about 1 month ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

21s it kill me it I'm kicking off
26s my I wanted this first sh it hard
33s waiting up for the call you never click
36s but you know the time I said I it's Echo
40s inside my mind I feel it creeping up the
44s street over you and yellow of Heaven
48s hell locked under me if it's going to be
51s mine I want it if it's going to be mine
55s I want it if it's going to be mine I
58s want it if it's going to be mine and I
61s want it it kills me it burs I'm kicking
66s off my I wanted
70s this sh
73s it it builds me up it breaks me down
77s until there's nothing left I this I this
87s [Music]
95s I want
96s [Music]
118s it looking up for the call you never
121s click coming over don't answer you so
124s quick sing hating the things you put me
127s through I don't want you to go I don't
129s want you to it KS me it
135s burs IED
138s this CH it it builds me up break me down
145s until there's nothing left I wanted this
150s first
151s I wanted
153s this it builds me up it breaks me down
157s until there's
159s nothing I want it this first I want it
165s [Music]
178s this we alline
182s online we're
185s online I'm stepping to the night where
188s all the stars are bright we're back
191s again to do this and we're going to do
194s it right something wild in the
197s air I just know
202s it now we're moving quicker keeping on
207s track and once we hit the scene there's
210s no turning
211s back going r that feeling going to feel
215s the heat a line is in town and we can't
220s be we come alive through it under the
225s [Applause]
228s be the S strong Can you feel it in
234s the the party of your
240s all that you can see there a't no
243s stopping me the city's on 11 is
248s 2000 something big is coming but it's
252s just the
254s beginning just the
257s beginning light flicker DJ Spins the
260s track boys are in Sinking there's no
264s turning back now that you invested
268s turning up the heat and every body sing
271s together on the One 2 3 we come
276s alive
278s me
282s everybody the S strong Can you feel it
286s in
288s the the part
291s of floting higher as the STS life here
296s on the edge of 1999
300s our systems all in this woman like you
305s never you
308s never join us Embrace us don't never
312s eras us join us Embrace us don't
316s never Jo
321s us Jo
327s us all night's in the house to rain the
330s party of your
334s lifetime we come alive moving up there
340s be
342s party the sign strong Can you feel it in
351s the we come to we come life on the Flor
356s this feelings will we
360s the beat is strong he can feel it in
365s the in the of Your Life Time of Your
370s Life the part of your
373s life
374s [Music]
385s time please
387s stay don't put up the and run
393s away in this heart
396s break I'll be here fighting for it with
400s the without
403s do wide
406s awake with all the things I know
414s [Music]
449s he
450s [Music]
456s please
458s St don't put out the flame and run
464s away in this heart
467s bre I'll be here fighting for you with
470s or without
474s you wide
476s awake with all the things I know that I
480s I should
483s say I thought I could
486s take more than I really can with or
489s without
493s you baby till you come back with
497s something I don't want never let it
502s go I'm waiting but you come back with
507s [Music]
508s nothing this sucession is turned into
512s the great despair I keep thinking I see
516s you and there's nobody there they say
519s love is time but all your love isn't
523s fair so pull me out of the gra
528s despair every
530s day I'm getting stronger but I still
534s feel the
536s pain I will show the way
541s know the heart you broken with or
544s without
544s [Music]
547s you Bab till you come back with
550s something you come back with something I
553s know I never let it go don't never let
557s go you come back with nothing you come
561s back with
563s nothing this sucession is turn to the
566s greatest there I keep thinking I see you
570s but there's nobody there we say love is
574s time but all your love isn't there so
578s pull me out of the great
580s despair oh we watch the world burn down
585s around us but we're still standing
591s here with the flicker of Hope on the
594s darkness of day now it feels like the
598s end is
602s [Music]
605s the
606s [Music]
610s greatest this obsession is turned into
613s the great despair I keep thinking I see
619s you this obession is into the
624s great now all I see is you you wewh T in
630s love it is time and now it's time we
633s declare goodbye to the
639s greatest of the
643s great back to the
648s great SP
650s [Music]
657s [Music]
658s [Applause]
668s [Music]
668s [Applause]
671s [Music]
671s [Applause]
673s ginger on the cou no hello I kind of
676s thought Jeff was Ginger hello everyone
678s welcome to the no he's not welcome to
682s Dev stream
683s 1804 thank you so much for being here we
686s have a jam-packed stream Reb is setting
690s that it's going to be 3 hours no I think
693s it's going to go over two I really is
696s like I'm pardon I do the prop I know we
700s we have a lot to show you and we Yap a
701s lot so it could be two it could even be
704s three either or you'll get your Twitch
705s drop it'll be a great time we have a lot
708s of stuff to show you and it's all going
709s to be great stuff don't be worried
712s because it'll be fun all right and we
715s have new lights that I know the soul
717s frame team got
721s that's right all right we're just going
723s to get right to it we're going to start
724s with introductions in case you don't
725s know who we are we're going to start on
727s that end hello hello my name is Pablo
729s I'm the design director on Warframe
732s hello my name is Rebecca I am the
733s creative director of Warframe my name is
736s Megan ever I am your community director
739s hi I'm Steve I eat cookies off the
742s floor hi I'm Jeff I don't I don't know
744s what to say about
746s this we're the straight kids fan club
748s today apparently K-pop it's K-pop Jeff
751s with packet glasses and K-pop Steve it's
753s so exciting what's their like what do
755s they call their fans uh their stays any
758s stays in chat who where are the Stray
761s kids fans at I'm trying to I'm trying to
762s check something are we in are we into
765s their K-pop era maybe not any boom boom
767s what is it uh chick chick boom chick
769s chick boom black oce let's see yes
774s KCK chick CH look I love stray kids wow
779s too than they really do anyway like to
782s thank Rebecca for this generous gift yes
785s Merry Christmas I was told I had to wear
788s without any choice mer Christmas
791s guys all right speaking of Christmas
794s today's twitch drop is a Umbra Forma
796s blueprint for watching it'll be active
799s and available for the entire stream no
801s matter how long we go for so if you come
803s in late you're probably going to get it
804s anyways because we're still going to be
805s here and then the gift of the lotus
807s alert that will be going live at 3 no
809s matter what if we're still alive or not
811s is a Riven Cipher and a rifle Riven
814s maybe to get yourself prepared for
816s things I don't know tough to say
818s spoilers [ __ ] Riven slots later in the
820s Stream okay sorry I thought you said
823s spoilers
825s [ __ ] that's more of a that's K-pop Jeff
828s he's mean he's the bad boy he's the bad
830s boy in the group he is a bad boy all
833s right we're just going to kick it off
834s here
836s 1999 is live went live in December you
839s haven't seen us since it went live truly
842s yeah like this is our first Dev stream
843s since 1999 we're already talking about
846s Echo 1999 but we get to that we'll get
848s to that 1999 congrats everyone congrats
851s did really congrats we get to sit here
854s and be like we did it but the team did
856s it like it's soive it's so hard to
858s emphasize how many people make Warframe
860s happen um Warframe team helped out you
863s guys sacrificed your time and we helped
867s we helped it was a priv but it was just
869s so much fun even the small bits that we
871s got to work on was so fun there's a lot
872s of people I got to work with people I
873s Haden worked with before who are very
875s that's what I'm saying like for some
876s people this was their first major
877s Warframe Update they deployed like like
879s it's just been it has been really great
881s to see it come together and and uh we're
883s just so grateful that people gave it a
886s chance and uh played it a lot and we you
889s know we were excited to give you more of
891s it as well which is really sort of the
893s theme for today like if you really love
894s 1999 well we basically have a part two
897s coming that we're going to talk about
898s today oh boy do we ever yep do lot stuff
902s now I'm trying to think of how many
903s spoilers may be applicable I don't think
905s we're actually spoiling that much at
908s all in terms of like the 1999 Quest we
910s won't be spoil term of the quest no I
912s mean where I'm my god did you just
914s scroll 10 pages yeah there's a lot oh my
918s God I guess there won't be too much um
921s spoilers here today in general but one
924s of the only main spoilers would be like
925s the kisses which we kind of already
927s spoiled so yeah yeah we'll talk about
929s all that kind of stuff everything's okay
931s there's one very hot yeah there's a very
934s very yeah we're going to don't you worry
936s don't you worry you guys are going to
937s discover things about yourselves I'm
938s very scared has anyone seen
941s titane I have seen titane and I do not
944s want to see that in more frame okay well
946s oh my god
948s [Laughter]
950s well it was a lot of hard work freame
953s for 199 stop that stop that it was a lot
955s of hard work for 1999 team came together
958s it's live so happy about it of course we
961s had some fun along the way there were
964s some bloopers perhaps just some fun
967s development stuff Rue why don't you kick
969s it off with our first little uh clip
971s here to show you just this made Steve
974s laugh so hard oh my God the entire
976s office oh I how this is spoilers I guess
979s this is kind of spoilers I howled so
981s much doing this I enjoyed this so much
984s look at him the
986s corner I just love it if it's [ __ ]
991s this my clip isn't it did you do this
994s yes I did this did this this is when we
995s were trying to fix the giant head
997s problem right so there was a giant head
998s and he was like wait a second is a
999s pretty big dog well but remember
1003s also his hands a basketball
1007s player wow wow look at him he a little
1012s guy so just to be clear when we ask the
1014s soul frame team for help this is what
1015s they do I'm so sorry so sorry first
1019s contribution to 199 wait for
1024s it serious my
1028s God the issue was the question was could
1030s we slightly shrink the drifter's head
1033s and would the scene still work cuz they
1035s have a big head and they I put a little
1037s Lis script to shrink his head but I was
1039s off by so much and I just I lost my mind
1041s and I had to share it with everyone and
1043s Tim just came in like what if I just
1044s offset him yeah and then it was like it
1046s was because he was too close to the
1047s camera yeah so like
1049s so that did not that did not ship it was
1051s worth it for that didn't ship
1053s e no the leis group didn't ship just we
1057s know yeah we would have
1060s seen we didn't have to do it at all even
1062s with a little tweak obviously that
1064s wouldn't have sh yeah it's an Easter egg
1067s at anyway Tim fixed it didn't need
1070s any uh you talked about the kisses that
1073s happened um a certain programmer that
1076s will not be named this isn't so much an
1078s accident as it I know I know it's not an
1080s accident they it's a copy a certain
1083s programmer went a little Rog someone
1084s wied this maybe thought that there was
1086s some under represented kisses within the
1089s New Year celebration oh my God I know
1091s this one true he found the right partner
1093s though
1095s oh air loving
1101s a seen this how have you not seen this
1111s oh my God oh my
1118s God oh yeah oh yeah that's good there
1123s you go and that's why he doesn't have a
1124s motorcycle anymore it's not it's not but
1127s you know what he also he did something
1129s else too yeah yeah he went a little
1131s making me cry really he went a little
1133s further oh no no I hate it I hate it the
1140s the
1140s M
1151s diabolic
1153s Arthur Arthur you nasty
1157s [Applause]
1159s boy
1163s oh good so oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and
1169s that was actually I went
1172s back I went back and looked at the date
1174s that was the night before we shipped 199
1177s really the C programmer was up to no
1180s good but it made us all laugh when you
1182s work that hard you yes it was all good
1185s times so anyways just the fun that we
1187s have trying to make a giant update like
1189s 1999 hope you enjoyed enjoy your clips
1191s and all of that MH all right shall we
1194s get into some we just have two hours of
1196s bloopers that's it how follow that oh
1197s yeah that's the Stream no
1200s more all something that launched just
1203s before this stream was we are
1205s celebrating your year in
1207s review what did you do in 2024 your
1210s Warframe you played the most your
1212s ability your weapons all of that is live
1214s on warframe.com as well as the global
1217s stats for every single player what was
1219s the top played Warframe what was the top
1221s play weapons Reb can you can you speak
1224s to this you explain
1226s this sounds like a it sounds like
1228s someone's in
1230s when I was a
1231s fledgling employee I was like I can make
1233s a Warframe me Mesmer skin won't be
