7 months
ago -
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Our latest iOS update delivers an overhaul to the Arsenal Mod screen! This mobile exclusive redesign was created with smaller screens and touch controls in mind.
While we are calling this a hotfix, it is actually a small CERT update (learn more about what that means here). Depending on your Automatic App Update preferences, you may need to manually update the app.
Updated the Arsenal Mod screen on iOS with mobile usability in mind.
Previously, the iOS MODDING Screen matched that of its PC and console counterparts. It has been reworked to accommodate touch based gameplay on smaller screens:
- Mods, as well as the Search, Categories tab, and Sort By tabs now occupy the left side of the screen.
- Modding Actions have been moved to the right side of the screen.
- A large Mod preview will now appear on the center-right side of the screen with improved readability.
- Ayatan Treasures have been moved to the bottom left corner of the screen.
Previously, the iOS MODDING Screen matched that of its PC and console counterparts. It has been reworked to accommodate touch based gameplay on smaller screens:
Added an option to disallow the use of network caches on the launcher. These are allowed by default as they can greatly accelerate updates, but on some networks these caches can be misconfigured, and cause lengthy stalls in the launcher.
- This Allow / Disallow option has been present on the PC version of Warframe since 2021.
- If you are experiencing issues with your downloads, try disabling the Network Cache setting!
When Warframe updates via the App Store, it must redownload the base install (approximately 3.95GB) which overwrites the previous install. These updates are not adding 3.95 GB to your overall app size.