almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Hey finalstand! Our team took a look at your reports. We're still working on resolving the Mod Capacity bug, but we can help with your Arcane issue right now. It looks like there might be some confusion:

You are having trouble equipping Arcanes, because you seem to have Entitled Amps but no Gilded Amps. Your screen shots look as if you are attempting to equip your Virtuos Arcanes (for the Amp) in the Operator Arcane slots! A Gilded Amp will allow you to customize (including equipping Virtuos Arcanes) and acquiring Magus Arcanes will remove the message telling you that you don't have Operator Arcanes. 🙂

I hope this helps! Let me know if it works or if you have any more questions. We'll keep you posted about the Mod Capacity issue. Our team is investigating now!