1236s broken but you broke it more by adding
1238s an invol window after Mesmer like it's
1241s like a guys don't fight I don't like
1243s when you guys fight I take
1245s responsibility for Mesmer skin as God
1247s mode but you made it like beyond God
1249s mode Pablo is looking a little sheepish
1251s he's like don't remember and the problem
1253s is like she has a better memory than me
1255s so she can just trick me to well I guess
1258s I did it I
1260s no yikes we're not um but basically
1263s Mesmer skim kind of got buffed uh like
1266s in the past two years maybe it was last
1268s year with like um like a it basically
1270s has a invulnerability window after has
1273s been there since forever it hasn't been
1274s I it was not there from the first
1276s version so I'm just saying that I want
1279s to go check the the per history well the
1282s bottom this get the receipts in any case
1285s he is the most used by a statistical
1288s average but it's not like a like like a
1291s major leap above the second most use so
1293s it's not a crisis I would say remember
1295s the era of the catch moon at 50% usage
1298s now we're at 11% you know still high but
1301s it's no 50% 50% Len was my most used
1304s secondary I did my Stats today any
1306s guesses on what my most used Warframe
1308s was for the year on average you will
1310s never guess I'll never guess you will
1312s never guess uh bansi bans is top five
1315s bans on I try to force you to use it for
1317s a challenge but bansi is cor was my most
1320s used cor interesting seriously the least
1323s used by the commity mine was Dante the
1326s king not the king the book King we do
1329s love Dante uh you can check out yours
1331s and you can check out these Global stats
1332s as well if you want to see what everyone
1334s was up to thank you R uh next up we have
1337s a very exciting announcement regarding
1339s our Wiki R hit that asset would you
1341s please uh we're excited to announce that
1344s live as of right now I do believe the
1347s official Warframe Wiki has moved to
1349s wiki. warframe.com
1352s in collaboration with the fine folks at
1355s weird gloop I know so you can do
1358s exclamation point Wiki and I will
1359s believe will take you right there uh oh
1362s Chad very happy about well for years
1364s they've been asking us to host our own
1366s Wiki and yes wiki. warframe.com here we
1369s are cool uh so we're very excited it's
1372s launched right now probably breaking the
1374s server I'm so sorry um my bad besties um
1378s it's launched right now in English we're
1379s going to work towards getting the other
1381s languages on there as well it is in
1383s itself a continued work in progress as
1386s the team you know you know massages out
1388s things but we're so excited about this
1390s obviously huge appreciation to the uh
1393s previous Wiki that housed just for 11
1395s years and has been a source for a lot of
1397s people um but we're very excited to get
1399s it hosted at wiki. warframe.com with
1402s weird gloop and just kind of continue
1404s that future there uh with you tenno let
1406s us know what you think and sorry I hope
1408s you get into it I see I think I saw
1411s someone I said they've yeah it's having
1412s problems already sit tight uh we're on
1415s it the team's on it we we'll get it
1416s figured it out there's only a few of you
1418s going misspelling the link is team's on
1421s it yeah Zach I know you're on it bestie
1423s all right moving right
1425s along uh you kind of talked about it on
1427s the dev short that we've released some
1430s uh additional soundtracks out into the
1432s wild The Whispers in the walls
1433s soundtrack is out some bonus 199 1999
1437s soundtracks are out Kim is out a banger
1441s yeah the the chip tune for the it's out
1444s on a a streaming service so get on
1446s Spotify all that great stuff and uh
1449s coming soon is the Jade Shadow
1451s soundtrack it's released on a few
1453s platforms I think we're missing Spotify
1455s right now I know sadness but if you want
1458s the Jade Shadows soundtrack it is coming
1460s very soon it might be on one of your
1462s music streaming services just not
1463s Spotify at this very moment but we'll
1465s let you know when it is and you can
1467s listen to that and cry in the shower
1470s next up it is sad it's so beautiful the
1474s a video of me crying I know well I know
1476s people were requesting it so often it's
1478s bangers so sad uh next up something you
1481s also talked about earlier was we have an
1484s Xbox controller giveaway over at gleam
1487s you can do
1489s exclamation exclamation point controller
1491s in twitch chat oh R I was going to zoom
1494s in zoom in what were you zoom in on I
1496s don't have them anymore yeah
1499s that is the Arthur inspired Xbox
1502s controller and K-pop Jeff has oh do it
1507s owie Kpop Jeff screenshot that boom
1512s boom Oh my God chat you are popping off
1515s today uh exclamation point controller
1517s takes you to The Gleam giveaway uh you
1519s have until February 3rd and you can
1521s enter into a chance to win these you
1523s want to see this one want see Arthur
1525s okay would kill for AE controller please
1528s oh it's got the straps that's hilarious
1530s you you're strapped in you are strapped
1532s in cool they are very cool so don't miss
1535s out on that it's until February 3rd well
1536s most of you will miss out on it because
1538s only one of you can win
1540s well you could be the one though the
1544s one
1546s anyways sorry uh Matrix reference it was
1550s from 1999 you probably wouldn't remember
1552s yeah you haven't seen that have you ouch
1554s yeah yeah yeah yeah I saw in theaters
1556s you're wearing the Matrix gear right now
1557s that was the joke
1559s joke she's the one well you're not the
1561s one no no but you're anyways could be it
1565s could be all right guys it's the year of
1566s the snake year of the snake it's Lunar
1569s New Year are you year of the snake snake
1571s you're the year of the snake no you're
1572s not do you know your element yes I don't
1576s you either metal water Earth fire air I
1579s don't know it I don't I'm a Metal
1582s Rooster I'm a rat but I don't know my
1585s I'm a rat R I'm a horse oh tell tell rat
1588s I
1589s I know none of
1591s these sorry sorry Pablo you're Pablo any
1596s you're the snakes in chat um in game in
1599s Warframe there is a whole bunch of Lunar
1600s New Year items including Mirage
1602s cosplaying as a snake and this beautiful
1604s skin this is the ephemera some really
1606s cool snake styled stuff in Warframe
1609s right now uh as well previous year's
1611s items have been brought back so you can
1613s check that out in the market The Mirage
1614s skin will stay forever same as the
1616s grundle one Etc so you can uh get that
1619s later if you can't get it now someone in
1620s chat said looks like she's throwing
1621s jelly beans at me open your M it's
1625s delicious yum wonder if
1627s spicy for forbidden jelly beans oh spicy
1630s spicy and I'm going to attempt to say
1633s Happy Chinese New Year in Chinese are
1635s you ready yes yes oh God don't look at
1638s me
1642s Shinn pretty good thoughts pretty good
1645s yeah sounded good to
1647s mein that was for you my friends okay
1650s Happy Chinese New Year and Lunar New
1652s Year in Warframe all right are we ready
1655s to talk telon for a little bit yes no
1658s yes we
1660s are just a little bit not a lot just a
1662s little bit a little bit I know it's
1664s January I know but no it's good to share
1666s now it's amazing yes the team has been
1668s cooking on tenacon things we announced
1670s last year's tenacon the dates for this
1672s year being July 18th and 19th it's
1675s locked in locked in another TW day extra
1678s aganza uh and we are excited to announce
1681s a save the date for the tickets going on
1684s sale February 7th at 2 p.m. eastern time
1688s if you want to physically come to
1689s tenacon this year you want to make sure
1692s that you get your tickets on February
1694s 7th I do believe if you do exclamation
1697s point tickets it will take you to the
1699s Eventbrite it's not live yet it's not
1701s it's going to go live February 7th but
1703s you can get your Eventbrite account you
1705s can Squat and you can make sure you get
1707s your tickets on February 7th you know
1708s what I'm saying squat squat you can
1711s squat on the site please don't break the
1713s site anyways uh and you can also see the
1716s details about the tickets there um but
1719s this year our charity is make a wish
1722s which so excited about if you came last
1725s year or saw all of our announcements um
1727s we worked very closely to make a wish
1729s come true with make a wish with James
1731s conin who has his voice in Warframe 1999
1735s as olly and olie's crash course are is
1739s going com in 1999 we'll talk about the
1741s February Dev we'll have LS to show on
1743s that but um yeah just excited to
1745s announce that they're the official
1746s Charities this year uh and hopefully we
1749s can U maybe get James back who knows
1752s like a second appearance who knows we're
1753s super excited to support makea wish we'
1754s worked with them for years and to
1756s actually finally have them to be the
1757s full recipient of the charitable aspect
1760s is many years in the making so we're
1762s very very excited yeah I think Shel
1763s saying we're going to try to make this
1764s our most charitable year ever at the
1766s company y it's true wonderful love
1769s thanks to all of you well at home uh and
1772s something new and exciting that we are
1775s doing this year at Tenon uh that we have
1778s in store for you on Rebecca looks too
1780s excited about this Rebecca has a bass
1783s guitar solo something probably right
1786s hold on Steve hold on Steve
1791s uh I can't look at you uh July 18th
1795s which is day one of tennocon uh as you
1798s know we say it every year we try and
1799s make telon bigger better every single
1802s year we try last year we went to the
1804s parking lot like we try Yeah we actually
1806s have a huge upgrade from parking lot
1808s this year let's just set let's just set
1811s the tone we really do it's bigger than a
1813s parking lot last year we got
1815s parking what I'm saying we have to go
1817s outside from our venue but this time
1820s we're going even bigger because this is
1822s our 10th Talon which is insane to say
1826s makes me feel incredibly old 10 years of
1828s this wow so in order for us to go bigger
1830s and better this year we have rented the
1833s largest arena in London Ontario the
1836s Canada Life place for what we're calling
1838s the first ever tenno concert R play the
1841s clip
1859s it I'm kicking all my I
1865s want
1867s [Music]
1872s I I
1874s [Music]
1878s want oh hell yeah you couldn't resist
1881s with tenno con concert makes sense and
1886s so you're going to hear bang and tracks
1888s from from 1999 some Warframe Classics
1891s that you absolutely know and love as
1893s well certain creative director might be
1896s slapping the bass I'm in the Band she
1899s got slapping the Bas
1900s on I love this I love this for onage
1904s arena we're going to all we're going
1906s have like a legit concert it's going to
1908s be so much fun legit conc all Warframe
1911s Music Live we're going to have the K-pop
1914s Jeff there to do
1916s some on
1919s yeah so we rented an entire Arena and if
1921s you don't if you've been to tenacon you
1922s know our event is at the RBC place which
1925s is very familiar but we have I mean the
1927s name changes every single year currently
1929s it's Canada Life place used to be
1931s Budweiser Gardens if you were here back
1932s in the day um and it is where when we
1935s have celebrities come to London Ontario
1937s like Evan Essence played there oh a
1939s LaVine played there that's where our
1941s London Knights Play anyways biggest
1942s arena in London we've rented the stage
1945s the stadium rev's going to be slapping
1946s the base the team's going to be back
1948s playing music it's going to be so
1950s incredible the cosplay contest is
1952s actually happening on this stage instead
1954s of being at RBC and it's going to be on
1956s day one it's wild it's incredible uh so
1959s it's not a garage it's not a parking lot
1961s it's a not 50 parking lots it's an arena
1963s okay it's going to be incredible Steve
1965s is GNA play the play The Ghost got get
1969s Thea theme yeah uh we have an asset I
1972s believe of the ticket teers Mr Ruth
1975s thank you so much um so the on the event
1978s B you will be able to see the details
1980s for all of these tickets and everything
1981s that is included in them now obviously
1983s in very full transparency as you can see
1985s here the general admission tickets have
1987s gone up slightly and another change is
1990s that instead of a limited quality of
1992s collector's packs it is a add-on to your
1994s general admission and they are unlimited
1996s so if you wanted to be a collector and
1997s missed out on the I think it was like
1999s 150 we could do last year you can have
2002s an unlimited collectors and it equals
2004s out the same amount of what the
2006s collectors was last year and then the
2007s other two are the same so that's just a
2009s few of the changes but we're just we're
2011s so excited about the tenno concert big
2013s changes we're doing uh to the event
2015s obviously to make it bigger and better
2017s and really hope to see you there I I'm
2020s so
2022s excited and it's Canadian dollars so
2024s this is can I mean what is
2027s that so to get better probably yeah yeah
2031s it is uh yeah the Canadian dollar hurts
2033s but
2034s anyways of course we're going to have a
2035s great live show as well if you can't
2037s make it whatever reason the team is
2040s going to kill it again this year I
