about 1 month ago - Warframe - Direct link
about 1 month ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s wave until chat says stop waving Steve
2s I'm waiting I'm waiting for my little
3s refresh thing here chat chat are we live
6s are we live chat I see us okay I have
8s twitch shut up Steve oh thanks R uh
11s Steve oh there we go hi and I have an ad
13s I hear us on Steve's I'm I'm quieting us
16s down all right how's everyone doing
17s today do we know how Dev shorts work do
20s we need a little a little refresher how
22s do they work Steve 15 minutes and then
24s you cut me off while I'm trying to read
26s chat let's begin for 15 minutes you have
29s us my name is Rebeca Ford I'm the
30s director of Warframe and who are you I'm
33s Steve and I work here too and we have 15
36s minutes of Warframe talk and a bit more
38s you know uh we're happy to have you here
39s chat Steven R spotted indeed uh we had a
43s big Dev stream Friday two big Dev
45s streams in fact lots of news so much
48s news those Warframe bloopers will stick
51s with me for the rest of my life yes they
52s are very good they are very good oh my
54s God the making out with the Kubo okay so
56s you remember the Warframe bloopers but
58s do you remember the Warframe news what's
60s happening this week Steve no I don't
62s remember what's happening this week
65s Steve we got some events okay yes yeah
69s and what are
71s they um we're bringing back some old
74s favorites Dog Days that's in the summer
78s oh okay starting February 6th which is
81s days away we have a lot starting this
83s week so
84s February okay star days there you go
88s yeah I was right okay star days starts
90s this week uh we're bringing that back
92s experiencing
93s interruptions yep oh
96s oh coffee based frame that would be
100s amazing hell yeah dude uh okay so we've
103s got yeah we got stard rur heirloom and B
107s the Beast all and we have some code
110s fixes so lot lot of we finally have the
112s CT code fixes coming out yes yep yes and
115s um yeah there's lots of fixes I was just
116s looking at the community team's patch
118s notes and the dev team what they work on
119s how many pages we at uh like four is
123s four 4ish four plus uh Android when
126s there's actually an Android meeting
127s happening right now we're just not in it
129s our partners from Nitro are literally in
131s the other room uh looking at that build
133s and talking about what they're next so
136s we're we're here to Dev short instead
138s but we got nothing to share with it yet
140s because they're still working on it but
142s uh okay wait wait wa wait wait wait wait
144s so this week February 6th yep Rhino
147s heirloom stard days Belly of the Beast
149s you can Farm your arcane in stards you
151s can get cute Cosmetics clips and such we
153s have lowered the prices based on some
155s debt bonds so there's a little less
157s asking for you a little less there as
158s well as yeah that that's the vibe lots
161s of lots of stuff in there quality of
162s life hot fixes in terms of stability
164s which I guess is the best quality of
166s life to Not Crash so that's all coming
168s that's a good one and then there's also
170s something huge coming
172s Friday Tenon tickets go on sale that's
175s right
176s ton two days big stuff is happening I
179s don't think we really talked about
180s details yet have we uh yeah we said
183s there was a concert oh there is a
186s concert okay you guys want to come cheer
187s on Steve will are you going to rock out
189s for the for the fans oh yeah yeah oh
191s yeah you're going to go on stage uh
194s hopefully not but yes I'm excited for
197s the event anyway okay Tenon Tenon as
200s long as the world is not on fire please
202s come visit us yeah you know and if you
205s can't of course we'll do we'll have a
207s really cool online presence for t con
209s sounds like you're planing a lot of cool
210s stuff I've been hearing whispers in the
212s walls in the walls about the tenno con
214s this year being wild Mar it's our 10th
218s one right it is our 10th Tenon tickets
220s go on sale for 10th Tenon this Friday uh
223s that's February 7th tickets are going on
225s sale at 2 p p.m. eastern time they are
226s through Eventbrite there is a link
228s there's lots of different tickers good
229s luck out there tenno we hope to see you
231s there and like Steve said we'll be
232s online too so London Ontario Canada
235s don't get the wrong idea that we're in
236s London
237s England all right we're not we're in
239s Ontario Canada
241s uh and then whiskey says just found out
242s you play bass from one basis to another
244s here's a virtual stank
247s face yeah can I have my a free run stop
250s and that'll be my bass guitar no I'm not
251s you can't no don't air guitar real you
254s can you can Bas guitar speaking of
255s guitar did you guys all see Temple you
257s will learn more about Temple on the next
259s Dev stream oh my
261s God and pery with the periphery Co Jake
265s and Mark I almost died yeah yeah yeah
268s very very exciting I really had to have
270s a bio break but I couldn't cuz I had to
272s see all of that I had no idea they were
275s that you had like a cool little like
277s back and forth chat with them and stuff
278s it's so awesome is it like you know like
281s does does it hurt I I love that they
284s said yeah we've been friends with uh
286s Rebecca and Megan for years and I was
287s just like I was often there am I not
291s part of
293s this there's one periphery Super Fan in
