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I went from getting a consistent 120+ FPS to seeing sudden, unexplained drops to under 100, along with micro-stutter.

Tested so far:


Neptune, Kelashin

Neptune, Nereid (This is particularly awful. I'll go from a steady 170+ FPS to ~100)

EDIT 1: as was announced ingame and brought to my attention by a couple of people, the update defaulted everybody to DX12. Try changing your settings to DX11 in the launcher and see if it helps. In my case, it reduced stuttering overall and eliminated most of the microstutter that I've noticed. However, I still have a few instances of noticeable stutter that was not there pre-update.

These cases seem to be when I first load into my orbiter after launching the game, when I first load into a mission, and when I first see enemies.

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about 4 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

This should be fixed in another Hotfix going out today on PC! But yes, in the meantime if you're having issues switch back to Dx11 in the launcher.