8 months ago - Warframe - Direct link
8 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s I'm changing
8s [Music]
12s always
15s [Music]
37s watches the way I see me
47s I don't want to sleep
57s [Music]
63s I'm no longer
65s [Music]
75s the water
76s [Music]
81s no longer feeling my feet
84s [Music]
115s [Music]
124s thank you
126s [Music]
134s you are needed
137s [Music]
154s to visit you
157s foreign
160s Hello everybody
162s welcome back to Prime Time it has been a
167s hot minute since we've sat in these
168s chairs with our lovely blue background
170s and we're able to hang out with you guys
173s for the next two hours playing Warframe
175s talking Warframe and just getting into
177s it because obviously we had you know the
179s biggest day of warframe's History this
183s year we just did a put a little show on
184s no big deal but we're back we're
187s semi-refreshed I don't know I won't
189s speak for everyone
191s um but we're feeling good excited to be
193s back with you and thank you for being
195s here for the first Prime Time back uh
197s it's going to be a nice chill dog days
200s we're gonna go to the beach we're gonna
201s hang out and it's gonna be a good time a
204s couple of introductions where we start
205s my name is Megan I'm a live Ops
207s Community director I'm joined by me
209s Danny Danny's here I do things here she
212s does all this I actually forgot my title
214s it's on the screen yeah I'm a senior
217s community manager
219s and uh running the stream today is not
222s Dean because super dino is on vacation
224s as uh much deserved well we have Helen
229s Helen is running the stream tonight
231s she'll be pressing all our buttons and
233s making his cold pot debut we have de Roo
241s yeah it's gonna be doing top 10 comments
243s during the stream the Discord is open
245s the prime time chat Discord is free
248s reign kind of oh be nice in there be
252s nice uh hang out with ruin Discord and
254s can't wait for your top 10 comments
256s because it's been a minute and excited
258s to see them uh and let's just get into
260s housekeeping as we do with these things
262s like I mentioned tennocon 2023 did
265s happen Helen do you mind going to my
268s screen please
272s thank you thank you
277s uh what's the Discord you can do
279s exclamation point Discord and we'll take
280s you right to our official Discord and
281s then you have just find the channel
282s Prime Time chat I believe it's called uh
285s anyways Channel con 2023 did occur if
288s you want to follow along with me you can
290s do exclamation point tennocon and twitch
292s chat and we'll take you this lovely
293s little recap page that we put together
295s to just summarize what the whole what is
299s it a six hour a day borderline seven
301s hour day not quite sure hour and 45
303s minute tunnel live which load that's a
307s long time so thanks for hanging in there
308s but we talked about a lot revealed a lot
311s obviously during tunnel live we
313s announced our one of our next big
315s updates is Whispers in the walls that
318s will be coming this year it's going to
320s be our end of the year update uh I won't
323s say too much on it because we will be
325s chatting more about it soon but you can
328s obviously watch the full gameplay reveal
330s if you want to damn look at that
332s we got a lot of
335s uh Warframe 1999 was also was also
340s revealed this is going to be a
342s continuation story in 2024 so don't
345s expect anything about Warframe 1999 this
349s year it is a 2024 thing it is an update
351s it's not a separate game it's cool that
354s you guys think that I think that's
355s really cool you think this is like a
356s complete different game it's not it is
358s an update uh but it will be a 2024
361s initiative but coming sooner than all of
363s that is our next update to Warframe
365s which is Abyss of goth brand new
367s Warframe 51st 54th Warframe she's got no
371s face and she's incredible
374s we are our next Dev stream which I won't
377s reveal the date just yet but it will be
378s a September demonstrom we are going to
381s do a complete deep dive into abyss of
383s the goth if you watch tunnel live you'll
385s have seen we went through a couple
387s slides on quality of life stuff that's
389s going to be added in this update and we
391s are going to go into it all on this Dev
394s stream and really show you the companion
396s rework hydroid rework and all the
399s quality of life stuff that we're doing
400s you know changing some of the the quest
403s grind some accessibility options Auto
405s melee there's a whole whole bunch in
407s there it's going to be a really really
409s fun devstream um so you'll want to tune
411s into that if you're interested in abyss
413s of goth obviously we'll talk about her
414s and you know grandmother is going to
417s have a story about her she's going to
418s have her new Dojo room her essentially
421s Crypt where you'll be able to learn more
423s about her but the devstream will tell
426s you all but of course Town Live told a
428s little bit so you can obviously check
429s that out and of course cross save let's
432s go it's coming this year 2023 uh we did
435s mention that uh very similar to how we
438s did cross uh play was we kind of put it
442s out in incremental stages in terms of
444s working on Tech
446s um and releasing that Tech and then
448s working on more releasing that and then
450s release the entire thing at the end of
452s what was 2022 and now we're doing
456s something kind of similar with cross
457s platform save my God too many words CPP
461s C PCS I don't know that doesn't make it
464s any better where we are going to
466s probably be doing some behind the scenes
468s Tech with abyss of the goth so you might
470s not see anything right away uh
475s can I call her the biz now in the Moose
483s um
485s I mean
488s um we have been
489s I'll have to say we have not stopped
493s working on cross-platform save every day
496s we make strides towards it and it's all
499s about uh getting that code perfect we
503s don't want to screw this up this is
504s Danny please sorry you're actually
507s talking about very important questions
509s about crossover I am I'm composing
511s myself that's all right
512s um I don't even know where I was uh we
516s want to make sure we do it right because
517s the last thing we want to do is muck up
519s anyone's account or have any violations
522s with any of our partners like we want to
524s make sure we get it right but it will be
526s coming in 2023 and we are working on
529s obviously the code the behind the scenes
530s code having all the conversations about
532s things that need to be had to not mess
534s it up so all that to say
537s obesity goth will probably have some
538s behind the scenes code and if we have
540s anything to share it'll be on a Dev
542s stream or in the patch notes probably
544s aligned about cross save but 2023 cross
548s save one 2023 tell your friends uh
551s Warframe is coming to iOS in 2024 and
553s you can as of right now iOS pre-orders
557s are already live on the app stores you
558s can go to the App Store and pre-order
561s the official version of it that will be
563s going live next year it's kind of like
565s pre-ordering your donuts and then going
568s to go pick it up when they are ready but
570s for free but for free free donuts in
574s 2024 or from IOS anyways uh dog days we
578s are going to be playing Dog Days it has
580s returned it's got new loblobs which is a
583s essentially water balloon weapon that
585s you can use it's great Grendel Prime is
587s also going to be coming this will be
588s coming around the abyss of De goth
590s update as well so another thing you can
591s look forward to in October we've got our
593s Dex login reward of the incredible
595s Drifter operator suit that is live now
597s just by logging in you get your suit the
600s inbox will be live for the rest of 2023
602s so if you know you're on a two-month
604s vacation don't worry you can still log
606s in and get it but once that once the
609s clock reaches December 31st at 11 59 PM
612s Eastern Time Cinderella goes away yes it
614s cannot get this beautiful decks but I
617s mean as we do every anniversary we
620s usually bring back old items so don't
622s fret too much if you're not gonna be
624s able to get this uh primary surgeons
626s this has actually changed because we a
629s new primary surgeons happen today so
630s we'll just disregard that heirlooms did
632s launch these beautiful collections are
634s live if you want to check them out we
636s did have a former gift of the load alert
637s that's done and then of course of course
639s Soul frame which actually started 10 and
640s alive so this is kind of been backwards
642s I won't obviously talk too much on it
644s because we're all talking Warframe but
646s if you're into a 30 minute demo of Soul
648s frame uh you can definitely check that
650s out we will have more information for
652s you soon and of course if you want to
653s you can register your Envoy title and
656s when the game does eventually launch
658s you'll get alka's eye can't tell you
660s what that is just yet but you can
662s register today get your Envoy title I'm
664s pretty sure I've registered up for
666s mumbles really got that name last year
671s no I think just mumbles I'm not quite
673s sure I panicked I don't know why I
674s didn't pick Megan I just picked mumbles
676s it's gone now it's gone uh you could
679s also do some technical merch we have a
681s lot of pre-orders for things
683s um soundtrack necklace earrings art book
686s we got posters which are massive we've
688s got the floof which is also very large
689s quite uh merch rotund one I would say
693s lots of stuff there if you maybe came to
695s the convention couldn't get your hands
696s on things uh definitely check out our
698s merch store if that's what you want to
699s do and then we had some great promos
701s obviously during the stream but all that
703s to say
704s thank you for participating in this day
707s with us it was a lot of work obviously
709s getting it done a lot of emotions
712s nervous stressed and it couldn't have
716s gone any better and that's all thanks to
717s you for supporting us over 10 years and
720s that we're able to put on this
721s convention finally in person again so
723s thank you if you actually came to the
725s event if we were able to say hi if we
727s weren't able to say hi hi hopefully next
730s year we'll do it all over again and
732s we'll have some exciting stuff to show
733s next year but for now we got abyssip to
736s goth next Whispers in the wall at the
738s end of 2023 and then next year 1999 baby
741s what does that mean I don't know you'll
743s just have to find out
745s and then one of the things I was much on
748s the thing the bottom of this thread was
750s Partners in influencer promotions uh
752s Helen could you please go to the fan art
755s oh thank you oh boy there he is there he
759s is uh if you didn't see a tunnel live we
761s did team up with hyperx and world
764s renowned peace see Mater modifier AKA
767s jmdf for a very amazing one-of-a-kind
771s Excalibur PC giveaway to celebrate
773s warframe's 10-year anniversary he is a
776s strong solid boy he is just thick with
780s two C's solid and he comes with all of
782s these wonderful peripherals as well and
784s you can uh there's nine days left to
786s enter if you want to win this so you can
788s do exclamation point giveaway and twitch
790s chat if you haven't yet entered this
792s giveaway nine days left it ends
794s September 16th so make sure you get your
797s name in there because you never know
798s what could happen you could have this
800s strong boy in your room and it could be
802s yours you can look at them every day and
804s think what a boy is the SSD viscana
807s because I don't know I think the most of
810s the computers obviously in his chest and
811s like the opticor like I don't even know
813s it's wild it's bananas modded he's
816s literally fully modded he's a modded boy
818s uh anyways hot fixes we put out a couple
821s we did we had one August 31st I believe
824s the one we had right after 10 o'clock we
828s fixed a couple issues with double Taps
830s indicator buff indicator so those icons
833s were having a bit of a mess but it's
834s okay we got them fixed up so now you
836s know when you're doing your double tap
838s we also fixed a couple things with arota
841s uh specifically with the melee combo
843s count lasting indefinitely when its
846s combo duration was set to zero uh we
849s also fix it having an extremely long
850s reload time for clients after receiving
853s the infinite ammo buff from cracking
856s relics so we both those were fixed on
858s August 31st and then yesterday we had a
861s little mini baby hotfix as well we
864s updated the cetus whips wisp description
869s to indicate better how to obtain them
872s and this is something that is going to
873s be coming in the abyss of uh de goth
877s update a little bit of a qol for cedis
879s West the description just went out a
881s little bit earlier just did a little
882s sneak peek into kind of the qol stuff
884s that's going to be coming guys giveaway
885s spelled with an E I'm just going to say
886s that give always I love what is
888s happening but giveaway has an e can we
890s misspell it in the uh no I just looked
893s it's correct y'all just need to toss
894s that e in there okay we can do it that e
898s in there you got this don't worry
900s give away there it is
903s you guys got it I'm so proud of you
905s someone wrote Gi Oh now you're just
908s going hey why
910s [Music]
911s stop it oh no it's got any that's all
914s okay anyways
915s [Laughter]
918s uh we fixed other things like
922s being able to being unable to chat like
924s the prime maybe it was a spelling error
927s though I don't know but uh and a couple
929s other things uh just some bits and Bobs
931s that we wanted to get out while this
933s week is a little bit shorter for us
936s um at the studio you know taking some
938s breaks recuperating from tennocon all
940s the good stuff and then uh we have a
944s prime gaming drop that went live today
947s so if you are a prime gaming member you
951s can set yourself up with this beautiful
953s Verve armor set for free and I think oh
957s I got it I got it I got it Megan's got
959s the image
962s oh my God and Octavia of course rocking
965s it it's beautiful we've got those uh as
969s they say Sleek neon hues
972s she's looking she's Sleek purple Silvers
976s and greens baby it's actually pretty
977s close to your color scheme I'm not gonna
979s say Verve was inspired by anyone
981s particular but it's definitely close it
983s needs some
991s so you can uh pick that up uh starting
994s today and then we have uh Megan
998s mentioned this at the start there but a
1000s primary surgeon has had a rotation swap
1003s over uh Helen if you want to come to my
1005s game play actually
1008s [Laughter]
1010s Equinox and wukon Prime are back baby
1014s along with obviously all of their Prime
1016s accessories weapons and miscellaneous
1019s Goods weapons and all that good stuff
1022s Frost and Meg Prime are still also
1025s available here so you can check her out
1027s uh head on over to varzia to get your
1030s relics and to get all the things that
1032s you could ever want with your Regal Ayah
1034s and Aya it's like Christmas it
1040s oh golden Santa I like it we love that
1045s uh and then we did conclude our 10 is
1047s your alerts the umber Forma after 10
1049s alive was actually a part of it kind of
1051s a thanks for joining have an umbra
1053s former if you'd like to play or if you
1055s did play thank you for playing uh and
1057s you should have received your inbox with
1059s your gunblade skin and things like that
1061s for completing you know subsequent
1063s missions you can check out our website
1064s uh if you are unsure if you did such
1066s things but we've concluded it so happy
1068s 10 years obviously we have 2023 is not
1071s over we do have exciting things like
1073s abyss and Whispers on the wall so still
1075s loves to come in Warframe of course but
1077s the 10-0 alerts have concluded and like
1079s we said other end when the anniversaries
1081s roll around deck stuff usually returns
1083s so we'll see when you see some decks
1085s again and then Dog Days dog days is back
1090s Helen if you'd like to go to my gameplay
1093s oh I just had a lovely view dog days is
1096s back and it's actually here until
1097s September 25th
1100s so if we check out our navigation here
1101s we'll see the dog days I haven't done
1104s anything in dog days because I've been a
1106s little busy neither of us I am ready to
1110s get my soak on in dog days so we're
1113s gonna do it we're gonna play through
1114s some Dog Days uh and it's live for 17
1116s days and 16 hours if you go to cetus uh
1120s wonderful necock has some
1122s great great stuff for you to buy I need
1125s that I know it's not a new one but the
1126s the fishy ephemera I need it I mean
1129s you're rocking the hydroid I am rocking
1131s the Hydra and for good reasons because
1133s we know he's getting your rework so
1134s gotta you gotta feel them out a little
1137s bit uh anyways lots of great rewards for
1139s it the law blobs are a fun little we're
1142s gonna lobs and blobs today lobs and
1143s blobs a little secondary addition to the
1146s gameplay So Good Times all for dog days
1148s and then the twist out for watching this
1150s street is a forma and it's built you
1153s don't even need to do anything you just
1155s get it and you put it on someone maybe
1157s you'll wait for the goth and you can put
1159s a forma onto goth the world is your
1161s oyster uh but watch for 45 minutes and
1164s if so if you watch the stream from
1165s beginning to end you will get two formas
1168s yay two built formers for you uh and
1171s later on in the show we are going to do
1174s the summer star chart Dojo showcase
1176s winners so we have a lot of wonderful
1179s screenshots from the winners and some
1180s videos as well but that'll be later on
1182s after fan art but if you were perhaps
1184s participating in that and you're just
1186s you're just waiting you're just waiting
1187s to know who won we'll give you the
1189s information a bit later and like I said
1191s rude debut top 10 comments during the
1193s stream brought to you by how you doing
1194s over there I'm doing Stellar I'm just
1197s ever you mentioned Christmas once and
1199s everyone's calling varzia Santa already
1201s so my dad did the seed I just want to
1204s cut in and say I watch chat closely and
1206s they did start spelling giveaway
1208s correctly the link didn't appear I am
1211s going to send it to you as a manual bot
1213s tonight
1215s in as super dino because uh I can't be
1219s bothered to change it so
1228s I got you but I just did
1233s it's because you guys have super user
1235s permissions sorry I he's super we're
1239s super in here okay
1241s but it says user level everyone
1244s I don't understand
1247s and I thought what the hell
1249s exclamation point doesn't matter anyways
1251s I'll keep doing it for you okay here you
1254s go oh that was a one oh uh anyways wow
1258s there it is again anyways uh
1260s uh I lost my thought uh you're doing
1262s great appreciate you so
1265s uh really doing top 10 comments in his
1268s dream he's also in the Discord
1269s exclamation point Discord if you would
1270s like a link to our official Warframe
1272s Discord where we do giveaways we have
1274s lovely chats like these during Prime
1276s Time and Dev streams and all the great
1278s juicy gossip is in the Discord
1281s who are we talking about oh don't don't
1284s you wait uh and all wheels go giveaways
1288s on this stream we'll be doing three
1289s Platinum prizes and a whisp prime access
1290s Helen how do you feel about doing 1000
1292s Platinum right now
1294s great
1296s great great it's loading we love it we
1301s love it
1302s um what hot gas is in the Discord root
1306s Roo any hot gossip any hot anywhere I
1310s just use screenshots of this oh no not
1312s the screenshot Trav giving you a nice
1315s little clip of you tipping your little
1316s hat they're saying super user
1320s I have troubling news well this is what
1323s we get for not having Dean we need to
1325s authorize twitch oh what for our
1328s giveaways oh my is the prompt
1331s um
1334s wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
1336s please hold okay viewers it's thinking
1340s it is thinking I saw something change it
1342s is there is no no giveaways allowed
1345s today none no exclamation points
1350s no nothing it says it's thinking
1354s it says
1357s Danny how's your day
1359s um you know it's been great I've had an
1363s enormous amount of bubbly today so I
1366s feel like my gut is not going to
1368s appreciate that later what is your
1371s favorite flavor of bubbly
1374s do you like watermelon are we a Lacroix
1377s people or are we the qua or are we a
1382s SE Pellegrino what other bubbly options
1385s are there
1386s actually you know what here's a better
1387s question
1388s what was your guys's favorite part of
1390s tunnels if you were there in person or
1393s if you were watching from home I want to
1395s see what you guys uh what your favorite
1396s parts of kettlecon was it could be
1399s engaged stuff too yours was what the end
1409s Soul frame 1999 the art book I was
1413s working oh no I forgot to watch the Vlog
1415s hydroid rework
1418s uh I like the Retro computer in Warframe
1421s oh thank you Helen
1424s um
1425s uh love seeing the CT actually that was
1428s one thing that like I wasn't expecting
1430s like when I say that I
1433s played we've played this that demo like
1437s religiously for months I was not
1439s expecting the moment of Excalibur using
1442s the computer to like make people laugh
1444s like I just wasn't expecting the hacking
1446s and when I was
1448s doing the demo live I couldn't hear
1451s anything because all of the audio was
1453s like just drowning people
1455s um and I did hear people laugh at that
1457s and I was like what wait what did I do
1460s oh you thought you did something wrong I
1461s just yeah I wasn't sure why everyone was
1462s laughing but but then it makes sense as
1464s to like the thought of Excalibur using
1466s the old-school computers just like so
1469s ridiculous it is pretty funny the human
1471s Lloyd people are saying too yeah that
1474s and the um
1475s the phone the flip phone the flip phone
1477s yeah Nokia The Brick
1479s the beautiful cosplays oh that's so
1481s sweet Helen obviously our lovely cosplay
1484s host for this year yeah they were some
1486s awesome cosplays this year there were
1488s every year but it was exceptional
1490s someone said the whole thing was great
1492s uh the kubrow cosplay was so good I
1495s agree flip phone someone has never had a
1497s pager
1499s I don't think I've ever had a pager been
1500s around with black girls a lot I mean at
1502s this point I'm gonna date myself but I
1504s do remember my pager and uh yeah running
1508s to a pay phone spending like 25 cents to
1510s call someone yeah wow my mom had a pager
1514s uh well my sister and I were in school
1516s and we'd keep messaging her pager
1518s because we're like we want to go home
1519s she's like this is for emergencies only
1522s yeah it was an emergency we needed to go
1525s home and watch SpongeBob and eat snacks
1528s very important Frost cosplay was God
1530s tier I still have my pager says Mid
1533s Valley
1535s um someone is asking for your hat Megan
1537s uh I own it so you can't have it no I
1540s mean if we could get the twitch picker
1542s working I could give it to you but yeah
1543s someone mentioned the uh the new weapon
1546s type oh the grimoire is it grimoire
1550s can I choose which book is the grimoire
1553s and if yes can it be Twilight
1556s the writers feared these questions
1559s how's the narrative team going to be
1561s screaming at us Helen for even
1563s mentioning that I know that we were also
1564s like
1565s we didn't expect another crowd reaction
1568s which was the cheers for the grimoire
1570s yeah that was that was really cool as
1572s well yeah I know people are gonna be
1574s like well because I'd also shown it on
1576s the art panel so I wasn't sure if people
1578s were gonna get excited again but like
1580s not everyone watches my our panel it's
1582s fine
1583s um but yeah I guess like seeing
1584s interaction and like seeing him pick it
1586s up and I'm like wow or is the grimoire
1589s the Warframe art book because it is that
1592s large it is large and heavy and full and
1595s Powerful very powerful yeah and
1596s knowledgeable yeah all right we're gonna
1598s uh just continue on with our night and
1600s hopefully we'll get some twitch prizes
1602s working if they don't we will just
1603s double it up next week but you're still
1605s getting your form a drop which is great
1607s but if needed we will just double up the
1609s twitch prizes uh next prime time back
1612s baby and pass it double down okay we are
1616s playing zombies
1619s Danny I'm going to invite you oh okay I
1622s never whoa capsule I never know how to
1625s spell your name
1627s um wait let me guess yes o e l l
1637s all right if you would like to join us
1639s today we're gonna be playing some Dog
1640s Days lobbing some blobs uh please
1643s whisper myself because I made the squad
1644s in game on PC but it doesn't matter
1646s because cross plays live uh whisper me
1653s whisper me
1657s um
1660s want some help what your favorite uh uh
1665s I remember what are you looking at me
1667s for I'm just I'm watching this happen in
1670s real time like I mean both of you like
1672s what should we and like just silence
1675s struggling whisper me in game
1680s you are doing to end summer
1686s how are you ending the season it's never
1690s coming back how are we destroying are
1692s you killing summer
1693s murder it how are you murdering summer
1696s oh we removed I just mean like summer's
1698s coming to an end like are you are you
1700s gonna go to the beach are you gonna
1702s switch your closet yeah fall you know
1706s give me a break
1707s give me a break everyone is insane blow
1711s up the Sun
1713s at home Willow oh Summertime Sadness uh
1717s fast food I love it get yourself some
1720s Wendy's chicken nuggies the world's
1722s largest air conditioner feeling sorry
1725s we're having college classes I'll take
1728s that said move the planet closer there
1731s you go
1735s uh
1736s uh Kai says vacation to Holland meeting
1739s family I haven't seen in a while and
1740s making YouTube videos for this okay oh a
1743s little Vlog situation a little Vlog
1745s story perhaps you get an invite all
1748s right we got myself we got Danny we got
1750s fire of the tiger and we got Kai
1754s extinguish the mighty soul
1759s [Music]
1762s time for dog days are we ready uh-huh
1765s we're ready for Kayla to send to have
1767s her addiction put on blast yes
1771s I was just laughing gas you know a
1773s little visit to the dentist
1777s I want to send in a 10-0 rap crap we
1779s were just talking about how tenotians
1781s just slappers oh yeah absolutely hangers
1785s so good we'll see one day we'll see one
1788s day if we can or tune it up I mean
1790s you're free to make any you know
1793s Warframe rendition if you will and I'll
1796s love it and listen to it
1801s never I always forget how to pronounce
1803s it hi hello hi hello oh wow look at this
1809s here so crone
1813s have fun y'all I feel like as hydroid I
1817s should get some sort of
1819s uh boom you know what I mean oh yeah of
1823s course goresh comes out of the woodwork
1824s a little booth that's what I'm saying
1826s like oh my mouse is Scentsy and oh I got
1829s him got you girl fish don't kill me
1831s [ __ ] your little
1833s oh my goodness okay I'm gonna switch off
1836s the law blobs in a second here pump it
1839s every time I see that come on screen I
1841s think of uh
1843s you know it would be great if I could
1844s remember what I thought yeah the Black
1846s Eyed Peas that and the bop it pop it pop
1849s it oh twist it twist it pull it
1853s take these loblobs oh no oh no they're
1856s not strong wait did I kill him I did I
1858s killed him that's why the law blobs are
1860s disappeared okay what did what did oh
1864s I'm gonna die Helen why are you
1865s featuring my gameplay I'm so nervous I'm
1868s so embarrassed unless you're supposed to
1870s be yourself be natural oh okay it gets
1872s to enjoy what a great gamer you are I
1874s don't know how to be natural you're good
