12 days ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello hello I bring you news about the
3s much anticipated companion rework
5s starting with the part that you're
6s probably the most anxious about what's
8s happening with MAA so we don't like the
11s resource boost on charm the way it works
14s right now is every 27 seconds there's a
16s 28% chance for you to get a buff and out
19s of that there's a 10% chance for you to
22s get the resource buff so that means 2.8%
25s chance every 27 seconds for you to get
28s the buff you want so what happens in
30s practice is players will kill an enemy
32s they'll see the resource they want drop
34s and then they'll just wait around for
36s several minutes at a time until the buff
38s comes up and then they'll pick it up
40s obviously this is not very fun gameplay
42s is not very conductive to the high-speed
44s gameplay of of Warframe so we don't like
46s that the other thing we don't like is
48s that because resources are so valuable
51s people feel forced to use MAA even when
53s they don't want to so what we're doing
56s is we're grabbing that resource buff and
58s we're putting it into a mod this mod
60s will fit into every Beast companion and
63s what it will do is instead of being a
65s cool down with an RNG on top of an RNG
68s it'll just be a single RNG when you pick
70s up an item there will be a chance for it
72s to double the resources you got you'll
74s see in the bottom of the screen you'll
76s see 300 rubido and then next to it it'll
78s say 2x just so that you know that that
80s was what it came from now you're
82s probably wondering two things one what's
84s happening with MAA herself now that she
86s doesn't have that we're going to buff
88s the chance for you to get a buff on on
90s her just to compensate her a little bit
92s and also we're going to buff the
93s Affinity part of the buff that she got
95s and then the second thing you're
97s probably wondering about is Pao a mod
99s sounds great but my Beast companions
102s already have a super tight build there's
104s no way that I can fit another mod in
107s there so how am I going to do that for
109s that I'm going to pass it off to Grant
111s who's going to tell you about all the
112s other changes we're making with
113s companions I think you'll be pretty
115s happy with what we're doing
117s bye thanks Pablo as Pablo said I'm I'm
120s Grant I'm a senior gameplay programmer
122s here at Warframe last year I worked on
124s companion Ric phase one and I'm back for
125s phase two Beast modding has always been
127s a bit of a tight squeeze you've got 10
130s mods to fit survivability utility damage
133s abilities you name it it's a lot and how
136s we're going to solve this is we're going
137s to take all these attack mods and move
139s them into new special pet weapons tied
141s to your pet each of these pet weapons
143s have their own unique stat blocks so for
146s instance your herass pet has enhanced
148s critical abilities whereas your
149s predicates have various different status
151s types tied to their base
153s damage beyond the pre-existing mods like
156s bite mul Etc we'll be adding a few new
158s mods to help fill out the Beast weapon
160s mod pool on top of this Beast weapons
163s feature a special poster slot which lets
165s you equip new poster mods which
166s influence the behavior and provide a
168s bonus to support that play style for
170s example we've added a posture mod which
172s will prefer to Target exus enemies and
174s deal increased damage to their overguard
177s posters like Melee stances give extra
179s mod capacity so you can fit more mods in
181s your build and speaking of behaviors we
184s will be making systematic improvements
185s to how your pet moves in attacks so that
187s their attacks are more visible and
190s useful we hope that this helps free up
192s space in your builds and offers you new
194s opportunities to customize your pets
195s Effectiveness in a fight but Grant what
198s about
199s Sentinels well you'll be happy to hear
201s that it's not just Beast getting a
202s facelift Sentinels are getting a broad
205s rework of their weapons the majority of
207s Sentinel weapons have either outdated
209s stats or dant designs our goal is to
213s make the weapons more interesting and
214s bring their power up to the level of the
216s current King the
217s verglas in some cases this is just a
219s stats refresh but in other cases we have
221s totally overhauled the weapon or just
223s added some cool mechanics to it I think
225s we've created a lot of cool new options
227s for you to see more about that check out
230s our Dev workshop on the forums that'll
232s go up after the show so beyond weapons
235s we're also looking at companion precepts
237s a big factor in picking what companion
239s you bring to your build is what
241s exclusive mods it brings to the table
243s and to be honest a lot of these were
246s overly Niche pointless and some just
248s didn't function as
250s intended to address this we've got over
252s 20 updated precepts and Counting some
255s just needed stat adjustments others
256s needed total reworks our hope is to
259s Breathe new life into pets which have
260s otherwise been outclassed such as the
261s helmet charger and the predic sites for
264s more information and a full list of
266s what's changing check out again our Dev
269s workshop on the Forum where you'll find
271s all this information to recap expect
274s companion rework Phase 2 to include
276s Beast weapons new mods AI improvements
279s and behavior customization new Sentinel
281s weapons and many precepts
284s reworked last year we did companion
286s rework Phase 1 which addressed companion
287s survivability and introduced Bond mods
289s to encourage new builds I can't wait to
291s see what new builds you cook up this
293s time around that's all for me tenno
295s enjoy the rest of the show