about 2 months ago - Warframe - Direct link
about 2 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s has his phone on the Wi-Fi today so he
2s doesn't need to use life is good life is
4s good yeah I got it all figured out uh
7s we're just going to make sure that we're
8s live on our channels oh I see us I see
11s chat oh I have an ad for FanDuel Casino
14s maybe I'll win some sweet dollars there
17s we are I see us live on both hi R okay
20s we are live uh if you don't know this is
21s a Dev short where we every week we spend
23s 15 minutes talking to you about what's
25s going on here at digital extremes my
27s name is Rea Ford I'm the creative
28s director of Warframe I'm can ever it you
31s wish all right
34s minutes you are with us Community that's
38s 15 minutes of things I have an agenda I
41s also have a bit of a prank what I have a
44s prank so last stream you wouldn't let me
46s unbox the um here's what people don't
48s tell you about leather jacket owners is
52s they just are squeaking the whole
55s time I think you're it's just like a A
57s Chorus of of squeak going to say I feel
62s like
63s so I know you're wearing the
66s O look at that this is actually from the
68s founder of digital extremes it is it
71s says James on the pocket I asked if I
73s could have it and he said yes and that's
75s how I got you stole from him his career
77s momentos anyway anyway what's your prank
80s uh last Dev short you didn't let me
82s unbox the Harrow statue who among us
84s could forget but then I thought wouldn't
86s it be fun if we did like an unboxing
88s stream again like I tried again yeah you
91s thought that would be fun and I got you
93s got something to unbox the skibbidy
95s toilet Mystery Collection
98s figure to unbox skibby toilet so I
101s thought maybe we could do some skibbidy
103s toilet unboxing I literally typed these
106s nuts in a in a slack Channel today in a
109s work group actually I'll bring it back
111s I'm not actually going to unbox it
112s because I'm not going to unbox it we're
113s Banning the substring nut from from Soul
116s frame en boy names and we decided to not
118s so can we talk a little bit about that
120s since brought it up cuz I enjoyed our
123s conversation today Hey Reb do you
125s remember why we banned nut from username
128s creation I assume the reasons are lost
130s to time feels a bit aggro me is it time
134s to free the
136s nut and then you said it's free so can
140s you explain to me a little bit about
141s what what happened there anyway well
143s someone is trying to make a donut Envoy
145s and they as one should and they couldn't
147s and it was because we had a substring of
149s nut so go nuts guys it's not banned
152s anymore okay that's cool uh keep brain
155s rot is Among Us says uh Cocos which is
159s true I think um moros skibby frame win
163s of all of the issues that's hard to do
165s right as a go is like the name String
169s stuff there's always been a little bit
170s of overtuned rather than undertuned so
173s we we'll continue tuning it um that
175s isn't to say you're going to get around
176s you know filters and stuff but we're
178s doing our best and today is a a a great
180s day for soul frame usernames yep uh back
184s to the agenda though something asks will
186s the unal tournament weapon bundle come
187s back soon we're working on it okay no
190s promises I had a message about it last
192s week uh it is actively being worked on
194s which is a pretty okay status update uh
198s that's the best I can
200s do uh Rosine cool
204s said says online in the dating system
208s when all cap happening not not happening
211s I'm sorry never say never but it's not
213s in there I will say never okay fair
215s enough never has been said saying who he
217s who squeaks the leather makes the
220s rules yep it is so noisy like it is
225s ridiculous every motion you make can you
228s hear it Chad I don't think so Chad can
229s you hear my leather jacket
231s here like it's so loud okay be quiet for
234s a second just move like
237s move any I can't hear it any anyway can
240s they hear it can they hear it yes yes
244s yes I am so
247s sorry uh I didn't realize it was this
250s jash wants true bald heads for Drifters
252s please and thanks I'm with you on that
255s as well okay okay so that's not soon but
260s you know true Baldhead to talk about
262s okay back to the agenda then uh we do
265s have Z Reb you are so cute with your hat
267s it is it is a kitty look better on Steve
270s should we swap and show them some true
271s bald Drifters no this this bald Drifter
275s is is not uh bald enough right now I see
279s I have an agenda tomorrow is the 13th of
282s November where you will find yourself
284s logging into Warframe that will have
285s been updated with zaku prime access zaku
287s Prime access is coming at you live
289s November 13th you can enjoy it look
291s forward to it uh you can grind out the
293s relics you can buy the prime access pack
296s or you can do nothing it's your world
299s we're our world we're just living in it
301s yeah making all types of noise I feel
303s like it's so loud that I need to take
305s off the
307s jacket no no no no no no keep it keep it
309s it's cool it's too loud all right all
311s right my unreal jacket I feel bad okay
315s then we talk about uh oh also as it is
319s November we still have Quest To Conquer
320s Cancer rewards filling in slowly but
321s surely the 10 new United alerts are
323s alive there's three Forma alert and one
325s Umbra for alert and actually it's pretty
327s good timing for an umbra Forma alert
329s because
330s zaku Prime's coming out and I have this
332s sort of rule that I don't put umber
334s formas on vanilla frames so now I can
337s use the umber fora I get from the alert
340s on this is your rule this is your rule
342s and I obeyed this rule because yesterday
344s I was playing sarin Prime and I was like