1876s just give a break so much pressure oh my
1879s God
1880s [Laughter]
1891s destroy to hear you saying it because it
1894s felt like pulling a prank on people the
1896s writers were like we have to name
1898s something so silly people are just
1900s saying blah blah blah blah blah wait do
1902s you remember your other options because
1903s I think you had some other good ones as
1904s well we were it came down to a choice
1906s between loblobs or Bob lobs
1910s okay those were the two options it's
1913s incredible you can only pick one of
1915s those
1916s we were discussing
1919s sorry I died
1922s oh that's my friend I keep shooting me
1924s loved ones is just phenomenal how can
1926s you uh oh oh bubbles said fire of the
1930s tiger I will never get your face out of
1934s my face oh no I got two percent oh
1936s you died dead
1938s I think we're putting numbers on the
1940s board though right now I think we're
1941s doing okay yeah the two uh points there
1944s because they killed me
1946s I'm going back to loblob's Baby the only
1949s way it is the way it is in the way now
1952s that uh we have prime time 360. oh do
1956s you think it'd be possible to do a 360
1958s no scope
1960s wait three so I have to spin around 360
1962s and then no scope and then no scope the
1965s thing is like you can't one shot with
1967s the lead time on the soap drawing too I
1969s can try this is this is at the request
1971s of the Discord
1978s I think this sound just so bad so I
1981s can't spin fast enough wait okay hold on
1983s wait I gotta pump it first
1988s wait they look whoa that was so
1991s aggressive I forget that loblobs are
1993s that aggressive all right bro do you
1994s have any tips on how we get the 360
1996s girlfriends
1998s uh use a loblob because if you get close
2000s then I count that
2003s okay wait okay actually I don't have any
2006s blobs to lob I need to go find some
2012s oh wait I found something
2014s I need some wolves I need some freaking
2019s no not that I need a weapon okay ready
2023s [Music]
2025s oh wait I hit someone I did do some
2027s damage someone died well I would stop
2031s serious
2036s hanging are you stressing out because
2037s I'm stressing Oh I'm great oh my God
2040s they're all trying to kill me
2042s I wish we could pick up the um the beach
2046s balls and also curl them at them next
2049s year I feel like I feel like if the next
2051s time we do dog days and it doesn't have
2053s pool noodles there will be rides thank
2055s you I know I know I see it I see it
2058s wholesalers can do some damage if you
2061s really whack them nice to eat them
2064s eat them yeah I used to take bites out
2066s of them what I mean they do feel good on
2068s the two fees and then they'd get stuck
2069s in the pool drain in my my stepfather
2072s would get very angry with me
2075s we were just beautiful
2077s sorry I wouldn't
2079s follow it I would bite them and then
2081s spit them out and then I don't know
2083s which is worse and then they would uh
2085s yeah get stuck at it I get it yeah it's
2088s satisfying
2091s you just move on
2094s I definitely always wondered whenever I
2097s got a pool noodle why there was chunks
2099s missing I wonder if our paths crossed in
2101s another life maybe where possibly yep
2106s I mean I'm sure I'm sure other people
2107s have done it I mean you know Polly
2109s Pocket dresses and like the clothes did
2112s you put them in your mouth fantastic
2114s texture
2116s grapes you a great connection you can
2119s see too yeah right so you got pool
2121s noodles like Polly Pocket damn all right
2125s bacon don't look at my desk don't look
2127s at them don't look at them look my my
2130s mouse is so big you know something about
2132s The Executioner's scores and look you
2135s can't see my
2137s my big cursor covers it look you can't
2140s see no deaths
2143s zero death zero death zero deaths I have
2147s an inbox oh thanks
2149s [Music]
2150s I'll take it the sigils are so good this
2152s year too how cute they are fun
2155s they are fun all right back oh we need
2158s to reinvite who who
2161s I'm back game Crash don't say that out
2164s loud this game got no bugs no noodles
2168s will be a consumable item when oh my God
2171s you can eat them for health
2173s I feel like they would take years off of
2175s your life instead of that they're
2177s nutritious they'll soak up anything
2179s wrong in your tummy and I notice I have
2182s to get rid of it sometimes
2183s one way or another all right you'll get
2186s rid of it yeah one way over another
2188s we're gonna equal noodles we're gonna
2191s eat them
2192s really throw a curveball to everyone
2194s that's thinking that pool noodles will
2196s be a melee weapon it's just gonna be a
2198s consumable you just whip it angle if you
2202s really thought tricked yeah
2205s oh my goodness
2206s eat the noodlers where am I going stop
2210s complaining
2212s I feel like Ella
2232s I feel like she definitely eats pool
2234s noodles in this state oh she she is
2240s all right loblob 360 garage
2245s no oh oh my god oh I missed and then
2249s they killed me oh my god oh that's
2251s harder than it looks that flight time on
2252s the loblob it's not great it hurts we'll
2255s get it we'll get there it's a good thing
2257s we didn't give them oh yeah oh my God
2260s that'll be uh steel path mode is
2264s garage that used to be really fun but
2268s also horrifying oh my God oh my God I
2270s can't I can't see
2272s all right we're back we're back at
2273s action baby
2274s let me just um
2277s that's what the pool noodles are for I
2279s hit back the law blobs now you're
2281s talking wow pool baseball baby now
2284s you're cooking with gas literally come
2286s here you oh no I'm out of oh wait spots
2289s oh my gosh my aim oh
2295s wait is Morgan
2297s That's supposed to be my name it's
2300s making the voice of Me no no no no no no
2302s I wish I honestly wish
2305s chords
2308s oh my God I'm gaining
2312s oh me too I'm just getting rocked I'll
2315s be better I'll be better I won't die I
2317s won't die I think it's because your
2319s Twitter name is it is and we all know
2321s that was a mistake
2323s I think it was a French translation
2326s mistake me too
2328s which is mostly I know
2332s Oh I thought it was cute I thought it
2333s was like a symbol for you know Humanity
2336s coming together
2338s I'm not that deep it was you know it's
2341s like social media we're connecting me
2343s and you I thought it was adorable no I
2344s thought
2345s in French was me too because
2353s no no you know what everyone forget
2355s Megan said that we're creating a new
2356s marketing narrative Yep this is for
2358s Megan's brand okay and brand yeah
2363s that's about connecting with the people
2365s who follow you there you go it's me and
2367s you together on this journey Helen needs
2370s to be hired as your your social Helen
2372s you need your my PR unit you're my PR
2374s manager Rebrand me I need a Rebrand
2378s does that mean you could you're changing
2380s your colors no can you imagine the riots
2384s in the street end of days that's how you
2388s end summer yeah ends
2390s yeah
2394s oh my goodness whoa oh wow that was very
2398s loud
2399s I need a group I need a group of I need
2401s I got a loblob
2403s we got to group them up wait oh do you
2406s want a group log it's grouplob okay hold
2408s on I need some lobs okay I found some
2410s where are you I am waiting you know
2412s that's a great question
2414s are you ready okay ready
2417s I missed
2419s I got garage though I got him that's all
2421s that matters I panicked I saw you
2423s zooming time to go oh my God I'm getting
2427s shot in the rear oh wow oh my God oh my
2432s God
2433s a glob a glob hey
2438s I like it just combine three law blobs
2441s together oh my gosh super blob
2444s or glob I guess super super glove a slob
2447s what's up gresh you wanna die oh God oh
2449s God oh God oh my God oh my God oh my God
2450s oh God oh my God help me assist
2453s I need an assist
2455s I need a weapon
2457s oh my God I'm just getting rocked
2459s did I really
2461s oh oh I'm pumping
2465s I kind of want the
2467s um executioner hats
2469s they're hat they're hats
2472s aesthetic yeah I do enjoy the establish
2476s I need I want
2479s art harkenor correct build for dog days
2482s when what do you mean oh I did
2487s so so good to see you hi cassarden oh
2491s are we on this lovely Thursday
2495s I was in call invited maybe next time
2498s we'll get some NPCs in here wait can you
2501s oh maybe we should let
2505s I know maybe there should be like a fun
2507s mode where you can bring in your like
2508s specters you can get a Clem Spectrum you
2511s have your rail Jack crew you can't use
2513s gear though oh well I mean in a sense
2515s like you can just like equip them yeah
2517s yeah yeah MPC crew yeah yeah yeah I'll
2520s be down for that get your friends in oh
2522s let's go nice don't don't have friends
2524s make your own
2526s and nice nice no diffs by either of us
2532s no zero death not none at all I'm gonna
2535s get a nice and chat can we get nice our
2538s inspectors gear though that's what I'm
2539s saying I'm saying maybe we make a mode
2541s where you can use gear and you can bring
2543s yours of course but specters only I
2546s don't wanna
2546s oh no I tried to enjoy our abandoned
2549s friend and I'm not the host I forgot did
2552s you leave
2553s Danny please I left again
2556s meow meow PVP dog days all love Labs
2560s only blah blah
2562s oh wait do I need a rainbow yeah oh wait
2565s no you're here but we lost
2568s yeah this ain't my day okay we'll do it
2571s one more time we'll try one more time
2578s [Music]
2585s what would she be doing who Lotus what
2589s would she be doing yeah they said bring
2591s Lotus and dog days what would she do
2593s is she leave is she she's the mom so
2596s she's bringing
2598s sorry
2600s tough crowd oh I mean what else would
2604s you do
2607s drown her okay she's the Lifeguard I
2610s don't know if you want no she'd be the
2612s mom with snacks she would throw like
2613s Health orbs at you honey
2616s don't forget your sunscreen oh she'd
2619s bring the watermelon the the chopped up
2621s watermelon you can't go swimming for
2623s another 30 minutes
2624s you can't touch the water I'm gonna kill
2627s the rash eat it what the oh that was
2629s someone else
2630s sorry okay we're good she's freaking ice
2633s cream
2641s no yeah I just I feel bad because I feel
2643s like I'm I'm trying to show your
2644s gameplay in the best way possible guys
2645s and it's not looking good
2648s because I keep dying I feel like every
2651s time I cut to one of you you die but
2653s you've been playing
2655s it can't be helped we're on we're on
2657s mission three okay and we're down one
2658s person we've all faced garage right we
2661s all know all right Vlogs here we go here
2663s we go give them to me give them to me
2665s giving me give me give me God damn maybe
2668s just keep both of our games oh yes
2673s they're not strong anymore in this
2675s mission
2676s the lobs the loblobs are not strong I
2679s haven't even killed one person Jesus
2683s Lead the shots
2685s oh
2689s all right we're gonna you guys are low
2690s on health easy kills pick them off one
2693s by one oh my God they're so strong
2697s you got it okay
2699s it's not tag team he's got a tag team
2701s loblob attack I don't think I have any
2703s no I don't have any anymore
2705s I wonder what the um the job description
2708s was for the executioners from Kayla like
2710s when she put up the the the position on
2713s the board you know in her Arena and was
2716s like here's my what I'm thinking
2719s I'm just gonna Huff some gas real quick
2722s and no there was a gas leak right right
2725s yeah it was gas leak unintentional right
2728s gassy right
2730s but as some as a as a grineer are you
2733s like oh this sounds like a nice break
2735s from the well I mean one would assume
2738s everyone got the gas leak you know what
2740s I mean so all the executioners are also
2742s just think about Kayla de Sam's Arena
2744s and think about a gas leak no matter
2746s actually there's no roof anyways that's
2748s the problem right that is the it can't
2751s escape so you're just lost architecture
2752s is wrong but okay
2754s texture just whoa uh yeah major gas leak
2759s everyone's freaking out and killed it to
2763s them just says you know what
2765s you know what will be fun
2767s let's go to the beach
2770s and let's have some ass up
2778s apparently
2780s apparently
2782s that sounds about right though yeah yeah
2784s it's Canon whoa who just absolutely
2787s demolished everybody in front of me
2789s Danny I would just like to report that
2790s we gloriously had your full screen for
2792s when you took 3v1 oh the enemy is down
2795s so wow Helen that is a rare zero death
2799s zero deaths
2801s please don't come to my screen now look
2804s away look away keep it on Megan it's
2807s like from Bridesmaids
2808s [Laughter]
2814s oh my God I thought I had melee
2817s someone said what made you all come up
2819s with this dog days ever heard of a gas
2821s leak no I think it's because like we
2824s have well we have many dark events we
2828s got plague star which is a giant
2830s infested zit on the planes which is dark
2833s and you know Scarlet's bear that was
2837s dark like we just have so many
2839s dark stuff and it's like we want to
2842s celebrate summer
2843s let's have a beach party
2845s to popular belief uh agassic did not hit
2848s us here and like it's not a real life
2851s event we put into the house although the
2852s construction outside oh my goodness
2855s there has been sense of gas in our poor
2858s qas they're fine they're fine they're
2860s fine they're fine
2862s but there if you were here in London
2864s Ontario for tennocon you will have
2866s experience firsthand the uh
2869s the construction that is around our area
2872s I was in Rebecca's office today and it
2874s started shaking that's what I said yeah
2877s I was like in the afternoon I was
2879s sitting at my desk and I was just like
2881s bro this thing moving yeah
2883s it feels like I'm on top of a laundry
2885s machine
2887s did everyone visit rubbing her off today
2889s because I was also in her office did it
