11 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
5s Look at this place, chat.
7s Yo, this is so sick!
13s It is the brand new jump-in point.
15s I don't know the last time it was you played,
16s but there's so much to do.
19s [Music]
30s it's just so different
31s from what I usually like play.
33s I mean this is like a
34s major departure from Warframe.
37s My world,
39s my rules...
41s That is very pretty.
42s Look at the  auroras up there.
43s This has to be some of the coolest artwork I've  seen in like a video game period
48s [Music]
54s Let's go!
57s [Music]