296s the company and it isn't you it is me
299s it's me it's me no no Super Fan like way
302s back OG
303s style like two alpha omega style like
307s let's go come on it's not a competition
309s Steve does it hurt to I literally bought
312s the the the guitar the perect guitar oh
315s you're right okay the string I got all
317s right hold on timeline this week this
320s week then next week Lavos Prime okay
323s sorry we got we got let's get on track
325s okay Laos Prime dual Zoran Prime Lavo
328s prime or Laos Lavo la
330s Lao Prime lavoo we're changing the name
332s lavoo Prime that's next week February
335s 12th all platforms lavoo cedo dual zorin
338s the zorin has a burst of speed midair so
341s when you're zorin
343s coptering it's back we're bring it's
345s back maybe it's back Kart XT says make
348s temples Slide the iconic rock star slide
352s there is actually a Gemini emote that
354s has that exact thing you're talking
356s about in it oh it's dope I think I just
358s spoiled something huge you you might
361s have
367s yep yep you did it and I didn't yes I'm
373s the best I don't spoil Rebecca spoils
376s anyway you're fine you're fine take it
378s easy you're good you're good that's why
380s we do this that's why you do this all
385s love let's I'm just too excited I know I
388s know don't let me I know everyone's just
390s like okay we already knew it was obvious
393s thank you for the one chatter that knew
396s yeah chat's putting it together pretty
398s quick this is the problem with having a
400s smart Community I'm not and they are and
403s it's like a war they figured you out
405s okay okay let's move on but they're
407s still giving you some okay hold on but
409s dear Community team and marketing team I
411s am so sorry but this is the risk we take
414s anytime it happens who knew yep yeah
417s it's okay they've they're yeah we heard
420s nothing voodo says we heard nothing we
422s heard nothing B Fury says no snitching
425s yeah so there you go you didn't see it
426s here Y no one's no one needs to know and
429s warpy said of course spider
432s FR see why can't i' be cool and actually
435s do that all right okay okay okay we have
437s lots technos
438s site here's one that you say dumad says
442s five big booms oh man I would love to
445s get five big booms right now okay hold
447s on we have things to talk about uh we we
450s did our year and review is live did
451s everyone get their year and review stats
453s this is just everything you did in 2024
456s so maybe you got a year in review you
457s can download it in Social tell us who
459s your most played warframes were most
460s cast abilities I would be curious to
462s know let me see let me see what twitch
464s chat says uh someone says gaus very
468s cool someone says gaus Nix veruna Dante
471s all
472s caps
474s wisp valkir whoa that's a lot of someone
477s said you spoiled the other three
478s yesterday I don't think so
480s did you I didn't do anything yesterday
482s were I was not live yesterday no okay I
485s didn't do anything wow that's a lot H
490s well we saw that Revenant Prime was the
491s most used on average but it wasn't a
493s landslide but I do think there's some
494s some Pablo and I have to settle some
496s scores there it's fine it's fine there
499s there has to be one in the top anyway
501s right exactly just what it is yep okay
504s let's see what else we've got going on
505s here there's there really is a lot in
507s the devstream I'm seeing a lot of Vault
509s I'm seeing a lot of Elli I'm seeing a
511s pretty good diversity it actually quite
513s go seag goth Elli Bas Vault on top Jade
518s Dante followed by no Nova Prime yeah
521s Dante ex excent Equinox LA's my beloved
526s Equinox uh one Andre said Neja was 42%
529s that's pretty good yep y one thing that
531s people saw in the dev stream and shout
533s out to the narrative team uh the flavor
534s text for laos's Prime he primed himself
537s it was like cuz he's an alchemist
541s yeah it's just like it's so good it's so
543s good cuz like the whole pursuit of
544s alchemy was like turning elements into
546s gold and it's just so great that like he
547s primed himself love it A+ touch
550s narrative tee you know real Jack and
552s arching was so hard to work on and I
554s just got to give a a shout out to the
556s people in chat are like when are we
557s getting more of that so that's nice I
559s would say we're we're thinking on it and
561s you know anytime you mention it it kind
564s of goes like puts another little bit of
567s beans in that side of the scale I I
569s don't know uh I also saw an interesting
572s question from uh Mr sinx says Steve Reb
574s can we have the option to filter arcanes
577s by their Source like Lloyd does uh
580s filter our arcanes so like in your
583s inventory when you go to manage arcanes
585s you want to see where they come from
586s does anything have that does any
588s inventory screen even have that Lloyd
590s Lloyd Lloyd does when you are shopping
593s for the Vos for packs yeah yeah that's a
596s good idea yep thanks for a good idea
599s thank you for your not
600s there um can we get a Steve frame I
604s don't know it would be decrepit wouldn't
607s it uh D Cod getting a phone case I think
611s they can see the cracks do you want a
613s phone case I I do not I do not are you
615s sure I have a straight kids one I'm sure
617s no okay gives me you know it's like a I
620s don't know it's the only risks I take
622s these days fair enough all right let's
625s see what else we got on the agenda more
