about 5 years ago - Warframe - Direct link
about 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

207s welcome to the periphery for reaction
210s stream to blood eagle and Reptar Eric
219s with our air pause since we don't want
221s to be violating copyright welcome to yet
224s we also do it in our own heads so it's
226s great to people very excited about we're
231s allowed to like things Jeff right it's
233s part of the like oh it's not cool to
234s like things club yeah I'll stand my part
237s of that Club was just welcomes you are
243s 126 the Deaf stream where we is 27 106
248s is it we don't like it again for the
258s next hour we will be discussing things
260s am why are you showing me Shazam I don't
271s know he told up for a free ticket
273s alright well for the next hour we will
275s be talking about warframe and yes we'll
280s show for war France I think you local
282s crazy for the trees
284s today's sugar high brought to you by
285s local crazy and today's beer brought to
290s you by sweet Sarah oh yes good Sarah
292s you're welcome please God catch on is a
303s famous beer guys Scott said if I got him
306s beer we could talk about some more
307s things oh yeah but anyway we are here to
314s talk about warframe present in future we
316s had a big day yesterday on PC so we will
319s be going over
319s release because why not it's only been
322s live for like less than 24 hours we have
325s been no but we will be providing
326s yesterday's planes of eidolon remaster
329s update to console as soon as possible
330s it's already hit the ground running to
332s start the cert builds we're hoping to
333s submit it next next week we can more
336s than usual sweeter than usual stay tuned
338s for Danielle's threads she'll have
340s status threats for the Xbox one
341s PlayStation 4 in intend dos which 1000
343s just stay tuned for that because the
345s console team is already hitting the
346s ground running and kicking ass thank you
348s to our de console team yeah bloody ghost
351s talk contending spaces reading chat
354s that's good they're saying Dean was
367s glowing in the corner come from Mexico
374s say hi
374s buenos dias hello someone says Jared
378s who's Jared subway oh oh I missed ear
382s okay
385s I have they used Kleenex here you're
391s going on oh thank you this is quite more
396s chaotic than usual that's okay no more
399s cleaning thank you all the clean oh
401s right what on the agenda for today on
403s the agenda for today are we're gonna do
405s free fly we bring up the agenda slide
406s yeah I'd like to see this laughs well
407s actually could you bring up the 2019
409s recap slide that's an agenda
413s well congratulations we've done some
416s stuff from the whiteboard so the first
418s step stream of the year we kind of
420s plotted out 2019 we said things about
422s ongoing reworks and upgrades which of
424s course planes mighdal and remastered as
425s a huge in the corner I'll be released
433s the corner there standing Steve will
437s call him and yeah so we released one of
439s three planned war frames so far a year
442s so he'll dress wet that's why it's
444s orange shirt children is live and I'll
447s plot second caution it's nice we will be
450s showing wisps powers today we released
452s Dec 12 when the exploiter
453s we release both of Saturn six we're
455s gonna be talking a bit about gas city of
457s course the male a phase one is live we
459s can talk a bit more about you know just
461s pie-in-the-sky ideas for Phase two and
463s my family got the green checkmark I have
467s to get an orange it's getting an orange
468s checkmark change it orange real time
474s photoshopping it was always changed so
478s as always everything is just feeling a
480s bit shy in progress so you know don't
484s get married to too much except for the
485s idea of the things will change there you
487s go anyway there you go guys you're
488s making some good progress today just a
491s few small things yeah just a few small
493s things couple small we'll get to those
494s eventually this is I just put my dessert
499s on to my pants okay
507s and we will switch back to our big view
510s and we will do our first platinum price
512s if you don't know let's start yeah let's
513s do it
514s that was in flat there will be two
516s alerts up after the stream one for an
518s organ catalyst and one for 10 cedis
520s wisps so if you're on the hunt for some
522s whistles ten of them can be yours we
525s also still have the limited time gift of
527s the Lotus anniversary alerts up on all
529s platforms so grab those before they're
530s gone when do that arcturus on twitch
537s you've won a thousand platinum and Masto
538s star 19 on mixer you won a thousand
541s platinum you got it do you know them no
543s but amber it's pretty good that's gonna
545s say you see you said that like you said
546s very unfit enthusiastic yeah this is
548s good you need to be excited when I'm
550s here you know
551s are you see Robert Smith from the Cure
553s getting his nomination that's good
562s that's fine for it well someone's got to
565s bring the life out of you guys oh yeah
566s we're pretty yeah where's the
572s cheerleading I'm trying to read I'm
574s trying to that all right well anyway
575s first bottom price has been given out
577s did he reworked Vauban going by and chat
579s a little bit what's just near a to it
580s that he's got a beard it is
583s take a sip and let's talk vauban at this
586s point in our six year plus development
589s Vauban was released around update eight
590s I believe when a game was a different
607s right so hold on yes he is the trap
611s master engineer he's got he was primed a
614s while back and we gave him a little bit
615s of a mind layer update we changed Tesla
617s a bit rework like rework like to LA too
620s late too late so what does that mean uh
623s I think the biggest kind of negative is
627s the game has kind of moved on from home
630s so like pure CC which is mostly what he
633s does is kind of been overshadowed by CC
636s plus damage a lot of the newer warframes
639s offer both in kind of one power or a lot
642s of his do not offer for that he's got a
644s bunch of overlapping stuff as well and a
