over 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Buried Debts: Hotfix 24.5.6


The following items have returned to the Vault and their Relics have been removed from drops:

  • Ember Prime
  • Frost Prime
  • Latron Prime
  • Reaper Prime
  • Sicarus Prime
  • Glaive Prime

As always, if you own the now Vaulted Relics they will remain in your Inventory until you use/trade them.

Exploiter Orb Changes:

  • You can now waypoint the Exploiter vents!


  • K-Drive Race Affinity has been increased!
    • Affinity gained per Gate is now 500 (previously 200)
    • Affinity gained per Race completion is now 2500 (previously 1000)
  • Increased the height of the Napalm Grenades Mod damage area.

Nightwave Fix:

  • Fixed the ‘Day Trader’ Nightwave Act not being marked complete after meeting the requirements. The appropriate Standing was delivered behind-the-scenes, but the UI neglected to accurately display that. Completing the Index requirements again post Hotfix will correct your UI, but note that the Standing has already been delivered. 


  • Fixed a crash related to having Charm equipped on your Smeeta Kavat.
  • Fixed AI appearing to stall and not proceed to the next door in the Glast Gambit quest.
  • Fixed the Aviator Mod not always applying the reduced Damage while airborne correctly to Hildryn.
  • Fixed Magus Lockdown using the position of your last Void Dash instead of your current one if you're a Client when placing the Mine.
  • Fixed Swarm Mutalist spore clouds blocking bullets.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors clones chasing after the true Mirage when riding a K-Drive. Her clones will now animate correctly while K-Driving.
  • Fixed Garuda’s Passive reading as 101% when bleeding out.
  • Fixed Profit-Taker appearing to have its Shield FX active when killed as a Client. 
  • Fixed MOA Companions capable of being targeted by Disarm-style abilities, leaving them with nothing but a head-mounted prod.
  • Fixed the camera momentarily being jerked forward when shooting the Stug at certain angles.
  • Fixed Targis Prime Armor not sitting correctly on Hildryn. 
  • Fixed Emblems not sitting correctly on the Harrow Graxx Skin.
  • Fixed unintentional slow movement for the Golden Maw.