2891s start shaking it will help helping her
2893s build her new uh her new what husbando
2897s statue because she couldn't do it with
2899s one hand was it Reiner it was Reiner
2901s very well yeah very well a man with
2903s silver hair and a shotgun in his mouth
2907s no he didn't know me
2910s he did it not me the construction in
2912s London this year is crazy so Foxy's foxy
2914s are you also local
2916s um
2918s nothing happened fire is literally on
2922s fire 35 kills
2924s carrying the team
2928s um
2928s who hasn't been on top of a watching
2931s I think that's the real question here
2933s who hasn't just for funsies sat on top
2936s of the walking version hahaha
2938s or a dryer
2941s yeah yeah anyone oh yeah adult or child
2945s are you okay and the child you can fit
2948s inside no no no no no no I'm not saying
2950s do it I'm just saying physically you
2953s could but don't do that
2955s don't
2956s unless you want to be work no I'm just
2957s kidding okay we got one more to go we're
2960s about to get our
2961s took wait hold on hold on oh we need one
2964s more person oh we do we do we do I'm
2966s gonna close all my tabs all right
2967s whisper me in game if you have ever sat
2971s on a dryer
2973s or washer I don't know if you want
2976s people admitting this yes or no
2978s yes or no
2981s what you're sitting there waiting for
2983s your stuff to be to be finished
2986s what is it [ __ ] flip-flop oh so let's
2988s wait for something else
2990s I am crying
2993s I'm getting a lot of yeses so what's
2996s that is the gas leaking right now maybe
2998s I don't feel it shaking the dryer sat on
3001s me
3002s I'm not sure why were you still here
3006s someone just says decrease global
3007s warming
3014s like come on like you're in like
3016s University or college oh and you need to
3019s like like you need to keep because in
3023s University College those are hot
3024s Commodities those washer dryers there's
3026s not a lot for how many people live in
3027s those buildings you need to own that
3030s washer
3031s you need to own that washer
3035s that's what I'm saying
3037s yeah all right okay and what an only
3040s bird I sat on a dryer there we go
3044s one and only bird Fox but just said
3047s never okay pure Envy said nope oh my
3050s stomach but you did end ice cream with
3052s co-workers as your summer Bonanza so I
3054s will oh
3056s but did you eat it on a dryer or a
3059s washer I've sat on both
3061s oh
3063s they're just you got you you look at the
3065s timer and there's what two minutes left
3067s you're gonna go but you tell me you're
3068s gonna go back upstairs
3070s you're telling me you're going back
3071s upstairs and there's two minutes left on
3073s that washer dryer you're sitting on the
3075s go for a ride you're sick
3079s put it in gear go all right I know those
3083s last two minutes it's spinning yeah it's
3086s that final cycle
3088s it's always sounds like it's gonna take
3090s off it literally shakes my whole house I
3093s don't even need to sit on it my floors
3095s are shaking
3096s yeah
3098s try it I don't know live a little okay
3101s live a little oh this is why this is why
3104s we don't have coffee after 6 p.m
3106s over here quite literally it's night
3109s time now wow this honestly the days the
3113s Dog Days Arena at night
3117s we went all bright with dark dark days
3120s with dog days and then we're like yeah
3122s let's make it dark yeah oh man guys I
3124s don't got a good Vision oh
3126s to begin with hey
3131s the visibility is so much better what
3133s are you talking about as a girl who
3135s loves dark mode and dark themed
3137s literally everything I can't see in the
3139s dark which is actually contradictive
3142s my life to your life like just the fact
3147s that I can't see in the dark but I
3148s prefer dark mode on all my I just prefer
3151s not being flashbanged every time I open
3153s up my Discord or any of my apps that's
3155s true I will say like when I
3158s when I go to log into the forums on a
3160s new computer I'm like wow
3163s where's my dark queen said they turned
3165s off the sun yeah this is the end of
3168s summer here end of summer I mean it's so
3170s beautiful it is it is it is look at that
3172s oh I'm dying oh my God I'm surrounded
3174s save me
3176s I'm older so I wish I had a lobs oh I
3181s gotta pump it a blob I'm not messing
3184s that up oh my God I got two I got seven
3186s oh my health is gone where are the love
3188s ones oh oh
3190s I see something I'm coming
3194s so we're not getting foremost what do
3196s you mean am I getting hold on I'm 75 in
3200s my job get out of here
3203s the door is going
3206s the drop the drop is going don't drop it
3208s drop is dropping Megan needs to eat a
3211s poop like I said I didn't eat them
3215s fine crunch oh so warm oh it hurt it
3218s hurts me yeah the fire actually does
3221s damage why would we do that that's so
3223s mean I think we've I think we found that
3225s out we were play testing can we Corral
3228s everyone into the fire
3231s um I don't know if it actually does
3232s damage too
3234s let's find out we could find out if you
3237s stand on it long enough you're trying to
3239s get them you're trying to bait them into
3240s it I'm trying to bait them into the fire
3241s oh they're all over here yeah come here
3244s come here big guy
3246s come here
3248s come check this out come check out this
3251s cool thing you like this
3252s oh they're smart they're going around it
3255s ah they're smart
3257s hey Megan they're smart they're going
3261s around the huge fire come on you really
3264s think grineer have that much brain cells
3266s well you know actually that's a great
3267s point it's a gas leak oh it can't have
3270s that many brain cells
3271s granny or smart oh my God fire
3275s I mean your name is fire the fighter
3277s what is happening oh wait are we all
3279s just
3280s you're dying oh no fire away no
3284s well they've all they've all could uh
3287s what's the word I'm looking for are they
3288s here they're here they've arrived get in
3290s the fire get in the fire get in the fire
3291s oh one day I think we're just it I can't
3293s move my camera oh
3295s we'll never know we'll never know we
3297s should have marshmallows
3304s [Music]
3314s Oh I thought I did my performance is
3317s terrible this round yeah oh yeah
3321s don't worry Danny No One's Gonna forget
3323s when you free V1 oh and Ellen Archer is
3326s such a delight for gas and me uh yeah oh
3330s I got you
3335s we're in the W honestly because fire
3338s fire equals win all the time I meant
3342s fire in the Tiger
3343s oh our lovely Squad man is carrying us
3346s fire of the Tiger
3349s I need to get away from me I know I wish
3352s I had some wild balls oh my gosh where
3355s are doll Globs
3357s oh yeah I grow them I'll get them in the
3359s back are you oh are they chasing me
3360s chasing someone oh it's definitely me oh
3363s yep yep yep need them I died
3368s oh Margaret where's my baby
3372s um I also have this uh I also always
3374s just like slam my melee button I keep
3377s going to melee too you know oh I almost
3379s went to the phone doesn't oh my God
3382s stab me in the back
3386s whoa hello louder oh God here they come
3390s wow
3392s wow whoa
3394s whoa everything got told that when I
3396s make that sound I sound like R2D2 wow
3399s wow oh now I can't
3403s ah
3405s wow we did it we're still winners
3408s somehow
3411s oh wow wow wow
3416s way okay guys
3419s we'll never end accused
3422s accused oh no we are the accused oh I've
3426s done so many times there was no guests
3429s in that round
3432s dying is a state of mind I don't
3434s actually do it
3436s uh so it looks like we will not be able
3438s to fix the twitch picker oh no so we'll
3441s just have to do double prizes next week
3443s so apologize for that one uh but we'll
3445s make sure that next week she's all fixed
3447s up I have I have some concerning DMs
3453s um should I cut today no okay
3456s Gorgon dearson as a kid are you gonna
3458s read them out loud yes oh um as a kid I
3461s once slept walked into a washing machine
3467s why wouldn't you pick the washer I
3468s picked a dryer
3470s I'm not wet the Washi would be so fun
3472s though it's like you drowned it's a pool
3474s I guess
3476s at least the dryer you would you beat
3478s it'd be warm you could be the desert
3480s wait how hot does it dry oh it's too hot
3483s oh really like burn burn yeah I think
3485s burn all right wait did we not oh we
3488s still we need a little bit more back
3489s when we go
3491s really hot yeah oh we lost someone again
3493s football hot oh my God all right message
3496s me
3497s wait whoops hold up message me in game
3500s with me again if you want to do this
3501s last uh dog days with your favorite kind
3505s of dog
3506s I know yours there's only one right
3509s answer to this it's a golden Rich
3513s Helen would also say Channel says hello
3515s hi piano a husky a German A German
3520s German Shepherd just German not just
3522s German golden for sure oh
3526s Pomeranian oh
3529s golden retriever I don't know
3531s Dr Pickle Ultra mutt okay
3535s all of them good answer Bernie's
3538s mountain dog they're so cute a pitbull
3540s the cat type wow way to get banned I'm
3544s just kidding imagine corgis obviously I
3547s love blobs your name is blah blah blah
3549s blah okay sorry oh my God
3553s I love them they're they're hoes what do
3556s they call them hoes
3559s my hairy hoses Mary hoses hairy hoses
3563s hairy hoses
3565s you know I have maybe seen one in person
3569s and I'm just like how did you find this
3572s dog they're so funny I've never seen a
3575s borzoi that I could have who's goats
3578s that's what they're called those goats
3580s people call them pose goats yeah so cute
3581s blah blah blah are you in are you
3583s getting my invite please be my friend
3586s yes the one person that said hot dogs
3590s [Music]
3591s I mean that was an acceptable answer
3594s boys I look like aliens pretending to be
3596s dogs and I love it I love it
3599s they're so cute that's Mastiff oh
3601s beautiful
3603s equals Miss Piggy song dog they're she's
3605s saying about a borzoi does she Miss
3607s Piggy sings about really I didn't know
3609s that what Snoop meisters
3613s Snoop Dogg snog of wisdom a lot of
3616s people are asking what your signed on us
3618s it's not actually a signed Anna it is
3620s the hydride Deluxe auxiliary which is
3623s basically a pirate coat on his shoulder
3625s so sick it has that waterfall effect
3628s yeah doesn't it I mean mine's pink yeah
3630s you get the point it's a Pepto-Bismol
3632s waterfall
3634s she could have picked any other pink
3636s substance and you went Pepto-Bismol uh
3640s uh
3642s why can't I think of a pink substance
3647s the chicken nugget goo what
3651s what does that even mean you know the
3653s chicken nugget because that comes out
3654s the pipes
3657s right now you know when they make
3659s chicken nuggets no no I don't know you
3662s don't know I don't want to know I got
3663s some the other day okay
3667s um what is that soda cream soda is green
3670s soda there you go is it actually pink
3672s though the cream soda or is it white uh
3674s clear is it clear
3676s um it might be clear I think cream soda
3679s the logo is pink but yeah that might be
3681s right shoot for some reason guys
3686s same for the big chicken so it is not
3689s pink is it clear oh yeah dang it dying
3692s it cotton candy waterfall yeah okay it
3694s would disappear though it would dissolve
3696s yeah why can't I get this you are
3699s killing me I can't wait for you to kill
3700s that guys Danny oh my God
3704s get him
3706s quick cut to the other camera please
3709s quick no no that guy's using hacks
3712s my Palms were are so so good wait he's
3717s still alive
3720s I got him I got my revenge oh my
3723s goodness please go
3725s someone take my my gamer card away from
3729s me I'm ex-gamer I'm Max strawberry milk
3733s there you go oh there we go
3736s there we go
3738s and then Pepto-Bismol turns your tongue
3741s black which is just so cool yeah yeah
3744s the charcoal in it right it's like an
3747s effect uh on your stomach that makes you
3749s super dehydrated
3751s um and you absolutely need to drink a
3753s bunch of water afterwards
3756s at my age I just uh I go through like a
3759s bottle and a half a day no I'm kidding
3762s it's my bedtime snack it's a bottle of
3765s Pepto okay Grandpa let's get you to bed
3768s here's your pepper
3769s Rue exclusively goes to Costco for the
3772s left abysmal packs it doesn't come in a
3775s giant like Barrel then uh Barrel oh
3786s you nasty oh you nasty oh that makes me
3790s this reminds me of like I think it's
3792s called what a
3794s is it black or it must be a White
3796s Russian drink where it's milk and like
3798s color or something
3800s that's the one oh God the thought of
3803s mixing Dairy with alcohol
3806s okay did you say oh I am very lactose
3809s intolerant was a pensive not a delicious
3814s um
3814s okay
3823s clean
3825s um you don't think about pina coladas
3827s right
3828s what about them well uh coconut you
3830s can't have too much coconut coconut
3832s sounds good
3833s Coconut's not dairy though no but
3838s it does some things to you good so if
3840s you ever go on vacation don't drink too
3842s many pina coladas what if you need it
3844s you know need a pina colada yeah like
3846s several though no never mind
3850s oh oh you know that vacation Buffet yeah
3854s yeah you know you know get a little
3856s nervous from the plane
3858s you're a little stressed yeah you gotta
3860s watch out though you gotta be careful
3861s that coconut will get you
3864s also the pure amount of sugar that's in
3866s a pizza yeah but God is a good
3868s outrageous God is a good wheel hello
3870s thank you oh sorry he needed to die
3874s oh my god I've walked into that okay I'm
3876s getting a loblob oh me me let's get them
3879s all in a group
3887s oh I didn't even equip them Jesus don't
3890s look at me Helen okay now look at me
3892s look at me okay looking oh wait here we
3894s go nice
3897s absolute idiots oh my God I almost died
3902s almost done gotcha oh you want to run
3905s straight into me
3907s like to think twice losers
3910s think again I have uh photo evidence
3912s that A and W cream soda is brown
