about 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

We have sent Update 27.1.0 to Cert! The total download size will be ~305 MB - which means we are still under the base memory allowance on Switch. We will keep you updated from here on what you can expect to come, but as a reminder again as mentioned below, we are optimistic for Switch to deploy alongside PC/PS4/XB1 but are aware that Cert may potentially delay this - we want you all to be prepared as well!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

With the update shipping on PS4 and XboxOne today, we want to make sure Nintenno are kept in-the-know. Here is what you can expect!

In addition to the same Kuva Lich and Railjack changes other platforms received, we’ve included some big ticket Nintendo Switch-specific fixes in Empyrean: Railjack + Kuva Lich Changes Update 27.1.0. The team has been busy working on  some remaining issues for future hotfixes and updates.

Coming in Empyrean: Update 27.1:

  • Fixed Pustrels being consumed instead of the intended Resources when crafting in the Dojo. This also fixes the issue of being unable to build anything in the Payload if you do not have any Pustrels as reported here:
  • Fixed Railjack not loading in the Dry Dock as reported here:

Known issues being prioritized for a fix in a future update:

  • Blown out and generally all around broken environment assets in Railjack missions as reported here:
  • Hard hit on FPS when being boarded in Railjack missions as seen live on our Nintendo @ 10 Switch stream:
  • Matchmaking and network issues occurring when your Nintendo Switch resumes from sleep as reported here:

We’ll continue to keep you posted here with any future updates!