Original Post — Direct link
almost 2 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

If you ever find a map hole/issue like this, if you take an F6 screenshot and upload it to the Subreddit, or in a Support ticket - it will indicate to us the exact location, and which tile it's present on to help us isolate the exact spot.

In this case, it's a pretty recognizable so don't worry about it finding this same spot to grab an F6 screenshot, but it still allows us to find it almost instantly.

Default directory to find your F6 screenshot looks something like this:




Things are a bit hot with Duviri right now, but we'll make a note to look into this post launch.

Edit: Imgur destroys the data we need in F6 screenshots! If you want to share an F6 screenshot, posting an image directly through reddit works