almost 2 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link


With Citrine’s Last Wish coming on all platforms this month and Duviri on the horizon, the team has made the decision to launch Enhanced Renderer for last-gen consoles, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with Citrine’s Last Wish update instead of Duviri.

Currently, there are in-game visuals that are only available in our Enhanced Renderer, such as decals on the wall, possible tattoos or facial hair on certain characters, etc., and we want to be able to invest in these systems and designs that work for all players.

Alongside Enhanced Renderer being enabled by default, we’ve included 2 new Options under the Video tab to disable to improve performance if you’re having concerns:

Sun Shadows
Enables sun shadows, disable to improve performance

Enhanced Decals
Enables enhanced decals, disable to improve performance

These 2 new options are amongst a lengthy list available to you at any time to enable/disable depending on your game's performance. If you experience performance issues with the Enhanced Renderer enabled, you can always tweak these options to lessen the load on your machine.

For a more detailed breakdown of the Enhanced Renderer, please check out Steve’s original post here.

What about Switch? Getting the Enhanced Renderer for the Nintendo Switch is next on our list!

External link →
almost 2 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link


With Citrine’s Last Wish coming on all platforms this month and Duviri on the horizon, the team has made the decision to launch Enhanced Renderer for last-gen consoles, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with Citrine’s Last Wish update instead of Duviri.

Currently, there are in-game visuals that are only available in our Enhanced Renderer, such as decals on the wall, possible tattoos or facial hair on certain characters, etc., and we want to be able to invest in these systems and designs that work for all players.

Alongside Enhanced Renderer being enabled by default, we’ve included 2 new Options under the Video tab to disable to improve performance if you’re having concerns:

Sun Shadows
Enables sun shadows, disable to improve performance

Enhanced Decals
Enables enhanced decals, disable to improve performance

These 2 new options are amongst a lengthy list available to you at any time to enable/disable depending on your game's performance. If you experience performance issues with the Enhanced Renderer enabled, you can always tweak these options to lessen the load on your machine.

For a more detailed breakdown of the Enhanced Renderer, please check out Steve’s original post here.

What about Switch? Getting the Enhanced Renderer for the Nintendo Switch is next on our list!

External link →
almost 2 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

Originally posted by Ov3rwrked

I had no idea there was members of DE on thus sub.

there are dozens of us

almost 2 years ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by Dat_guy696

Sorry to bother You mr Marcus, there is this bug with the vulvaphyla and djinn permanently dying and won't come back Even after spending one of your warframe revives.

Any chance You can make the Bug fix team to notice it?


Do you remember in what circumstances this happens? We've tried many times but were never able to repro this.

For example what are your pet mods when this happens? Does it only happen as Client or also as Host? Is it limited to specific missions? Do you know what enemy killed your pet?

The more info you can share the better. Video of it happening is also extremely helpful.


almost 2 years ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by Dat_guy696

Hey hello again, recorded some videos and sent a ticket with one of them, i'm almost certain that is caused by Malice Magnetize (died a couple of times to it and vulvaphyla was gone), not sure if a radiated Mag can do it too.

Decided to reply just in case.

Sorry for the late reply! Could you please send me your Warframe name and/or your ticket number?