about 2 years ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Happy 2023, Tenno! And happy first hotfix of the year - we’re kicking it off by fixing some issues that were reported over the Holiday break and also continuing the new year party with new Lunar Renewal bundles.



The year begins anew! Enjoy the festivities with style. Celebrate the year of the Water Rabbit with the following available in the in-game Market until February 12th @ 11 AM ET.

All of the Lunar Renewal items in the bundles are also available for individual purchase in the in-game Market!

Emerald Renewal Bundle

  • Saryn Yuheng Skin - Take on the look of a moon goddess to celebrate Lunar Renewal.
    • This skin is also a permanent addition to the in-game Market, similar to the Grendel Nian Skin from last year’s Lunar Renewal.
  • Purified Bloom Ephemera - Flourish out of the muddiness of war.
  • Cernos Lunaeous Skin - Strength and good fortune can be yours as you draw this celebratory Cernos.
  • Lunar Renewal Rabbit Flourish - A peaceful reminder of Lunar Renewal.
  • Rifle Riven Mod
  • Melee Riven Mod
  • Pistol Riven Mod
  • 50,000 Kuva
  • 500,000 Credits
  • 7 Day Affinity Booster
  • 7 Day Credit Booster
  • 7 Day Resource Booster

Garnet Renewal Bundle

  • Nagantaka Lunaeus Skin - Encourage prosperity to come your way with this Nagantaka skin.
  • Lunar Renewal Swift Sigil - Celebrate Lunar Renewal with the kind heart of the gentle rabbit.
  • Lunar Renewal Theme - A custom UI color theme.
    • Same theme as last year! One time purchase.
  • Lunar Renewal Background - A custom UI background.
    • Same background as last year! One time purchase but now you can choose which Lunar Animal icon you want to use: Tiger or Rabbit (Ox to come in future hotfix/update). ed2cfb42101ffc94c43facab08bff4bc.png
  • Zaw Riven Mod
  • Kitgun Riven Mod
  • 30,000 Kuva
  • 300,000 Credits
  • 7 Day Credit Booster
  • 7 Day Resource Booster

Quartz Renewal Bundle

  • Peaceful Rabbit Floof - A cuddly rabbit floof, to honor the moon’s companion.
  • Cedo Lunaeus Skin - A blast from this festive Cedo helps ward off evil.
  • 20,000 Kuva
  • 200,000 Credits
  • 7 Day Affinity Booster

The Guimao Glyph and Lunar Renewal Calligraphy Poster are also available in the in-game Market for 1 Credit until February 12th @ 11 AM ET.

Additionally, Baro Ki’Teer will be bringing the following Lunar Renewal items from previous years in this week’s offerings:

  • Lunar Renewal Rabbit Emblem (NEW)
  • Lunar Renewal Ox Sigil
  • Lunar Renewal Tiger Emblem
  • Lunar Renewal Tiger Sigil

AI Changes & Fixes:

  • Specters, Wukong’s Twin, and Excalibur Umbra will no longer attempt to reload when they have no ammo to do so. Instead an ammo icon will now appear above their head once they have depleted the ammo pool of all weapons to indicate that they are needing ammo pickups. 21ea51f0b66ede547daee31d7c689cef.jpg
    • Since Wukong’s Twin and Excalibur Umbra share ammo pools with you, once they run out of ammo they will actively search for pickups nearby. But you can also help them do so in the following ways:
      • Grabbing ammo pickups yourself to add to the shared pool.
      • Using Squad Ammo Restores to add to the shared pool (must be in range of the Restore, as AI do not receive ammo if they are in range but you are not).
    • Specters do not share ammo pools with you, so once they run out of ammo they will actively search for pickups nearby. You can also assist with the use of Squad Ammo Restores.
  • Wukong’s Twin will now sit down if the player is AFK, instead of freezing in place doing nothing (similar to Specters).
  • Fixed Specters in the Hold Position having trouble firing weapons that use ammo but never reload.
  • Fixed Voruna Specters not using any abilities.
    • Specters casting Ulfrun’s Decent will target a single target at a time.


  • Added a new “Starting Energy” stat (affected by Mods like Preparation) in the Arsenal to indicate the amount of Energy a Warframe will start a mission with.
    • Hot Tip: Unspent Mod capacity increases how much Energy you have at the start of missions.
    • Harrow will always show 100% Energy filled thanks to his passive.


  • Changed extraction in Survival missions so that when Life Support is depleted and a player is at extraction a 1 minute countdown begins to extract all active players in the mission.
    • This is to prevent players getting left behind in an undesirable mission state after the Host leaves the mission and migrates.
  • Changed the Baza Prime Blueprint Ducat value from 100 to 65 to match its Uncommon rarity in the Axi S13 Relic. As originally stated in the PSA.
  • Wishlisted items in the in-game Market are now sorted by newest.
  • Bundles with items that you own multiples of will now only show the number owned in the on hover pop-up.
    • This is to help avoid confusion on the exact amount being offered in the bundle before purchase. 
  • Adjusted the scale and attachment points of the Protokol Skins so that they sit better in the Warframe’s hand.
  • Tooltips for Warframe stats in the Arsenal will now replace mentions of “Energy” with “Shield” for Hildryn and “Health” for Garuda (where applicable).