2042s expect I hope yeah who knows oh no okay
2045s just crash and burn this okay preprocess
2048s script right kill it in the
2050s WR yeah we're just going to kill
2053s Warframe uh so yes the tickets these
2056s tickets will go on sale February 7th at
2058s 2 p.m. exclamation
2061s point tickets we'll take it to the event
2064s bre make your count squat on it we'll
2067s see you there February 7th at 2 p.m. for
2070s your tickets yeah and yeah just for the
2073s recap they go on sale next week and
2074s digital tickets will be available at our
2076s later date so for those of you that have
2078s no interest or no chance to come to
2079s London Ontario there's a digital
2081s supporter pack you can grab that at a
2082s later date that's right so don't worry
2084s about it and yeah we've done legendary
2085s tickets for like eight years now yeah so
2088s there there are there's only two of them
2089s there's only two there's only two but
2091s they are very fun they're very fun uh
2093s it's in London Ontario for the person
2094s who asked where careful Canada Ontario
2098s people have made that mistake yes yes
2100s they have one day we'll just like the
2101s straight kids they were going to come
2102s but they went to the wrong to the wrong
2105s Dar all right are we ready to jump in
2108s game for yeah let's go a little bit a
2110s little bit here and there let's go okay
2112s so we kind of announced this uh at the
2115s beginning of the week I believe Rhino
2117s heirloom is coming on February 6 next
2121s week he arrives on all platforms uh he
2124s will take over the uh currently it's
2126s Ember heirloom y a favorite uh Rhino
2129s heirloom is going to take over that but
2131s the four plat uh Ember heirloom will
2134s stay up forever it's just the paid pack
2136s on the website uh for the real monies
2138s will be rhyo heirloom but you've seen
2140s this art it's amazing it's beautiful
2142s wouldn't it be nice to see him in game
2144s it would be so nice would you it would
2146s be let's do it let's do the honors
2149s here finally is look at him he's
2155s cut he's cut cut yeah no
2160s I'm so here he is this is his skin as
2163s well as the Signa that comes with rno
2165s heirloom so you can see it
2167s beautifully look at look at like the
2170s damage the headbutt you could do with
2172s this I love all that pattern too yeah he
2175s is uh he's beautiful he is beautiful the
2178s proportions are so good oh he yeah he is
2180s strong not Skip Leg Day he do not Skip
2182s Leg Day are you ready for my colors Jee
2185s oh no wait let me just let me just enjoy
2187s this
2188s wait let me clarify they're not my
2190s colors they're just Colors oh okay well
2192s okay all right okay ready yep
2195s hey thought pretty good like sort of
2198s Steel Chrome Vibes brushed aluminum yeah
2202s not bad I like it pretty good Meg Jeff
2204s is stewing over there I'm just preparing
2206s I'm just preparing I feel like you're no
2208s I did I I restrained I promise you I
2210s restrained really it's good yeah cuz
2212s this is just base this is his Bas and we
2214s can play around
2216s Christmas oh damn oh that's pretty cool
2219s with the two my
2222s God giving a thumbs up like okay okay
2226s that's kind of original oo snowboard
2228s really colors really well so well really
2231s really well constructed oh yeah that
2233s green yeah oh my like kind of like cyber
2236s Hulk cyber Hulk a legally distinct cyber
2239s Hulk I mean a non legally distin IP
2242s infringing cyber
2244s Hulk Hulk spelled hlu h
2250s HC uh and we were playing around with oh
2253s wait I did it different way didn't I uh
2254s we were playing around with the Signa
2256s and just to show you oh yeah see deos
2259s being the duviri horsewoman you can
2262s that's pretty great was really cool
2263s giving her some some horns like that yep
2266s it's a good look it's pretty I don't
2268s know if I'm jumping ahead but they were
2270s asking how it looks with iron skin
2272s you're not thank you I was just about to
2275s go back to that um so let's talk iron
2278s skin let's talk iron skin feedback we
2279s get about iron skin is that there are
2282s many versions of it depending on the
2283s skin you have and you could have a
2285s favorite but if you have a skin then
2287s you're limited to that iron skin and it
2289s also covers you right up that's right so
2291s we have if you own a skin and you own
2294s obviously the iron skin that comes with
2296s it you can select which one you want no
2298s matter what skin you have on for Rhino
2301s cool and the the actual the heirloom one
2303s is custom like this so it has that um
2305s the the iron rings around him so it's
2307s not actually like a skin covering
2309s projector it's uh the Rings so these are
2311s great it's a very different style of
2313s iron skin so we played played around
2314s with it a lot you one oh sorry yeah no
2318s no you go there's one you can select
2320s also that just hides it so shows when
2322s you cast it and then it kind of goes
2323s away and now yeah we have free to see
2326s your fashion we were like luckily we
2328s have some frames that are really good at
2329s like Alchemy and chemistry so we were
2331s able to go to the iron atom and turn it
2334s invisible it's really impressive but
2336s there's only it's only thanks to the
2337s help of very powerfully alchemical
2340s Warframe a scientist if you will you're
2343s stretching there I had no idea where you
2347s you know what I didn't even know where
2349s appreciate but I mean you kind of got
2350s there did oh no don't leave R come back
2353s come back back I'm not done do we do we
2355s have any Warframe smart enough to pop
2357s wait what are you doing now to show his
2358s other thing he's got two other oh yeah
2360s yeah yeah okay okay okay uh also with
2361s Ryo heirloom is his PRX card look at
2364s those look at that effects look at that
2366s guy look at that it's
2368s got the holographic the heirloom yeah
2371s there's Rhino's heirloom press card and
2373s then a very cheeky little G there
2377s display yeah look at that hey love it is
2380s he is he
2381s mogging no he's do have thumbs up is he
2384s is he he's not mogging is he no he might
2386s be mogging a B I think he's mogging he's
2388s not mogging confirm MOG he's not a MOG
2390s those little flares in play that's I
2392s mean it's like it looks like a MOG he
2393s giv he's giving you a he just MOG
2398s poh all right so Rhino heirloom is
2401s coming February 6 that's next week I
2403s actually can't believe that's next week
2405s uh and as well uh that iron skin changes
2409s will be coming with that as well so you
2411s can expect that all on February 6 now
2415s nightwave if you're in game on public
2417s you can see the timer just ticking down
2419s six days to finish my night wave I'm get
2421s into it I am Royal royally screwed
2424s ticking down to the next nightwave that
2425s is volume eight that will also be
2428s launching on February 6 so you might be
2430s catching our drift here uh and it is as
2433s you can see a 1999 themed nightwave uh R
2437s if you'd like to come to my game I'll
2439s show a little ing game that looks cool
2442s yeah there's some incredible stuff and
2444s this one launches next week get it and
2446s you can make out with that motorcycle
2448s you can make it with a motorcycle one
2450s day maybe that programmer will make it
2452s oh that's cute little Lillian little
2454s floofs you got your Jillian and your
2456s lilan Killian they're there for you if
2458s you need there's a oh this this is pure
2462s Commando don't look wow Jeff don't look
2465s remember s when I said I kill you last
2467s Li I lied Commando cool my eyes y I
2471s think any have you seen Commando yes
2473s I've seen every I've seen every Arnold
2474s Schwarzenegger movie really other movies
2477s couldn't be
2478s interested oh it's not a Tuma twins who
2481s is your daddy and what does he do what
2483s does he do twins too yes Twins and then
2488s so look at that ah this one is really
2492s cool wow guys don't look you didn't see
2494s that didn't see what nothing I didn't oh
2497s what did she do what she do nothing
2499s nothing chat relax uh anyways really
2502s cool 1999 stuff coming February 6 you
2504s can expect that to pop off so make sure
2506s you use your current credits if not you
2507s can sell them for credits when the new
2509s nightwave starts also coming February 6
2513s is star days our event of Love is coming
2517s back uh and included in that our new
2520s glyphs that we commissioned by Community
2522s artist for Moran oh representing your
2525s love my favorite alphabet a
2530s many we really did a lot of a a lot of
2533s A's a lot of a that's like the worst
2535s Scrabble tray you could ever get what
2538s could you do uh nothing ale I got a fine
2542s ale oh I would love a
2544s deer yeah that's all that's about it
2547s that's the only thing you can do those
2548s are beautiful though SM so fun so
2550s adorable so if maybe you had a little
2552s kiss and you want to represent your kiss
2554s you could check these out uh so thank
2556s you to for morian for doing these uh for
2558s us very excited to get them live for you
2560s as well when stard days launches we have
2563s balanced some of the dept bond prices
2565s for glyphs just because there are so
2566s many glyph offerings in stard day so we
2568s did balance them a little bit reduce
2569s them um so hopefully you enjoy that it's
2571s common feedback we get about star days
2573s so February 6 it is coming back what
2576s else is coming back on February 6 you
2579s ask oh I do know I do know I want you to
2581s tell me that's why I'm here I want to
2583s learn we're telling you what you should
2584s be doing February 6 put it in your
2586s calendar also returning on February 6
2589s operation Belly of the Beast
2592s returned this is probably the most
2594s requested cosmetic to come back people
2596s it is the sickest key art it's so so
2600s there was an event tied to Jade shadows
2603s and we're bringing it back to give you
2604s something to do as part of a very very
2606s beefy February oh man I love it you can
2609s get yourself so as of now February 6 you
2611s can get a brand new white nightwave
2612s kicks off we have Rhino heirloom Belly
2614s of the Beast is coming back with the
2616s event reward store for you to grind
2618s maybe some Cosmetics you missed and so
2619s on and yeah if you missed that Scythe
2622s there's a lot and that is star days as
2624s well so that's right February 6 is a
2626s chunky day as well in that February 6
2628s update you also kind of mentioned this
2630s on the dev shorts uh this is our build
2632s that we were able to put code fixes in
2634s yes uh example one of the biggest ones
2637s are the freezes and crashes that are
2639s happening on switch so that will be
2641s fixed as of this February 6 build uh as
2644s well as a whole bunch of other ones um
2645s that we actually have listed in our form
2647s post about going dark for hot fixes
2649s you'll see a nice list there of
2650s everything uh code stuff that we weren't
2652s able to fix that is going to be in this
2654s February 6th build so a very chunky day
2657s is February 6 next week but you know
2659s what's also chunky um I don't Megan I'm
2665s I would love to know though anyone uh I
2667s love the progression
2669s hippopotamus the Death
2673s Star I don't know
2676s Jupiter yes what about our next prime
2680s could that be something
2682s exciting I think it's finally time
2686s it's this finally not yet not yet what
2689s okay okay R go
2691s ahead there he
2693s is Nikita you're free from your prison
2696s poita po Nikita Laval's Prime is coming
2699s on February 12th so another February
2702s Bonanza uh to Mark in your calendar is
2705s Lavos Prime you see him here with the
2707s SEO prime a coedo what did I say I love
2710s SE so
2712s fun it doesn't matter no one actually
2714s knows the truth no and in fact it
2716s probably is that no one knows oh it's so
2720s so Gorge yeah he is incredible um he
2724s also so he has the what is it chedo
2729s ceded primed he got the Koo what did you
2734s say what whatever want it's got the seu
2736s prime as you see here um as well he has
2739s a primed melee which is the dual zor
2742s prime if you uh look how happy he
2745s is this one goes out to everyone that
2748s has wanted the Dual zor in Prime for
2750s years and years years it's been a while
2753s let's go so he's got the dual zor prime
2755s and as you can see here he's got the V
2757s Prime cyana and another accessories is
2761s he has a nice nandi Prime armor set yeah
2766s yeah the chest the shoulders and the
2768s legs are not very visible but he's got
2770s legs he's got legs this is like if you
2772s can you copter with them did you
2774s bring secret oh [ __ ] secret there's a
2779s secret guys I tried so
2782s hard
2783s Sor been working on this for weeks I'm
2786s so sorry
2789s it makes it fun oh God okay sorry
2792s continue it makes it fun all right come
2794s on in game R would you yeah come on here
2797s he is Lavos Prime with the SEO
2803s Prime and the dual zor prime yay which
2806s are just wonderful we can do a little
2809s history lesson for those of you how many
2811s how many of you in chat know the history
2814s of the Dual zorin would you like a
2816s history lesson or would you like to were
2818s you there Happ how
2820s many I remember there's a lot of you
2823s that don't so I don't want you to yes I
2826s do I know yes if you don't know that's
2828s no shame coptering okay yes great
2831s history class canceled you're all
2832s excused y you're all passed you're all
2834s passed gain a burst of speed on melee
2837s Slide Attack while air doubled while
2840s airor look at that chat enjoy your
