over 5 years
ago -
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The Jovian Concord: Hotfix 25.1.2
Relic UI Changes & Fixes:
- The team has put together another chunk of UI changes to address your common suggestions. More to come as we continue to read your feedback!
- Tweaked the alpha of the Unowned Relic grid to 40% from 25% to increase differentiation between owned / unowned.
- Upon selecting an unowned Relic, the Refinement button will now read ‘You Do Not Own This Relic’ to alleviate Refinement possibility confusion.
- Your alias in the Relic Reward screen is now displayed in a different color respective to your chosen UI Theme to help differentiate between yourself and squadmate.
- Fixed numerous Relic icons appearing stretched.
- Integrated about 1000 micro-optimizations across hundreds of scripts.
- Made a few dozen micro-optimizations to various UI and gameplay scripts.
- Mesa Prime can now be used in Conclave.
- Increased the Frost Ion Skin emissive brightness to be on par with others.
- Hovering over Debt Bonds in Ticker’s purchase screen now displays the amount you’re getting, as opposed to just how many you already own.
- Operator Hoods will now appear open when previewing Operator Earpiece dioramas.
- Airborne Capture Targets in the Gas City tileset will now keep flying when critically injured, with his jetpack set on fire. Upon landing he will continue his escape, but the powerful explosion of his own jetpack will knock him down. He is yours now to capture, Tenno!
- Made alt-tab to Borderless Warframe re-acquire the mouse immediately (like Fullscreen).
- Fixed ‘Providing’ items (Hok, Rude Zuud, etc) not awarding the amount of Standing it says will be awarded.
- Fixed Client Operators entering "invisible" state that drains no Energy in high lag situations.
- Fixed Revenant Thrall death pillars not causing damage on contact, only with projectiles for Clients.
- Fixed Revenant Thralls created by pillar projectiles not showing its effect and cannot be damaged for Clients.
- Fixed Strain Consume maggots auto-Reviving players if they are downed.
- Fixed ability to briefly stand up / move around after being captured by Zanuka.
- Fixed accessing the pause menu while casting Wisp's Sol Gate ability causing the animation to break.
- Fixed breaking your body and soul after Transferring to the Operator during Simaris’ Synthesis Tutorial.
- Fixed enemies from previous Zones randomly mingling in with the ones in the new Zone that you just entered.
- Fixed casting Hildryn’s Balefire, then falling off a ledge as Operator causes the Primary weapon to break and the Secondary weapon to become dual.
- Fixed the Javlok Amalgam Mod and Reflection Mod stacking in an unexpected multiplicative way.
- Fixed the Synth Deconstruct Mod effect ceasing to function if your only Set Mod is equipped on your on Sentinel and you respawn.
- Fixed the new Essential Mod Bundles not being where they used to and being buried in with other miscellaneous bundles which may cause some confusion.
- Fixed the Hydroid Karkinos dangly front tentacles being too stiff.
- Fixed the Titania Lympharis Skin Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed the Nyx Aures Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Nyx’s armband Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed Nyx Prime / Nyx Immortal Skins forearm Energy color persisting as default.
- Fixed undiscovered Gas City Fragments showing as Plains of Eidolon Fragments in the Codex.
- Fixed the Primed Cryo Rounds Mod not appearing in the Codex when owned.
- Fixed a duplicate Demolyst entry in the Codex.
- Fixed inability to Chat link Noggles.
- Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Forest tileset as reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/byx7uv/forgot_where_to_post_map_holes_so_heres_one_for/
- Fixed Vector Shields visually disappearing when viewing it through a scoped weapon.
- Fixed Grineer walking around in circles in Vor’s Prize ‘Find the Comms Segment’.
- Fixed casting a headless Loki Decoy if the Loki Erebus Helmet equipped.
Fixed the Harpak chain sticking around for long periods.