So you know that lua acension challenge where you stand in circle and get shot with lasers to fill up a tube of water and get endurance drift? Well I used to (like last week) be able to do that just with my valkyr 2677 armor + adaptation build, the damage was reduced so much that it would actually get rounded to 0 and I could stand there forever.
After this hotfix on the other hand not only am I taking damage but of my two arcane graces only one is proccing at a time, it doesn't appear possible for both to happen at once anymore; Infact the weakening of my damage resistance is so severe that even with a single arcane grace going 100% of the time I actually slowly die losing maybe 50hp/s while standing in the trap... compared to it doing so little damage that I didn't even need the arcanes to stand in it forever before.
- It seems two arcane grace's can no longer stack?
- Either adaptation or warframe armor itself has been significantly weakened/nerfed
Edit: Update!
So I had a vague memory of removing adaptation and still taking 0 damage with just the 2677 armor but I didn't mention it because it was a while ago and I may have been mistaken BUT I found a quote on the wiki stating that this was indeed a thing:
If the Warframe's armor is high enough, it may even take zero damage from them due to the damage mitigation from armor
Considering that adaptation wasn't even neccesary for me to take no damage during the endurance test in the past and now I take significant damage even with it equipped this would indicate a serious decrease in the effectiveness of warframe armor specifically has occured.
I come to this conclusion based on armor now being the common factor between all cases.
Edit 2: Hildryn
So with that quote I found its all but confirmed that armor itself has been bugged, however someone just commented that their Hildryn has been dying a lot more often lately too which implies that adapatation is also bugged since its a big source of durability for her shileds.
Alternatively something may be causing frames to take more damage across the board which would effect both armor and adaptation. Perhaps DE did somemthing thats effected all sources of damage reduction as a whole?
Edit 3: Hope
Rebulast has commented here so here's hopeing things get fixed quickly.