almost 6 years
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Meg seems to have the same issue. Will investigate! Sorry about that!
Meg seems to have the same issue. Will investigate! Sorry about that!
On 2019-03-15 at 6:04 AM, LunarRush said:Yep, still no Saryn's helmet and no Garuda's claws.
Looks like there were a few Tenno missing Saryn's helmet. If this is you, please be sure to submit a support ticket!
Garuda's claws are also being looked into, but I don't have any news on those at the moment.
On 2019-03-22 at 11:49 AM, iNemeq said:Is there any news on Garuda's Claws yet? (and whatever else might be missing!) 😄
It was fixed! Since her claws are not exalted, we do not allow you to equip the skin separately. Simply equipping the Successor Skin will give her claws a new coat of paint. 🙂