At the end of 2019 we informed our Nintenno that Empyrean would be coming in early 2020, and we’ve done just that - We have sent Empyrean: Update 27.0.5 to Cert!
We’ve included everything from PC Update 27 - 27.0.5! The total download size for this update is 1.8 GB.Once we have passed Cert we will update this thread with the official launch date and time.
If you have completed the ‘RISING TIDE’ Quest, you are ready for the launch of Empyrean. If not, squad up with a Railjack-ready Tenno, or begin the Quest yourself. With almost 25 pages of update notes, the following is just a preview of what you can expect to come in Empyrean: Update 27.0.5.
1. PRE-FLIGHT: Everything you need to know to arm your vessel.
RESEARCH: The RESEARCH console in your Dry Dock allows access to different ARMAMENTS and COMPONENTS towards your Railjack in your Clan. The Research will be Clan-wide, and players will be able to Fabricate the completed Research for their respective Railjack.
WRECKAGE: COMPONENTS and ARMAMENTS can also be found in missions as WRECKAGE items from long-destroyed Railjacks from The Old War. These WRECKAGE parts require Repairs to bring them back to their former glory, which you can either Fund (similar to Foundry) or with the use of a Rush Repair Drone in the CONFIGURE panel to instantly turn it from WRECKAGE to usable gear.
- Each WRECKAGE part has its own unique set of stats that can be applied, such as Status Effects, increased Fire Rate, etc.
If you decide this WRECKAGE part is not needed in your Inventory you can choose to SCRAP it in 2 different ways:
- 1. SCRAPPING a WRECKAGE item before Repairs grants Dirac, the currency used to upgrade your AVIONICS GRID, or your Avionic themselves (similar to Endo).
- 2. SCRAPPING a WRECKAGE item after Repairing gives you back your crafting materials you spent to Repair it (Titanium, Carbides, etc).
CONFIGURE RAILJACK: This is the home for the guts of your Railjack and for your own personal set of skills as a Tenno.
- COMPONENTS: Equip your desired Shield Array, Engines, and Reactor to your Railjack! Here is where you can also Repair or SCRAP your WRECKAGE COMPONENTS.
ARMAMENTS: Equip your desired Nose Turret, Wing Turrets, and Ordnance for your Railjack! Here is where you can also Repair or SCRAP your WRECKAGE ARMAMENTS.
AVIONICS: This is where you can really boost your Railjack's core functionality - AVIONICS attribute to your Railjack's overall performance and destructive capabilities! Railjack has an Avionics Capacity, which represents the space available to add Avionics. By using Dirac, you can Upgrade in AVIONICS for 2 purposes:
- 1. GRID: The slots which Avionics are placed. Each GRID can be Upgraded with Dirac to a max of 3 times, thus being able to hold stronger Avionics.
- 2. AVIONICS: Avionics themselves can also be Upgraded by using Dirac. Similar to the Mods you know now: the higher the upgrade, the higher cost to equip it in your GRID.
There are different Houses of Railjack COMPONENTS, ARMAMENTS, and AVIONICS (Lavan, Vidar, and Zetki) that offer different strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to further customize your Railjack upgrading experience. Many of the same Avionics exist across the Houses. For example, you will find 3 different versions of the Avionic ‘ANODE CELL’ - a Lavan version, a Vidar version, and a Zetki version.
New Railjack Damage & Status Effect Types:
Throughout the COMPONENTS, ARMAMENTS, and AVIONICS options you’ll notice new Damage & Status Effect types. These new Damage & Status Effect types are unique to Railjack’s escalated combat space. Expand the spoilers below for list:
Particle Damage results in a Tear Status Effect:
- Tears holes into the hull of the enemy ship. Allowing players to deal increased damage.
Ballistic Damage results in a Concuss Status Effect:
- Concuss the crew aboard the ship. Enemy has reduced aim and damage.
Plasma Damage results in a Decompress Status Effect:
- Puncture holes into the armor/shields of the enemy ship. Decreasing the overall shield/armour value.
Incendiary Damage results in a Sear Status Effect:
- Rounds burn through the hull of the ship dealing Damage Over Time.
Ionic Damage results in a Scramble Status Effect:
- Temporary disable the enemies flight controls.
Chem Damage results in a Intoxicate Status Effect:
- Confuses Enemy pilot. Enemy will target anyone around them.
Frost Damage results in an Immobilize Status Effect:
- Ship controls freeze causing the enemy ship to fly forward to a stop.
PAYLOAD: Prepare for your mission at hand by stocking up in the Dry Dock! By consuming specific Resources you can craft the following in advance. These items can also be crafted in your Railjack in the heat of battle as you collect Resources in realtime.
- Revolite: The Omni gear item requires Revolite to carry out repairs on your Railjack as you take damage in battle.
- Flux Energy: Battle and Tactical Avionics use Flux Energy.
- Dome Charge: Dome charges are consumed by Forward Artillery.
- Munitions: Munitions are required to launch Ordnance.
