over 5 years
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The Jovian Concord: Hotfix 25.0.3
Disruption Gamemode Changes & Fixes:
Thanks to your awesome feedback, we are able to make a handful of much requested tweaks to the gamemode. Keep it coming!
- Increased Amalgam spawn rate! This will be more noticeable the more players you have in the squad.
Disruption Marker UI visibility changes:
- Increased Conduit and key marker color lightness to make them more visible (in-world, minimap and objective UI)
- Increased the in-world display range of key pickup markers
- Lowered the minimum radius of Conduit markers and increased their attachment height
- Demolysts no longer spawn at the same point for each Conduit, instead they will spawn randomly within a set range from the Conduit.
- Reduced the force applied to pickups spawned by the Conduit Resupply buff and raised their spawn height further above the Conduit.
- Made a micro-optimization to the Disruption game mode.
- Fixes towards Nullifier effects from Demolysts lingering permanently for Clients in Disruption.
- Fixed a progression stopping issue where the Disruption Conduits would not spawn if you killed a Demolyst at the exact last second of their combustion.
Fixed numerous Host migration fixes for Disruption Conduits:
- Fixed references to Demolysts being lost (fixes Health bar UI issue)
- Fixed Demolysts not attacking the Conduits
- Fixed Demolysts not exploding next to Conduits
- Fixed Demolysts not appearing in the Codex.
Ropalolyst Fixes:
- Fixed players getting stuck in an infinite falling loop during the Ropalolyst fight.
- Fixed cases of the Ropalolyst being unable to fly.
- Fixed the Ropalolyst continuing to navigate towards towers it has already been...deceived by.
- Fixed random foot popping animations on the Ropalolyst.
- Fixed ability to infinitely spawn Amalgams during the Ropalolyst fight.
- Fixed digital Lotus transmissions playing for Clients in the Ropalolyst fight.
- Fixed some FX lingering for Clients, and others not being visible.
- Fixed Ropalolyst whooshing sounds not playing when ‘riding the bull’.
- Fixed a script error when falling off a platform in the Ropalolyst fight.
The following items have been added to Simaris’ Offerings:
- Imperator Blueprint
- Veritux Blueprint
- Revenant Blueprint
- Garuda Blueprint
- Removed Amalgams spawning on Jupiter > Themisto due to narrative/lore confusion.
- Made a micro-optimization to the Gas City fire hazards.
- Slight tweaks to Wisp’s skirt cloth to reduce clipping in the thigh region and in various other Idle Animations.
- Hovering over the Ganymede node and Ropalolyst node now display requirements to unlock if you can’t access it.
- Nidus Virulence’s tips on ground effect will now use your Secondary Energy colors.
- Removed work-in-progress fancy Melee finishers that slipped through the Mainline cracks!
- Improved Octavia’s emissive detail visibility.
- Fixed a progression stopper in the Sands of Inaros Quest where the Tomb Guardians were invincible.
- Fixed a rare crash when going from Vallis/Plains to Fortuna/Cetus after leaving the squad.
- Fixed crashes when going to the Arcane selection screen for a Kitgun while playing in Japanese.
- Fixed newly-migrated Endless mission Host not receiving a reward at the end of the next interval.
- Fixed an issue that made Arca Plasmor, Fulmin and Catchmoon projectiles deal damage twice on the hit when the projectile is destroyed. This was not a case of ‘always worked this way’ as it was accidentally introduced by the Jovian Concord.
- Fixed the Repair Kit Mod having no Polarity and costs more to equip on a Polarized slot.
- Fixed inability to pick up Energy Orbs in the Gas City Index tileset as reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/bsd0qv/new_gas_city_index_maps_energy_orbs_cant_be/
- Fixed ‘Mastered’ indication not being displayed when focusing on the Purchase/About button in the Market.
- Fixed ‘Mastered’ indication not being displayed when viewing Dojo Research Recipes.
- Fixed Refined Relics not displaying their Drop sources.
- Fixed the Tecton Sparring Skin not appearing in its diorama.
- Potential fix for Nidus gaining back 3/4 of his Energy when casting abilities in Frame Fighter.
- Fixed the Phage reload sound playing constantly if the Hectagon Skin is equipped.
- Fixed filter opacity not working in Captura.
- Fixed clicking Chat linked Mods not showing how many you own.
- Fixed Ducat prices not being displayed for some items that can be sold for Ducats.
- Fixed not seeing Polychrome color preview or being able to apply it in the Dojo. If a Polychrome is failing to apply, simply remove and try again!
- Fixed not seeing Energy color FX when customizing Weapons/Attachments.
- Fixed Rhino’s Rubedo Skin missing its emissives.
- Fixed Chroma’s Graxx Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Valkyr’s Gersemi Skin Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Falcor’s Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Styx Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Vaykor Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Naviga Prime Sugatra Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Mithra Greatsword Skin Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Broken War Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Nikana Gemini Sheath Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Mesa Graxx Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Spitfire Graxx Syandana Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed parts of Nyx’s Absorb ability that weren’t applying Energy colors.
- Fixes towards Kavat eye color not being applied.
- Fixed Rescue prison tower sounds not sounding right in two terminal rooms in the Gas City tileset.
- Fixed some dark lit rooms/hallways in the Gas City tileset.
- Fixed some cargo trams pushing players out of the Gas City tieset.
- Fixed a placeholder name for one of the Drop Ship variants in the Gas City tileset.
- Fixed a script error when closing the a Lore Fragment entry before it is loaded.
- Fixed a script error when Sacrificing items to Rank up a Syndicate.
Fixed a softlock after buying an item from Simaris’ Offerings.