almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

Since it's been over a year since the last one I'm going to do another AMA this Sunday on my stream at my usual time (9AM EDT, 1-4 PM UTC).

You can figure out a lot of things yourself with the Simulacrum and the wiki is full of helpful information discovered by curious players. Sometimes when I’m curious about something there's no answer for I figure it out and update the wiki. My goal with this AMA is to investigate questions that are tricky to figure out without the developer tools.

Feel free to post your questions here but there are a few rules; in classic courtroom-drama form:

  • The question must be relevant (ie: about Warframe). 
  • The witness cannot testify to what occurred in the mind of another (ie: don’t ask me “why” something was done)
  • The question cannot call for speculation or a conclusion (ie: don’t ask me “when” or “will we”). 
  • The witness can only state facts and only offer certain limited opinions (ie: don’t ask me if I think something is overpowered).
  • No leading the witness (ie: questions assume facts not in evidence will be ignored).

Questions that break the rules will be stricken from the record. 

Also: I don't write the story, I don't have secret access to unreleased lore and if I did it wouldn't be appropriate to share on my stream.

Here is a question to start you off:

  • Can you apply a status effects like Toxin or Gas with the killing blow? And if so, is the Mecha set effect triggered before or after the status is applied (ie: If I kill the marked enemy with Toxin can it proc and then spread the DoTs from the killing blow?) 
Edited by [DE]Glen
almost 6 years ago - [DE]Rebecca - Direct link

Can you clear the record on PAX BOLT?

Does it last the entire Duration on Channeled Abilities (i.e Soundquake)? The Wiki comments dispute this back and forth often :D!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

"What are your thoughts on this feature I want to see implemented?" and "will there ever be a change to this thing I don't like?" are not valid questions. Cm'aaaaan!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

@GunRaptor9000 most of your wall of text is inadmissible; please review the rules in the original post and cut it down to size. 


Edited by [DE]Glen
almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

40 questions took 5 hours -- next year remind me to bring snacks! Thank you for your questions and thank you for watching!

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

@Xzorn I watched your video and I'm sorry but I don't see how your experiment proves anything -- what's to say you they wouldn't have become unstuck when you arrived at the same point but just couldn't see them? 

Further, let me show you where Enemy Radar is used in the code:


Find all "AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR", Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, "*.cpp"
  S:\Evolution\Code\Lotus\Interface\MiniMap.cpp(445):            mEnemyRadarVisRange = inv->UpgradeMgr().GetUpgradeModifiedValue(0.0f, UpgradeType::AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR, suit->GetType(), suit);
  S:\Evolution\Code\Lotus\Interface\MiniMap.cpp(462):                            mEnemyRadarVisRange += sentinelInv->UpgradeMgr().GetUpgradeModifiedValue(0.0f, UpgradeType::AVATAR_ENEMY_RADAR, sentinelSuit->GetType(), sentinelSuit);
  Matching lines: 2    Matching files: 1    Total files searched: 3128

It's only ever used in the map code and there's no connection from this to anywhere else. 

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
27 minutes ago, Quarterdane said:

Not even indirectly (e.g. by way of mEnemyRadarVisRange somehow feeding into the pathfinding or somesuch)?

Only through faith and prayer.

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

I uploaded the snapshots of the effect of Reach mods on melee here:


almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
3 minutes ago, Guandaoo said:

in the case of use of debuggers or the like on warframe , would their detection result in a warning being isued first then a suspension on repeated offence ? or just a direct suspension ? 

Since that violates the TOS that would be a ban. 

almost 6 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
2 hours ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

This is incorrect. An Guandao modded with just Condition Overload and Primed Reach will hit for 145 damage against a level 160 Corpus tech, assuming it does not crit. Using a pure gas Atomos and Limbo's Banish + Stasis combo to preserve procs, Guandao will hit for 371 damage against a Corpus Tech affected by a gas proc and a toxin proc, once again, assuming no crit. 145 x 1.6^2 = 371.2 which the game displays as 371. So yes, gas proc do work for condition overload. The usefulness is another question.

I don't think you can do it without Stasis though -- when I tested on stream with a debugger I only ever got it counting the toxin.