626s filtering for
628s selling yep
630s capture scenes filter by Source a lot of
632s filter by Source ideas now look what the
635s theor Box is open no because the Q the
638s dev stream showed the mod selling yeah
640s which W that looks so good I saw a lot
643s of really positive tenos saying we've
646s wanted this and this is even better than
648s what we had hoped for like that's so
650s great yeah it's the team as always again
652s shout out to the de team um that just
654s keeps delivering and iting and getting
657s getting things ready for what what
659s honestly is part two to 1999 so now that
661s we've kind of confirmed that what what
662s do we have to say about um that Dev
665s stream ended wild yes cuz it was just
667s like in the last 48 seconds you went
671s more protes bo bo bo bo yeah and I
673s totally didn't spoil anything today but
675s uh we have uh Tech rot Encore is coming
677s in March and it is a lot of content for
680s you so like if you wanted to think of
682s ways you can prepare or I mean I don't
684s even know how you would prepare but you
685s can prepare for Laos Prime by getting
687s your standing Syndicate caps up if you
688s want to get Relic packs uh you can also
691s prepare for techr Encore we'll talk
694s about more on the February Dev stream
695s but obviously you need to have played
696s 1999 to play it so if you how many
699s people here finished the 1999 Quest no
701s judgment this is just I'm just trying to
702s get a feel this is just a feel 99
705s finishers in the chat oh yeah me me me
708s me me me me finished it uh YouTube chat
710s is really discussing lots of design
711s stuff right now hex are M they're a
714s little bit so I'm not sure if they have
715s oh yep okay today I just finished the
718s finale finished I'm I'm an OE hugger
722s glad to hear
723s it I don't know but in chat um okay not
726s even started okay uh what El Greco 79 is
730s latching onto Steve skins for infested
733s animals I don't know this is coming up a
735s little much YouTube chat's kind of got
737s away gone away with this idea that you
739s should be a skin father Sinclair iPad
741s Gamers still can't access or valis and
743s it stops major progression early on
746s Father Sinclair we father Sinclair is
748s going to chase that
750s uh in few minutes like like an infested
754s animal when Belly of the beast on
756s Thursday February 6 very Paradox replay
759s this one come that actually is coming
760s that is coming in uh so we are trying to
762s get a whole bunch of quests replayable
764s as part of the techra enor package
766s including 99 I think DUI is on it uh one
769s thing we also added was kill stats for
770s the new tech rot and the skull dress so
773s those will be in your profile uh oh yeah
775s good yeah that was that was coming up in
777s our Dev shorts that request is coming
780s yep uh then we yes Quest replay yes
783s we're working on those things and then
786s uh there's yeah there are new scaler
787s weapons coming that we showed you last
790s Dev stream so many new weapons yeah we
792s have 18 weapons coming there's one you
794s haven't seen four scalr ones 13 uh yeah
797s four 13 and then one more that you'll
799s see at the end of February but there's
800s also new weapons coming next week with
802s labos prime so yep yeah Tess and romance
806s when I have see a lot of different
809s Romance he has a love in his heart does
811s anybody know Tess's love's name who paid
813s attention in class who paid attention
815s tessen has a love in his heart man chat
817s is going to Wild Vala oh beloved yes yes
821s you are all right with the valyria yeah
823s see you cannot replace valyria I'm sorry
827s yeah yeah and don't cry don't cry about
829s valyria Charlie rivet is saying OMG
832s protoc confirmed from your little slip
834s of the tongue today
837s yep uh I didn't actually confirm it you
840s did your you just said it out loud I
842s didn't say anything you almost started
844s crying yeah so that's a kind of
846s confirmation yeah well like
849s you uh everyone in YouTube chat also
851s knows Tess deep Tess La good good great
854s job all right uh how's everything going
857s oh huge news and and you know the news J
860s loves B no he doesn't no he doesn't
862s there's actually quite uh just to really
864s reaffirm that the wiki has moved to
867s weird yes so the wiki is moved over if
870s you use the wiki for your far as a
871s farming companion as you maybe actually
874s populate the wiki there is a new
876s everything so please be sure to readjust
878s your bookmarks if you are a Wiki enjoyer
881s I'm using the new one awesome yes thank
883s you so much yeah yeah yeah thank you to
885s the team for that one new Wiki new Wiki
888s o all right what else when will we be
891s getting oh gosh I can't read that out
894s loud you guys are going to make me spoil
895s so much I can't read any of this anymore
897s this is over Scarlet says I don't care
899s for romance and games and I think that's
901s cool there there's a lot you can do just
902s to know the characters and not bother
904s with that at all or you can ignore it
906s all together and you can just play
907s missions yeah you can just play missions
909s and uh and rank the hex that way like
911s everything in Warframe you can you got
913s you got a few options you got options
915s yep uh what if you don't want to embrace
918s love you can Embrace hatred exactly
920s destroy the tech rods hate it all y uh
923s IE enjoyer awesome good to see you here
925s um