almost 4 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Call of the Tempestarii: TennoGen: Update 30.2.0





Included in this second batch of designs from Round 20, you’ll find exciting Skins and Customizations for your Warframes, Weapons, and more! Check them out now via Steam launcher and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community.



Baruuk Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster

Baruuk Zamariu by led2012 & daemonstar

Frost Strigid Skin by Rekkou

Khora Graxx Skin by Faven

Nidus Kuvael Scrounger Skin by Erneix

Atlas Blade of the Lotus Skin by BeastBuster






Asakage Blade of The Lotus Shoulder Armor by BeastBuster

Kishikami Blade of the Lotus Chest Armor by BeastBuster




Aropanex Syandana by kakarrot2812

Shiroku Blade Of The Lotus Syandana by BeastBuster




Khora Fiera Helmet by Debbysheen & Crackle2012





Ion Sword Skin by Yatus & HugoPolo

Udjyat’s Serpent Machete Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.

Yamex Tonfa Skin by Kakarrot2812





Wisp: Fused Reservoir (Exilus): Reservoir

Adds a fourth reservoir that gives the effects of all three. Costs 200% more Energy.

*Acquire from the New Loka and Cephalon Suda Syndicate Offerings.


Grendel: Hearty Nourishment: Nourish

Clear Status and gain 2 sec Status immunity for each victim in Grendel’s stomach.

*Acquire from the Red Veil and Steel Meridian Syndicate Offerings.


Protea: Repair Dispensary (Exilus): Dispensary

Hold to create a dispensary that will Revive the Sentinel or Companion Moa of a player within 14m every 60s.

*Acquire from the Arbiters of Hexis and The Perrin Sequence Syndicate Offerings.


Zephyr: Airburst Rounds: Airburst

Each enemy hit by Airburst increases secondary damage by 25% for 14s.

*Acquire from the Red Veil and New Loka Syndicate Offerings. 




Tenno are currently limited to holding 30 pieces of Railjack Wreckage. Wreckage limits as they currently stand can impact the flow of Railjack missions -- if you are one to play long sessions of Railjack missions in a row, you might have experienced this yourself - you cannot play missions until you manage your inventory. To prevent the interruption of having to scrap Wreckage every few missions, Wreckage is changing in a fundamental way:

All Wreckage of the same type (ex: Zekti MKIII Engines) will exist in one pool, without taking up Scrap Wreckage slots. If you wish to use that Wreckage for Repairs, Fusion, etc., you will be able to “Identify” the Wreckage to move it from that pool, taking up a Scrap Wreckage slot. The unique characteristics of that Wreckage will be revealed upon Identification.

This way you can continue to gather these resources in the background as you play, and choose how to use them once you’re back in your Dry Dock.


So let’s break this down a bit!

You and your Crew are ready to return to the Dry Dock after planet-hopping in your Railjack. Along the way you’ve collected a handful of Recovered Wreckage; Wreckage with no unique stats yet. 



Back in the Dry Dock you notice a new icon/option in the Components/Armaments screen titled ‘SCRAP RECOVERED WRECKAGE’. 



Here contains the Recovered Wreckage you just earned that has yet to be INSPECTED. Here you can own an infinite number of Recovered Wreckage which are nicely bundled together by their Types (Lavan Talyn Mk I, etc). These possess no unique stats in this state until you choose to Inspect them. In the Recovered Wreckage screen you can easily Scrap at a glance. 



You see a Reactor in your Recovered Wreckage that piques your curiosity: what’re its unique stats? Back in the Components screen you locate your Recovered Reactor and choose to Inspect it to discover its unique stats. This action is free and immediate. Once Inspected you can choose to either Repair, Scrap, or Continue to add it to your Wreckage inventory.

*Please note that logic for assigning unique stats remains unchanged - for example Mk I Armaments didn’t possess unique stats before this change, and they still won’t.



Once you’ve reached the max Wreckage (30/30), you’ll notice that Recovered Wreckage can no longer be Inspected until you free up space in your Wreckage inventory. While you may be at the Wreckage limit, this no longer impacts your gameplay, as all Wreckage earned while on Railjack missions is put into your infinite Recovered Wreckage inventory!


Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added a button to the Crew screen to ‘HIDE ALL’ UI elements for those wanting to get a screenshot of your lineup! 

