over 6 years
ago -
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Who: Rebecca is joined by the usual suspects Geoff, Steve, Sheldon, and Scott!
What: Devstream #118 brings you a first look at GARUDA! The Warframe revealed at TennoCon through the amazing art of Kevin Glint is ready for a first in-game look! We’ll also be taking a visit to the Orb Vallis to see what’s been going on since we last visited! We may slip in some data for fun too because why not!
Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream as well as a Chroma Prime Access Pack!
Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe
When: Join us this Today, October 19th at 2 p.m. ET!
Hope to see you there, Tenno!