647s bunch of his utility stuff has kind of
649s moved on from what the game used to be
651s stationary aspects yeah a lot of his
653s stuff is very stationary a very small
655s focused very single target focused
657s hallway simulator yeah Zoe yep so I
660s think a lot of those powers suffer from
663s just the evolution of the game so he is
667s there's a document open it has a some
670s pie-in-the-sky ideas about a bigger
672s rework I think it's total kit redo oh um
675s versus just like touching up the current
678s powers so I think there's gonna be you
680s know some of the powers will probably
682s refer to some of the abilities that were
684s there before but just touched up and
685s updated to fit the kind of current speed
689s of the game you know one of the ideas
692s I'm playing with is like combining the
694s Tesla balls with the rolling drones that
698s we have for as AI in the game so they
700s would actually roll around and stay with
701s you like Octavia's little yeah but the
705s smaller ones so we used to have I think
706s they were called nervous at one point
708s yes Scott turning me where the nerve
712s rolls again yeah do they still work one
715s talking yes was your plan yeah so
718s looking at that kind of thing and giving
719s them I guess more utility and basically
722s making it more lethal combined with
724s normal you know with the CC abilities
726s love it alright so there is the
728s conversational it's a start
730s it's you know there's been a lot of
732s noise about you know fixing it you know
735s I think Borderlands coming out with a
736s turret with legs turrets with legs we
746s also are looking at Wukong as well so
748s those were two that you're working on
750s I'm not working so that's your party
756s we're all gonna help each other we all
758s live together you didn't finish your
760s treat though I don't know if here well
762s some of it landed on my pants and he's
764s saving that part for later I'm gonna
765s work on it oh very carefully excellent
769s excellent
770s oh right so we ha so that was a Silver
772s Moon on the magic trick component to
774s scream okay so we we have never met
779s before
781s okay so I want you to pick I need to use
784s Kleenex
785s just pick any use clinics anyone which
787s one this one this one okay all right you
790s know put it under the cup the clear cup
800s that's where you saw that could have for
803s you did I need to practice magic magic
805s yeah we brought in here that it would
808s like us did not good because the
823s remaster for planes vital on has gone it
825s on PC so I'm just in these capture at
827s eye level so I've got my awesome I got
832s my NYX prime here with the Equinox prime
834s cape and I just wanted to share really
836s poor Ross where he was like almost
840s hyperventilating in are okay yes I've
843s never seen wrong this is very pale
845s sweaty yeah
846s he's worked out he drank about 20 cups
849s of coffee yesterday he was sort of
852s leading the charge on this with the team
854s that redid all the foliage and I'm you
859s know I've never seen the game look this
861s good and with guest city coming as well
865s what a great year for warframe I think
868s you know probably your quality or
869s something like what's inside jokes but
877s of course Ross was raging at me last
881s night it's raining it's raining it's
884s good because we have a world state thing
886s that creates these rain and storm
888s patterns and of course he wanted it to
890s ship like I did in the light of day but
893s I think maybe Mike hotfix so it's a dry
895s weekend driving so everybody get their
897s get their screenshots on and you may
900s cross feel better this is hooked up the
908s Bob Ross Ross Ross is like Bob Ross a
912s little toy over here it's actually
914s there's some problem so this is step
918s yen's Knicks deluxe concept it is
920s modeled and hooked up it's using my NYX
921s colors by default so it's looking pretty
923s good pretty unreal I must say so with
929s the dentist weapons so I mean all things
934s considered we have a very regal looking
936s mixed deluxe that is amazing pretty
939s unreal just switch to spear I get a
942s little a beautiful earth plane some
944s Eidolon butterflies come back products
948s how do I get the butterflies back but
950s this is just an incredible and was
952s getting overcast now but Steve what do
953s you think of that should I make it rain
954s for Ross I think you should actually
963s disable overcast overcast sir oh yeah
970s I already didn't for us for us are we
974s dead
975s yes interesting oh you're in the capture
982s it I was gonna say yeah overcast control
985s one to capture it might be yeah yeah
987s something many right
988s I'm really excited props for capture are
990s you I mean yeah you always want to have
991s a little bit of like you know what's
993s going to drop a little bit of drama
995s excellent alright so this one is mixed
998s delight is coming what is it coming I
1002s know looks is soon on PC possibly as
1006s soon as next week we'll see nope not
1014s saying it comment there's definitely
1017s paused on that alright so and we also
1027s have in the spirit of beautiful
1029s intricate looking design such as next
1031s deluxe we have a new 1000 fan weapon so
1034s we've we've only ever released one fan
1036s weapon the Gunson but we have a concept
1039s for a new one tell it as usual
1044s but if anyone recognizes the style it's
1046s another liger piece who actually is
1051s doing more work for us now oh you seem
1055s more like your work in the game it's
1058s pretty great it's got to be nice if you
1060s can there there's a go sky kind of on
1064s the blades yeah it's got really nice
1066s detail work holy shit
1069s oh my god yeah you just cover us clips
1075s yeah great
1077s oh yeah really cool work and the feather
1079s oosoow gotra as well feather soo gotcha
1081s I don't have that there you go beautiful
1086s I thought you were talking about this
1091s you sauce is a bit like an Oregon
1093s terrorist that's true yeah yeah I can
1095s see that that's very cool yeah the rows
1097s looking old it's very very gothic chic
1101s and I'm all about it no we need to have
