about 1 year ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Tenno, thank you for playing Warframe on iOS! If you’ve encountered a bug, crash, or any other issue that is impacting your enjoyment of Warframe, we’d like to help.

Sending Error logs to Warframe Support is a great way to have your issue identified and fixed as swiftly as possible.

Retrieving logs on iOS

  • In-game, tap the settings icon in the top left corner of the screen
  • In the “Options”, tap the Envelope Icon to reach the “Account” Page
  • Select “Send Error Logs”
  • Download to your device by selecting “Save to Files”



If you are unable to get in game, you can also access & save Error Logs by tapping the top centre of the screen (in landscape mode)

Download to your device by selecting “Save to Files”

With your Error Logs downloaded, it’s time to send them along!

Sending Digital Extremes Your Logs

  • Visit Warframe Support support.warframe.com
  • Log in using your Primary Warframe Account
  • Select “Submit a request” in the top right of the web page
  • Select “Logs and Metadata”
  • Use the Subject & Description to explain your issue with as much detail as possible
  • Under “Category” select Files/Logs requested in Forums
  • Drag your Logs onto the ‘Attachments’ field of the support ticket.
  • Hit “Submit”

When submitting a ticket, there are a couple of things that can be included that will help our developers in identifying and fixing an issue.

Video Clips:

It might help us significantly and accelerate the speed we narrow down the issue if you can record how you encountered the issue and send the video clips to us. You can take a screen recording by following these instructions on the iPhone User Guide.


A screenshot can help us understand what you're seeing. It can also potentially help us to provide better support to other players who had the same issue. You can take a screenshot by following these instructions on the iPhone User Guide.

3 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link
18 hours ago, fataphobic said:

my friend was doing the vox solaris quest on mobile and when they tried talking to the biz the dialogue would go on normally but then it would just stop and prevent further progress

There is a known audio bug that we will resolve in a hotfix as soon as we are able!