over 1 year
ago -
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With the arrival of Echoes of Duviri on July 27th, we would like to help prepare you for the Update with some rough update sizes on each platform:
PC: 0.58 GB
PlayStation 4: 16.4 GB
PlayStation 5: 6.87 GB
Xbox: 1 GB
Nintendo Switch: 9.25 GB
For our PS4 and Nintendo Switch Tenno, their larger download sizes for this update are due to their own remasters! PS4 has received a remaster of textures and Nintendo Switch a remaster of miscellaneous elements in the game. As a result, the total size of Warframe on each of these platforms has been reduced:
PS4 reduced from ~42 GB to ~40 GB
Switch reduced from ~23 GB to ~17 GB
The Echoes of Duviri are imminent!