3917s cream soda that oh
3920s is it root beer no it says on the can
3922s cream soda and it's brown it's like a
3924s light like caramel color I mean I'm not
3926s surprised a w would do
3931s I'm not surprised they didn't whoa it's
3934s Amber wow we're just have you seen that
3937s Tick Tock
3938s sorry big buckets
3941s listen when I was on vacation when I was
3944s in Europe I was they took everything
3946s everything in my body when I was on the
3951s Metro it took everything for me not to
3953s start saying that big bucket because I
3955s didn't want to cause a panic right oh
3957s you know people
3960s still sad about missing gotha drop due
3963s to work uh we will be bringing back as
3966s per usual with the twitch drops of
3969s um tennocon
3971s weapon wise uh they get put into Barrow
3975s so we've had the conversations and uh
3977s the golfer Prime will be coming in a
3979s barrel rotation this year so if you were
3981s not able to get it uh Vera will have it
3984s for some some coinage I got my twitch
3986s drop thanks Santa everybody say thanks
3990s Anna
3992s uh did we get it yet
3994s one we have one no wait actually one we
3998s have one left I got one left I don't
4000s know I do two 199 out of 200. oh the
4004s pain okay okay we've got time
4008s back in we go we'll do this and then
4011s we'll pivot to Fan Art captura Dojo
4014s contest winners and then if we got busy
4017s time come on back for a little maybe a
4019s little bit of nightly nightly yeah
4022s because the whole point of me being
4023s hydrated was that I could play hydroid
4024s in his pre-rework State because on the
4028s dev stream probably be playing him in
4031s his reworked States fresh state that
4035s will you'll learn all about on the dead
4037s stream you're a hydroid connoisseur you
4040s might be after his rework you might be
4043s it's easy how those things go we're
4046s getting wow crazy with the Kraken baby
4053s we are not doing any damage here here we
4056s go
4058s can't wait to actually put his Deluxe to
4060s use
4060s I'm on it right now look at him yeah
4062s look at him right now it looks like a
4064s beautiful beautiful sea pirate I'm about
4067s to die I'm about to die damn it is there
4069s any alert oh damn it
4071s umber Maine there's something wrong with
4073s being a member Maine I'm just saying
4075s Maybe
4077s you'll think you'll think about hydroid
4080s yeah give him a chance I thought I had
4081s loblo oh I died and I got rid of them
4083s okay I'm going back
4085s I keep forgetting about my loved one
4086s staying hydrated while playing Hydra
4088s actually I do have a lot of water beside
4089s me
4091s oh no that's you ah would you blah blah
4095s but me yes oh you got some though you
4097s definitely got them I saw you I don't
4099s know I don't think I do
4102s um idiot
4105s absolute knob
4108s silly ding dong oh the fire forgot all
4113s about it
4114s Tag Team tag team tag team oh pump it
4117s are you staying hydrated while sitting
4119s on a dryer and drinking your Pepto
4121s Bismol
4122s oh no dehydrates you like you just said
4126s and that's the thing you gotta you gotta
4128s battle It's gotta be some water in it
4129s right
4133s there's a lot of liquids that are not
4135s watered
4137s wait do all liquids continue
4141s okay hold on lava
4143s is it water no water
4147s not one percentile not not water I like
4151s how we're gonna categorize like
4152s different liquids is this water no okay
4155s but really though is every liquid
4156s contain a percentile of water
4158s that's the premise of H2O just Add Water
4161s Lewis gets to the bottom of that
4163s question is lava wet
4166s I don't want anyone to find out no
4169s please don't don't touch
4171s Mercury
4174s oh look at the planet not the planet
4177s no not the planet
4179s I do I do because I can't use uh
4183s de juice as a top 10 comment
4186s I do want to say this out loud ah so
4189s everything is either water or lava
4192s there's only two schools of liquids what
4196s I just assumed Pepto-Bismol because it's
4197s like a consumable but like hold on what
4201s is actually you know I'm speaking out a
4204s turn here I don't know what it is
4206s ingredients if it says Aqua oh Jesus
4210s H2O
4212s I'm dying sorry it's very important it
4214s says liquid
4221s it's not lava it does not fall into the
4224s lava category it is water thank God
4228s I was worried about my insides I was in
4230s the lava category I also was worried oh
4232s no more H2O
4235s Pepto-Bismol is diluted oh it's
4237s definitely diluted with some
4240s turned your mouth black
4242s and other things
4246s whoa
4249s Gatorade definitely has water and
4251s electrolyte so what were we playing as
4253s kids if it's the floor Pepto Festival
4257s because the floors love it because the
4260s floor is lava
4261s oh gross
4264s Chuck
4265s what about acids they don't have water
4268s powdered gasoline they're lava
4271s so they're lava
4273s because you guys are talking about other
4275s liquids that don't have H2O in it
4278s hit
4280s powdered gasoline would be wild just add
4283s some powder gasoline
4286s Jesus Oh my goodness
4289s sure that's crazy that's about crazy
4294s go to the gas station buy a packet of
4297s to ride gasly they make you mix it with
4300s water oh foul
4304s powdered water it's where it's at wait
4306s that's not possible
4309s it can't be
4312s I don't think you're ready for these
4314s tops
4315s no we're really it can't be right I
4317s can't powder a lot there's water is
4319s insane
4323s I don't think that's right
4325s I thought you're wrong
4327s sure it's possible just Add Water
4333s put the powdered water to make water
4339s this ice contain water okay that much I
4343s know
4344s come on guys oh my God
4347s mates well if you if you grind ice
4350s technically powdered water
4352s it's not really a powder it's more of a
4358s lava
4366s there's no question
4369s snow is just I uh water confetti yeah
4372s actually it's kind of powder Kinda Yeah
4374s because I definitely call it snow I mean
4377s they literally I mean when you're on the
4379s slopes that's what I mean skiing and
4381s snowboarding it is called powder you're
4383s hitting the fresh pal
4385s okay we got the Drone the peachcomer
4387s domestic drone
4389s I love it almost like my hat oh I meant
4391s there you go planes
4393s all right thank you to our lovely Squad
4395s mates the fire of the tiger blah blah
4397s blah blah and you're saying blah blah
4400s blah blah no another name and it was Kai
4402s earlier uh thank you for joining us for
4404s some Vlog days we're gonna leave the
4407s squad appreciate you
4409s and we're gonna jump into some fan art
4411s and captura again if you're here for the
4413s giveaways unfortunately our giveaway
4415s picker is not working at this current
4417s time but we'll just do double prizes
4419s next week so double don't miss it okay
4423s let's start with oh
4427s [ __ ] every time
4430s you've been doing this girl I know we
4433s always forget what amateurs we are you
4434s know
4435s even yours oh look at that wow want to
4439s see some cool wow that's good art too uh
4442s you might be guessing correctly that all
4446s of this fan art has to do with technocon
4448s 105 things that are upcoming revealed
4451s delicious uh or not first up we have
4455s from vile rush they titled this their
4459s words not mine reveal of the year I mean
4466s the shots of when he arises was also the
4469s reveal of the Year and that we added
4472s Elise our wonderful one of our wonderful
4475s animators uh added like that 10 seconds
4479s where he goes to get up and does like
4481s the little Smurfs yeah
4485s Elise you're giving the kids what they
4488s want giving the people for the
4490s transition of just like the side profile
4492s yeah oh it's good it's good it's a good
4496s time good time uh
4499s moving on we have from duster Creations
4502s I mean of course continuing the always
4506s wonderful and Charming uh floof Saga we
4509s have degath now when I look at this
4513s say this was a real life floof it's got
4516s to be at least five dollars less because
4517s of all the the lack of product that or
4520s it's a handbag like that's a handle put
4523s your hand through that yeah right there
4524s put it through your face yeah that'd be
4527s so fun right oh someone said onion ring
4529s really oh she can be a Christmas
4531s decoration oh
4532s we love that it's so nice would she
4536s you could put it on the top of the tree
4537s just like loop around the top of the
4540s tree
4541s Barrack star if I have
4548s a purse bill
4550s s built
4552s that's not a pocket oh she uh she's
4555s great and she'll be yours soon in
4557s October spooky month that's really cute
4560s perfect keychain she is so cute oh my
4563s God so many Merchants engagement rings
4565s oh that'd be so cute anyways anyways
4569s moving up
4570s uh next up we have from system Rift they
4574s titled this into the void now a lot of
4578s this
4579s um this one and then other ones as well
4581s of
4582s um Albert and trotty here were made like
4585s so quickly after 10 oh it's unreal and I
4589s I will say that like this our de goth
4592s art like any art that has come out of
4595s 100 live we immediately share it like
4598s company-wise look at this art like even
4601s the most random obscure ones which I do
4604s have here on my list as well
4606s um but everyone literally the entire
4608s company is just loving the fan art that
4610s has come out of this the goofy ones the
4612s fun ones a serious ones these ones like
4615s just love it love it love it so thank
4616s you so much for the continued fan art of
4619s course and system Rift into the void
4621s with the TVs uh it's just it's great the
4625s cable management though I mean we had a
4628s cable moment before this year we should
4630s not be talking there's too many hdmis in
4633s this room this room is literally just a
4635s bowl of spaghetti Dean if you're
4637s watching you've got some organizational
4639s skills I will never brought them on
4641s vacation watching this like
4644s ah girls why you gotta do that
4647s uh next up we have from Sanderson Rita
4651s who I mean I have said this time and
4654s time again I am a Sanderson Rita Stan
4656s and they popped off they popped off with
4659s 10 alive uh content with you know Lloyd
4662s and Albrecht and they were already big
4664s fans of like man in the wall so I was
4667s very pleasantly surprised to see a lot
4669s of wonderful art from uh Sanderson Rita
4671s and they did a de goth one a very if she
4675s wasn't already horror themed she's
4677s definitely giving it here it's kind of
4679s giving if you've seen the original
4681s murders which I think is the greatest
4682s horror movie of all time uh it's
4685s definitely giving this but the added
4687s little teeth on the bottom no but how
4690s does one Chomp if one has no upper jaw
4694s or is it like a oh or is it like a like
4698s a a uh like a vegetable uh
4702s be alert she's a vegetable peeler you
4704s put a put a Garrett Daddy
4708s first she's a keychain and now she's a
4711s vegetable peeler I had a purse oh and a
4714s purse I mean you got the tooth on the
4716s bottom you might as well what are you
4717s gonna do with it multi-talented yeah I'm
4719s telling you I love her she does osmosis
4721s Amanda Lynn oh sure uh next up we have
4727s from elixis draws and this was titled
4730s The screech's Herald connectivity and
4732s we've got wonderful order saying is it a
4734s cephalon and then dial up noises and
4736s said why is it screaming and this just
4739s like made me happy because like I
4741s mentioned before it just reminded me of
4742s like oh how everyone laughed at this
4744s moment and I just like I relived that to
4746s bring myself joy and so this fan art
4749s made me laugh a lot because
4751s one would be weirded out at a dial-up
4754s toned computer I love excalibur's like
4758s do I punch it yeah do I kill it
4762s friendorfo
4764s turns out hacking game always good time
4767s uh next up we have from silphix and this
4771s was titled you are late you are I was
4777s eight years old you can't tell me I was
4778s late
4779s [Laughter]
4781s wait when the clock turned to 2000
4784s uh yeah it would have been eight wow
4789s yeah it would have been actually I'm
4791s trying to do the math in my own net I
4792s have no idea how old that would have
4793s been but we're sorry sorry
4796s would have been 17 no I'm just kidding
4799s I'm kidding pretty close actually really
4801s yeah I was in 1999 I was
4806s 15. oh all right teenage room wait were
4809s you living it up Y2K style uh yeah I had
4812s like The Fringe haircut like cover my
4814s eyes wait did you think the world was
4815s going to end oh gosh no okay oh gosh no
4819s my 2k I actually remember Y2K New Year's
4822s because I was at like because I was
4824s eight I was at our like my parents
4827s friend's house for like this big party
4830s and everyone brought their kids or
4831s whatever
4832s and I remember playing like this stupid
4834s little uh it wasn't a video game it was
4836s like an IRL game of you had to it was
4840s like the cars in a parking lot and you
4841s had to get the one car out yes but it
4843s was like blocked yeah so no it wasn't a
4845s game game no no no rush hour it's like
4847s that's what it's called like the puzzle
4848s thing yeah I was called Russia yeah
4851s that's a movie anyways it was that and
4854s yeah you had to like move the block and
4855s get the car out anyways I remember
4857s and I remember the TV being on and like
4860s the actual countdown happening and then
4862s everything remember that I because it
4865s was such a weird like moment because
4867s everyone on TV was talking about the
4870s world ending oh and also the adults
4873s around me were like kind of talking
4874s about it too and I was like what's
4875s happening I'm just playing my Rush Hour
4878s visceral memory
4881s I don't I have a bad memory where were
4883s you in 1999 on Y2K do you remember
4888s anyways we can move on
4891s this is amazing I mean it is sorry yeah
4893s this is great sorry it's like real
4896s distracted I just love how it perfectly
4898s because the the effect that happens when
4900s the the cap gets tilted down and the
