12 months
ago -
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Our first Hotfix ever on iOS is here! We’ve got a handful of important fixes that we’ve listed below.
If you have iOS-specific bug reports to share, please do so in the dedicated iOS subforum - thank you!
- Fixed missing and incorrect text in the Launcher pop-up, including missing localized text for multiple languages.
Fixed errors preventing players from successfully connecting an iOS account for Cross Platform Save.
- We continue to watch for any other Cross Platform Save related issues that may be occurring when attempting to link an iOS account.
Fixed Platform-specific Icons appearing where the Cross Platform Play Icon
is meant to appear.
Fixed players who linked their iOS account for Cross Platform Save not receiving the iOS Pre-Order / Day 1 Rewards (Bombyx Syandana and 3-Day Affinity Booster) in their Cross Platform Save accounts.
- We will be running a script later in the week to deliver the rewards to affected players. We will update here once it has completed!
Stay updated on the known iOS issues that we are investigating in the Warframe iOS Launch Build post.