over 2 years
ago -
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PSN: Nora's Mix Volume 1: Hotfix #3
Fixed Nightwave Standing not being rewarded when completing the ‘Venus Bounty Hunter’ Act.
- We are investigating other Acts that may be affected and looking into ways we can track the lost Standing to be recouped via script.
- Fixed a UI bug where double the amount of Nightwave Standing earned was shown if you ran a mission with a Syndicate Sigil equipped and completed a Nightwave Act. Upon relog the correct value would be properly shown.
- Fixed unreleased Focus names and descriptions UI updates appearing in the Focus Trees. The Angels of the Zariman update will be bringing all of that and more in April.
- Fixed file path showing in the Madurai Focus tree. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1302882-madurai-school-bio-is-shown-incorrectly-and-the-code-written-for-it-is-showing/
- Fixed more inconsistent use of capitalization throughout the game, notably in the following areas:
- Pop-up message when you leave a Clan.
- Fixed the Simulor/Synoid Simulor missing its Critical Chance/Damage and Status Chance stats in the Arsenal.
Fixed a couple mentions of Landing Craft instead of Orbiter.