1112s a goth street a goth stream I would love
1114s the column a cry my wife asked me if I
1119s was playing Rebecca's game I think I got
1124s my Doc Martens still in the base take
1127s black pants if you want to come back
1129s over safety pins yeah so if you've been
1133s playing warframe since the mainline
1135s launch of last the very depth launch
1138s you'll know that there's a new
1139s attachments area for ephemera we have
1141s some unreleased ones that are very
1143s important to talk about today awesome if
1145s you have already on PC found the idol on
1147s ephemera so this is one that really
1150s brings you the idol on at night
1152s impressions so if you've ever gone to
1154s the plains bite on night time you'll see
1155s all these effects it will take your
1157s energy color I was gonna say does it
1159s make you stomp around like an eye only
1160s does that be amazing and we are planning
1165s on wood steps making this be a
1167s merit-based one so we're looking into
1170s doing an achievement so you can earn
1171s this one in particular something either
1173s like capture a hundred terrorists
1175s something pretty pretty intense
1176s sometimes or you know do it no low solo
1180s without dying something we're not sure
1181s yet but it is going to be merit-based so
1183s you'll just have to wait and see and
1184s there's also we haven't done an Easter
1186s update in a while so I'm saying I'm
1201s trying to make up for a but gate for
1203s wisp so I think is gonna make it worse
1212s bunny ears have been in game for quite
1215s some time so not only do we have bunny
1219s ears but this year since the ephemera
1221s since the ephemera is a new slot we're
1225s adding a little egg one so if you wanted
1227s to you could have I'll show you a
1230s mission so what's gonna happen are you
1231s gonna poop out eggs as you walk I expect
1234s so who is who is like allowing you to be
1239s the name who is putting this in the game
1240s for you using yeah yeah like a little
1246s network that we need to find so you can
1248s have little eggs so for people that are
1254s really into the bunny lifestyle um for
1257s Easter for a limited time only via
1258s pumpkin heads in the game as you know so
1260s pumpkin heads for Halloween wear your
1262s helmet gets over ride with a
1263s jack-o'-lantern for Easter this year as
1265s addition to the bunny ears which we
1267s release every year we're going to add a
1268s little limited time egg ephemera report
1282s that's his he would even crack a smile
1300s this is really important stuff forget
1302s back to the cool warframe yes all right
1305s let's go do an exterminate mission and
1306s show off wisps powers shall we the poor
1316s character team right now
1323s bunny wisp is for you for me to make up
1326s for an hour talking so do we want to go
1328s with this color scheme what's the what's
1330s the
1341s nope sorry was that a nope no alright
1346s now can we see that other pose a little
1348s bit
1348s that was a reg aisle yeah I'm so job so
1352s the agile is spin that around there
1353s slowly I just want to see what's the
1358s back foot once through the cloth I'm
1361s back on the feet show feet bunny ears
1367s off is not that kind of convention okay
1370s all right all right we are gonna or rock
1380s and roll with what's in a gossipy
1382s mastered mission breath oh cool take a
1385s little look there oh the movement so
1387s cool you're seeing work in progress and
1400s it's it's gonna get at least 7% better
1403s before show
1404s yes errands like hip fire animations
1406s right now we're still using the jogs
1408s that you'll see like so we'll have
1409s floating yeah if I sped up great she
1414s will have custom landings and bashes as
1416s well all that stuff isn't in yet I guess
1418s so again everything you write to see is
1420s working progress from effects to sounds
1421s two animations the team has been working
1423s their butt off to get whisp ready to
1425s show for the Deaf stream but again it's
1426s all working progress so if things you
1428s know yeah go as they go yeah interesting
1431s choice of words
1431s yeah work in there but off and go it's a
1434s turn of phrase
1435s alright let's head to Jupiter we're
1437s gonna take a look at what the Jupiter
1438s team has been up to as well go into
1440s correct off with wisp so her her whole I
1443s since in her old being she's kind of a
1445s master of portals and the ability to
1448s summon things from her wisp dimension so
1451s to speak I would say wispy dimension
1455s so let's take a look at the usage of
1457s this on Jupiter I believe we will be
1460s covering some UI elements but it is
1462s again that's all just you can move as
1466s we'll see you can do this move us around
1469s what are you doing right what's wrong
1470s just because her UI has a little bit odd
1472s there's six slots there now here we are
1490s you want to be you want to play in this
1492s yeah so it's your fault you said you
1505s came with notes I brought notes yeah
1507s we're working on it I think things are
1510s happening all right
1511s nuts are being worked off all right
1513s we're working the butts off all right
1515s all right so before we go do our
1517s exterminate mission we're gonna talk a
1519s little bit about her powers without
1520s combat context and then we'll engage in
1523s some combat and animation and you guys
1525s can talk a little bit about the level so
1529s her first power has a kit in which you
1531s can slot your you're gonna talk about
1533s them we're gonna say hey listen know we
1535s can all talk to you on that alright so
1542s you can see three icons with those six
1544s circles at the bottom each of those
1545s represents a different reservoir type so
1547s if I hold my one the first reservoir is
1550s summoned freezer icon so and you can see
1553s I have a time buff if you are able to
1555s see color you can see that it's red but
1557s the icon can also show you so this is a
1558s health base buff stats to be determined
1561s but if I prepped AK by one I switched to
1563s the yellow reservoir type and
1567s so this wisps are really cute they are
1569s really so these when you have this wisp
