Greetings Tenno!
Due to the nature of the Empyrean update, we’re doing things a bit differently this time - Riven disposition changes originally intended for Prime Access are coming a little early, live right now on PC! For those that missed our previous Riven Workshop, this is our first time balancing dispositions per weapon instead of per weapon family, as this functionality was added with The Old Blood update. A few remarks on how we’ve chosen to undergo these changes:
- Players made it clear that they don’t want situations where the base weapon can become stronger than the upgraded version - we don’t want that either, unless the stars align for a “perfect” roll that works better on an older weapon. Therefore, increases to old base weapons will be small and gradual, to ensure we don’t cross this fine line.
- New weapon upgrades are still taken into consideration when adjusting the lesser base weapons, but to much less of an extent than before. Again, to avoid the situation described above, all adjustments must be somewhat relative.
- Kuva weapons are intentionally untouched in this update, as their slow rate of acquisition has led to skewed stats. They will certainly be changed in our next wave of disposition adjustments.
- For those that missed the announcement, we will also be adjusting melee dispositions in the NEXT Prime Access update, once Melee 3.0 stats have settled down.
- Console players will get these changes in their upcoming Prime Access builds - thank you for your patience.
With all that said, here are the changes!
SpoilerAcceltra: 1->0.8
Argonak: 1.2->1.25
Boar: 1.34->1.4
Boltor: 1.05->1.2
Telos Boltor: 1.05->1.1
Boltor Prime: 1.05->1.1
Braton: 1.2->1.3
MK1-Braton: 1.2->1.35
Braton Vandal: 1.2->1.25
Burston: 1.3->1.4
Cernos: 1.15->1.25
Rakta Cernos: 1.15->1.2
Cernos Prime: 1.15->1.2
Daikyu: 1.3->1.25
Dera: 1.3->1.35
Dread: 1.2->1.25
Fulmin: 0.8->0.65
Glaxion: 1.25->1.3
Gorgon: 1.3->1.4
Gorgon Wraith: 1.3->1.35
Grakata: 1.15->1.25
Prisma Grakata: 1.15->1.2
Grinlok: 1.25->1.3
Hek: 0.95->1.1
Vaykor Hek: 0.95->1
Hema: 1.25->1.3
Ignis: 0.55->0.6
Karak: 1.28->1.35
Komorex: 1->1.1
Lanka: 0.8->0.9
Latron: 1.3->1.4
Latron Wraith: 1.3->1.35
Lenz: 0.9->0.95
Nagantaka: 1.2->1.25
Opticor Vandal: 1.05->1
Paris: 1.3->1.35
MK1-Paris: 1.3->1.4
Penta: 1.3->1.35
Quanta: 1.35->1.4
Rubico: 0.65->0.7
Simulor: 1.1->1.2
Synoid Simulor: 1.1->1.15
Snipetron: 1.25->1.3
Soma: 0.85->1
Soma Prime: 0.85->0.95
Stradavar: 1->1.05
Strun: 1.35->1.4
MK1-Strun: 1.35->1.45
Supra Vandal: 0.8->0.85
Sybaris: 1.05->1.2
Dex Sybaris: 1.05->1.15
Sybaris Prime: 1.05->1.1
Tenora: 1.05->1.1
Tetra: 1.45->1.5
Tiberon: 0.85->0.9
Tigris: 0.55->0.65
Sancti Tigris: 0.55->0.6
Vectis: 0.8->0.95
Vectis Prime: 0.8->0.85
Vulkar: 1.4->1.45
Zhuge: 1.15->1.2
Afuris: 1.39->1.45
Akbolto: 0.8->0.95
Telos Akbolto: 0.8->0.9
Akbolto Prime: 0.8->0.85
Akbronco: 1.25->1.35
Akbronco Prime: 1.25->1.3
Akjagara: 0.9->0.95
Akjagara Prime: 0.9->0.85
Aklex: 0.8->0.9
Aksomati: 1.2->1.25
Akstilletto: 0.5->0.6
Akstilletto Prime: 0.5->0.55
Akvasto: 1.2->1.25
Angstrum: 1.3->1.35
Arca Scisco: 1->1.05
Ballistica: 1.1->1.2
Rakta Ballistica: 1.1->1.15
Ballistica Prime: 1.1->1.15
Bronco: 1.35->1.4
Castanas: 1.35->1.4
Cyanex: 0.85->0.8
Cycron: 1.15->1.2
Detron: 1->1.1
Dual Cestra: 1.3->1.35
Dual Toxocyst: 1.3->1.35
MK1-Furis: 1.35->1.4
Gammacor: 0.95->1.05
Synoid Gammacor: 0.95->1
Gaze: 1->0.9
Hikou: 1.05->1.2
Hikou Prime:1.05->1.15
Hystrix: 1.1->1.15
Knell: 1.2->1.25
Kulstar: 1.25->1.3
Lato: 1.35->1.4
Lex: 1.05->1.15
Lex Prime: 1.05->1.1
Marelok: 0.95->1.05
Vaykor Marelok: 0.95->1
Ocucor: 1.1->1.15
Pandero: 1->1.05
Plinx: 1.1->1.15
Pyrana: 0.65->0.7
Pyrana Prime: 0.65->0.6
Rattleguts: 0.75->0.7
Sicarus Prime: 1.1->1.2
Sonicor: 1->1.05
Spectra Vandal: 1.46->1.4
Spira: 1.15->1.2
Stubba: 1.3->1.35
Tombfinger: 0.7->0.65
Prisma Twin Gremlins: 1.2->1.15
Twin Vipers: 1.41->1.45
Tysis: 1.51->1.45
Vasto: 1.35->1.4
Viper: 1.35->1.4
Thanks everyone - have fun in deep space, and see you again in 2020!