Greetings Tenno!
Garuda Prime slices her way onto all platforms today, and we’ve got a few Riven changes to help with all the bloodletting and violence.
A few points of order:
- The weapons that were released along with our last Prime Access, Knell Prime and Scourge Prime, were found to be taking the base weapon’s disposition instead of starting at 0.5. Instead of resetting their disposition to 0.5 after already launching, they shall follow the usual procedure from here on out.
- Since it has been awhile since we’ve stated that usual procedure, we wanted to share these rules in a new pinned post - read if you’re curious about our Riven process!
- In September 2021 during the Nidus Prime Access update, we increased the disposition of Ankyros, but in doing so also increased Ankyros Prime accidentally. This change slipped by us and for that reason was never stated in notes. So we have reset it back to 1.45, which is where it was before the accidental change.
Thanks everyone!
SpoilerAmprex: 0.8->0.85
Basmu: 1.15->1.2
Baza Prime: 0.95->1
Catchmoon (primary): 1.05->1.1
Fulmin: 0.7->0.75
Kuva Ogris: 0.8->0.75
Kuva Quartakk: 1->1.05
Nataruk: 0.5->0.55
Opticor Vandal: 1.05->1.1
Proboscis Cernos: 0.6->0.65
Quanta Vandal: 1.35->1.4
Scourge: 1.15->1.2 (offsetting error in Scourge Prime setup)
Simulor: 1.2->1.25
Synoid Simulor: 1.15->1.2
Soma Prime: 1.05->1.1
Sporelacer (primary): 1->1.05
Sporothrix: 1.25->1.3
Stahlta: 0.95->1
Tenet Envoy: 0.6->0.65
Tenet Flux Rifle: 0.8->0.9
Tenet Tetra: 0.85->1
Tenora Prime: 0.9->1
Tiberon: 1.05->1.1
Tiberon Prime: 0.95->1
Tombfinger (primary): 0.9->0.95
Arca Plasmor: 0.85->0.9
Astilla Prime: 0.95->1.05
Kuva Hek: 0.8->0.85
Strun Prime: 0.5->0.9
Tenet Arca Plasmor: 0.5->0.55
Akarius: 1.05->1
Aklex Prime: 0.9->0.95
Catchmoon (secondary): 0.5->0.55
Knell Prime: 1.25->1.05 (recovering from error in setup)
Kompressa: 0.9->1
Magnus Prime: 0.5->0.8
Pandero Prime: 0.9->1
Staticor: 0.7->0.75
Tenet Detron: 0.75->0.8
Tenet Diplos: 0.6->0.65
Tenet Spirex: 0.7->0.8
Vermisplicer (secondary): 1->1.05
Zakti Prime: 1->1.05
Zymos: 1.15->1.2
Ankyros Prime: 1.5->1.45 (was accidentally changed when we buffed regular Ankyros, returning to what it was before)
Arum Spinosa: 1.1->1.15
Furax Wraith: 1.38->1.3
Ghoulsaw: 0.5->0.85
Jat Kusar: 1.1->1.15
Korumm: 0.5->0.75
Nepheri: 0.5->0.7
Rumblejack: 0.5->0.8
Pulmonars: 1.15->1.2
Tenet Agendus: 0.65->0.75
Tenet Exec: 0.65->0.7
Tenet Grigori: 0.65->0.7
Tenet Livia: 0.6->0.65
Venato: 0.5->0.85
Verdilac: 0.5->0.75
Vitrica: 0.95->1
Larkspur: 0.95->1
Morgha: 0.95->1
Prisma Dual Decurions: 1.15->1.2