1572s around you it's providing you with a
1573s timed bus so you can see at the top
1575s right I have a couple seconds remaining
1577s on the 120 on the other and then if I
1580s switch to yellow I can make another
1583s little reservoir so what are each of the
1586s reservoirs do you did the reservoirs
1587s allow you or your teammates to pick up
1589s this radio buff but what is the Buffs Oh
1591s so one's health one cc and one is just a
1594s plain buff so if it's green you have
1595s right now its speed and if it's red its
1597s health and if it's blue it's a zapping
1600s CC so I have one of each right now so if
1602s I go to each reservoir I can hook myself
1604s up with a little bit of these buffs so
1606s and then I can make more if I want so I
1607s can make them these are all on your one
1610s fall on your one so you can cycle
1612s through and you can place these
1613s reservoirs which will have a more
1615s tactical effect yeah you just have it
1618s cycles on the right yeah topping a cycle
1620s your captain shows you what you have Oh
1622s yep so the recharge because probably
1625s likes you I Pablo likes you I Shh so how
1628s are my little buddies on me and if you
1630s were in a mission with me multiplayer
1631s you could pick them up too but you can
1632s see I'm going faster because I have a
1634s green active you can't see the effect of
1636s the other two you there's no enemy so I
1638s just want to make sure everyone is a
1639s rock and rolling with worse and it's
1645s just a rock and roll with two which is
1647s going to be sort of a wisp light you can
1649s see her in that direction it's a bit of
1651s a distraction if enemies we were around
1653s they would yeah it's beautiful
1655s good so it's sort of a light shadow of
1657s herself that goes in the direction
1659s you're pointing enemies will be drawn
1661s toward it with fire meeting that it's
1663s like a decoy that moves
1664s it's a nudey decoy but as GPU particles
1667s being worth being spawned off of an
1670s animated skeletal mesh on the vertex
1671s surface its new not tech new hot tech
1675s yeah look at that new hot tech yeah and
1678s if you are a keen tenor you probably see
1680s a timer there so if I recast the ability
1682s before that goes away it also works as a
1684s teleport so you'll see I ended up
1686s oh great where it was mid-flight so
1688s we're gonna see that again
1690s yeah let's take another look I ended up
1694s where the body was mid cast so you have
1697s that three second window defaults to
1699s move where the
1700s illusion is going mm-hmm
1704s so we're gonna go through the
1705s fundamentals of wisp and then we're
1707s gonna go into combat so again I can go
1709s grab another buff here from my
1711s reservoirs so I'm getting all those
1712s going and say I wanted to go fast over
1715s there let's to end up here keep moving
1717s let that go over there and then switch
1720s to where it is so she's really quite
1722s quick and moving around the battlefield
1723s it's actually would be great for taking
1725s down a number for summer
1727s kite um mr. active you don't know what
1730s some bears on console so I have six
1735s reservoirs placed right now final number
1737s to be determined and her third ability
1738s is about summoning a pretty deadly
1741s energy to all those reservoirs if I tap
1743s three just each one bursts out in a
1746s damaging effect so each of the rest of
1749s our types will have a different damage
1750s type and as you could imagine say you're
1752s playing interception you leave your
1754s reservoirs at the point so press three
1755s the matter where you are they are going
1757s to pulse out that radial damage event so
1760s that's cool it's all the tactical
1762s placement of the reservoir points and
1764s using your - to quickly your radial
1769s effects on the four just remove zucchini
1783s so you can see the effects and animation
1786s work for that three she's kind of
1787s summoning that pulse energy really nice
1790s songs I do Eric yeah and then you know
1795s if you have the ability to manipulate
1796s portals and energy you're trying to do a
1799s segue right now I am don't keep going
1802s okay what better than to use the power
1805s of the Sun you might find yourself
1809s asking if I could create such such power
1811s and wield such power
1813s perhaps I should harness the inside of
1815s the Sun itself so her ultimate she is
1818s very well the animation really is really
1821s good it's incredible so here we go you
1823s ready to the Sun
1827s so you can see my son deaf beam this is
1830s called this this is the Sol Sol and we
1833s are well enemies will be Sol that's for
1836s sure so we have the power of the Sun and
1838s we are harnessing it it is essentially
1839s the Sun has the whispers put a portal in
1843s front of it to harness its solar flare
1844s power and it will incinerate absolutely
1847s everything
1860s yes the Sun folks so you can imagine now
1865s I'm her passive is she is invisible when
1871s in the air so as you do your bullet
1873s jumps oh yeah some of you noticed that
1878s in past streams whenever I would bullet
1880s jump that shoot but you do become
1881s invisible as you're airborne so again
1884s we've nerf to the button yet another way
1888s okay that's
1896s and you do that little teleport things
1899s walk in the air yeah I was wondering
1901s this but can you bullet jump up glide
1903s for a second and then do that and then
1904s yes I can't go and then it's gonna tell
1907s put there should we spare the cleaning
1917s drone cleaning drum cannot be destroyed
1944s well you know you better ride the clean
1947s drone then all like the cats on a room
1950s but kind of thing can you can you
1951s actually do that oh I can push me oh my
1953s god that's exactly like the cat on a
1955s room and you can see the solar flares of
1970s around the enemies it's just oh oh
1981s that's cool
1981s mm-hmm I can send myself and then go in
1987s so drop here I think I want a cc1 so you
1993s guys can take a look at that and maybe
1994s I'll take a speed buff because why not
1996s and again you wouldn't typically
1998s tactically place all three at the same