2843s little flashback to the past if you will
2846s it's fun it's good time okay shout out
2848s to I actually think it was Conor Conor
2850s the Conor you're on vacation right now
2852s but Connor that's my man uh sorry uh so
2858s yes that's coming with the duor prime
2860s the SEO Prime uh and Lavos Prime looking
2864s very cool this is his prime I'm going
2866s fil with beer oh that's nice but wait
2869s you want to see him real Chun out yeah
2871s yeah oh yeah oh yeah full those all
2873s those tubes full of beer he's got his
2875s home brew lot of tubes we got a lot of
2878s look at the snakes look at the prime
2880s snakes uh shout out to the animation
2882s team for tweaking their animations
2884s that's right sleeping little B work oh
2886s he's sleeping he's a tired boy year of
2888s the snake here he comes he works hard he
2890s works really hard hey not so bad just
2893s playing around that's actually not too
2894s bad not too bad oh my God I want to roll
2897s today oh love that that's like Frost's
2899s evil brother oh how about that are you
2901s excited to see another one of your
2903s babyes a little one of your many oh come
2907s on y great stuff imagine if he need you
2911s with these big boots yeah that would
2912s hurt he could stuff granola bars down
2914s there so many snacks granola bar are you
2917s hungry yep you're talking about beer and
2919s granola bars I am very hungry okay all
2922s right Rebeca eats her chicken pot pie
2924s like a Savage what the hell damn what's
2927s the proper way to eat a chicken pot pie
2929s a little a person a little personal one
2931s what the hell it's the proper way do you
2933s scoop it out like you're like like it is
2936s like eating the brain like eating a
2937s brain out no you're supposed to dump it
2940s no you do not it no way you it's
2944s contained within its own no you get full
2947s crust you waste you waste the crust if
2949s you do it that way yeah you're just EA
2951s you're just e a you got it you got to
2953s you got to flip and salt yeah flip
2956s already figured this out you leave it in
2958s the pie tray and then you get like a
2960s delicious contained all right CH scoop
2962s or flip scoop or flip you got you got to
2965s flip St is crazy no
2967s Steve is so roong no you aream flip
2971s thank you my scoop Brothers scoop
2973s Brothers think we're losing this we're
2974s losing this one scoop Brothers I knew
2976s you had R
2979s Retreat we're not going to be invited
2981s back after this yeah yeah all right
2985s frankly it's ridiculous to suggest that
2987s you would flip a pot pie it's frankly
2989s ridiculous it you take the risk and it's
2991s worth it's worth a reward why would you
2993s risk straw someone says eat it with a
2995s straw oh my God that visual is
2998s disgusting all right all right all right
3001s ladies and Gentlemen let's just we have
3002s a let's just recap everything we learned
3004s about in February shall We R A lot of
3006s stuff we learned a lot of stuff so
3007s February 2025 which starts next week
3011s February 6 Rhino heirloom nightwave
3013s noris mix volume 9 star days returns
3016s operation Belly of the Beast returns and
3018s code fixes are included in this hot
3020s fixability for you switch players
3022s stability we love it uh February 7th 10
3025s oon tickets on sale remember to quat
3028s February 12th got commit La C who's this
3031s lavoo oh
3039s no I love you it's
3042s fine
3044s Prime no crumb guzzler noler February
3049s 12th Lao Prime
3051s C CH is loving this
3055s level so hard
3057s Prime and the prime accessories for
3061s Lao February
3064s 12 I'm so sorry you worked so hard it's
3067s legally distinct
3069s lao's my lavoo all right those are our
3072s February
3073s dates you know he took the pressure
3075s house off of the scoop and flip thank
3078s you that was my total intention the
3080s whole time thank you for saving us okay
3082s are we ready to talk Echoes of 1999
3085s finally 42 I told you it was going to be
3088s long I'm crying this has been hilarious
3090s 42 minutes in and we haven't even got to
3092s Echo yet are you guys ready to have part
3095s two let talk about echo part two 1999
3097s we're actually not going to oh oh
3100s because it's not even called Echoes of
3102s 1999 it's called Tech rot Encore oncore
3108s oncore Tech rot Encore is coming March
3113s 2025 it's coming out this year we're
3115s releasing it in March we need just you
3117s know all the time we can to get it in a
3119s good spot for that March release so
3121s March window March window okay Tech Rod
3124s Encore it is huge there's so much in it
3127s there's so much in it it's basically a
3128s full part to um to 1999 except no Quest
3132s so but there's a lot there's a lot we
3135s are saving for next Dev stream and
3136s there's a lot we're going to talk about
3137s today yes you're it's big enough that
3139s you're saving some stuff that's right
3141s it's good stuff it's it's already 42
3142s minutes in a lot for next time yeah
3145s we're a lot yeah there's a lot but
3147s there's a lot in this one which you're
3148s about to find out so teod Encore March
3151s 2025 we're going to dive into as we know
3153s the technos site Koda system more about
3156s we're going to show you the a lot of the
3157s weapons uh that we have in store for you
3159s but we're going to start with some fun
3162s Cosmetics that made its way into the
3164s pipe of uh this echo's sorry Tech rot
3168s Encore update Tech rot Encore is the
3169s name of the update um we did want to
3172s ship it in February but we're making
3174s sure it's in March just so that it's not
3176s quite
3177s as rushed to be honest because it's not
3180s just the tech rot Koda that are coming
3182s in it there's lots and lots in lot it
3185s gets its own give me some hints okay all
3187s right first up and yes you can replay
3190s the quests in this update I'm just say
3193s people are mad that it's in March for
3194s good reason because they probably
3195s expected it like next week but we have
3196s to take a bit more time we got to cook
3199s it more we got to cook those infested
3200s jellies well let's see what we're
3201s cooking yeah shall we okay everyone
3203s quiet except Meg no you don't have to be
3205s quiet um coming in Tech rot Encore we
3208s are adding operator and Drifter hair of
3211s the hex characters yes oh shoot of Lloyd
3215s and well there's some secret I know I'm
3217s getting and someone else come on down R
3220s this might take me a minute because I
3221s actually can't read anything that one
3223s says I know what it says I'm just like
3225s can you see it yeah I think so ready as
3226s part of tech rot Encore you are getting
3229s eight new hairstyles for your operator
3231s and Drifters that one is looking good we
3234s have Elanor so we're showing you them on
3236s operators but you they'll be there for
3237s your Drifter and your operator so you're
3239s getting eight new hairstyles yes sick qu
3243s sty looks great they look very hell yeah
3247s that's awesome they look so
3250s good uhoh I think you need you didn't
3253s delete enough letters delete one more
3255s one more okay yep good there you go oh
3258s look at the
3259s am is awesome too look at that flow look
3262s at
3262s that is there a fan in here or what
3267s is there a fan in here uh we got people
3270s remember requesting this in Dev shorts
3272s every time yeah great oh you can do the
3275s the girly adorable so cute that is so
3278s cute the different color channels work
3280s very well finally so cool did I get it
3283s you got you yep you're good I they get
3285s it yep you're good y
3287s uh yep
3290s ly look at that blow you think that's
3293s slicked back this is push back
3297s oh yeah the Lloyd
3299s hair I think it's going to be a mirror
3301s for me it's going to be wait wait
3304s wa wait wait wait wait wait you're
3306s missing lety oh sorry sorry I forgot
3308s your mom we have Mom Mom no uh Lloyd
3314s hair is that good yep you're good
3317s yep
3318s oh look at that it's so classy at all
3322s the color choices too I it's so CL
3325s really fun yeah okay it is very joske
3327s I'm very excited to be some diamond is
3330s unbreakable action joske yeah jke and
3333s ready
3336s Yesa baby my God that braid is killer
3341s you can do damage with that braid God I
3343s want to make that braid it's so
3344s beautiful so it's like a loaf of bread
3347s yeah delicious loaf of bread beer and
3353s bread everyone's hungry right now come
3355s on yep hairstyles are gorgeous and sorry
3358s Arthur is also coming uno momento please
3360s I was going to say the main event I
3362s couldn't forget our boy don't you worry
3364s don't you were oh you don't have a cheat
3366s for this one it's real we're show oh oh
3367s I see yeah cool look at
3370s that nice he hair gloss P Pro look at
3373s that oh yeah 90s hair products all the
3375s way oh that looks great nice so that
3378s will be coming okay in Echo as well that
3381s will be coming in sorry Tech rot Encore
3383s I got to stop saying Tech rot Encore
3385s correct us if we encore hey um we have
3389s two we have two scdra themed outfits
3393s you've seen one cuz we've shown the
3394s concept A few times previously uh we
3398s have that one in game to show you ready
3400s Jeff okay check it out oh yeah I like
3404s that I actually didn't see this
3405s Implement oh yeah it's it's awesome it
3407s is so badass and if you want to uh not
3411s have that on your face you can just be a
3413s badass it's so so good it's Peak scull
3416s Aesthetics if you if you respect the the
3419s hustle of a scra look it looks so good
3422s nice oh yeah oh yeah hit random let's
3425s see some oh are you sure yeah you don't
3428s think so you can't get blamed for random
3429s yeah oh yeah oh man orange in the blue
3432s look at that what metal gear Vibes
3434s totally have a little boss moment Navy
3437s snake oh W black oh that's so good yeah
3439s that's wied nice and then do we have the
3442s concept photo for to remind people of
3444s the other one uh of the other one yeah
3446s we do oh great so scra the other this
3449s another scra one is coming and we have
3451s the concept out for it
3454s now oh it's so good look at that Co I
3456s can't wait that that one's the one for
3458s me fortech animators fortech
3461s animator yeah no I saw them cutting it
3464s up the mesh and like reaging it and
3466s reing it yeah a lot yeah so this one
3469s will also be coming so you can get your
3471s scal dra Fashion on your ship that's
3474s what do you mean someone didn't clear SU
3478s he's judging the hands on the ship Chad
3480s okay not a gamer not a g I'm just
3483s kidding I appreciate you uh so those are
3486s just a few of the Cosmetics uh coming in
3489s techr Encore yes cool so eight
3491s hairstyles to Drifter fits that are
3493s scalr themed yeah that's Cosmetics but
3497s there's there's a game here too there's
3499s a game yeah the game
3501s part specifically the tech rot Tech rot
3506s technos site Koda yes technos site Koda
3509s huge part of what this update is why it
3512s is crucial that we get it right because
3514s this is adding to the adversary system
3516s in a unique way yes uh and we're going
3518s to take you through uh kind of bit by
3520s bit here the technos site Kota starting
3523s with the Koda weapons yes so this Tech
3526s rot update Tech rot Encore I think it
3528s has the most weapons we've ever put in
3530s an update it has 13 it kind of all lined
3533s up to be yeah 17 total weapons 18 18 old
3537s yeah yeah so there's 13 of these weapons
3539s are the tech rot Koda weapons so we're
3541s going to take a look at those now and
3543s talk to you about how when this update
3545s drops in March you can get ready to
3547s grind him out that's right earn him so
3550s Eleanor is going to be the vendor can we
3552s go to gameplay of course all right so
3555s yes go ahead no no please no Elanor is
3557s going to be the vendor that will have
3559s all of these Koda weapons and she has
3560s her face and she has a face cuz the
3562s coders fixed the face yes she didn't
3563s have a face for a minute there yeah but
3565s as you can see she has
3567s so you'll see this brand newa weapons
3569s we're going to show you some of them
3571s here we also have a screenshot of all
3573s theoda weapons but we'll get to that in
3575s one second go ahead rip uh right so she
3578s will be offering them in uh batches for
3580s you to grab with some tokens so this uh
3582s is so that you're not going out and
3584s doing missions to di to I guess UND
3587s dilute the weapon pool from an adversary
3589s this is so you can pick the ones you
3590s want on a rotation so we're going to do
3592s two batches every 4 days it'll rotate
3595s currently subject to some change but
3597s pretty much copying the Ergo glass thing
3598s but with some key differences which
3600s we'll talk about uh which is another
3602s reason why the update is taking a bit
3603s longer because we added a pretty major Q
3605s thing to the way that Elemental stuff
3608s works on these weapons anyway so there's
3610s really really a lot for you to uh get
3613s with the system so there's all the new
3615s weapons that you will you will be able
3617s to get not the Ergo glass system we'll
3620s talk about that um and how this changes
3622s for you uh I'll just go right to that
3624s actually so it makes a bit more sense so
3627s right now you can see that the Kota
3630s Moore has cold damage but what we're
3634s adding is a new item called the
3636s elemental Vice that if you have formed
3639s your Lich weapon five times and it's
3642s rank 40 you can swap its element freely
3646s so this is a brand new item that we'll
3647s be releasing in this system with this
3650s character so that you don't need to wait