4902s smile occurs the kind of like rumbling
4905s around him yeah that's giving that's
4907s giving vibration we're vibing we're
4910s vibing and the worst way possible and
4912s like I don't know if it's intentional
4913s but like the the blue it kind of is
4916s giving like smile like men on the walls
4917s oh I didn't know oh I could be reaching
4920s I think you might be on it does look
4922s like two fees it's giving smile I don't
4924s know it's so good though his jacket his
4926s uh jotaro jacket pop that I kid you not
4931s we'll probably laugh about this later on
4933s many different Dev streams but uh I mean
4935s we're laughing about it now is what I
4936s mean
4937s um literally again this demo gets played
4941s and played and played and played and
4941s played and then we've played it for
4945s um internal like we did a big internal
4947s one I was like wow I can't believe uh we
4949s made a jotaro character yeah and
4950s remember literally like oh my God she
4953s didn't realize she didn't realize like
4955s we had gone through
4957s months of you know his coat design and
4959s all this stuff and then someone said
4961s that and she was like oh my god really
4964s funny because most people probably would
4966s have assumed it was intentional yeah or
4968s like inspired yeah yeah it's like nope
4970s we I mean there were different
4972s Inspirations but like not even a thought
4974s and then something funny and then she
4976s saw that she's like oh my God that's
4979s incredible strong I think we were just
4981s so distracted by Art there anyways uh
4983s next up this one brought me great joy
4985s and again if you watched my art panel
4987s you understand why uh this is by ibumic
4994s um so this well I mean this is a very
4995s scary version of it but this is inspired
4998s by the very very original the first ever
5002s concept that Keith Thompson did for
5004s Warframe was a Loki Warframe wait wait
5007s wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
5008s back in the day where it was actually
5011s split up into like two different bodies
5013s where he would go kind of like into a
5015s berserk mode and like change his
5016s appearance but but we obviously took a
5018s one version of it turned that into Loki
5019s and he did his own thing it didn't look
5022s like this with like the crazy mouth like
5024s this is what I boomik did and making it
5026s like super creepy but I just love that
5027s they took Keith Thompson's very first
5031s concept art he ever did which turned
5033s into Loki and you used that concept art
5035s to make like a spooky version of it the
5037s sleep paralysis lokia exactly this is in
5040s the corner of my ceiling if I don't
5042s share the email oh 60 of my friends
5045s no not the email Jane are you finding it
5048s are you digging into the archive I do
5050s actually have it somewhere I downloaded
5052s it I think it's
5053s ah there it is yeah
5055s here I'll I'll uploaded it I hope that
5058s doesn't just muck the order uh no it
5059s should be fine I believe I'll add it to
5061s the bottom this is a little kid that
5063s sleeps on your chest at night
5065s can I activate it yep
5067s yeah so this is the original first ever
5071s Warframe concept art that Keith Thompson
5074s did was this Warframe it had a
5075s completely different name and like as
5077s you can see here like two different
5078s versions so be the original version and
5079s then it would go into this like berserk
5081s mode where it would be like all so sick
5083s spiky and creepy yeah but we took
5085s obviously the right side ladder version
5087s and turned it into Loki a little less
5089s creepy but anyways he's a little lanky
5091s Loki yeah it's super cool to like know
5094s that that's the first ever Keith
5095s Thompson and then he just went berserk
5097s oh my gosh with being his crazy crazy
5100s mind that we love and adore so much
5101s talent so much talent in that man
5103s anyways sorry
5104s rambled uh next up from nif Blue grief
5110s they said Happy New Years
5112s wow 2K baby what okay now this one I
5115s think is a smile in the background oh
5117s definitely I do think them be teeth or
5119s something the little Chompers for sure
5121s maybe a little throwback to the murmur
5124s oh I love how the way the 1999 is like
5127s angled yeah like oh wait it almost looks
5129s like he's looking at a scream like it's
5131s like a projection of some sort a creepy
5133s little smile God he's so cool
5136s so cool he's so cool he's so cool
5142s next up we have from
5146s waimoa underscore Cthulhu they said
5148s knowledge is power it's a rhino just
5151s punching someone with the book which
5152s actually internally we laughed about
5155s because I think it was actually Taylor
5157s that scent it might have been like a
5159s Reddit thread or something to uh one of
5162s our uh weapon designers who worked a lot
5166s on the grimoire Who and the thread asked
5169s if we could make the grimoire like heavy
5172s attack just be someone hitting you with
5174s a book right and I think that is the
5175s funniest thing oh and who knows if we
5178s actually do it or not or if we can or if
5180s it's you know too off base or anything
5181s but the just the the sheer fact of
5183s hitting someone's slapping someone with
5185s a book wow I like it knowledge is power
5188s knowledge is power that's the weight
5190s that's that poor necromack is just about
5192s to get whacked
5194s you've seen those videos of like people
5196s studying or like who haven't studied and
5198s they're like sitting there before Tess
5199s doing this to the book like trying to
5202s pull consuming the knowledge into their
5204s head
5205s that's how I get my that's the power I
5208s have and yeah knowledge knowledge is
5210s power baby uh next up we have from nello
5215s again inserting the dog wherever they
5218s can I love it man of the drip is how
5220s they titled this yeah and he do got that
5222s drip but
5223s um I don't know his jacket says your mom
5225s I think
5228s I thought it was uh it's a that's a
5230s reference to the coat that says by any
5232s means necessary
5234s is he wearing a supreme shirt yes he is
5238s but I think it says something else I
5240s can't see I can't see it either I'm
5241s blind
5243s hold on I can probably zoom in I got on
5244s my computer enhance
5247s okay he's a g okay there you go yeah
5250s he's a cool guy he's a creepy drip yeah
5252s and he's got he's he's a cool guy so
5255s man on the drip so they said oh man uh
5258s and last but not least again if you
5261s watch my art pen
5262s um you will have seen that one of the
5264s things we showed was the new war story
5266s no oh second dream storyboard oh that
5270s Eric better did yeah and it was just it
5272s was so precious yeah because it was just
5274s the most simple version of the second
5277s dream play-by-play storyboard you could
5279s have ever imagined and it turned out
5281s literally the same way but there was a
5284s Lotus drawn
5285s um in a very very simple Manner and Pyro
5289s Raptor uh made a fan art of it called
5292s storyboard Lotus oh funny she's looking
5295s like a stingray
5298s she looked like the desert skate she
5300s looks like a desert skate he looks like
5301s a desert skate giving Dorito that is the
5304s smile though the smile is really what
5306s gets me is good she's just a happy girl
5308s oh my goodness mom before all the [ __ ]
5312s went down he's just so happy girl so
5315s Lotus Skin yep I did see like a couple
5318s tweets after that was like storm
5320s storyboard Lotus can't hurt you
5324s I think she's just I guess the very last
5327s page is it or she's like smiling yeah
5335s that made me laugh it's pretty good I
5340s just love how this one is so like not
5343s not detailed like the actual storyboard
5345s one if I can if I can download it and
5347s yeah so I mean the storyboard was
5349s literally just like sausage people
5353s like I think even it might be the
5355s stalker it just has like like a ponytail
5357s like it just he's got like a cowlick
5359s okay I think I uh okay give her uh oh
5364s yeah so far right far right is lotus
5367s which is so like a little smile oh she's
5370s so cute so precious she is so cute that
5373s operator seemed better yeah
5375s oh my gosh we love it
5377s it's so good oh the joy and that's
5382s another fan art that I have today yeah
5384s uh it's captura time I'm ready oh okay I
5389s have a lot of capture you guys I went
5392s way back because we haven't done a prime
5394s time a bit so I figured we'd go way back
5396s and show as I try to show as much as I
5398s could but uh this first one here is
5401s called spit her out Warren and it's by
5403s Eve captura oh my God I'm assuming
5406s there's a cat in there like a kavan oh
5409s yeah cavadar domestic drone also is the
5412s like helmet is that big or is it just a
5415s force perspective type of thing because
5417s that is a small valkyr in a very large
5420s helmet right he's a big boy that's so
5423s sick though also just like the coloring
5425s the lighting and this is just yeah it's
5426s so good it's real
5428s uh this next one here is King of the
5430s deep and this is by frizzy the kid okay
5436s right that I need to get and it looks it
5438s looks so good it actually I actually
5439s thought that there was a fish in the
5442s water I was like it's right there get it
5443s but uh this is just very cool very cool
5446s use of the fishy afamera
5448s uh this next one is fractures by hexagon
5452s so so pretty she's going in is she
5455s coming out well I don't know where is
5456s she going next where are you going
5457s Interstellar insert Matthew McConaughey
5462s no that scene messed me up it's so good
5466s it's so sad so good
5468s um this next one here is called good
5470s morning oh and they come here so lovely
5474s sunset pink sign Dana open
5479s n-i-n-j-i-n-g-5 very well very pretty I
5483s love the conquera signed on them yeah
5484s you're cute so pretty oh this one's very
5487s cool too the Triumph of delirious oh
5490s yeah we've got sty in there looks like
5493s he's blowing a pipe he might be oh it
5495s might be using the uh Excalibur on the
5497s Zeto yeah uh this is by Alan uh Men 2 30
5501s and uh they said I love it because
5503s that's how I saw it in my head I'm
5505s guessing with the you know the the
5507s triangle the uh Trifecta baby triangle
5510s was a stronger shape
5511s hey oh
5515s what
5516s it is yeah it really is I just got me
5519s off guard
5527s it is lava also uh congrats 100
5530s followers Alan man
5532s congrats to you they were very excited
5534s about that in this post amazing uh we
5536s have one by silent Echo uh called oh I
5542s think it I wrote I spelled this wrong I
5543s think it's supposed to be hey kiddo oh
5545s no it's key kiddo interesting uh an
5548s edited capturer by silent Echo 999. is
5551s Kihei in a different language key I
5553s don't know maybe they spelled it wrong
5555s the H and the K are very cool please
5556s there's a J in the middle there look at
5558s the keyboard
5559s how close are they together Jacob either
5562s or yeah amazing so cool I just love the
5565s it it
5567s the way that it's captured is so like
5570s indicative of your relationship with the
5572s man on the wall like so you're so small
5573s as the operator I didn't even notice yet
5575s right the operator was like right right
5577s he's so tiny just like looking up to
5579s this
5580s creepy creepy man
5583s um this next one here is called Hey
5585s Albrecht I'm ready are you oh oh I see
5589s where they are okay I see what you've
5591s done there yeah so the red blindfold and
5595s the red devil horns right the fashion
5598s the fashion is framing right now uh this
5601s is by shy Anna Banana nope shy and a
5604s banana
5606s um this next one here is by black shark
5610s we got some very hot summer days they
5612s say very hot summer days oh very hot we
5615s love we love Marriott
5618s uh who else do we have here this is we
5621s have some wonderful decks
5623s six
5628s it's like giving porcelain almost very
5631s nice we love it oh uh I lost my mind
5634s over this one because you know
5636s this is a vault get in the damn Warframe
5640s Shinji it is a Evangelion reference it
5643s is a neon Evangelion oh my God
5646s this is by Rollin captura I love it oh
5650s my gosh like so cool
5653s that's actually literally hold on oh
5656s if you go to my gameplay Helen
5660s okay
5660s I
5662s think I literally have my volt fashion
5665s framed like that I got twinsies I'm
5667s pretty sure
5674s oh he's perfect yep that's that's my boy
5678s is that the Verve ephemer uh I think it
5681s might know uh that's one of these oh
5683s that's a sister of Marvel yeah sisters
5685s one yeah oh that looks so cool he's my
5687s boy
5688s uh so cool so cool
5692s this next one here is uh cautionary tale
5695s and they decided a teacher what a fun
5697s use of like the new yes
5702s um and the Beards of course how could we
5704s forget every teacher has a beard I
5706s genuinely was like is this a Warframe
5709s captura because it looks like it's like
5711s a different game right yeah we did such
5713s a good job
5715s um where have we landed here we are on
5718s number 12
5719s Illusion by Luke wow yeah this is a
5723s Wukong Warframe capture okay oh that's
5725s so fun how did you time that so
5729s perfectly it's like so Wukong so like
5732s perfectly enveloped in the tree it's
5733s lovely it's a nice looking tree
5736s we love it uh of course rankins with a
5741s stellar Dex operator he literally looks
5743s like marketing promo I mean God damn
5746s right come on God damn he's doing God's
5750s work oh the pink is so good oh this
5752s one's fun this is a called Wolfie
5756s and this is by Des Aina uh of course
5760s it's a the void shell skin I believe oh
5763s he's so cute zooming he's got the three
5767s eyes oh this would be a really fun
5769s Halloween decoration
5770s decoration like if you had these like on
5773s your doorstep or something
5775s yeah they like glowed in the dark that's
5778s a good idea what the dog doing
5781s that now
5783s oh this one's very cool purple floor
5785s with a very cool what happened to their
5788s arm
5789s oh she's fading oh she's fading maybe
5791s she's back in 1999.