2000s time here you could if you wanted to
2001s grab them all right away it's you know
2003s for your friends by that yeah a
2005s girlfriend I don't want to hit that trap
2008s so I can be the slide yeah nice you know
2011s we have new a pH destroyed by the
2034s so send her off summon a reservoir maybe
2037s get a little right teleport will be
2039s actually really good for this tile set
2041s because there's some things like yeah
2043s teleport will make things like a little
2046s easier to kind of slow down and look at
2048s the environment we'll go back to my
2052s little less slow rotations you know no
2054s more hummingbird more hummingbird
2056s rotations send her away
2058s you want her to go light up the room
2060s she's like a little whisk she has a wisp
2061s light she's lighting up the room for me
2063s so I can see ahead if we did a no light
2065s level she'd be very useful you know yeah
2066s we're going to do yeah perfect
2072s get all my reservoir is here so I can
2074s get on my bus all right cool am I
2076s allowed to leave now I'm going faster
2079s now because I have my own oh you have
2081s them so cool no you can see my blue
2084s whispah fancy seeing hims we can just
2086s take him out
2087s thank you somersault I just send my
2091s whisk that way oh and jump into a jump
2094s energy pretty cool yeah I like that
2096s well though take some practices it will
2099s fun a little bit of a skill skill
2101s element there I can teleport to that see
2103s this guy I'm still lost for the duration
2106s of it is three seconds I believe at
2107s default so you go yes odd for that
2109s though yeah so you can see it go
2111s anything like this oh yeah it stopped
2116s ray doesn't yeah so yeah you do have the
2118s timer there to tell you so again skill
2119s is an element meeting that so my health
2122s is okay so I'm gonna switch to my maybe
2124s I'll just be either burger boy got that
2126s why not get a little cc in real life
2128s grab that and then he's dead couldn't
2131s even handle oh I see what's happening
2134s here well the community does tend to
2136s hate the red tail so I was gonna scorch
2137s them with the fury of the Sun but scorch
2141s them with the fury of the Sun why don't
2143s you have to say every time you cast I
2148s looks new way I don't think you've shown
2149s this on the dev stream before Wow oh he
2155s HS helium a very careful
2158s don't don't do it people stand all
2160s damage I think it changes your voice if
2164s ya wisp our cows don't eat the helium
2168s barrels that's so beautiful
2174s and you can see they're being drawn to
2177s attack that person means they'll just go
2179s in there and can teleport with middle
2180s Eve why not sorry ma cycle sorry so in
2192s regards to just mission playstyles you
2195s can use her two and three super effect
2197s two and four super effectively for
2199s damage on the move you can get your
2201s reservoirs build them up and then you
2202s know for more mobile game types like
2204s defense mobile defense you'll be using
2206s your 1 and 3 to nuke basically as well
2210s you might be a strawberry since we have
2211s a power of the Sun but two control
2214s points so you can be on the move you can
2216s be controlling points which is cool
2218s diversity of uh-oh I don't want to hit
2221s this laser so why don't we why don't we
2223s here we go I don't you don't even need
2227s to dodge them because you can just go
2228s through them yep oh yeah
2232s pax pax nice designer start and count
2237s flag
2243s a bit above a couplet Oh overkill I
2246s don't think so speaking of melee stuff
2250s so I was swimming around with my story
2252s they're kind of mesmerised yeah me too
2254s I'm just like this way it's really cool
2256s all right
2257s pretty excited about this what's going
2265s up was coming for mainly what's next oh
2273s yeah he's got a lot of balls in here yep
2277s okay I remember Woody's working on
2281s what's happening here can I destroy it
2284s with the Sun don't try
2286s he's a pH that's pH stands for power
2289s Terrace get my buffs okay another door
2298s of trickeries you back I think so
2303s perhaps no thanks Nora my trickery why
2321s do we do another Putnam fight I'm sorry
2322s words we are all just not sponsoring no
2324s no I got ya I just can't right for those
2325s working at the desk
2326s they like the environment looks so great
2328s but you have powers are very interesting
2331s yeah
2332s you should do president yeah yeah fun of
2335s us sir
2344s and there's our soul Enix no wait so
2349s when Xbox site you got the good ones who
2355s Jane just message our in-game Twitter
2359s you can do a page with your ears you can
2360s do it Sheldon name and in-game stuff
2368s high five yeah oh no I would be okay
2374s okay a new venture die okay or do some
2382s oh my god there's a few things in here
2384s Oh who's that I don't know what I do not
2388s like what I'm seeing not that guy
2389s I do not like what I'm seeing yeah
2391s there's some I don't want the retells
2404s run away beautiful right through the
2406s middle okay how will we take him down oh
2416s so you can see the CC there they got
2419s stunned with some a like a tourist okay
2421s I do I can't believe we had a little bit
2424s of an amalgam encounter there
2442s oh no I got hit gorgeous though oh right
2448s the last minute that was great
2449s okay all right there goes it
2454s what's this drone yeah okay are you
2457s gonna save us all we're good we could
2472s kill everything no this is an
2473s extermination we've no what are you
2475s almost done we're gonna do a full
2477s mission on a dev street this is a rare
2479s rare occurrence is there a guy up what
2504s what did you do to your operator I don't
2523s know yeah like what is happening stop it
2531s okay I take my rage out with the portal
2538s the rage of the Sun all right I think
2544s we're almost done we have 1500 flyin a
2553s to do this
2555s apparmor puzzle you think Forsett
2558s teleporting you have 11 health so it's
2560s like all blurry oh I can solve that now
2566s we're talking now we're talking my
2567s health is okay this isn't the proper way
2569s to do the proper yeah crossword rules I