INTRINSICS: This skill point based system is your personal home base for core progression aboard your Railjack! Intrinsics determine how efficient and effective your personal skills are when in flight, from the artillery you can equip, your Railjack maneuvering skills, and much more!
- TACTICAL: Increase your focus on the big picture of battle. Improved Tactical skills such as recalling back to the Railjack, powerful Tactical deployment abilities, and more.
- PILOTING: Forge a bond with the vessel. Improved Pilot skills with Railjack maneuvers like Dodge and Drift, asteroid collision damage reduction, and more.
- GUNNERY: Unlock the deadly power of your Arsenal. Improved Gunnery skills towards your Railjack’s weaponry, access to the Archwing Catapult, and more.
- ENGINEERING: Mend the scars of battle and feed the war machine. Improved Engineering skills to bolster battle crafting yields, forge payload items in real time, and more.
CUSTOMIZATION: Truly the most important and crucial element to a Railjack are the customizations! Here you can choose your Railjacks exterior and interior colors, give it a personalized name fit for battle, slap on a Glyph of your choice, apply a Railjack Skin, and choose the ‘Wear & Tear’ level!
A new selection of missions in the PROXIMA regions of planets and space have appeared. If you don’t have a Railjack or are wanting to join another crew, you can do so using the “Join a Crew” toggle in the Star Chart. If you want to use your own Railjack, you can “Form a Crew” and host the mission by starting it from Navigation in your Railjack.
While the heat of battle rages on outside the glass of your Railjack, there will be plenty to do inside to maintain not only your Railjack’s survivability, but also your team’s survivability!
NINTENDO SWITCH MOTION CONTROLS: At this time, motion controls are disabled for Railjack missions. They will be added in a future update! The team is working on making motion controls solid and giving you lots of options for when they launch.
- Boarding Parties: Sometimes the fight gets brought to you, Tenno! Incoming enemy Ramsleds will puncture your Railjack with enemies spilling out into your interior for combat. Taking out these boarding parties will be crucial to the health of your Railjack!
- Tactical Menu: Prerequisite Tactical Intrinsic Rank 1: The higher your Tactical Intrinsic skill, the more enhanced your Tactical Menu will become! Your view will shift to aid in you and your squadmates’ real time actions.
Railjack Tactical Abilities: These Abilities affect the Railjack as a whole, such as Void Cloak, etc. Although these Tactical Abilities do have a cool down, they do not draw from the Railjack Flux Energy pool.
Minimap, Squad Stats & Tasks: The initial minimap shown represents your own. You can shift the view between your squadmates and their minimap location. Here you will also see their vitals, location name, and option to remote drop their respective Warframe Ability! You can also suggest tasks for squadmates to do, which Cy will graciously instruct them to do. - Remote Warframe Abilities: The Tactical Menu allows you to remote detonate Warframe Abilities respective to the Warframes in your squad!
Fires and Hull Breaches: Upon the Railjack taking Health damage, fires will start! By equipping the OMNI item in your gear wheel that is automatically given to you when you board a Railjack, you can target these fires and extinguish them! If you fail to extinguish all the fires with haste, a Hull Breach will occur - and they are serious business. Once fires and Hull Breaches have been fully extinguished the Railjacks Health will be restored! If Hull Breaches are not extinguished within the given time on the UI, the mission will fail.
There are Railjack Health perks for performing repairs on the Railjack:
- 15% of max Health for Fire and Electricity Traps
- 20% of max Health for Ruptures
- 30% of max Health for Hull Breaches
- Repairing a Hull Breach grants Railjack invulnerability scaled to the amount of time left on the ‘Catastrophic Failure Imminent' timer. You can get anywhere from 5 - 15 seconds of Railjack invulnerability based on your Hull Breach Repair urgency.
There are Railjack Health perks for performing repairs on the Railjack:
- EXCALIBUR ZATO COLLECTION: Wander the world, beholden to none. The Excalibur Zato bundle includes the Excalibur Zato Skin, Zato Sugatra and the Oku Nikana Skin.
- EXCALIBUR ZATO ANIMATIONS: Both Excalibur Zato’s Agile and Noble Animations are available for purchase in the in-game Market! These animations can be equipped on any Warframe of your choosing.
- OPERATOR ZATO COLLECTION: The System is yours with this Excalibur Zato-inspired cosmetic collection for your Operator. Includes Zato Oculus, Zato Earpiece and Zato Facial Accessory for your Operator.
- QUELLOR: The Quellor was standard-issue to Dax Railjack crews of the Old War, dating back to the earliest, pre-Sigma craft. A rapid-fire assault rifle with a hefty magazine-size, the Quellor is an all-round workhorse.
- PENNANT: The steel flag of Old War Railjack crews, the Pennant was invaluable in repelling boarders.
- ZUNDI PISTOL SKIN: As no Zundi weapons survive from the Old War, this formidable pistol skin was created to honor them. Stout, distinctive, and intimidating - it is a reminder of times past.
- SIGMA SERIES SUGATRA: A Sugatra that was traditionally clipped to the weapons of Old War Railjack crews.
