almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


Hiding and hunting for eggs can be fun, but the Tenno are best at hunting down Grineer. Test your Clanmates’ hunting skills by hiding Target Dummies in your Dojo Obstacle Course, and record yourself or your Clan mates running the course. We want to see some effort, so don’t make the hunt too easy!

How to enter: Hide Target Dummies in your Dojo Obstacle Course and record yourself and/or your Clan mates running the course. Submit your video here for judging!


  • One submission per Clan
  • Video must not exceed 4 minutes
  • Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified


  • 1st place – Equinox Prime Access Pack + your Obstacle Course attempted on Prime Time!
    • 3990 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
    • 1000 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
    • 750 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
    • 500 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!
    • 250 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!

Need an example?

Winners will be chosen based on how well the course flows and how well the Target Dummies have been hidden. Creativity will go a long way!

P.S. Your Lepus Headgear is coming next week if you want some added flair, but if you'd rather be an early bird, don't fret! There are no bonus points allotted to Tenno you choose to include the Lepus Headgear or an Easter aesthetic in their video submissions. It's all about the hunt!

This contest starts now until Thursday, April 25 @ 1:00PM ET!


Hop to it, Tenno!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
3 minutes ago, (PS4)ChaosDemon6491 said:

How would I submit a video

I recommend uploading to YouTube and sharing the link here!

7 minutes ago, (NSW)BlutSoldat said:

What if i cant record the screen directly?

To record the example video, I used OBS Studio. If you'd rather not download in-game recording software, just filming your screen with a camera or your phone is perfectly fine!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
45 minutes ago, Aquatius said:

What about those who have already purchased the Equinox Prime Pack and/or do not celebrate/participate in certain "holiday" events, virtual or live, for whatever personal or religious reasons?

How might someone like this have an opportunity at extra, or free premium loot?

Is the lack something we must continue to accept for being what would seem a minority? Or are we more than minority and merely lurking in silence, I myself until now, apart from what seems popular or a play on mainstream celebrations?

What if a group of game devs decided to come up with events that were not only random, but had nothing to do with real world events, holidays or celebrations?

What if a group of game devs took the liberty of creating an event that could and would include all people who play their game? Regardless of personal preferences or religious background. Is it possible? Or do we keep dreaming and missing out?

If nothing changes. I for one really enjoy Warframe. Really enjoy what you offer. Am still going to stick around, pay for Prime Packs, and keep enjoying the amazing experience you offer us.

I've taken it on myself to offer this free pitch, where I'm usually paid for things like this, your very own "growth opportunity moment," possibly opening up even more exposure and profit.

What do I know?!

You all at DE have a wonderful rest of your day. Thank you for Warframe and the amazing job you do, and service you provide.

Equinox Prime Access comes with a hefty amount of Platinum that can be put to use in many other ways, plus the free Slots if you choose to rid yourself of the accompany weapons.

As for the questions regarding the "holiday" theme of this Contest, I understand where you're coming from. This is why we do many Contests throughout the year that have a more broad subject, such as Tenno Tunes, MOAnimation Design, Aerial Acrobat Captura Contest and more. 

There is no ill intent to alienate people when we center a contest around a holiday or celebration! 

In an attempt to keep this Contest thread as a house for submissions, I encourage you to start a feedback conversation in the appropriate subforum.

Thank you! 

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
30 minutes ago, (NSW)goopyb00py said:

Now wait a sec, is it only the Tenno who creates the obstacle course who recieves the reward? Or do all participating clan Tenno on the egg hunt recieve it as well?

This is a great question! We thought about it and decided, in addition to the prize given to the designer who made the course for all to enjoy, there should be a prize shared among Clan mates. We've updated the Rules and Prizes to reflect that! Changes are in bold below:



  • One submission per Clan
  • Video must not exceed 4 minutes
  • Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified


  • 1st place – Equinox Prime Access Pack + your Obstacle Course attempted on Prime Time!
    • 3990 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
    • 1000 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
    • 750 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
    • 500 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!
    • 250 Platinum added to the Clan Vault!