3653s for the vendor to roll the element you
3656s want
3657s you can choose it after you've maxed the
3660s weapon so for instance if I see this and
3661s I know I just want to get the code Moore
3664s um I can buy it and then once I've maxed
3666s it I can use this new item type to swap
3669s it so I can switch it to uh I can switch
3671s it to heat I can switch it to whatever
3673s and that item can be installed on the
3675s Kuba and the and the other we yes so the
3679s intention with this is that so when you
3681s are presented with an element here it's
3683s not so much a deterrent as is you can
3685s just grab whatever is there and you know
3687s that if you Max a weapon you can freely
3690s change it once you install this new item
3692s that is going to be available as an
3694s Eleanor consumable in the market for
3696s platinum or you have a chance to get it
3698s from the technos site Coda themselves uh
3700s which is another reason why we pushed
3701s this out because the team advocated for
3703s this as a quality of life thing like as
3706s like recently and we wanted to implement
3707s it right so this is this is coming so it
3710s should significantly lessen the
3713s elemental Chase grind for this system
3716s yep and if you're just tuning in and
3718s you're not sure what game you're looking
3719s at mean This Is War farm and this is a
3722s farming implement you use to tend to
3725s your garden r a tiller basically yeah
3727s are we going to acknowledge the weapon
3728s on screen now so crazy aw if you
3731s remember one of the last stream we
3732s talked about a pizza cutter melee weapon
3736s coming this is she uh and this this is
3740s her she uh she's our pizza cutter
3742s inspired uh melee weapon one of the new
3744s ones coming um we have screenshot I want
3746s to show the first screenshot is of all
3748s the coda weapons so R if you don't mind
3750s lineup yeah so these are you know your
3753s signups your spor THS your cabalist your
3756s all those pox all that hea uh these are
3759s the uh Koda variants of them that you'll
3761s be able to get in Elanor store and then
3763s as well the third new weapon that's
3765s coming is the shotgun styled um that I
3768s believe have an asset for too which is
3770s the grossest thing I look at the look at
3773s the hand projectile that shoots out with
3776s a I can't wait for the sound oh my God I
3778s was squishy you know maybe the speaker
3781s is going to make some noise that is
3782s disgusting look at the shot yeah that's
3784s really cool though it's an infested claw
3787s that shoots out the mouth of whatever
3789s the hell this is and it's got a stereo
3792s yep infested inside of it yeah love it
3794s yeah it's amazing check rot for real all
3796s right so those are the weapons and
3798s Elanor is your vendor and similar to
3801s liches we have mods that you're going to
3804s be able to do on your repairs on in
3805s order to go through this system so we're
3808s going to talk through that now before we
3810s get into the game play yeah so with the
3812s technos site Coda system we wanted to
3814s put it all in 1999 with of course the
3816s great boss fight happening in the origin
3818s system itself so it's like once you've
3819s done all the things in 1999 you will
3822s find yourself doing the finale in the
3824s origin system so when we say all the
3826s things what does that actually mean so
3829s back so currently um if you've played
3831s the sisters of parvos or the kubal
3834s liches you know you have to do a Relic
3836s Chase for the requium mods and then you
3839s are playing a little bit of a uh puzzle
3842s solve to figure out what your requium is
3844s you're farming you're killing THS and
3846s you're going and we kind of adjusted the
3848s loop to be very 1999 specific with very
3851s direct farming sources so the way it's
3853s going to work is there's going to be
3855s antivirus mods because of course the the
3857s infested technos site Koda are Tech rot
3860s and Napster gone wrong they're creating
3862s this thing so there's a dedicated Bounty
3865s for you to get your antiviruses so just
3867s hover over one of them again maybe your
3869s infested Lich needs
3871s comp.com to don't go to that
3875s website I don't even know if that is a
3876s real website oh [ __ ] this always happens
3879s wait register it
3882s quickly wean it to warframe.com real
3885s quick so there is a dedicated Bounty for
3887s you to to you to for you to farm your
3889s anti virus mods because God only knows
3892s what your Lich needs to be cured because
3893s this is this is the '90s there's
3895s computer viruses worm um it does leave
3898s somewhere oh
3900s [ __ ] we might need we literally might
3902s need to change the
3903s name everything's fine everything that's
3905s fine I should have checked that's okay
3907s we have a screenshot actually maybe not
3909s do don't show that one the other one
3911s potency M so then there's the so because
3913s it's an antivirus system you also need
3914s to have a potency um application so the
3917s way it's going to work is you're going
3918s to be kitting out your parizon with
3920s antivirus mods that you can throw on to
3922s figure out which one is right but also
3924s potency mods to really inject the
3926s virus so that it's curing the antivirus
3929s so there's going to be a little bit of a
3930s combo all of these mods are earned in
3932s 1999 uh they're not particularly rare
3935s it's just as you're fighting the
3936s infested now you're going to get a
3937s chance to get some antivirus mods to
3939s help you sort of chunk out your technos
3942s site Koda so maybe you're going to get
3944s one that gets rid of 30% of the virus
3947s and so on and so forth so these are
3949s these are how you'll be kitting out your
3950s Paris on for the grind are you going to
3953s get a Lich now we're going to get
3954s ourselves you doing it oh we're doing
3957s now yeah are you ready excited I'm
3960s excited stays if you will
3963s okay as a stay as a so we'll talk and
3967s then we're going to talk about
3967s everything that the system has so we're
3969s going to go on in so we're going to go
3971s on in any Tech rot Mission uh is where
3974s you'll be getting your Tech noite Koda
3977s that's right you're going to get a a
3978s virus and yes there will be new
3980s ephemeras new Cosmetics we're going to
3982s we're taking you through this as if you
3983s were playing so first up that's
3986s everything you'll see when you log in
3987s you'll see a new Bounty with some mods
3988s you'll see Eleanor with 13 weapons and
3991s then you're going to want to obviously
3992s start well seven weapons and six weapons
3994s we're going to rotate them you like my
3995s Rhino on that
3997s bike silly it's too much I'm sorry what
4000s do you this my
4002s ambulance my ambulance yes yes
4006s yes come all right so um as you are
4009s doing your missions the tech rot will be
4011s the ones that let you earn a technos
4013s site code s omegan you'll just be
4015s playing and there's gonna EV it'll
4017s happen like there's not going to be too
4018s much Randomness it'll happen in a given
4020s Mission this is your first uh your first
4023s shot at it man good luck are you using
4025s the new uh Lich weapon how do you feel
4026s about a pizza cutter the Moore Oh yes
4030s like we said pizza cut cutter but it's
4032s clearly a motorcycle wheel um and
4035s something sorry really quick something
4036s to note about the kotore is Kore m is it
4041s will reflect the status that you have on
4043s it so I have it pumped up with Slash so
4046s that's why it has the spiky Wheels when
4049s you have it the IPS
4052s changes so it's slash it looks like this
4054s with puncture looks different that's so
4057s sick it's very cool A+ team and I also
4061s have the uh dual Koda nicardia which is
4065s the uh new pistol dual weapon um part of
4069s the system and it perks here are when I
4072s kill an enemy with it spores are going
4074s to explode and they're going to attach
4075s on other enemies look got the C proc
4079s would you want to chat about that uh
4081s yeah basically it uh spreads the the
4084s decease of
4085s cold they all get a we're experiencing
4089s that right now Canadian and it looks
4091s like a infested drill so it's kind of
4093s disgusting yeah it has like a a mouth
4095s for a trigger it's kind of nasty kind of
4098s nasty trigger mouth what is this guy
4100s doing he's having a think on top of the
4103s uh dead I think you stomped it
4106s Frozen I stomped him oh the SEO oh the
4111s SEO it's just so much it's a beautiful
4114s fall day here
4115s inania oh it is fall isn't it blue skies
4118s I think it's actually O's birthday on
4119s this account David
4122s Lynch you're spreading the Rhino virus
4125s get it oh that's what someone in chat
4127s said that was not my
4129s joke all right so eventually the technos
4132s sitota will drop a obviously computer
4135s virus cuz it's the 90s all people are
4137s saying happy birthday Howie happy
4138s birthday hoe it's your big birthday it's
4141s your big bir lots of people saw a new
4142s note will'll talk about that yeah but
4147s there's a reason we yeah you'll see chat
4149s we're not even halfway done the stream
4151s so I'm really sorry to say that it's
4153s really so much cool stuff yeah there's a
4156s lot to might have to have an
4158s intermission I drank like three cofes
4159s before the stream we'll play great
4161s Despair and you can get one have a
4164s little detour
4166s well we're sure one's going to drop
4167s right it will it will it will of course
4170s it will of course it will I like your
4171s confidence yeah no not that believe in
4174s this game we got Supply cash deed again
4177s all right will we be seeing laos's Prime
4179s gameplay we can throw some on maybe if
4180s we have time but we're probably going to
4182s we yeah we got a lot to show
4184s so you know Lavos you know Lavos I
4187s thought there was supposed to be
4187s streamer luck I think we have the
4189s opposite here we have luck just got to
4191s believe you got to believe you got to
4194s believe what are the rings around Rhino
4195s that is the heirloom version of iron
4197s skin so you can it's customizable now so
4200s it's at at your discretion if you want
4202s it to look like your iron Rings or
4204s traditional looks and that's how you
4206s know that you're you customiz it now you
4208s can wonderful Pi pick your poison you
4212s can yes oh I haven't done
4216s any saint thousand Platinum going to a
4219s lucky twitch viewer the winner is going
4222s to be some and actually twitch drops are
4224s going there's a lot to see
4226s let's
4227s see the winner I didn't see a couple
4229s questions in chat or maybe it was the
4232s same person kind of spamming about
4234s you're ignoring Android players you're
4236s ignoring and then we're not uh next week
4239s I'm meeting with the team that's been
4240s working on that for months and months
4242s and we just don't have anything to share
4244s yet um but we are not ignoring you we're
4246s working hard to bring it to that
4248s platform and necro Doon you've necro
4250s doore you've won a thousand Platinum
4252s message us with do you already have a
4253s lich on you that way it's not funny oh
4256s um uh you've won a th000 platinum
4257s message us with your Twitch username oh
4260s I do you have a l yeah I knew it I knew
4262s it I knew something go away go away
4264s everyone go away everyone go away okay
4266s it's fine we can just okay let's just no
4268s no I want to do it you want to do it
4269s yeah oh my gosh I want to do it we're
4271s had a l all night it's uh it's lock the
4276s door lock the door we're here all night
4278s hold on I should I talk about some of
4280s the ql that doesn't need bishell no no
4283s Megan has a flow why don't we just let's
4285s just talk
4287s okay you feel the heat coming off just
4291s like locked in on this so hard what do
4292s you want what do you want from us what
4293s do you need to know what do you need to
4295s know chat developing do it Pablo GG do
4298s it bring Laing system I have a we know
4302s we know we would never we would never
4304s chat says uh uh dag skin nothing is in
4307s progress at this time uh longer mandac
4308s cord songs would I don't think we're
4310s doing that anytime soon uh any other
4312s events for 2025 appearances well Belly
4314s of the Beast is coming back I guess
4314s we'll see you about other ones uh coming
4316s back please fit fix Orbiter decorations
4318s will we get more you will keep watching
4320s the stream to learn more um oh my god
4322s spider frame when oh God I'm sorry but I
4326s saw it I have to see it Zarin Quest
4328s replay I don't know if that one's coming
4330s but we are doing Quest replays soon when
4332s will GTA 6 launch uh tomorrow okay you
4335s heard it
4336s here yeah uh give us a cow frame cow all
4341s right what about the lactose intolerance
4343s oh well think about them true true you
4346s eat the cow you don't get oh my God the
4350s vegetarians the vegetarians twin HEC we
4353s have to acknowledge that user that he
4356s just said it here here here here here
4357s okay okay so Megan Megan kill back to
4360s gameplay back to gameplay Megan killed a
4362s tech rot fool there is something that
4364s you can't see there cuz it's embedded in
4365s the ground I'm glad we okay there was a
4368s there was a tag so once you pick it up
4370s you bring it to a marked console and
4373s this camera is going to be a bit whack
4374s but I'm a gamer guys can do it as you
4376s can see her heart is bleeding out good
4378s luck Megan don't worry about me don't
4380s worry about you I'm not
4384s worried Megan has infected the year of
4386s the snake oh the year of the snake so