5793s air the coloring on this is just so
5796s Divine yeah I love the red highlights
5798s Roo is working over there because I'm
5801s going through these so fast my Discord
5803s locked up we're working on it breaking
5806s Discord if you're not in the Discord you
5808s should join the Discord because we share
5809s all of the fan art uh links and captura
5812s links there so if you see anything you
5814s like and you're like that would make a
5815s really good wallpaper you can go to the
5817s Discord and we're showing links there oh
5819s this one's fun we have dog day Story by
5823s oh like moderator how did they uh oh
5826s there must be a Naruto or something well
5829s I know there's the Mirage oh no there's
5831s the Zephyr animation where they do that
5833s the kind of break dance yeah oh that
5835s must be it oh that's so funny yeah this
5837s is really really good I just love the
5840s like unapproving disapproving this is
5842s like every kid that's like what's gonna
5843s do a handstand watch me do a handstand
5845s and she's like oh every kid in a pool
5847s whatever playing mermaids I can do it
5851s for like 10 seconds and hold my breath
5853s oh man
5855s um this one here is
5856s 8-bit Goss oh that's fun it's a Goss
5860s Warframe captura edit damn so they so
5863s they took a snapshot I guess of the uh
5867s yeah cool so so cool this is
5870s LG of course the goat
5875s um and then we also have this one here
5877s we have it's called Old Friends oh I
5880s love it and this is Deuce with uh the uh
5883s GC and they said it's truly an honor to
5886s collaborate with an amazing capture
5887s artist oh my God damn your horse is
5890s white
5892s is so stunning yeah
5895s it's giving Lord of the Rings I'm not
5897s gonna lie it is getting a little
5900s um Aragon and uh My Girl Rotten on the
5904s horses you know over the river so sweet
5907s yeah it's supposed to read
5910s um we've got some more fantastic collabs
5913s uh a deck suit uh this is unigor with
5917s Iris yo with that protea Deluxe
5921s I just love how oh they're wearing the
5923s Conch
5927s yeah some good pretty so summery oh and
5930s this last one here uh Jayo X Kaiser more
5934s Warframe dog days and this looks like a
5937s fan art right it's they said it's
5939s captura so I'm assuming similar to the
5941s pixelated
5942s um Goss they took a picture and then
5944s they just
5945s you know did something maybe like Dural
5947s or top of it yeah oh they're wearing the
5949s the Lavos signed on it too I just
5951s noticed I can't remember what it's
5953s called so cool it's so cute I love it
5955s and that's uh that's all we got we made
5957s it after we made it we made it I'd give
5960s you a twitch prize but I can't
5963s all you got is my love and admiration uh
5967s all right are we ready for contest a
5971s winner Bonanza all right so like
5974s every time I keep forgetting we have a a
5978s contest one
5979s [Music]
5983s all right we have the winners for the
5986s summer star chart Dojo showcase kick it
5990s off Danny yes so first of all thank you
5992s everyone for your submissions
5995s um also special shout out and thank you
5997s to our guest judges for this round it
6000s was El Julius from the Nintendo Clan
6002s tribute and we actually have a great
6005s video from El Julie x uh just a little
6008s little tutorial
6010s um showing you guys how you can do a
6011s green screen effect in a dojo so we're
6013s gonna play them I love these oh AML
6016s Julie X and today I share an idea to
6018s have a green screen in your dojo
6022s tell me more First Step choose where to
6025s place the green screen Next Step choose
6027s the tribute to decoration with green
6029s color and fill it evenly oh my God
6033s the green color of the pride palette can
6035s help you
6041s with any theme of your liking and so you
6043s can use videos from your dojo as a
6045s stream point on some other content in
6047s the game
6048s well I hope you liked the idea
6054s and this is why Elle was a guest judge
6057s because that was just brilliant that was
6059s so lovely so okay let me get situated
6061s here
6062s um a couple things while I'm pulling up
6064s this document we had 35 PC submissions
6067s so there are a lot of you around this
6069s round with only 15 PC slots so it was a
6071s very busy and tough round shut up
6073s Veronica for going through them all
6075s you're the queen shout out Ronnie
6077s um and we were welcoming many first-time
6079s submissions as well so for those of you
6081s who submitted for the first time thank
6083s you for doing so it was so fun to look
6085s through all of your submissions
6087s um uh you'll obviously be able to visit
6089s these new rounds of dojos after Prime
6092s Time feature gojos and the winners will
6095s receive their prize in their Clan
6097s inventory after so many resources well
6100s and of course Clans who didn't make it
6102s this round we're always encouraging you
6104s to come back for another four years we
6106s do so there's winter summer spring fall
6110s yeah we're doing one in November right
6111s is that the Lisa the dealio the winter
6114s the winter rounds what do we do fall
6117s no I don't
6119s we do spring summer and winter right
6121s yeah three seasons I guess
6123s no fall damn Ronnie sure she got against
6125s fall I mean it's only like two weeks in
6128s Canada I know
6129s I think that's maybe why okay
6133s we are going to go through our let's see
6137s here
6140s first place winners from every Clan so
6143s we're gonna start with switch
6145s um we've got Vera no me oh I think it's
6149s oh
6151s wow
6154s that is our switch Moon that's what your
6159s body does when you eat Pepto Bismol
6163s explodes
6167s [Laughter]
6169s um in the mountain um category first
6171s which there was no submission so we're
6173s actually going to skip right over that
6174s one uh for the storm Clan we've got cool
6177s kids congratulations guys
6179s oh they use the observatory and the
6182s meals Aquarium
6185s amazing that's cool
6188s and uh the shadow category we have rule
6192s of laws it's giving me a uh the Garrison
6196s oh I thought we're gonna say Shrek oh I
6199s take it back it gives me check giving
6201s Shrek swap a little bit way better I
6203s mean you're more on the ball foot it's
6206s very pretty I feel like I would take a
6208s very good nap underneath that canvas
6212s uh this next one you hear the ghost clan
6215s we have Moon Hunters oh so Serene oh
6219s this is giving like almost like airport
6221s Hangouts I was gonna say it's kind of
6223s like a hotel lobby terminal or something
6225s like a cool one that you want actually
6227s like a cool one cool one so
6229s congratulations to all of our switch
6231s first place winners uh moving on to Xbox
6235s we've got the Knights of Blood Oath and
6238s the moon Clan whoa oh that is there's
6242s like cobwebs there's tendrils damn uh
6246s it's like a city almost what is this uh
6248s there's some planets not Blade Runner
6251s Trump yeah definitely Tron definitely
6254s some Tron
6255s um oh I know Blade Runner yeah yeah
6257s that's what I think that's what it looks
6259s like to me congratulations on the
6261s Mountain uh Clan category for Xbox we
6265s have The Nightingales of Lua what a
6268s beautiful name oh what a nasty little
6271s boy wow that's a is he uh like a a like
6275s a worm like a
6276s is it a worm is it a dragon is it a
6278s wyvern
6279s too many categories too many countries
6282s either or it's that's really really sick
6284s actually yeah look at his teeth oh it
6286s looks like a like a bloodborne boss that
6289s I would most likely lose to and throw my
6291s controllers
6292s oh it does kind of look like a needle
6294s doesn't it very cool in the storm
6296s category we have Phoenix retribution
6302s or is this considered Shadow art no I
6305s don't know I don't know how you guys did
6306s that but that is unreal it's something
6309s and it's cool pretty now they need to do
6311s this but storyboard
6314s Stingray loaded Stingray Lotus manta ray
6316s Lotus I love it uh we've got in the
6320s Shadow Clan category for Xbox Anora oh
6323s there's a shower oh that's so cool look
6325s at all the comparaflues oh
6330s oh my goodness that's amazing oh and
6332s there's don't oh it's Bob Misty yeah is
6335s that bomb scene or Dominus bombastin's
6337s on stage and then Dominus in the shop so
6340s good oh so wow how do they do it
6344s how do they do it and then in the ghost
6348s clan category we have sunless Saturn six
6350s wolves whoa wowie sorry what game is
6354s that on somehow ours that's giving
6358s Scarlet spirit
6360s it oh it kind of is it's kind of giving
6362s the big nasty yup squid looking that
6365s sentient thing oh it does it does it's
6368s given that it doesn't give it does it's
6370s giving wow that is so sick trippy oh
6372s amazing well congratulations to all of
6374s our Xbox first place winners
6377s uh moving on to PlayStation we didn't
6379s have any in the moon or Mountain
6380s category but boy do we have some in the
6382s tight in the storm category with Titans
6387s um I feel like I'm entering an arena
6389s where I'm not going to leave from yeah
6391s this is this is giving enter only you
6394s don't actually leave oh I just love
6396s there's like water but there's trees and
6398s there's like a yeah like an arena portal
6401s of some sort it doesn't look like an
6402s arena gate can I can I leave I never
6405s know I don't know but congratulations
6408s we've got uh in the Shadow Clan category
6411s on how Reapers
6414s that's a dragon a wyvern
6418s this is it's got like a mohawk Oh my he
6421s died hell yeah
6422s very cool
6426s don't you just love the you really
6428s popped off with the gold in this game
6429s didn't we we got a lot of gold we got
6432s more to come with oh
6436s in the ghost clan category we have the
6440s Golden Lion oh my look at the hair on
6443s that one oh look is that a tree trunk
6446s Paris tree I think so oh it is oh my god
6450s wow that is such a cool use of the like
6453s organic
6454s is it oh they did it in the Dewberry mop
6456s in the joy spiral oh how joyful that is
6459s cool it almost looks like they're
6460s building an airplane like an old school
6463s Aviator like like
6466s who's the first female pilot what was
6469s that I don't remember
6470s Rue
6472s yes
6475s started with a joneheart
6479s Amelia Amelia Earhart
6483s I thought it was Amelia Earhart first
6486s licensed
6487s America the first licensed feeling pilot
6490s according to google was Raymond oh what
6495s was Amelia Earhart then she's well she
6497s went missing over the Bermuda Triangle
6501s she flew a plane though
6504s you're like hey Rue you're you're old
6507s you're just really smart oh thank you
6512s all right well I don't know [ __ ] wow 113
6516s years ago today I thought she flew
6518s around the world I don't know insert
6519s care you and me are both wow this woman
6521s was so cool she was a former Parisian
6524s stage actress and then became the first
6526s licensed female pilot in the world what
6527s a cool woman not Amelia Earhart I mean
6531s the Earhart too yeah for sure she was in
6534s a plane I know that so here you are
6536s Megan it's Earhart was the first female
6538s Aviator to fly solo across the Earth
6542s she crossed the ocean and I was happy
6545s all right anyways well congrats to all
6547s of our PlayStation first person
6549s we're moving on the PC
6553s um in the moon clan we have dreadnova
6555s Galleon oh oh is there other hands
6558s clasping below is that what that is oh
6561s they're here
6562s wait they're people wait they're faces
6565s hold on where oh they're holding hands
6568s oh
6570s God yeah they're holding hands and he's
6573s like touching their face oh that's
6576s beautiful are you shooting rocks at each
6578s other I think it's they're um
6582s okay I feel like there's Is This Love
6586s this is long it might look away if it's
6588s blood oh this is very cool oh someone
6590s else in Chad said Is This Love
6593s oh this is really really cool that's
6595s beautiful oh spitting rocks at each
6598s other
6599s um this next one uh in the mountain clan
6602s castle oh Dimitri skew I can never say
6606s this name properly oh it's giving um I
6610s can't remember her name Resident Evil it
6611s is uh oh it is
6615s chat help me I never know how to say her
6617s name
6619s her first name is alicino I mean they're
6621s gonna thing is they're gonna type this
6624s fun that's how you say it I haven't
6627s played fun I played in I can't even
6628s remember it's just scary games
6636s there we go anyways great game yeah
6641s so cool that is incredible wow it's so
6645s foggy so much happens in there so uh fog
6648s is partially watered
6651s partially
6652s 100
6654s I mean fog is yeah yeah there's no
6656s moisture it's moist moist in the air
6660s water yeah it's not a lot less water
6663s it's uh yeah we we love uh we love our
6667s big tall mommy scary Mommy we do yep she
6671s can chase me any day please do this next
6674s one
6675s um in the strong Clan category we have
