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bc0f1732fb227cc2187e77c00875c3cf.jpgXAKU PRIME ACCESS
Reborn and reforged in gilded splendor, Xaku Prime Access is here! Wield their signature Prime Weapons, Quassus Prime and Trumna Prime, and strike fatefully with a gilded precision befitting the illustrious Entrati family.

Instantly gain access to Xaku Prime from the in-game Market or earn Relics in-game to craft Xaku Prime, Trumna Prime, and Quassus Prime in your Foundry. 

Xaku Prime

The child of war and void is reborn in gold. That which was once shattered may rise stronger than that which was never broken. 

Known Issue: Xaku Prime has misaligned helmet plates when their Prime Skin is combined with the Kagura Skin (ie. mismatching skin and helmet). This is a fairly complex bug due to the way the helmet is set up to accommodate Xaku’s transformation in The Vast Untime, but the team is looking to address it in a future Hotfix/Update. 


Trumna Prime

Sleek lines and golden accents define this masterpiece of the illustrious Entrati family. 

Quassus Prime

Wield Xaku Prime’s elegant fan, its gilded edges crafted for both precision and prestige. 

  • Known Issue: The following Quassus Prime’s stats are lower than intended – we will be increasing them in a follow up Hotfix!
    • Status Chance: Increasing from 15% to 18%. 
    • Projectile Critical Chance: Increasing from 30% to 35%
    • Projectile Critical Damage: Increasing from 2x to 2.5x. 

Xaku Prime Glyphs

Glyphs depicting Xaku Prime on a dark and bright background. 

Xaku Prime Accessories

Artifex Prime Syandana

A techno-organic Syandana, reimagined with regal flair worthy of the Orokin elite.

Necra Prime Operator/Drifter Suit

Necrotic accents define this testament to the Entrati family’s aesthetic. Perhaps there’s a lesson in how those who gaze into the Void find beauty in the fusion of luxury and oblivion. 

Purchasing the Xaku Prime Accessories comes with the following items for both Operator and Drifter:

  • Necra Prime Cuirass
  • Necra Prime Pauldrons
  • Necra Prime Greaves 
  • Necra Prime Hood
  • Necra Prime Vitalis Hood

Items Moved To Prime Vault:

Now that Xaku Prime Access is available, the following items have been added to the Prime Vault for a future Prime Resurgence rotation. If you have Relics that contain these items they will remain in your Inventory.

  • Baruuk Prime
  • Cobra & Crane Prime 
  • Afuris Prime

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers - check the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1422809-november-2024-riven-dispositions/



  • Awakening Quest Changes:
    • Further streamlined the bullet jump section in the “Fight Your Way Out” stage. 
    • Increased lighting in a very dark spot in the “Fight Your Way Out” cave. 
    • Removed the Wall Running section in the Awakening quest. 
      • We originally made this change on iOS, as some new players who were just getting started with Warframe’s touch controls find the mandatory wall run difficult to execute. To assist players on other platforms who may be stuck in this section, we’ve removed it.
  • Improved the Auto-Install feature to avoid equipping many mods with the same stat, making builds more well-rounded.
    • Its prioritization system is still maintained and will pick the mod with the best stats from the available options.
  • Added new Community Customizations for Koumei, Nyx and Trinity. 
  • Changed “Movember 2023 Glyph” to “Movember Glyph”. 


  • Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker not shooting at enemies while positioned above/below them. 
    • Vertical differences between Mesa and visible targets would stall firing and require Tenno to reposition for her Regulators to begin working again. These inconsistencies were seen both with flying enemies and land based enemies. We’ve adjusted Peacemaker’s vertical target detection range to address these issues. 
  • Fixed the “Ready Retaliation” Incarnon Evolution (on reload from empty: +100% reload speed) applying its buff on Burston and Miter anytime you reload, instead of only when reloading from empty. 
  • Fixes towards mining veins not appearing correctly in the Cambion Drift, often preventing them from being mined. 
  • Fixed being able to apply Forma to Exalted Stance slots. 
    • If you had applied a Forma onto an Exalted Stance Slot, you can submit a ticket to support.warframe.com to have it reverted. 
  • Fixed the Brute/Disabling/Precision Conditioning mods converting Predasite Beast Claws’ Elemental Damage into Physical Damage. 
    • As stated in their descriptions, these mods are intended to only convert base physical damage into their respective physical damage types. 
  • Fixed Aerial Prospectus and Synergized Prospectus not working when Hound is in close quarters. 
  • Fixed further issues with being able to interrupt Wukong’s Cloud Walker Heavy Slam animation by casting animationless abilities. 
    • To remedy, casting another ability (including Cloud Walker) can only be done after a Cloud Walker Heavy Slam has completed. 
  • Fixed Offerings in Acrithis’ Wares being doubled on shop reset. 
    • In order to fix this issue, the Offerings have had to be reset with the release of this Hotfix. It’ll return to its usual weekly reset scheduling this Sunday, November 17 @ 0:00 UTC. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by diorama issues when linking Companion Mod Configs.
  • Fixed Finishers and Mercy kills being enabled on Synthesis Targets. Despite how your squad mates treat them, these targets are intended to be Synthesized instead of killed. 
  • Fixed Duplex Bond working in Archwing missions and the Leverian, creating a copy of your Companion in “no pets allowed” areas. 
  • Fixed Duplex Bond clones not matching the scale of the Companion they are cloning.
  • Fixed Duplex Bond clones spawning while Vulpaphyla is in its Larvae form. 
  • Fixed script error caused by Duplex Bond.  
  • Fixed offset issues with the Lycanblight Shoulder Armor and Syandana. 
  • Fixed Syandana offset issues on Chroma Prime. 
  • Fixed the Galvanik Leg Plate being misaligned on Octavia Prime. 
  • Fixed the Khinn Syandna clipping on the Trinity Strega Skin. 
  • Fixed Cyst offset issues on Koumei, causing it to clip inside of her head. 
  • Fixed offset issues with the Syrinx Leg Plates on Protea Prime when using her Voidshell Skin. 
  • Fixed offset issues with the Avia (base and Prime) Shoulder Plates when used on Protea Prime with an alternate Skin equipped. 
  • Fixed a part of the Nagantaka floating away when using the Lunaeus Skin. 
  • Fixed Sigils applying their VFX to certain Operator/Drifter cosmetics. 
  • Fixes towards decorations in Host’s Orbiter not appearing for visiting Clients. 
    • Known issue: Visiting players are unable to see Host’s chosen Scene/Interior Decorations. This fix requires code to fix and will come in a future Cert update. 
  • Fixed Gyre’s Coil Horizon UI icon not graying out when there is insufficient Energy to cast. 
  • Fixed the following issues with the Market UI:
    • Fixed invisible items appearing in various pages and categories. 
    • Fixed the scroll bar overlapping. 
    • Fixed fading issues in certain aspect ratios. 
  • Fixed UI issues when scrolling in the chat-link window. 
  • Fixed item’s description disappearing in the Foundry when hovering over a 3 component recipe in the spot a 4th component would be in. 
  • Fixed certain areas in the Kuva Fortress where players could fall out of the map (fixed for Sanctuary Onslaught as well). 
  • Fixed enemies failing to spawn in Corpus Outpost Exterminate missions.  
  • Fixes towards map and lighting missing in certain tiles in the Corpus Outpost tileset. 
  • Fixed a rare issue that caused players to get kicked from the game and banned after selling the last copy of a max ranked Prime mod. 
  • Fixed performance issues caused by Higasa’s VFX.
  • Fixed file paths appearing for Arum Spinosa’s attack names in its stat UI. 
  • Fixed text in the promo code field appearing in the Market’s search field. 
  • Fixed rewards scroll bar in the end of mission screen being too long.
  • Fixed the inbox message for redeeming the codes from the Kahl-175 Statue/The New War Collection showing the incorrect Glyph image. 
  • Fixed a script error in the Map Legends.

For list of known issues for Koumei & the Five Fates that require future code changes and cannot be addressed in a Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1414761-known-issues-koumei-the-five-fates/