2573s don't have my bunny ears on there Jeff
2577s oh no she's going check her yet I think
2584s it could use ear my power you think I
2586s could actually time not to lay in there
2588s watching I don't think there's a good
2600s attempt if you do it will give a fucking
2602s prize way Oh BAM nice I really love
2612s those combos all right let's take a look
2617s we're almost done we have 11 enemies
2618s left okay hello stuns them on
2622s teleporting oh it does kind of a big
2626s thing abroad I know another thing I
2627s forgot to mention but if you see the
2629s enemy reactions when I get close it
2630s blinds them so when you use that adds a
2632s teleport radial stability made it better
2647s and on a new warframe and made it
2648s awesome and took all the parts and then
2657s alright we did a guest City see ya
2661s you didn't get the caches though I did
2663s not accompany go in a little cash on No
2666s usually just going my wallet for that
2669s come on you make dad jokes yeah all
2679s right
2679s oh here we go all right so we are yeah
2697s that took two i'm whisk whispers awesome
2700s she needs all the time in the world to
2701s be showcased all right so what art
2703s animation sound all coming together
2705s effects mmm yeah they're killing it
2707s team's gonna work to do but they seem
2710s confident so the new movement set with
2716s every warframe though right yeah we're
2721s all setting bad precedents for results I
2724s can't wait to the first complaint when
2725s people are mad she doesn't float when
2727s they're melee yeah yeah there are some
2736s design stuff still coming in for with
2738s some synergies with the active reservoir
2741s wisps around you when you're using other
2743s powers so I think there's gonna be some
2745s a little bit more of that coming as far
2746s as I understand from conversations today
2748s yeah she's be a little more power more
2749s powerful the Sun is not quite enough
2751s we're going to Alpha Centauri as well
2755s that's the new passive two sentence two
2758s cents here's X volt cloth when are we
2763s gonna do the all right sounds good all
2775s right let's take some questions from our
2776s friends at home are dealing with you
2781s know some usual trends in the forums for
2782s questions were about vauban Wukong which
2784s we talked about at the beginning hydroid
2785s prime trailer every time Jeff so just
2787s it's not even just problem not even just
2790s well kind of I think it's been so long
2792s it kind of is
2793s it is my problem you know by virtue of I
2798s think I know a way to you're the host to
2799s be done and then we rework hydroids they
2801s have to do so ok k exile asks you
2807s recently tweaked pet loyalty and
2809s integrity to make them optional stat
2810s bonuses and mention that it's the start
2812s of a series of incoming optimizations
2814s for the pet stasis system could you
2815s elaborate on what this work will entail
2817s it's kind of big it's it's because it's
2820s about the rework to the arsenal screen
2822s so if Pablo was here he could go into
2824s death in depth about how we're reworking
2826s that screen but essentially we're gonna
2829s go to pet slots like like your sentinels
2833s everything right we're gonna do away
2835s with stays entirely internal so stasis
2837s slots will no longer exist or there just
2839s won't be a stasis system right so it's
2843s just interchangeable so I have 30 pets
2845s in stasis we want to give you some some
2847s cool stuff to do with your incubator so
2852s that's appoint a stream show oh right
2854s you tell we talk make the promises we
2856s don't keep you've learned you've learned
2861s so well excellent
2862s alright so BB sidekick wants to know
2864s what update changes towards meal a phase
2866s 2 from feedback on phase 1 so what I
2869s gave is a good really good answer that
2870s time that's good yeah you did you said
2872s you didn't know proud of you there's a
2876s bunch of stuff come in the works
2878s Joe was working Ridge mode mmm-hmm
2881s there's a juggling system that we're
2883s experimenting with some finisher systems
2889s yeah we're tweaking as well really
2893s specific enemies yep are on that list as
2896s well
2896s sorry I've seen a lot of comments and
2898s chats just what happened to my slots so
2900s you're still gonna need slots you just
2902s won't need to stasis slots sorry Claire
2905s dude so all those things are kind of
2908s currently in the air got to do so but I
2910s can't remember
2911s I don't want speak for jokes I don't
2912s know what he was one thing that we've
2917s been you know we have Atlas deluxe
2918s coming next week we think we just showed
2920s NYX and a surprise deluxe skin has
2923s entered the pipelines cool so why don't
2926s we talk a little bit
2927s this was our surprise Dylan he's a he's
2930s a community artist well I don't even
2931s know how much community art he's done he
2933s did a design for a Grenier soldier that
2937s kind of catalog buzz there's even going
2939s around studio then Lukas seen this and
2942s yeah I love it then he reached up to
2944s arson and he did so this is just total
2950s visceral sort of famished vampire look
2953s almost like it's vampire Jewish it's no
2963s vampire it has bloody claws it's family
2965s that she's regal she's maybe you don't
2969s know vampire thing going on no yeah I
2971s don't it's just the vibe I know that's a
2976s bit gothic it's very yeah and if you
2980s actually check out his art station his
2981s art highly recommended that is
2983s incredible and the stream even has like
2987s a his default style is kind of has a bit
2989s of a sentient feel to it yes it's
2993s incredible so totally like out of left
2997s field Gerudo deluxe yeah so pretty
2999s awesome yeah and it's always cool to
3001s work with people yes yes yes so this is
3005s no ETA of course this is just showing
3007s you guys some concept work yeah there's
3008s a back isn't is there I I didn't receive
3012s a few that did I not give it to you did
3013s not was the back was really cool as well
3015s are you I was actually really vampire
3018s yeah basically I'll send it to you Dean
3025s oh dear you sent me a single file
