7 months ago - [DE]Juice - Direct link

iOS Specific Notes:

  • Fixed players with Auto-Melee disabled getting stuck Melee/Heavy Attacking after Meleeing while aiming using Touch Controls .
  • Fixed charged fire weapons with a Fire Rate of 1.2 or below being unable to release the shot with Touch Controls and continuously looping the animation. 
  • Fixed being unable to fire the Daikyu with Touch Controls while Auto Fire is enabled. 
  • Fixed Auto Fire/Auto Melee not functioning with Touch Controls while playing as Teshin during The New War Quest. 
  • Fixed Melee Touch Control icons being present on screen during the Duviri Paradox Quest before players have reached the Melee tutorial. 
    • They will now appear once the player has acquired a Melee weapon. 
  • Fixed being unable to revert the Touch Control Layout customizations using the “Defaults” button. 
  • Fixed being unable to interact with the “How To” and “Reward Preview” prompts in the Nightwave screen using Touch Controls. 
    • To view these options you can simply double tap!
  • Fixed being unable to unequip a Mod from a Config by dragging it off the slot into the list of Mods below. 
  • To unequip a Mod you can either double tap on it or drag it off the slot. 
  • Fixed a script error when customizing Operator’s Amp appearance.


  • Increased the visibility of the in-world VFX indicating the “Lower Security” marked zone in Netracell missions. 
    • Known issue: The zone VFX does not appear for Clients. 
  • Updated the “I Decree” Nightwave Act description to indicate that it must be completed within the same Duviri/Circuit mission. 
  • Now reads: “Collect 15 Decrees in a single Duviri session, or run of The Circuit” 


  • Fixed Lethal Levitation’s damage buff not applying to Melee weapons. 
    • The description of the Way states that it should grant “additional X% Weapon Damage per Lifted enemy attacked by Operator,” but it was only buffing Primary and Secondary weapons. Since Naramon is primarily Melee focused, it only made sense to apply the bonus to Melee as well. 
  • Fixed loss of function as a Client when spamming the interact button to move Enigma containers in Duviri. 
    • Known issue: There still may be strange animations if the Client tries to spam the interaction while moving around. 
  • Fixed casting Vauban’s Tesla Nervos on a moving Defense target/platform causing the ability not to work and its sound FX to layer at painful levels (think marbles clanking together at 100 km/h). 
  • Fixed the objective and waypoint in the Saya’s Vigil Quest not updating to indicate Extraction is available in the “Board Hek’s Galleon” stage if the player took an alternate path to scan the shard. 
  • Fixed the Tenet Glaxion and Tenet Plinx not counting towards the “Meeting Adjourned” Challenge (Craft a Sisters of Parvos Tenet Weapon).
    • For those affected, we are planning to run a script to mark the Challenge as complete (if you had crafted these Weapons) with the launch of Koumei and The Five Fates update releasing this fall. 
  • Fixed Kullervo’s Bane description incorrectly listing Envy as a Spiral that Kullervo’s Hold spawns in. It now correctly lists Fear, Anger, and Sorrow. 
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by using Sevagoth’s Gloom in a town. 

For list of known issues for The Lotus Eaters that require future code changes and or did not make it into this Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread: