8 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Hi Tenno, can you give us more information like when the screen goes black?
Is it immediately upon launching the game? Or is it after a certain mission or action? 
What device are you playing on? 

If you can save & send your game logs the next time you are playing on iOS, that would be incredibly helpful. I'm including details on how to send & share logs


8 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Thank you for clarifying! The fact your phone language is set to Japanese is actually quite relevant as we discovered an issue last night that prevents players using Japanese language settings from advancing past the opening screen. This is for all platforms. We are releasing a fix later today that should resolve this! 

8 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

We've just released Jade Shadows hotfix 3, which should have addressed this issue across all platforms! Please give it another try and let us know if you're still unable to get in. Thank you!