- SIGMA SERIES ARMOR BUNDLE: The hardened Sigma Series Armor was recognized battle dress for Old War Railjack Warframes.
- SIGMA SERIES PARAZON SKIN: This Parazon model was gifted to the first Warframe Railjack crews.
- SIGMA SERIES SYANDANA: This Syandana was a mark of honor, and part of the battle dress of Warframe Railjack crews.
- SIGMA SERIES KAVAT ARMOR: Old-War-era battle-shell for shipboard mascots, service animals, and attack beasts.
- EMPYREAN GRAND BUNDLE: This massive bundle includes the full Sigma Series cosmetic range: Armor Set, Kavat Armor Set, Syandana, Sugatra and Parazon Skin. Also contains the Zundi Pistol Skin, Quellor Rifle, and Pennant Great Katana. Also includes 3-Day Affinity and Credit Boosters.
- CABALLERO RAILJACK SKIN: Conquer the skies with this noble Railjack Skin.
- SUNGEM RAILJACK SKIN: Swoop in and attack with this streamlined Railjack Skin.
- DIRAC: Consumed to upgrade the Railjack Grid and Avionics.
- RUSH REPAIR DRONE: This single-use item instantly repairs Wreckage in the Dry Dock.
- AVIONICS BUNDLES: Lavan, Zetki, and Vidar Avionics Bundle showcases their House range of Avionics.
Expand spoilers below for full information on all the changes coming to Archwing Flight and more!
Archwing Flight Changes:
BLINK: Blink will be restored and will be a universal ability for all Archwings! We would like to apologize for the disabling of Blink on Itzal from Rising Tide's launch - but are excited that you'll soon have the ability available to use on all Archwings! The new Blink mechanic propels over 2x the distance of original Blink (but can't be increased by Mods), with a cooldown of 3 seconds to prevent spamming - but at no Energy cost to you!
Blink on ALL Archwings: Tap L Bumper (default)
Blink now shares the same button as "Move Down" (L Bumper by default). Players should find that the new binding has automatically replaced their previous "Move Down" binding! This button is now used to "Move Down / Dodge / Blink", here's how each works:
- "Move Down": Hold down L Bumper
- "Blink": Tap L Bumper to Blink on all Archwings (if it isn't already on cool down)
- "Dodge": Tap L Bumper while moving laterally
Blink now shares the same button as "Move Down" (L Bumper by default). Players should find that the new binding has automatically replaced their previous "Move Down" binding! This button is now used to "Move Down / Dodge / Blink", here's how each works:
DRIFT: Archwing also no longer has forward drift after propulsion has been released. Once you release any forward movement, your Archwing will now stop on the spot.
AFTERBURNER: Adding to the mix, we’ve changed how Afterburner is triggered to allow for simultaneous upward movement during its burn. Previously, the default Afterburner was to hold forward momentum AND the Afterburner binding. Now, holding to Sprint while moving forward will trigger the Afterburner once you get some momentum going.
Afterburner: Forward + Click in Left Thumbstick
- Helpful tip: “Toggle Sprint” on in your Controls option to maintain Afterburner without needing to hold the thumbstick down.
*Titania also uses the new Archwing flight model in Razorwing!
We have also re-balanced Arch-guns in Archwing mode only, held Arch-guns in atmospheric (ground) combat is unaffected. Submersible Archwing now uses your weapons like open world Archwing does. Arch-Guns in Archwing mode:
- All hitscan Archwing weapons converted to projectile when in space.
- Increased fall off range from 200-400 to 300-600.
- Increased min fall off damage from 10% to 50%.
- Increased projectile speed of the Kuva Ayanga while in space.
- General Archwing Changes:
- Increased the vacuum radius on Archwing from 25-50
- Titania also uses the new Archwing flight model in Razorwing!
General Archwing Changes:
- Increased the vacuum radius on Archwing from 25-50
- Titania also uses the new Archwing flight model in Razorwing!
Riven Disposition Changes:
For those that missed our previous Riven Workshop, this is our first time balancing Dispositions per weapon instead of per weapon family, as this functionality was added with The Old Blood update. Check out the Dev Workshop for the full list of changes and breakdown on how we’ve chosen to undergo these changes:
General Additions:
Added 2 new Challenges:
- I'm The Captain Now - Pilot a hijacked enemy Crewship during a Railjack mission.
- From out of the Sun - Shoot down 100 enemies while in a Railjack.
General Changes:
- If you so choose, you will soon be able to ride the barges in the Dry Dock!
- Mite Raknoid spawn time between broods will now increase over time if the Exploiter Orbs vents are not dealt with to address endless spawn abuse.
- Improvements towards the algorithm of dynamic vendor (Hok, Ticker, etc) items to guarantee even appearances.
- Vauban’s Flechette Orb Damage multiplier now scales based on average enemy level in range.
- Removed an unnecessary friendship door from Saturn Grineer Asteroid tileset interior.
2 pages of fixes are coming with Empyrean: Update 27.0.5. The full list will be posted once the update is live!