6676s Violet Church whoa Dragon wow more
6679s castles kind of giving Mulan is it yeah
6682s maybe oh my God how fun the way that
6684s they've made the clouds oh yeah I wonder
6687s what they used for that I think it's I
6689s guess ice it might be that oh it might
6691s be the ice
6694s it definitely gives it like a very cool
6696s like cartoony vibe to it yeah Chinese
6698s mythology Vibes 100 I want to go in
6700s there I want to explore every room I do
6702s me too although I feel like like it
6704s might be a bit of a I'm getting like
6707s demon demon Slayer Vibes oh yeah oh
6711s there's a demon on one of those floors
6712s baby yeah let's go yeah that's good dark
6715s we'll get them we get them what do we
6717s have next here in the Shadow Clan we
6719s have ciao Kian Kun Kyon Kun shadow
6725s like like Imperial this is very like
6728s Empire
6730s empire coded
6732s this is again more gold
6735s slap on the gold I love our gold it's
6737s just like floating that's cool Earth in
6740s the background I was just gonna say
6742s wow look at the detail oh that's crazy
6745s can I go in I just want to like Zoom
6748s enhance I want to see more they even
6751s have like the red uh ribbons I think
6754s those are like the kuva the kuva ribbons
6756s the cords
6758s how do you guys do this wow
6762s actually crazy uh and the ghost clan we
6766s have elusive Dawn oh the joy is viral
6770s wait did they rebuild this or did they
6774s just make like oh they just added like
6776s little houses yeah I think they added oh
6778s look at the bridge oh it's so cute
6779s there's another house there that's so
6781s sweet oh lovely wow I want to go there
6783s well congratulations to all of our first
6787s place winners and all of your clan
6789s categories and platforms
6792s um what do we have next here we're gonna
6793s show the All-Star videos
6796s um we have the Xbox All-Star which is
6800s um corruption ink oh there's monsters
6803s wow you're starting our strong there's
6805s your dragon oh oh where does the
6809s waterfall take us
6811s [Music]
6817s whoa that transition Ronnie oh that's
6820s powerful oh
6822s damn more dragons
6824s yeah oh a flying dragon wait these are
6827s so sick oh what the hell wait is this a
6830s reference to oh that is it is that a
6834s reference to Nintendo oh maybe not maybe
6836s oh that was interesting wow very cool
6839s congratulations corruption Inc our
6841s All-Star winner for the Xbox category in
6844s PlayStation we have progeny okay okay oh
6848s we got Star Wars baby yeah
6859s Lion King
6861s you do the greedy that's oh Jurassic
6864s amazing wait the the bushes are moving
6866s oh this looks very very soon
6870s oh my God it's so beautiful wow
6875s wow is that like Clock Tower oh oh wow
6879s wow congratulations progeny and
6884s um we've got PC here All-Star Umbra Lua
6887s Likens
6891s oh wow oh cherry blossoms pretty easy
6896s oh oh
6898s it's got a stick oh nowhere wow that's
6904s cool I've never seen that
6907s oh
6910s oh dude
6915s oh oh the head going through the portal
6917s that's nasty
6918s wow
6920s our congratulations to our All-Star
6922s winners absolute uh winners just
6926s incredible show of talent you did it you
6929s did it congratulations we actually have
6931s some some more assets to show oh I think
6934s oh these are like the summation of
6935s everyone yeah so here you go just so in
6937s case you missed it first second third we
6939s got it all dojos oh the windy city
6942s gentleman's with a z Satan's cat oh I
6945s can't wait to visit these oh I'm so
6947s excited I love these names these are so
6949s fun oh I love it yep Violet Church
6951s ascensions of immortal or can Legend
6953s legionnaires
6956s um Castle I'm not gonna do it again uh
6959s Gentlemans La Legend oscura dread Nova
6962s Galley on the windy city and Syndicate
6964s Synergy and of course in our All-Star
6966s umbrella um
6968s and uh for All-Stars they will be uh
6972s they're chilling around for longer yeah
6974s visiting them for long we've got to
6976s rotate through all these so yes
6978s so for our switch winner there you go um
6983s cool kids Cool Kids Hydra is Haven
6987s you're gonna love the visit to Guthrie
6989s work amazing congratulations guys
6991s congrats
6993s and the Xbox category voila yay sunless
6998s Saturn six wolves off pieces of Serenity
7000s Aries tribe any Aries in the chat for
7003s girls
7003s [Laughter]
7005s and Nora fatebreaker the kuva collective
7008s Phoenix retribution Evo Can't Get Right
7010s neither can I The Nightingales of Lua
7012s the solstice Knights derelict rain the
7015s Knights of Blood Oath Guardians 10 OB
7017s are House of silence and our All-Star
7019s corruption
7021s congrats guys and finally we have our
7025s PlayStation oh Golden Lion house uh
7030s Astra ocean 2525 on how Reapers vessels
7034s of souls the new Empire Titan wolf
7036s Promethean Fire anti-matter Sun and
7038s Prodigy
7040s [Applause]
7041s job everyone all right well that kind of
7044s that completes everything thank you
7045s again everyone for your submissions and
7047s a special thank you to our special guest
7048s again El Julie X or a special guest
7051s judge and of course to our lovely Ronnie
7054s Veronica on our team for putting this
7057s all together for us and doing all the
7058s work to make sure that we can show off
7060s some cool stuff tonight
7062s wild in wow no one else is wild
7068s top 10 commentary in the Stream brought
7070s to you by De Rue
7074s he's debut
7077s Ed
7078s you know I tried to keep it as not as
7081s unhinged as possible interesting
7083s interesting but uh listen my humor is
7087s just very different from everyone else
7088s so let's start off with something very
7091s easy dogs were mentioned earlier today
7092s which is your favorite dog the play
7095s Warframe Discord decided to have a bunch
7096s of sharing their dog photos it was
7098s wonderful
7101s hop on over to the Discord
7104s yeah they I love when they shared songs
7106s it's wonderful it's wonderful uh in
7109s discussion of what is water and what is
7111s not uh a very heated discussion oh no
7114s ragna says from the Discord uh powdered
7116s water is just the snow I mean it we we
7120s did kind of cover that didn't we but
7122s like
7125s oh no is it powder like
7129s it can't be okay
7131s if you add water to it just turned one
7134s okay anyways no oh no this one resonated
7139s a little too closely with me because of
7142s the amount of Pepto I have sometimes uh
7145s Seth the hex from twitch chat said I
7147s learned to brew my own Pepto during the
7149s pandemic says Grandpa God
7153s I know that's probably lethal that's
7155s lava that's gonna absolutely lava that's
7157s the lava I don't recommend making your
7159s own Pepto-Bismol in your basements you
7161s don't you know crush up some chalk put
7164s some water in it
7165s it's massive wait is more calamine
7168s lotion
7169s could very well be probably would good
7172s for your Burns how would you brew your
7175s Olympus
7176s step one water okay
7179s he learned I learned that's true from
7182s bronze in twitch chat uh in regards to
7185s what would Lotus do at dong sorry dog
7188s days we have
7190s tenno you have just eaten you cannot
7193s enter the water for 30 minutes
7195s bam
7198s well there might be a few more of these
7201s I love I love your talking in the
7204s present tense as if you still do I
7206s haven't done it in a very long time
7209s I was actually revs pool and she there
7212s was a noodle but it was it was they
7215s don't make them like they do back in the
7216s day
7217s back in the day they were like very airy
7219s nowadays they're thick are they done
7221s they're too dense like I would probably
7223s break my teeth trying to rip them so I
7226s will and they're also not mine so right
7227s yeah I'm not gonna bite ribs imagine if
7230s you invite someone over to your place
7231s that's Marvin down
7234s we're in the pool
7235s it's just spinning it out while they're
7237s having a mid conversation with you
7240s couldn't be me oh man uh also from
7244s twitch chat this one resonated so so
7246s closely and I laughed so hard I could
7249s not keep it frog 85g says lob blobs nah
7253s gotta go Fortinos
7257s it's a it's a grocery store it's a
7259s supermarket fortino
7262s there you go
7264s oh my God are we gonna get sued
7268s e
7271s loved ones I go there all the time
7275s holy [ __ ] I guess at the grocery store
7279s named after lobbing blobs lobbing blobs
7282s blah blahs wait why is this linked to
7285s fertinos already purpleed out
7289s it was like wait a second what is this I
7293s need to know
7295s damn President's Choice coming for our
7298s neck wow okay
7300s um
7301s that is so cool wow from the play
7303s Discord uh so I play Warframe Discord uh
7306s Halsey Says Megan if they're not those
7310s kind of noodles I mean you can't name
7313s something after a food and expect me not
7315s to taste it
7316s wouldn't it be more accurate if they
7318s were Twizzlers because they have the
7320s hole in the middle
7322s yes
7324s but it's not easy to to say while you're
7326s swimming around in the pool hey pass me
7328s one of those uh Twizzlers I mean that
7330s sounds pretty good to me
7332s cool noodle baby and even a food I'm
7335s gonna take a look a Twizzler dude a
7337s bigger nerd in twitch chat says
7341s is the Pepto in the room with us right
7343s now
7344s can you see the Pepto do you need some
7347s bigger dough is coming from inside the
7349s house
7353s The Echoes
7356s of pepper
7359s oh that's actually a good name
7364s yeah
7365s in regards to how will you end summer
7367s yes
7370s Kismet maker says seven million lions
7373s are knocking the sun better be scared
7376s seven million lions
7382s seven million Lions what does that mean
7385s I mean I don't know seven million lions
7388s are knocking it's not a thing is that a
7392s reference seven billion lions are
7394s knocking wait oh it's a Pokemon thing is
7397s it really
7398s I think it might be oh Jesus it's an
7402s ancient meme one of each Pokemon versus
7404s one billion Lions what is that what is
7408s this
7410s was it years ago
7411s [Laughter]
7413s oh I like I read that and I was just so
7416s confused I'm like that is a perfect way
7418s so much
7424s it has a lot of lines
7426s why are they knocking
7428s how are they knocking with their paws
7430s how are they knocking
7432s are they knocking at my door
7436s oh my goodness
7438s someone quickly do the math if you stack
7441s seven billion Lions can you get to the
7443s side
7443s is that the way that they're gonna get
7445s there just hold on okay before I kill
7448s Daddy
7449s okay uh number two sell a horse from the
7453s twitch Channel said Kellogg the thing oh
7460s no it's cereal
7463s okay
7465s all right and uh to uh this one's for
7469s every Canadian out there because the the
7471s US I'm sorry over the world may not know
7473s but you'll Google it afterwards and
7474s YouTube it uh Rave tuned in twitch said
7478s don't you put it in your mouth
7481s wow
7489s a rude debut
7493s well this is the time of the night that
7495s we would give away with prime but we
7497s can't
7498s uh so you can look forward to that next
7500s week on Prime Time where we'll have
7501s double the prizes because we'll have
7503s fixed our twitch kicker so apologies on
7506s that uh but we'll get you we'll get you
7508s situated next time with double the
7510s prizes but we are going to be rating a
7512s lovely Creator tonight Jamie voice over
7515s who was at tennocon saw them briefly got
7518s to say hi I wish we could have you know
7521s chatted more but crazy times at 10
7524s o'clock be so we're going to be reading
7526s them and it's also their birthday on
7528s Saturday
7529s happy early birthday to you happy early
7532s birthday to you happy early brother
7537s all right that is it for our stream uh I
7541s hope you had a wonderful evening it was
7543s wonderful to be back in the prime time
7546s spots hanging out playing Warframe and
7549s just hanging out with the community
7550s because that's what these streams are
7551s all about and it was great to see you
7553s all again Danny thanks for being here
7555s but thanks for having me
7557s thanks for being here thanks for having
7559s me I'm literally filling in in two hours
7562s and learning the ropes of the cold pots
7564s you are your king it's uh it's pretty
7567s fun over here maybe I'll get invited
7568s back if I bring my Pepto oh you got to
7570s bring the pepper I'll bring the pepto
7572s and Helen thank you for being here and
7575s running that stream and thank you chat
7578s for being here and we'll see you next
7579s week but we're gonna join Jamie voice
7581s over over on their channel for some more
7583s Warframe good times you should also ask
7585s them about uh
7588s I think you should leave because they
7590s are also a big fan of those skits
7592s they're driving Kerner anyways have a
7594s wonderful night stay safe be kind to
7596s each other be kind to yourself and we'll
7598s see you next week
7616s [Music]
7623s [Music]
7642s [Music]