4389s Megan has infected the future with a boy
4390s band so let's let's see what that looks
4392s like the pH warning pH warning just a
4395s warning guys I've affected the future
4397s what can I
4399s say oh my God that's so funny but you
4401s got a you got a mod you got a potency
4403s mod I did get a potency mod which is
4405s wonderful yep all right so you would
4407s have finished that mission normally not
4409s a hacker like myself in as you return
4413s who will greet us it's awesome I
4417s seriously can't even
4419s remember amaz Embrace us macros 1999 a
4424s damn him so can you go away from my
4426s screen for one second thank you thank
4429s you all right all right come
4431s back so Megan has her first noite Koda
4436s uh so here we go so it is uh so how how
4439s is this all going to work now this is
4441s the screen you'll see you'll recognize
4442s it is if you've played past ones but
4445s there's some systemic changes just to
4447s the reward structure here which is to
4449s say that they now always come with a
4451s cosmetic reward and these Cosmetics
4453s could include one of 10 floofs uh they
4456s could include some do you want to show
4458s all the assets as I as I talked yeah you
4459s want to do it now sure so there will
4461s always be a cosmetic reward with your uh
4464s technos site Koda yeah so ephemeras are
4466s one that we're working on ephemeras will
4468s be part of it yes uh these are the Human
4472s boy Flo and as well the infested
4475s versions and so there's tears of
4478s Cosmetics you'll always you'll be
4479s guaranteed at least one including
4481s including including why the stays are
4484s here why our stay kids are here why our
4486s stay kids are here uh custom emotes oh
4490s from the boys work in progress as you
4492s can see this is this is this was called
4495s the Zeke peekaboo this is the zek peek
4497s the zek peek oh I got PE this is the
4500s Zeke peek yeah oh yeah look at the wink
4503s oh it's so good oh this is my favorite
4505s this is so Pablo
4508s coated it is really okay okay all who's
4515s next Who's Next I'll pack it that's why
4518s Jeff has the glasses on there you go my
4521s ankles can do that they put a scal in
4522s for insult injury yeah yeah and then
4526s drill bit drill bit just rocking out oh
4529s he's doing the
4530s work did you moap that broken in there
4533s progress work work progress did you do
4535s the moat for this oh yeah yeah oh yeah
4539s oh yeah sure oh yeah last but not
4541s least probably animation team Crush yeah
4545s Drop It Like It's Hot there it is so
4548s good my thighs would burn yeah that's
4550s tough that's the squats you wanted ear
4551s those are the that's the squat I wanted
4553s so okay so let's
4555s in the system let's bring it back to
4557s gameplay what you're guaranteed upon um
4559s you know doing this is there's always
4561s going to be a cosmetic and there's
4562s always going to be enough live Hard
4563s cells which is the token system for you
4565s to go turn in at least one weapon
4567s sometimes you'll get more so as you do
4569s the system you might be able to
4570s accumulate enough that you go a little
4572s over and then sometimes you'll get more
4573s weapons than not uh and that is part of
4576s the vanquished table and then there's
4578s the actual uh converted table so so some
4581s confusion about EMAs we're working on
4582s those we just are not ready to show them
4584s yeah those are yeah in February you'll
4587s see those so you can trade them you can
4589s convert them uh and you are now
4591s guaranteed a cosmetic with them and the
4593s way this works is you just need to play
4596s 1999 get the parizon mods set up
4599s increase their verality to 100% And then
4602s let's do that so one would if you had
4604s acquired such things I slap some on here
4607s I'm keeping clean got some potency to um
4611s get that virality up yep and get my kind
4614s of speeding up the process of getting
4616s yourself uh technos site Koda so what's
4618s going to happen now that I have my boy
4621s oh there he is I mean just going to
4623s stare at this I can Scare at my screen
4624s all day long just as bad as packet the
4627s slander uh so what's going to happen now
4630s is when you jump into a 1999 techr
4634s Mission The Boys Are Back the Duets are
4636s coming The Boys Are Back the boys are
4638s back so we have a system set up that the
4642s front man of the boy band you know he's
4644s he's not going to he's going to going to
4645s come your way he's just robbing you but
4647s you'll get duet fights so as you're
4649s playing uh in this content you will be
4651s facing down the Duets which is a dual
4653s boss fight for you to test your
4655s antivirus mods on and get yourself ready
4658s to do the showdown in the origin system
4660s go away from my screen for one sec
4662s blessings oh oh she's she's hacking want
4665s to do it in the big room remember oh
4667s that's right pleas well
4669s uh a hearth icon what is that heart oh
4673s heart oh that's for chemistry I not sure
4675s what they say saw I'm not sure what they
4677s saw either uh question about normal and
4678s steel path uh or is it normal does
4681s matter I don't know if it matters to be
4683s determined to be determined all right so
4687s we will let's do it here we go all right
4690s come on
4691s overview okay so Megan has hard drive
4694s and
4695s packet he's coming oh [ __ ] uh oh uhoh
4699s where'd he go I don't know yeah so this
4701s is a duet fight so at the top you can
4703s see that the duet is on so we have
4706s ourselves a uh a fight here but because
4708s Megan has already I've been playing
4710s Megan's been playing she I converted
4712s some friends she has a friend she can
4713s convert and maybe call them to help me
4716s help me out why not why not Zeke come
4719s fight for me my love my life so as you
4722s engage in this system you can you can
4725s build yeah that look at that yeah that's
4728s pretty rad I want to see Zeke run around
4730s so packet and hard drive are he's doing
4733s the thing we'll see him run around oh my
4735s butt
4735s [Applause]
4736s oh
4738s no they're all just so gross they
4741s are so you'll be seeing the tech rot
4743s Encore coming in all your Tech rot
4746s missions as you're you're doing your
4748s your weapon hunts your cosmetic hunts
4750s these these five guys are going to be
4753s around for you to uh Smash Up see what
4755s you can do that's right packet is a
4757s quick little crab
4759s guy I
4763s know and hard drive is a a big old
4767s tank and then of course zek's your ally
4770s right
4771s now no crab
4775s frames crab people 's not going to sleep
4779s well tonight I know so what what a
4780s player will'll have to do is they'll
4782s have to weaken them both so you need to
4783s take the duet down to test your parison
4785s mods so it's not just a one target
4788s Ambush you have to get both down so that
4789s you can test your antivirus that's right
4791s look at your Z oh man what's he doing
4796s oh oh my God
4798s spaghetti oh he slapped him he slapped
4800s him oh my god with a wet noodle yeah
4804s spaghetti arm yep yep yep wow we
4807s slapped people really want you to use
4808s your alt fire oh sorry it's okay I'm
4812s gaming there you go yeah any so we're
4815s working on it work in progress coming
4817s soon you'll see more of this in actually
4819s there's still a bit more to show yes
4820s we're not done yet but I am going to end
4821s this yeah Zoidberg Broda
4826s yeah so you'll be doing that fighting
4827s your Duets getting your antivirus
4829s getting your boss fight by the end which
4830s happens of course uh in space very
4832s similar to what you saw at ten oon and
4834s we'll just show you a short short short
4836s preview of some space feature a little
4838s bit of just to get it all more dating
4841s stuff we'll talk about that actually in
4843s this stream it's not over it's not over
4847s de let me hug air we did let them hug
4850s the cavia poor animation yeah too much
4854s put it on there they're working theoda
4855s put it on the
4857s plate they're working on the Koda so
4860s we're jumping in you can go ahead to my
4861s uh screen there R thank you yeah just to
4863s show that you can also use the technos
4865s site Koda as your um proof for your
4870s Defenders hey hey there he is there he
4873s is what's he up to we don't know yeah
4877s there there he is my sweet boy and then
4879s of
4880s course where's DJ ROM that's hard drive
4883s sorry hard drive hard drive yeah we got
4885s he's got a big screen TV for a hand so
4889s they will defend you with your with your
4891s life that's right this railjack is not
4893s going down nope not with these boys too
4895s bad with this color scheme okay okay I
4898s couldn't cleanse everything so as we
4901s said there are 13 Koda weapons coming
4904s and there are
4906s four scra weapons coming that's right
4909s and I get to type all of them out how
4911s fun so we have four scalar weapons these
4913s are the weapons that you see this scaler
4916s using that we have taken and you will be
4918s able to use them on yourself let me get
4920s this pistol going thinking about it let
4922s me get excuse me so this is current hey
4924s Zeke Zeke excuse me you're getting uh
4926s ambushed by some spaces they'll they'll
4928s deal that's fine they'll deal it's fine
4929s whoa watch watch your swinging that
4931s thing
4932s yeah what was right in my face so this
4935s is like a a scdra fon pistol that's
4937s coming this is what the Shi The Shield
4939s guy uses yep so that's uh one of four
4942s scalr weapons coming then we have
4945s oh has to type each one out am I there
4949s we should probably talk about the thian
4950s RPG that's actually not coming as a
4952s player weapon one more will we ever do
4955s that I don't know I mean we have
4959s the I know please but we'll think about
4962s it we'll think about it we'll think
4964s about it we'll think about it there's
4965s four okay and there's yes the the twin
4967s bass well this is using a different
4968s override right now Cod name the Goole
4970s the Goole is coming which is the one
4972s that the scalr melee unit uses
4975s we'll think about the RPG we'll think
4977s about it does that say Goo uh one more
4978s one
4979s more so we have the scalr melee weapon
4982s coming we have the scra goo rifle coming
4985s which is super cool oh that's wicked oh
4987s I like that I like that a lot it looks
4988s awesome and then we and then we have
4991s concept art for the grenade launcher
4992s that's going to be coming as well which
4995s is yeah there she
4997s is so you'll be getting that's an AOE
5000s weapon it does have some AOE yeah but
5002s it's you know the RPG
5005s overtuned it so much so that it look
5006s cool in the tank yeah it's really
5008s overtuned so they yeah we'll think about
5011s it though but you are getting these four
5012s scalr weapons with Tech Rod Encore so 13
5015s Kota four scaler and then what we'll
5017s talk about next Dev stream there secret
5019s perfect so we got the Kota boss fights
5022s Kota system we got we got lots what else
5025s do we got Meg well wouldn't it be nice
5028s if we maybe tossed in a deluxe skin
5031s perhaps oh yes it would I think it's
5033s time that the one the only gy Deluxe got
5037s herself some new looks Michael skyers
5040s you concept Maniac look at that look at
5043s that that turned out amazing he had a
5044s vision and it is so cool mhh so gy
5048s Deluxe we'll show more of her in the
5050s February dep stream but we wanted to
5051s show you the concept art of her so she
5053s looks very cool yeah so total steampunk
5056s just incredible beautiful be and like
5058s the way the uh cables go up with the her
5061s ultimate is just skirt goes up yeah it's
5064s super beautiful and then one would
5065s assume that the alter KNX Deluxe would
5068s also be coming uh here's a couple angles
5071s and then I believe the next image is a
5074s little closer look with Excalibur being
5076s our model very nice wild so cool kamii
5081s concepted this very super super cool
5084s yeah it's Peak
5086s Frankenstein yeah that in the inate labs
5088s is going to look incredible good match
5090s good match that's very cool so so cool
5094s uh I think come back to my gaml room
5096s what do we have now what do you think of
5099s this chair that chair the chair what do
5102s we think of the chair are we going to
5103s talk about the chair we need to burn it
5105s I'm just wondering do you like the chair
5107s what's your thoughts on the chair well
5108s the chair is coming it's unpopular I
5109s have too many personal like grievances
5111s for the chair the chair everyone knows
5113s about the chair this chair ruined um a
5115s good a good sanity pass on a lot of the
5117s devs and we're releasing it as a
5118s decoration yeah you might want it it
5121s might I mean it looks cool it's earned
5123s it's earned it's a nice looking chair
5124s want me to try the thing yeah hold
5127s on hold on N hold on it's a it is an
5131s evil chair though in theory yep
5135s oh the
5137s evil uhoh this decoration could be yours
5140s this is the key the key piece of Tech
5142s Rod Encore cool caused us pain I like
5145s that I like that you made a
5147s decoration therapy yeah see you see you
5151s see you just a little hey kiddo for your
5152s back room or wherever you want to put
5154s this someone said I'm sitting in that
5155s chair right now we should do a Sit OTE
5158s for it we need a people have asked over
5160s and over again and we're always like
5161s certainly oh does have ignore that do
5163s you mind going away to my screen
5165s appreciate you shall we do a platinum
5167s prize yeah but what are we doing next
5168s Meg I got to open something okay let's