  • Fixed the Mutalist Alad V Assasination mission on Eris failing 30 seconds after starting if the player changed their squad from Public to Solo while in Navigation.
  • Fixed Kuva Lich/Sisters of Parvos missions lacking all of the Nemesis features if you switch from Public to Solo while in Navigation.
  • Fixed Baro Ki’Teer not being at the Kronia/Orcus Relays during a scheduled appearance after completing a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed Nightwave reward tiers 18-19 Neura Kavat & Kubrow Gene-Masking Kits not rewarding duplication protection if you already own them.
    • If you did not receive duplication protection for the kits, you can contact support.warframe.com to receive the missing Creds. Please use “Neura” in the title of your ticket so that the team can easily find your request.
  • Fixed collision remaining after destroying a wall in the Lua, Pavlov Spy mission making it impossible to enter and complete the vault.
  • Fixed Quest-locked Nightwave challenges appearing in the Navigation panel when you haven’t completed the respective Quests.
  • Fixed a case where enemy fighters would stop spawning in Railjack missions if you entered a POI.
  • Fixed the base and Elite Explorer (Complete X Railjack Missions) Nightwave Challenge progressing by entering the Free Flight node on Earth. Only nodes with objectives should count towards the challenge.
  • Fixed the Zanuka Hunter not capturing you and bringing you into the recovery mission if Last Gasp is active.
    • Also reduced the length of the fade that occurs during the capture to fix Alad V’s transmission getting obscured.
  • Fixed Sevagoth’s Shadow not appearing the second time you get downed to revive yourself.
  • Fixed Vauban’s Tether Coil beam VFX not cleaning up when a target dies until the grenade expires.
  • Fixed falling through the map after running into Yareli’s Riptide while riding Merulina with Radiation procs active. As reported here. Fixed being unable to bring up the pause menu after falling into teleport volume and respawning while riding Merulina. Fixed Phenmor’s reticle being off center in Zariman missions. As reported here.
  • Fixed Transference to Operator resetting the Laetum’s Incarnon Mode to default animation sequence when returning to Warframe.
  • Fixed “+1%” appearing in Harrow’s Rank Bonus list in Arsenal UI instead of “100% Starting Energy”.
  • Fixed the randomize button on Operator/Drifter skin tones using all color palettes owned instead of the intended tones available through the Operator UI and Refacia Kit.
  • Fixed animation freezing when transitioning to the loading screen at the end of a Break Narmer mission.
  • Fixed the Grustrag Bolt not being immediately removed from Warframe after crafting the Grustrag Bolt Release.
  • Fixed the Bloodshed Sigil not being visible to the player in the Orbiter or Relays.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Raevuz Skin emissive color gradients being muted.
  • Fixed offset issues with the Iridos Shoulder + Leg, Pakal Shoulder, Porta Shoulder, Meridian Chest Plate, and Avia Ankle Plate when equipped on Voruna.
    • This is a continuation of our efforts to address attachment offset problems with Voruna - more to come with other known issues.
  • Fixed clipping issues with the Piercing Eye Shoulder Plate when equipped on Khora Prime with a Tennogen skin.
  • Fixed offset issues with the Edo Prime Shoulder Plate when equipped on Garuda Prime with a Tennogen skin.
  • Fixed textures issues on the Lotus Amaga Skin’s horns, hands, and shoulders.
  • Fixed UI issue where you could duplicate Ayatan Sculptures using the Ayatan socket button.
  • Fixed the leaderboard not appearing in the Dojo after completing a Custom Obstacle Course.
  • Fixed ignored players being able to send friend requests and gift. Fixed not being able to report players that have never said anything in chat.
  • ixed map hole by stairs in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed certain Mods and Railjack Crew stats having randomly long decimals.
  • Fixed “Ends In” Nightwave timer text being offset from the background.
  • Fixed script errors caused by Gara’s Mass Vitrify and casting Shattered Lash on it.
  • Fixed script errors caused by Baruuk’s Lull and Serene Storm.
  • Fixed script errors caused by Volt’s Electric Shield and Discharge.
  • Fixed script errors caused by Xaku’s Grasp of Lohk, Xata’s Whisper, and The Vast Untime.
  • Fixed script error caused by the end of mission UI screen.
  • Fixed script error caused by Saryn Specters casting Toxic Lash.
  • Fixed script error caused by Protea’s Grenade Fan and Dispensary.
  • Fixed script error caused by Harrow’s Penance.
  • Fixed script error caused by Wukong’s Cloud Walker.
  • Fixed script error caused by Amesha’s Benevolent Decoy.
  • Fixed possible script error that could occur if you hit Vay Hek with a boatload of AOE damage while his face was open.