  • Improved the visual FXs in the Corpus Railjack Defense tileset.

  • Improved enemy pacing in Corpus Railjack Exterminate missions to feel more appropriate for the tileset size and difficulty.

  • Fixed a functionality loss when using the Omni to recall and the Archwing Slingshot at the same time. 

  • Fixed a Client crash related to the Host Recalling out of the Corpus Freightlinker. 

  • Fixed a crash when being punted back to the Operator in the Orphix gamemode.

  • Fixed early Crewship meltdown not swapping the player inside back to their Warframe before booting them to space, which could result in a slew of issues when punted out as the Operator. 

  • Fixed a possible crash when firing the Railjack Forward Artillery.

  • Fixed inability to start a Railjack mission from Navigation in a Relay that doesn’t have a Dry Dock. 

  • Fixed entering Orbiter Railjack console as Operator resulting in a second Warframe mesh appearing and animations/context actions breaking.

  • Fixed spamming X while attempting to exit the Railjack as the Operator resulting in the screen turning black and keeping you inside the Railjack. 

  • Fixed Reactant pickups lingering after each squadmate had collected the full amount during a Void Storm mission.

  • Fixed Unairu's Wisp buff not applying in Railjack missions.

  • Fixed Crew members missing their heads when viewed in the Turret (and missing any attachments you added).

  • Fixed another case where Crew members were invisible when joining in progress.

  • Fixed (again) Sevagoth not going into Shadow form after death if Sevagoth previously died in Archwing.

  • Fixed a case where you could see Sevagoth’s Death Well during the ‘Sleeping in the Cold Below’ phase of Call of the Tempestarii. 

  • Fixed Crew ‘Contracts’ button moving around at different aspect ratios.

  • Fixed numerous script errors that could occur during a Void Storm. 



  • Removed Sevagoth’s Gloom FX applying to Sentinels due to too much visual noise. 

  • Swapped game modes of Kelpie and Kappa nodes on Sedna: Disruption <-> Spy. This moves Disruption off the main path forward to aid in New Player Experience.

  • Disabled Sevagoth’s Shadow being able to pick up stolen weapons.

    • This addresses Stolen weapons picked up by Sevagoth’s Shadow not being returned.

  • Changed the Uranus Junction Goal text for Find Caches to the correct amount (3 to 1). 



  • Made dramatic optimizations to the Interception HUD (roughly 10x faster).

  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to core-gameplay code by refactoring data visualization systems to eliminate more code in retail builds.

  • Made numerous systemic micro-optimizations to the UI and HUD code.

  • Improved stability for systems using out-dated Razer Chroma drivers.



  • Fixed rare case of being stuck on the Day 950 Daily Tribute.

  • Fixed a functionality loss when using the controller D-Pad while viewing a completed Quest diorama.

  • Fixed Cambion Drift Isolation Vault Bounty to Destroy the Tumors not progressing until everyone (and their Necramechs) leave the radius.

  • Fixed inability to interact with the Helminth if Incubator is in use with Imprints.

  • Fixed inability to sell Limbo Blueprint if you have multiples. 

  • Fixed inability to deactivate Ivara’s Artemis Bow or swap weapon after throwing a speargun weapon.

  • Fixed Demolisher Devourer struggling to turn their bodies, which caused them to not properly path towards the Conduit. 

  • Fixed inability to select the first Void Fissure entry when opening the World State Window to the Alerts tab, then switching to Void Fissures.

  • Fixed Low Particle System quality resulting in almost invisible Magnetic Anomalies in Sabotage missions.

  • Fixed Zephyr’s Abilities being blocked if Vial Rush (via Helminth) is cast while your Melee was equipped.

  • Fixed Credits collected with a Necramech not counting towards Nightwave Daily Acts.

  • Fixed Credits picked up for the first time not counting towards the Saver Nightwave Act.

  • Fixed friendly Specters not regenerating their Shields after hitting 0 Shields.

  • Fixed not moving down in Archwing when pressing LB on the controller while holding the Tranq Rifle.

  • Fixed ability to escape the Cold Below Captura Scene using Operator Void Dash or Archwing.

  • Fixed cases of Sentinels using their precepts while invisible against semi-alerted enemies.

  • Fixed ability to Transmute Veiled Riven Mods which lead to a broken screen when playing in non-English.