3028s Jeffrey got some of them I must be doing
3030s something in the bond that's like 200
3032s her people will mad at you I have a
3036s question from Aurora 3500 who wants to
3038s know what the third or mother fight will
3039s be like will it be another heist or will
3041s it be linked to the exploiter what's
3043s going on with their third or mother they
3045s wouldn't I have
3049s half a page document written for the
3052s third or mother any like its I want to
3056s take the heist idea Oh Lucas correct me
3059s the person reset to Lucas he's very he
3064s was panicking yeah all the way around
3067s its I want to mix the kind of the do I'm
3070s gonna make it alright I still think the
3075s ice thing has merit and I think we can
3080s take the good part so if exploit her and
3082s the good parts of the heist and kind of
3083s mush them together and create something
3084s pretty right to finish off the orbs
3087s awesome so that's kind of the point
3088s all right excellent so the third orbs
3091s will be coming very safe advertisement
3096s you guys a very safe excellent
3098s Oh what hmm oh my god yeah it's very
3104s vampire so it would
3141s Oh God
3161s are those gonna you deluxe confer pin
3162s melee weapons yes oh my god chat no a
3173s tricky question from war Dragonslayer
3176s will there be a cinematic quest for
3179s wisps release no the answer is no but I
3183s think that that escalates into the
3185s bigger question is the past couple frame
3187s Elise's have not had a lore aspect to
3190s them which i think of large majority of
3191s our players are wondering why not what
3193s what did we have to do to achieve the
3196s lure pairing with frame releases and
3198s when will we get back to that will we
3200s get back to that so on is force so
3201s that's why it's a tricky question we
3203s talked about this a couple of streams
3204s ago mm-hmm
3205s because know we like a paste yeah I
3209s think it was pairing them together as
3214s obviously moving is the undertaking of
3215s releasing a new frame much larger yes
3217s and harder and really slowed down the
3220s pace of releasing that content and we
3223s were looking at other ways to deliver
3225s dot lore I don't think we've settled on
3228s exactly how that's gonna come but we do
3230s want to still bring the lore but maybe
3232s not with the same investment that's
3234s required for fo ball and cinnamon
3236s requests
3238s well we already talked about 20/20 being
3240s the year we bring the lore right 20 20
3242s years a year we're bringing Larson 29
3244s yeah and that's when I know this is your
3246s quality we want to and yeah we wanted to
3251s we we have talked about a lighter way
3253s that we're probably attempts very soon
3257s all right we've got a lot of stuff
3259s breaking cause yeah there's no lack of
3262s contents that we are developing for you
3264s guys there's a lot of great stuff coming
3266s and hopefully we can backfill once we
3270s sure settle on there
3271s we waited to learn but a bit of a
3273s lighter way yeah excellent let's do
3277s another price then I think three fair
3279s answer if your answers pretty fair we
3281s wanted to we had the lower point one
3283s point is this our last plat prize and
3289s then we got to do equinox prime giveaway
3290s which launched this week on all
3291s platforms yeah okay thank you to
3297s everyone who supported this yes by
3300s getting a prime yeah access release
3303s cycle is what keeps warframe free center
3305s support has made it all possible
3307s so thanks and I spend 444 thanks for
3311s watching you won a thousand platinum and
3312s dr. underscore Zim thank you for
3314s watching as well on mixer cuz you've
3315s also won a thousand flattened you just
3317s got a message us and say hey my name is
3318s so-and-so on this platform and we can
3320s hook you up after the show
3321s alright so one thing that we just
3324s released on PC is air casting so oh it's
3331s not anything yeah that conversation was
3335s extremely good and then he went so far
3341s as to like do an itemized list of here
3343s so this has different stupid just read
3347s my position he definitely tolerated I'll
3349s see ya
3351s praise Darden um so air casting this
3353s shipped yesterday on PC this is
3355s something that so essentially for ever
3359s there's been some powers that simply are
3361s restricted from casting an air it's
3362s mostly older frames I think because it
3364s was kind of an older concept from when
3367s we were originated the game it was like
3368s you cast on ground yeah you know I
3370s didn't make sense totally with all
3372s frames because like Bobo and I guess
3376s this is like ya know something that is
3379s old that went by the wayside as the game
3382s evolved so it was good that I've brought
3386s up and and is pretty easily fixed and I
3389s think for the frames that required like
3391s Ryan's table which you want to have that
3393s kind of contact to the ground
3395s tip for it to visually make sense I
3397s think we added a thing feels pretty cool
3400s yeah that's cool yeah so is the plan I
3403s think we pretty much wholesale either
3406s took away the restriction so
3408s fraternities linked or we so for the
3410s ones that you know like name escape me
3415s overruns a cast
3417s hello hologram yeah you know it feels
3419s like you should be in contact with the
3420s ground too took cast on same with rhinos
3422s stomp all right so the for those ones we
3423s put in the the stomp has for the the
3426s slam casting so and everything else we
3431s just kind of just removed the
3432s restriction it didn't make sense anymore
3434s for a game or we require you to parkour
3437s and bullet job by 200 miles an hour yeah
3439s yeah really didn't make sense to have
3441s that anymore right
3442s I saw someone just say Oh excellent
3449s excellent we had actually a couple
3451s questions about K driving as well this
3453s is like the quintessential fun versus
3457s function argument I think right now in
3458s warframe because K driving it has a
3459s progression system yeah yeah intense
3463s argument
3464s oh one right because I one of the more
3468s popular questions in the forum thread as
