almost 4 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Call of the Tempestarii: TennoGen: Hotfix 30.2.1



  • Fixed causing Damage to yourself and squadmates if you have Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors active and your clones inflict a Status Effect which causes Damage in a radius (Gas, Electric, etc) that lingers on the target and the clone ability ends.

  • Fixed Excalibur Umbra not attacking when in Melee range when you have no Melee weapon equipped. 

  • Fixed cases of Quill Onkko's cave door sometimes not opening after accessing Cetus from the Plains (and potentially other cases of doors not opening).

  • Fixed Railjack Pulse Turbine doors not opening for either Host or Client.

  • Fixed small alignment issues with the Khora Graxx and Khora Fiera Helmet.

  • Fixed a script error when your Warframe died while you were in Operator mode.

  • Fixed a script error when viewing the Plexus.

almost 4 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link

Hi Tenno! If you are experiencing slow download speed could you please click the little gear wheel in the launcher, select get logs and send us a support ticket with your launcher.log.

almost 4 years ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link
1 hour ago, EleutherialLS said:

@[DE]Megan Please look into the new Zephyr augment. When testing it yesterday, it stopped working until I let my frame die and self revive. Then it worked like normal. This was in Kuva Survival if that makes a difference. 

Do you remember what you were doing at the time? It seems to work okay for me, and we don't have any script errors on record for this augment. I thought it might be something like allowing the buff to run out while you are operator, or trying to buff yourself after a Drahk Master stole your gun, but it doesn't seem to be that.