almost 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

The Gigelor Prime Syandana has been added to Titania Prime Access on PC!

Consoles can expect this second bonus Syandana added to their Prime Accessories Packs as part of Operation Scarlet Spear: 27.3.0. Those who purchase a Titania Prime Accessories Pack before the Gigelor Prime Syandana is available on their platform will have the bonus Syandana added to their account retroactively.


Titania has had a history of clipping with Syandanas due to her wingspan features, and when designing her Gigelorum Prime Syandana it became apparent that it wasn’t going to sit right on her features. Considering it can look awesome on other Warframes, we started work on the shorter Gigelor Prime Syandana that will position nicely with Titania Prime’s features!