3470s always are you gonna change K drives to
3472s be as fast as are going because you know
3474s fundamentally if you have your it's all
3476s on and you need to get from point A to
3477s point B nerf this you know this enjoy
3483s this while you can
3494s sorry guys sorry yep sorry that's
3497s alright
3498s you already nerfed it don't ya mind
3501s done done oh right no chat new details
3505s yes let's take a look take a look at
3508s that crash we'll take a look at after
3509s but it is almost 3 o'clock now so I just
3511s didn't want to ask about like are we
3512s gonna speed up k drives or is it gonna
3514s always just be no work at all it's up to
3519s the king but they'll be soon by the
3524s quest very soon
3526s it's always up to the player to decide
3529s what is fun over function if you want
3531s the it's all pace that's your choice to
3534s do that if you wanted until sconces but
3536s the problem is is we if you like cop
3539s during back in the day yeah if is it was
3542s very limited to a very limited piece of
3545s gear that added that ability yeah so
3548s basically we're telling players now if
3550s you want that speed you must take this
3552s archwing right and I think that's game
3554s breaking and I think that removes choice
3556s from the game and I think interesting
3557s that it should be the only be-all
3560s end-all that we say like if you want
3563s movement speed that we're requiring in
3565s the game you have to take this archwing
3567s I think that's terrible
3568s so eventually that's going away if you
3581s remember play I think if players like
3585s transparency so if you want to be on the
3586s inside of our argument well we have this
3589s conversation with the dev team I think
3598s some of the problems are it so feels
3601s required when you have an open world
3602s with only one exit point okay so I think
3605s that if we were gonna do that or when we
3608s were gonna do that I think we also need
3609s to solve some of the problems of getting
3612s a bounty and having to traverse with
3614s nothing to do for a lot of long periods
3616s of time and so other games I think we'd
3619s have to pair some limitations with some
3623s more flexibility yeah we did Valles our
3625s original design was he deal or merge at
3627s different points right and we never
3629s accomplished that goal so so there you
3632s go there's there's mom and dad's view
3638s loves you and I think you're just
3640s beautiful you can do no wrong dark of
3643s night has one you can experiment which
3644s glassy harmony 65 and mixer got messages
3647s woke you up but it was gaseous or Adachi
3649s we don't know rose broken and you can
3652s you'll be doing 150 Lunara missions to
3655s get wisp yep so we will be fixing
3657s lonardo shortly very soon
3660s to be serious we know there's a few bugs
3661s in there that are getting fixed I see
3663s someone in chat who thank you for
3665s playing it there are 10 of us and we
3670s will be fixing that I've been reading
3671s chat so alright so chad is saying
3673s recipes it's alright that is not the
3675s takeaway right now it's you are you're
3678s like a record what kind of seems okay to
3681s it
3682s the bear with no right now it's you
3684s don't disagree with me
3685s PBR is the other one is PBR conversions
3689s we had what do we have we have about
3692s thousand materials and I would say now
3700s accelerated radically we've done about
3702s 500 and last month of the PBR I was a
3705s people there are some more to be done
3708s first so our goal is the fish I remember
3710s when they first came in that list it was
3712s we have a hundred to convert and we were
3720s it's all to hide for you Ruben there you
3722s go that's gonna be the the meme now but
3724s no that's not the case we will be
3727s conversations that we have internally
3728s about this oh what's up oh great great
3731s um this is fan art that I bought with my
3735s whoa with my cash dollars this is for
3738s fans by fans stuff so I got it framed so
3741s that's my cream but the art is player
3744s made art they get a share of the
3746s purchase so it is it's basically like
3748s 1000 Jen for art so if you bought a for
3749s fans by fans t-shirt or the whole thing
3756s I have to get the artist I have to get
3760s the artist name this is pretty awesome
3763s Megan sent me the name of the artiste it
3766s is by a bird deer so this is a bird here
3769s is Garuda it's incredible just a lot
3771s bigger than I imagined that I was very
3772s excited and I Steve you you've used it
3775s to cover yourself are you crying behind
3776s there cuz it's awesome alright so we did
3782s our prizes we talked about wisp we
3784s talked about some skins that are coming
3787s we asked some questions
3791s such a daddy
3792s fire fire emoji I'm sweating them on PC
3809s if you have played the plains of idle on
3811s remastered thank you so much that
3812s launched yesterday the team at de put
3814s their heart and soul in to that main
3816s line update that launched and the
3818s console team is doing the same to get it
3819s to our console platform soon we are
3821s giving it to console much sooner than we
3823s usually do and they are also test their
3826s all over yep and I think that you're
3829s just gonna finish off the beer cheers to
3831s everyone Thank You Sheldon Jeff Steven
3834s Scott thanks team venture story oh
3835s thanks for chat mods and thanks to
3836s everyone at Digital Extremes who makes
3838s warframe possible we are you know over
3840s six years and now and it's still and
3843s we've got great stuff coming this year
3844s for you we have wisp who looks amazing
3847s and we have gas city we think hopefully
3850s that's not measured in months in terms
3853s of internal how far away it is really
3856s weeks and amazing visuals and there's a
3859s brand new endless game mode oh and we
3861s game modes and a new we have a stick
3864s frame coming stick frame we got we a
3866s stick frame coming all right working
3871s hard for you guys and and trying to earn
3874s all the great support that you've given
3876s us have an awesome weekend everyone bye
3878s guys on the other side see ya
3887s it is time