5170s do plattin so I can't um do you want
5173s open Recon that's that do you see AA
5177s Decor sets Okay I'm watching flat priz
5180s thank you it's down down down down down
5183s down down down down down down I see it
5185s down I think it's up to is it not that
5188s yep yeah
5190s excellent
5192s excellent the winner of a thousand
5194s Platinum is none other than the luckiest
5198s little tenno reoo fly ripo fly youve won
5203s a th Platinum messag us with your Alias
5205s and we'll hook you up after the show
5206s wonderful all right also coming in Tech
5208s rot Encore we have some 1999 decorations
5212s highly requested that we add uh these
5214s Style of decorations into the updates
5217s you like to oh we got the streets of
5220s halania represented here today we got
5223s concrete at this for
5225s days corvex can have his very own zoo
5229s enclosure family yeah we got we got it
5232s all here at Warframe we got Billboards
5235s we got signs we got neon signs we got
5238s chairs we got theater seats we got
5240s bowling seats we got a shopping you make
5242s like your own restaurant great own
5245s shopping mall lights umbrellas we fire
5247s extinguishers for fire safety dojos we
5249s got pizza we got half eaten Pizza we got
5252s bad
5252s Pizza come on down play Warframe there
5256s you go that's all coming cool man all
5258s that this is for the decorators out
5259s there that want to have their true lot
5261s of great stuff yes get in that's where I
5264s belong just kidding I love you put me in
5266s the dumpster no I would never uh-oh
5269s uh-oh uh-oh excellent all right you had
5273s me at Pizza
5275s all right I think it's time we talk some
5278s quality of life we we've alluded to many
5280s uh already that's why we
5283s here an hour 17 minutes he's ready sorry
5287s I'm sorry I'm sorry uh first up let's
5290s talk the Kim system yes so uh we are
5294s Beyond thrilled at the uh response to
5298s Kim awesome yeah we didn't know like we
5300s weren't
5301s sure you guys love it you can go to that
5303s slide yeah like we showed it at Tenon we
5305s launched it and you know the team had
5307s been working on it for a really long
5308s time and shout out to all the writing
5310s and all the localization like it it none
5312s of us had done anything like it before
5313s we actually brought in to work on the
5315s team like my favorite romance author and
5318s she's here on the team crushing it like
5321s it's in the team like so many people
5323s contributed to the kisses to the flavor
5325s to the UI to everything and we're not
5326s done yet so we want to make sure that
5329s now that you've had it in your hands we
5330s are going to do some Q some of these
5332s might not come in February I'm not 100%
5334s sure this exact second I'm pretty sure
5336s they are but I saw some integration
5337s stuff earlier today so just stay tuned
5339s for confirmation next week but basically
5341s we're going to do a some batches of
5344s things for Kim uh we are going to make
5347s it so that once you have Max ranked a
5350s person you'll just get access to more
5351s conversations from the rank Five bank uh
5354s and then we're just going to have
5354s general optimizations for the reset flow
5356s so it's not in your face every time you
5358s open the Kim uh console uh and then in
5361s March as part of the tech rot Encore we
5364s are going to be adding a play all
5366s conversations option that requires a
5367s reset so what was happening was is
5370s people were using the minimum because So
5371s Much Chemistry was given out you were
5373s getting very like the lowest possible
5376s amount of conversations but if you want
5378s you can just
5380s reset and then you can play all as a
5382s setting and you'll see every
5383s conversation that was written for every
5385s character and then you can go through it
5387s that way uh we're also going to make it
5389s so that you can just go right to the
5390s next choice so you don't have to wait
5391s for the Proto frames to type and we're
5392s also adding more locations for your live
5394s in partner to occupy which means if you
5396s don't want you know Arthur just standing
5398s in one corner he can move around OE they
5400s can all move around we'll give them
5401s different spots when you log in so
5402s there's more life and then of course our
5404s longterm goal is to have just more
5408s content for you to play through so at
5410s another point this year hopefully sooner
5413s than later uh we're just going to add
5414s more that you can play so look forward
5417s to all that and more someone says let me
5419s put Arthur in my bed you don't have a
5422s bed to put him in ation you could make a
5425s b he doesn't know that he's
5428s dumb don't listen listen don't listen w
5433s a bit simple
5435s but can't have it all no beds no beds
5439s make your own beds um so yes Kim system
5442s improvements coming to a update near you
5445s uh a couple other well a lot of other
5447s quality of life stuff in this update R
5449s if you don't mind going to my slide with
5450s a lot of text on it it's a lot of text
5453s appreciate you uh we doing a defense
5456s Mission wave reduction from 5 to three
5458s for all defense missions yeah
5460s essentially if you're familiar with the
5462s way it works in duir where there's less
5465s less basically downtime in between the
5467s waves and they just kind of come at you
5470s faster and a little more intense
5471s essentially that same system is not
5473s going to be spread across the whole game
5476s there you go great which sounds much
5478s easier than it actually is there's just
5480s so many it is another reason why this
5483s update is in March there just so many
5485s different places where we had the the
5487s old setup that five waves five waves
5491s five big booms oh Lord Pudo
5495s ex now this is one that sounds much
5498s easier than it actually this one has
5499s been a ton of work so uh yeah if you're
5502s familiar with uh with Atlas you're
5505s familiar with Kora uh and with gar
5507s basically they have the the pseudo
5509s exalted which basically take the the
5512s melee mods that you have in your melee
5515s as a stat stick and they use that to
5517s scale the things most players that just
5520s start using those frames are not really
5521s aware of any of this because obviously
5523s it's kind of it's kind of a secret that
5525s you know if you've been playing around
5527s for a while you know but if you don't
5528s you don't so now you'll be able to M
5530s them directly just like you do with an
5532s exalted weapon um so yeah they'll be
5535s much more approachable it does mean a
5537s few things change like for example um
5539s before you could first kind of grind up
5542s your combo and your normal weapon and
5544s then the combo would benefit that that
5546s will no longer happen so because of that
5548s we're going to add basically that combo
5549s system from Atlas will also be added to
5552s the other
5553s two uh we're also going to change it so
5556s uh there's a bunch of mods that right
5558s now are disallowed from exalted so a lot
5561s of those are going to come in uh I don't
5562s know about all of them but most most of
5564s them will come in some of them don't
5566s really apply especially the sud exalted
5568s like for example with AO exalted you
5570s cannot do a heavy attack or you cannot
5572s block or things like that so some of
5574s those those things won't apply uh but
5576s yeah all of the other mods are going to
5578s come in and they're going to get Arcane
5580s slots and exalted weapons as well true
5583s exalted weapons so for those of you been
5584s asking stream over stream like let me
5586s put arcanes on exalted blade you're
5588s you're getting it awesome yeah so it's a
5591s it's a bit of a buff Galore for all of
5593s the frames that uh use exalted that use
5595s exalted weapons yeah um the other one is
5598s uh Excalibur which also his lash Dash uh
5601s also benefits from this basically now
5603s that will use the mods that you have on
5605s your exalted weapon yes uh and then
5609s probably the one you would guys would
5611s ask me about is Ash um I will talk about
5613s Ash next time he's going to get some
5615s some minor touches so I want to talk to
5617s you about that on the next uh stream
5620s February February Dev stream will go
5622s more in depth we'll have a Dev Workshop
5624s that'll go up live as well so if you're
5626s interested in in that yeah I just went
5629s through this super quick but there's
5630s like a lot of little details because
5633s there's just like as we started changing
5635s this and moving things around there's
5636s just like a lot of uh specifics that I'm
5639s sure uh some of you will care a lot
5641s about and that will be on a on a their
5643s workshop for the next uh depth stream
5646s there you go all
5648s right for was om4 so if you go to
5651s Megan's gameplay briefly and we'll come
5653s back to the slide and talk about
5654s everything so don't go too far um right
5656s now when you're polarizing your aura
5658s slot you have this lovely option of the
5660s aura fora which let you put any polarity
5663s there and it'll work we are rebranding
5665s it it's going through a 2025 Rebrand
5667s Yeah so basically often a request that
5670s came is that players would want to do a
5673s different build and they just could not
5675s fit it with the same polarities so they
5677s end up ended up having to buy a second
5680s copy of the Warframe just to be able to
5682s do this so we thought it would be better
5684s if we changed this format to allow you
5686s to have basically Universal slots when
5689s you really really needed them and that
5691s way you don't need to you don't need to
5693s buy a whole second copy of the of the
5696s frame just to accommodate and a
5698s different build the way this works is it
5700s does exclude the umra polarity that is
5702s still Standalone so umra Forma requires
5704s umra for well not doesn't require but
5706s the umra Forma exists in its own lane
5709s and the Omni Forma Forma is just the
5711s aura Forma rebranded the price point is
5713s the same the crafting is the same it is
5715s now sort of the universal slot unlocker
5717s for a given yeah if you already have a
5720s bunch of them they'll just convert into
5721s the new one when the update comes up uh
5724s so you can start farming them now if you
5726s want uh and we'll also be adding them to
5728s something that I cannot tell you right
5730s now secret but I'll tell you in February
5732s there you go all right back to my slide
5734s ribbon capacity that one's pretty
5736s straightforward we're just increasing it
5737s by 30 so if you've been asking us to
5739s increase ribbon capacity 30 more are
5741s coming your way Mato Mato please enjoy
5746s Rhino is uh one of the first frames you
5748s can set your sights on on the Venus boss
5751s for the Jackal we are going to just make
5754s his crafting shorter so he's going to
5756s have a 24hour cook time and that'll be
5758s coming so we're doing like very targeted
5760s scalp focused looks at these new player
5763s things to make that first get not a
5766s three-day weit yeah speaking of new
5768s player things one that is not here
5770s because I probably thought about with
5773s yeah anyways came after and I probably
5774s never told you uh we're changing
5776s capacity a little bit so the way
5778s capacity works right now essentially uh
5781s for each rank in your weapon or your
5784s Mastery whichever is highest you get one
5786s capacity so that means if you're a brand
5788s new player and you like let's say you
5790s just started the game and you go and buy
5792s a rhino you literally have zero capacity
5795s so you cannot install any mods at all
5798s which makes that system not only not
5800s work but it also kind of more confusing
5802s than it already is so uh we are changing
5805s it so now you will have 15 base capacity
5808s and then you'll get one extra capacity
5810s for every two ranks of you know either
5812s your Mastery or your weapon so that
5814s means a brand new player will have
5816s access to 15 capacity to just put a
5818s couple mods in there so that they can
5820s actually use um use the system and we
5823s have other like later in the year uh
5825s plans to kind of incentivize a little
5827s more the the use of modding early on yes
5831s all right we're always planning we're
5832s scheming scheming yeah Chad likes this
5835s good for new tenno good for new tenno
5837s baby tenno have it so easy back in my
5838s day I don't back in my day I had to cop
5840s her around
5842s everywhere well even if you're like
5844s below rank uh 15 this is you you get
5847s like a little extra there um disbanding
5851s randoms after a this B yeah so right now
5853s if you go into a random Mission uh once
5856s you come out it becomes like a a race to
5859s who can leave the team fastest so they
5861s can dodge the host migration essentially
5863s that's kind of what it becomes it
5865s happens every time yeah and so we
5867s decided to try and you know this is one
5869s that we have theories about the impact
5872s that it's going to have but we don't
5873s have certain
5874s so you know we reserve the right to
5877s change our minds later but basically
5879s you'll go into a mission and when you
5880s come out it'll disband the team except
5882s for anyone that you went in that was
5884s like if Steve and I start a squad and
5887s then go public matchmaking when we come
5889s out instead of having now a third and a
5891s fourth that are just there in our team
5893s and are like this is like an anti-f
5895s friendship measure this is because we
5897s don't want you to make friends
5899s Matchmaker you still have access to