  • Fixed Operator Focus changes not applying when done in the Simulacrum until you exit and re-enter the Simulacrum.

  • Fixed Zanuka's Missile attack waiting until after animation to start firing missiles.

  • Fixed The Sergeant's sniper rifle having too long of a delay between shots.

  • Fixed HUD Customization list not scrolling all the way to the bottom.

  • Fixed the Trumna Stock icon in Father’s Wares depicting that it’s a Prime Stock and not a standard Stock.

  • Fixed missing Vor taunt when hovering over the Tolstoj node.

  • Fixed disconnected tube on the Inaros Ozymandias Helmet.

  • Fixed Khora's Helmet spikes not dissolving/hiding like her body spikes do.

  • Fixed the shape at the bottom of the Mote-Cocoon for Wisp's Reservoir not being correctly coloured to match the Mote type.

  • Fixed having a Menu open while Sevagoth’s Shadow expires resulting in the Menu becoming mini sized.

  • Fixed Kuva Lich finisher sounds when in Sevagoth’s Shadow.

  • Fixed the Sevagoth Tombstone Form Fan Art by Zarionis not displaying properly when used as a Display.

  • Fixed Armaros> Europa reading Crossfire Grineer vs Infested however it is a Corpus node.

  • Fixed incorrect icon for the  Zephyr Agile Animation Set in the Market.

  • Fixed rare cases of acquired Mods being cut off in the UI. 

  • Fixed missing synchronized NPC glow during the ‘We All Lift Together’ cinematic. 

  • Fixed wrong localized description for Sevagoth’s Agile Animation.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur for Clients with a poor network connection joining a mission with a Bonewidow using their Exalted Ironbride.

  • Fixed harmless script errors that could occur in the "Investigate the Area" Bounty stage if you died, disconnected, or Host-migrated while investigating a corpse.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur if you left the Cambion Drift at the precise moment an Infested Ancient performed a knockdown & grab attack.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when aborting "Find the Capture Target" in Open Zone missions.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when joining an Open Zone mission while someone was Mining.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur if there was a Host migration at the wrong time during a "Detonate the K-Bomb" mission.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when disconnecting from a Survival mission.

Edited by [DE]Megan
fixed typo in daemonstar
almost 4 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
7 minutes ago, Mersopolis said:


Y'all gonna fix Mirage clones griefing and self damaging with gas and electricity status effects any time soon?

We're actively working on a fix for this.

almost 4 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
1 hour ago, inappropriatename5877 said:

Does this mean that interception UI is finally fixed? Cause the main problem was that most of the times, the UI would either show incorrect colours on bases, or it would not show the bases at all, or some bases.

That was fixed in the previous hotfix:


Fixed a bug that could result in the Interception HUD missing markers for Clients when joining-in-progress."


almost 4 years ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link
1 hour ago, KankeiKen said:

So what you guys are doing with railjack gave me a bigger head ache than the void storm missions. There is a bug that if you have an electrical hazard aboard your ship and it gets repaired by someone who has around 150 ping (I am the host in this scenario), if you go into the tactical menu, you will be locked in an epilepsy seizure inducing screen that locks you in it until the mission ends and you are able to leave or Alt+F4. I don't have issues with flashing lights but this was extremely painful to look at it. I ended up turning off my monitor and just waited for someone in discord to tell me the mission was over and then Alt + F4ed my game. Even worse i was locked into the pilot seat so I messed up the mission.

We tried hitting this bug and didn't have any luck. When you experience this problem, are you looking at the map when the electric status is cleared or only afterward?  Are you on a railjack pilot seat or turret? In a mech or archwing?  (A video is worth a million words!)



9 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Is it going to cost resources to "identify" them?

If yes, please change it back.

Identifying things does not cost either time or resources! Click the button, boom, done. As long as you have the wreckage slot open.

Edited by [DE]Momaw
almost 4 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link
18 hours ago, 16Bitman said:

Hell yeah, Fused Resevior Augment for Wisp will make defection so much easier when you're the only wisp on the team.


Please make fused reserviors only use a single mote slot, right now it consumes 3, so I can only place 2 of the new reservoirs or 3 regular and 1 fused.

This makes placing reservoirs around the map much harder at the cost of only saving a few secconds.


Video of 3 reservoirs disappearing when you place 1 fused reservoir.

Hello 16Bitman! This is by design.