s | cookies you have an eating floor a floor |
722s | Fortune uh Arch demon says any news on |
724s | the Nintendo crash and freeze it is |
726s | fixing insert yes you should be getting |
728s | that quite soon um yep it is known yep |
732s | it is known uh a little bit of love for |
734s | railjack today and uh YouTube chat |
736s | anyway you know I've been trying to |
738s | grind out my last corrupted Hol key to |
740s | get I think I need the tenant Olia or |
743s | the |
744s | tenant F rockx I forget maybe both yeah |
747s | and um which keeps getting lower |
750s | I can go lower too um I've been playing |
752s | a lot of RA ja and you know what it's |
753s | kind of it's kind of hot yeah it's good |
755s | it's good stuff but um what it's so |
759s | classic it's kind of classic Canadian |
761s | like it's not too bad actually it's |
762s | pretty great actually uh my crew are |
765s | yeah anyway it's it's pretty great but |
767s | uh people are going to read into that |
769s | the wrong way right now the only |
771s | railjack stuff on the horizon is the |
773s | technos site CA interim fight so you saw |
775s | it at Tenon we'll talk about that more |
778s | Friday actually on Friday but I don't |
781s | think it's ever yeah anyway we could |
783s | talk for hours about real Jack uh CS of |
787s | chick says uh here's one I haven't heard |
790s | yet I want to romance |
792s | hHow hHow is I think he's a bit once bit |
796s | and twice shy like his love life hasn't |
798s | exactly yeah gone well he's uh yeah know |
802s | yeah maybe he gave up it does have |
805s | positive qualities hHow he's kind of |
808s | great and terrible hHow we love him |
810s | dearly mhm we love him dearly here's one |
813s | that I've seen a few times also why is |
816s | Razer rework so why is Razer we |
818s | mentioned that one of our animators was |
819s | going to take a look at it when they had |
820s | time obviously from all the animation |
822s | content in 1999 that time didn't exist |
825s | we still need more animation content |
826s | with the uh technos site Koda we'll see |
829s | I'll I'll I'll check on it but I know |
831s | that opening attack is not everyone's |
832s | favorite if you're a passionate tatuo |
835s | user like myself I understand I |
838s | understand it's a passionate ple I get |
840s | it I I get it I do so people are saying |
844s | I am seen maybe but hunhow Daddy hunhow |
847s | yes he is he's like the original |
850s | Warframe dad he is yeah literally and |
852s | the the voice actor did such a great job |
854s | with that goal as well so good yeah yeah |
857s | Romancing car oh we're getting an ad for |
860s | Eve sailor on black opium perfume oh |
862s | really every twitch streamer favorite |
864s | scent is e St lauron black opium |
867s | interesting if you smell like that |
870s | I can smell your your perfume The Gamers |
872s | love that smell pay me YSL for oh |
875s | Celsius energy drink ad that's what you |
877s | want oh my God taste like an energy |
879s | drink smell like a perfume that's the |
881s | okay okay okay okay okay we have real |
883s | things to talk about yes we do |
885s | uh okay we have Dev stream again we |
890s | can't can't say enough about the dev |
891s | stream this Friday please watch it or |
893s | don't but you should cuz there's lots |
895s | going on we'll do one more resolution |
896s | from the team from Paul learning French |
900s | and then go to France and then reduce |
901s | coffee intake so jock is going to double |
905s | coffee intake and Paul wants Paul's |
906s | trying to reduce yeah that seems like um |
909s | we would probably be able to achieve |
911s | that if what |
913s | is Sydney is soul harder and frame |
916s | deeper okay that is a nasty innuendo |
920s | though if you Soul harder frame deeper |
923s | wow some people have like a paragraph |
925s | here like they're really working on |
926s | themselves yeah well people should you |
928s | only get one life Scott is wants to |
930s | learn and practice C++ that's awesome we |
932s | love compiling here at digital extremes |
935s | get your Visual Studio open Mark's going |
937s | to build robots that's scary like to |
938s | take over the world maybe Mark Mark |
941s | knows how to build some cool stuff so |
942s | I'm not I'm not I'm not going to be uh |
945s | surprised when that one comes true Jeter |
947s | 1230 says Steve I want cat ears for all |
950s | my |
951s | warframes you know what in this game |
953s | Never Say |
954s | Never that's true remember no dancing I |
958s | know |
959s | uh let's see nidus needs overguard play |
963s | with a Dante or self-generating |
965s | overguard I like I get like what would |
967s | be the only way to achieve that is there |
970s | any helmouth abilities that let you get |
973s | overguard there's decrees that do but |
976s | what would it be oh oh |