5901s recently played players so if you really
5903s buy with some in a team that they're
5905s always in that list so you can still
5907s message them from there and be like hey
5908s you want to play more or whatever right
5910s but uh other than that you'll just stick
5912s around with um kind of the friends that
5914s you started the the matchmaking with the
5916s friends you made along the way and we
5917s played a lot of other games to figure
5918s out how they did it so we had a lot of
5920s fun making no friends in other gam as a
5923s result of this anyone I saw in a dungeon
5926s in Final Fantasy never see you again I
5929s see I see uh quick select so actually
5933s that one we can show show that's right
5934s so we go back to the game uh we have a
5938s new quick select thing and basically
5939s this will allow you to if you have a
5941s gigantic collection of mods like you
5943s know most people that have been playing
5944s around for a while
5946s nodding oh my God than
5949s God this one has internally made the
5952s most happy some
5954s people so basically with this you can uh
5957s quickly select any duplicates you have
5959s the choice of selecting which Rarity you
5960s want so uh common or you can do common
5963s below or R below as you can see there's
5965s some lock settings at the top which is
5967s just so that you understand what it's
5968s doing but we don't let you change those
5970s because you could really damage your
5972s account if you can you imag my core my
5975s one legendary core yeah so we don't let
5977s you Auto Select anything like legendary
5979s or something and we don't let you delete
5980s your last copy cuz we fing we don't want
5983s you to mess yourself up support would
5984s murder us yeah so we want you to suffer
5988s and yeah like this stuff basically
5990s they'll be like so once you select the
5991s most you want and you can see in the
5992s botton the and the bottom starts
5995s reflecting just how many do it do it
5997s let's break the game so yeah you have
6000s that now you can sell and this Sol and
6003s here if you click on that you want me to
6005s yeah do it that's 85,000 Endo that's
6009s like One Prime
6011s mod see you look at that on the final
6015s version there will be a
6017s confirmation stressed I was so stressed
6020s kind of scared too way to go coders you
6023s rock we love you all my mods yep uh on
6026s the final version that'll have a
6027s confirmation where you have to type
6029s goodbye mods forever goodby yeah because
6033s yeah did I get that those are
6034s complicated enough that support cannot
6036s undo that so yeah be careful uh and then
6040s the last one uh yes Ste uh so you know
6044s we've been doing a few like auxiliaries
6046s to so you can customize just like you
6048s saw with Rhino uh and we know most of
6051s them are pretty straightforward to just
6052s putting the same in the same frame that
6055s needs them because only one frame needs
6056s it but in the case of stealth uh we were
6058s running into things like what if someone
6060s else gives me the stealth or what if uh
6063s I'm using my operator the operator
6065s doesn't have the auxiliary and stuff so
6067s we Chang it to be a setting so that now
6069s you can basically set up the the stealth
6072s thing that you want there and you can
6073s see a little preview if you want the
6074s glow one if you want the I'm such a glow
6077s cloak such a glow I'm such a glow glow
6079s cloak is very cool look at that good
6081s band name maybe glow cloak clak kind of
6084s sounds weird anyways uh
6087s so that's honestly just a handful of
6091s quality UPL yes like this update is
6094s massive and we're not done and we're
6095s we're not done yet um sorry guys but I
6098s do but I do have one last slide I'm so
6101s sorry uh just to sum up trying to sum up
6105s what we kind of went over today uh We've
6107s technos site Koda launching addition to
6109s the adversary system 13 Koda weapons
6112s those Cosmetics mods and more those four
6114s scaler weapons Drifter and operator
6116s scaler outfits all that hair you saw gy
6119s Deluxe Alterna Deluxe 1999 decorations
6123s the Kim system improvements and then all
6125s of that quality of life that we
6126s mentioned and so much more that we
6129s couldn't fit into the stream that's
6130s already I thought this was going to be a
6132s three- hour stream we went fast hour and
6134s a half yeah but we still have more we
6136s still have a bit more yeah oh man I
6138s wanted to three
6140s hour excited about I don't know lot of
6144s good stuff though but that is a lot I
6145s need to go to bed just kidding uh I
6147s wanted it long I'm sorry to anyone that
6149s I told three hours I was wrong no you're
6151s okay it's fine f that's okay Techron
6153s Encore we're still half over half an
6155s hour over already we're almost there I
6156s promise we're almost there Techron
6158s Encore March 2025 all of that plus more
6161s that we're going to show you on the
6162s February devstream we haven't even like
6165s we barely touched the surface I feel
6167s like yeah this is the stuff that we yeah
6169s yeah there's a lot more there's a lot
6171s more uh and one of the very exciting
6174s things about this update is the music
6177s that we're putting into it and we
6179s connected with a couple friends and to
6183s work on some music we're just play it
6185s it's not straight
6187s [Music]
6189s kids yeah all right I'll go first yeah
6191s or yeah you do it and then I do
6193s it hey what's up everyone I'm Mark uh
6196s and I play guitar in periphery hi I'm
6199s Jake I also play guitar in periphery
6204s and what we are here to talk about with
6205s you guys today is the fact that we are
6207s working with the fine folks over at
6209s digital extremes we've been friends with
6212s uh with Reb and Megan for a little while
6215s now a few months back they asked us if
6218s we wanted to contribute to the game
6220s obviously we jumped at that chance so uh
6223s me and Mark got together and we created
6225s a we created a
6227s [Applause]
6230s song and uh we did a little bit of
6232s Consulting for the character sounds and
6236s you know pieces of the game that uh kind
6239s of lend itself to a a heavy metal or
6241s hard rock Vibe most notably of like a
6246s 1990s style era we also specifically
6250s wanted to mention that we worked on a
6252s new Warframe uh which is guitar
6255s [Music]
6259s themed sort of cool pieces that went
6261s along with this was uh was the fact that
6263s we got contribute sort of custom guitar
6265s sounds tons of miscellaneous random fun
6268s guitar noises along with the original
6270s song I'm I'm really excited to see how
6272s that translates because like you know
6273s this Mark like we we have um we put
6276s whammy effects or they're called whammy
6278s effects on on our guitar sometimes where
6281s it causes the pitch to fluctuate wildly
6284s so it's just like wow and like it goes
6286s up to really high pitch which I'm not
6288s going to do on this video because no one
6289s wants to hear me do that but it sounds
6291s like lasers and uh you know we could do
6294s like hick scrapes and like you know
6296s playing with the strings and like the
6298s other sort of percussive or um you know
6301s uh secondary sounds a guitar can make
6303s other than just playing notes or
6309s Rifts then uh one other thing we should
6312s uh mention is uh we will be lending our
6315s voice talents to the game so you'll
6319s you'll be you'll be able to hear our
6322s Lush speaking voices uh in in your
6325s favorite universe so I'm excited uh I'm
6328s excited to uh to do that as well I mean
6330s you guys we we'll get the chance to hear
6332s this when the update comes out and like
6334s Jake said we've been friends with them
6336s for a long time now years and we have
6338s been meaning to work together in some
6341s capacity for for the longest time and
6343s this happened to line up quite perfectly
6345s for for what the the digital extremes
6347s folks were doing so so yeah I mean we we
6349s we couldn't be happier with with how it
6351s came out
6354s it says here specifically by tenno so
6357s maybe that's like from the game all
6358s right let's let's stick let's stick
6360s stick to the letter okay bye tenno bye
6363s [Music]
6371s [Applause]
6372s [Music]
6380s tenno my hair is standing up on my heart
6384s chill God
6386s chill oh my god wow I saw Chad saying
6389s Rock Tavia
6391s ravia so we worked with Jac and Mark on
6393s this song on guitar sounds for a
6396s Warframe the vocals you heard is Elliot
6398s Coleman from good tiger um we all work
6401s together on the song and we have a
6404s visual on the Warframe that they're
6406s talking about yes we do have a brand new
6408s Warframe coming with tech rot Encore a
6411s guitar Ro yeah so you uh this is Temple
6416s uh Temple will be coming and you'll see
6419s all about Temple for our February 28th
6421s devstream there's a brand new song with
6424s Elliot Jake and Mark uh and there's so
6428s much more and so they're making also
6429s like some of the sound effect as well
6432s the guitar sounds for the Warframe are
6434s there I didn't know that like they were
6435s going to do that too and voice things oh
6438s yeah oh yeah what could they po what
6439s would possibly be worth voicing for I
6442s don't know anymore
6443s that's so wild uh we do have a couple
6445s concepts of the guitar uh that Cass
6448s provided to us yeah Temple has an
6450s infested guitar that's part of their kit
6453s and you can see here there's some uh
6454s infested fingers there some Frets and of
6458s course uh this this is this would need
6461s some true you know riffage riage so Jake
6464s and mark thank you and yeah there's a
6466s whole there's going to be a whole story
6467s there's a whole maybe you already kind
6469s of like saw a little spoiler on the star
6471s chart of a new Mission but we'll talk
6472s about that next
6474s some people were picking up on that
6475s there's a lot happening in Tech rot
6477s Encore it's not uh just what you saw
6479s here today there's a brand new Warframe
6481s there's new there's lots of new
6483s characters this is the pick it's a bone
6485s pick yeah so Temple's fingers have
6488s built-in guitar
6489s picks so it's so good uh but that's not
6495s all oh s of Stig KN nothing to show oh
6498s nothing to show okay what else Megan
6501s could there be other char Cur coming
6505s four more Proto frames are coming four
6508s and we're going to show you them in
6509s February so we are not finished with the
6511s Proto frame line there's still a story
6513s to be told and there are four coming in
6517s techr Encore and you you will meet all
6520s of them on February 28th so four new
6524s characters we go people are already
6527s hoping for which one yeah and that is
6529s why the update is so huge February show
6533s you so much more and hopefully we can
6536s show you the full song even brand new
6539s song we're cooking it up Elliot Jake and
6541s Mark that's right uh before we go can we
6544s do the zaku prime
6545s access oh and a platinum priz before we
6548s go any any closing remarks first I'm so
6551s happy for Cass yes I oh yeah so talk
6554s about that's like probably like five six
6557s years ago they were pitching this
6559s idea that long yeah cooking on it so for
6563s to come together like this that's very
6566s epic way for sure all right so Zan 1967
6572s you've won a th000 platinum mes our
6573s twitch page and hook you up after the
6574s show uh way to go but yeah so what are
6577s you like what are we waiting for then
6578s for techr Encore February you're going
6581s to have Lavos prime a new nightwave
6583s you're going to have belly of the Beast
6584s rerun and then in March you're getting
6585s everything we just showed you and then
6587s everything we're going to show you on
6588s the February stream oh my God including
6589s a new uh Temple to Warframe four Proto
6592s frames
6593s I want to play guitar rock Warframe I
6596s want to learn who the Proto frames are
6598s yeah like I'm already got questions
6600s about like how the romance or
6601s relationships with them or like is that
6603s going to be a thing like I got big
6605s questions February is a big uh a big big
6608s stream that's right and a zaku prime
6610s access has gone to Nitro 2148 Nitro 2148
6613s please whisper the Warframe twitch Shing
6614s watch right now in game platform play
6616s warm and we will get you your zaku Prime
6619s access all right my friends we made it
6622s we made it to the end fun yeah that was
6624s a lot of fun great fun thanks for
6626s dressing the part you know
6631s boomi this is such a cool look oh all
6635s right thank you everyone for tuning in
6637s to the soul frame stream to the Warframe
6639s stream we are very excited about 2025
6642s and we've only just breached the surface
6644s on the
6646s shenanigans here at the studio so thank
6648s you thank you thanks to you all your
6651s positivity and feedback around the
6652s updates fuels what we do so thank you so
6654s much for all of your kind messages your
6657s uh feedback on everything and we will
6659s continue to cook in this studio The Best
6661s Is Yet To Come that is correct we are
6663s very grateful for all your support on
6665s here on the team everyone at this studio
6667s is working very hard to make this happen
6668s and uh we hope you can just wait a
6670s little longer for Tech rot Encore uh we
6672s know we said it would be coming this
6673s year some of you might have wanted it
6674s earlier than March but we need the time
6676s so please understand that and we
6677s apologize that it can't be done faster
6679s but we're doing our best the we'll see
6681s you February 28th for stream
6684s 185 bye everyone bye thank you