It’s that time of year again, Tenno!
As part of our support for the annual Movember campaign, you’ll find a dashing collection of moustaches available for purchase in the in-game Market for just one Credit each* until Tuesday, November 30 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Select a moustache, add it to your favorite Warframe and show your solidarity!
Digital Extremes is proud to raise awareness for men’s health. To that end, we’ll be making a donation to the Movember Foundation at the end of the month. The Movember Foundation has raised more than $1 billion dollars globally in support of mental health, suicide prevention, as well as prostate cancer and testicular cancer programs all over the world. Learn more about the Foundation on their
official website.[ca.movember.com] MOFRAME 2021 CONTEST
Join up with your Squadmates for a chance to win! Wear your favorite Movember moustaches from the Market, take a Captura together in-game and share it on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags
#moframe21 and
#movember, along with a caption that describes what you were trying to depict! Submissions will also be accepted via the
Official Forums[forums.warframe.com].
Contest Prizes:• 1st place – Nidus Prime Access for all Tenno featured in the image
• 2nd place – 1000 Platinum for all Tenno featured in the image
• 3rd place – 750 Platinum for all Tenno featured in the image
• 4th place – 600 Platinum for all Tenno featured in the image
• 5th place – 500 Platinum for all Tenno featured in the image
The contest runs until Wednesday, November 24 at 2 p.m. ET. Click
here[forums.warframe.com] for full contest details. Moustaches will disappear from your Inventory after the event ends.