about 6 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Fortuna: Mesa Prime - Hotfix 24.2.2


Become the fastest gun in the system with Mesa Prime. This legendary gunslinger comes with the Akjagara Prime dual pistols, the long-awaited Redeemer Prime gunblade and more!


Mesa Prime, Akjagara Prime, and Redeemer Prime Relics have replaced all exclusive locations of Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics:

  • Sanctuary Onslaught
  • Elite Sanctuary Onslaught (Radiant)
  • Numerous Endless mission modes
  • And the list goes on! Check out the official public PC drop tables here.
    • *Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics are also still out in the wild.

Check out Mesa Prime Access for the newest golden Prime Accessories and more: https://www.warframe.com/prime-access 

Banshee Prime, Helios Prime, and Euphona Prime have entered the Vault!
With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced New Loka’s Sacrifice of Banshee Prime Chassis to Hydroid Prime Systems.
  • Replaced Red Veil’s Sacrifice of Banshee Prime Chassis to Hydroid Prime Systems.

If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

Missed Changes:

  • When completing a successful animal Conservation using a Warframe ability, it will yield a ‘Good Capture’, as opposed to sometimes yielding a ‘Perfect Capture’. A successful animal Conservation using the tried-and-true Tranq/Echo-Lure technique was always intended to yield a higher gratitude.
  • Tonkor Reload Speed increased from 2 seconds to 1.7 seconds

Chat Moderation Changes:
As a continued improvement to our Chat Moderation, we have removed the ‘purple text’ indicator from Chat. Our previously mentioned third party professional moderation team will also be starting to emerge as early as tomorrow. 

A full outline of the Chat Moderation Responsibilities and Code of Conduct can be viewed here: https://www.warframe.com/community/volunteers


  • Increased the drop chance of a certain Cosmetic item dropped by the Profit-Taker.
  • The Profit-Taker now only requires 3 Codex Scans to complete the Codex entry.
  • Excluded the Profit-Taker from being spawnable in the Simulacrum. 
  • You can now equip the Fulmination Mod on the Staticor.
  • Updated Nyx's Mind Control + Psychic Bolts and Titania's Lantern ability descriptions to better reflect their recent ability changes.
  • Improved numerous ability FX for Profit-Taker.
  • Improved the Staticor and Simulor FX.
  • MOA Companion vocals are now muted while in the Arsenal.


  • Fixed a script error when completing the ‘Prove Yourself’ Plains Bounty which would prevent new players from earning the Bounty reward.
  • Fixes towards a script error when voting on a mission.
  • Fixed inability to edit the Baruuk Mandala Decoration after placing it.
  • Fixed Corpus Amp Energy FX.
  • Fixed Baruuk’s [PH] NOT EDGY ENOUGH UI text.
  • Fixed LB on controllers not cycling Loadout Appearances.
  • Fixed a script error when waypointing Mine deposits. 
Edited by [DE]Megan
added link to volunteer info site