347s oh I don't think I've used an umber
348s forer on her yet and I I popped one in
350s cuz tessen has umber for as well this
352s week
353s so excellent It's a good week for umber
356s actually rle will this be the highest
360s per capita umra form a week known to man
364s if you have the alert and the Tes have
365s we ever had a two I guess a twitch drop
367s maybe
368s anyway anyway not the point I'm just
371s saying this is a legendary week for umra
373s Forma one lazy robot asks where is
376s female and male options for real Jack
378s crew
379s mates it's random it is random it is
382s random you can go shop for crew mates at
384s ticker at any point you want and there
386s will be a variety and I'm pretty sure it
387s rotates every day so the options is
391s only at your shopping commitment like
395s you have the option you just need to
397s commit to using your credits and or
399s other resources to hire crew okay wonder
402s if it's not surfaced enough the outcome
405s though but um oh you know what maybe
408s it's because I think we only cast male
412s Arbiter oh maybe that's what it is like
414s maybe the male one oh it's per maybe
416s it's per Syndicate they're asking for
418s instance like the the the red Bale one
420s is only voiced maybe with is that is
424s that the case I only use we'll have to
425s make a note obviously we're not working
427s on that right now everything focused on
428s 99 Never Say Never but never say never
430s except you did Razer Wing says hey Steve
433s um any chance your team could look into
435s some crashes on PS5 version that occur
437s when logging in and when joining public
440s sessions they happened a lot since kou
442s dropped reinstall did not fix so
445s hopefully um Andre we can make a
447s community note about that Andre
449s listening and look at that I know that
451s um I know that some interesting
454s optimizations are going in for all
455s PlayStation platforms for memory
457s optimization I was seen that today it's
459s very cool yes there is there's might be
461s related um we also have on the agenda uh
463s movember is still very much in progress
465s oh you should have shaved your beard for
467s movember had a little steeve stash I
469s know I know I know I'm going to work on
471s it okay uh we have movember stuff going
472s on in game uh get your mustaches take
474s your screenshots we have uh a de team
477s we're doing all types of nice things uh
478s to get the Men's Health
480s uh charity month going so please enjoy
482s that yes please speaking of tomorrow's
485s update this is an update from last
486s week's Dev short where we had our H it's
490s called Hong taii I think oh are we going
492s to Tha language Launches on PC tomorrow
495s awesome so PC tenno if you want to play
498s with the Tha language tomorrow is the
499s day November 13th we are enabling the
501s thae language in the launcher so the
503s option will be there please enjoy yeah
506s let us know how it's working and yeah
508s and I'm so excited it's good to finally
510s get that
511s out uh and smell the Menthol we will be
514s smelling the Menthol to celebrate we
516s will open the H TI yeah we we'll get
518s we're trying to uh summarize your entire
520s Culture by one little gift that we got
522s hey in the comments of the video last
524s week they were they said oh I can get
526s like coconut curry maybe you know
528s chicken saut chicken saut I don't know
530s lots of good options I love that kind of
532s food so much especially when it's way
534s too spicy and I want to die true uh
537s black wizard says why is Razor stance
540s fix when so we said that we were taking
542s a look at the initial input and the
545s animation there the animation team is
547s just like the 1999 scope is huge we know
550s we said we will do the wise Razer
552s touchup when we have time the time is
554s not now but it is coming okay Co I think
555s you could probably expect it next year
557s okay ear early hopefully yep okay
560s cool I don't know why Chad is joking
563s about this but there's
565s a there's a crying frame when my shirt
568s says I love oh what it says oh I heard
571s crying okay okay okay I see okay unless
574s something else happened that I don't
574s know about all right all right no that's
576s totally so uh we have uh other things on
579s the agenda so maybe you've if you're
582s kind of dialed into what's going on
583s since the last Dev stream maybe you've
585s heard of the game War sector if you want
587s to get involved in some things that are
589s going on in our official Discord there
591s is a uh decoding signal Channel and
594s maybe there's going to be some
596s activities today cool or maybe not I
599s don't I actually don't know but if you
601s want to sort of jump in on things that
603s are happening in the metasphere is that
606s is that trademarked I freaking hope not
607s metasphere I think you just made that up
609s okay well metaverse trademark I don't
612s know I don't know it's not trademarked
614s so 10 minutes and barely any info got it
617s well we'll try and do better next
620s time I guess you didn't want to know
622s there were two Umbra formas this week
624s yeah well maybe you already knew that
625s actually I don't know if you come to
627s this for dense info it's mostly
630s taking questions from chat and a little
632s bit of agenda stuff let's see um but
635s equal MC squ that's interesting info uh
637s other info uh I guess we have talked
639s about Dev stream 182 we're going to be
641s announcing the date for the next Dev
642s stream quite soon I think this week
644s actually and you can look forward to our
645s devstream scdra Edition coming this
647s November I don't think it's going to be
649s too much of a surprise when the dev
650s stream is but nevertheless we will tell
652s you the date and what to look forward to
653s there uh can I read to yes you can okay
657s okay uh first this is for our our Tech
660s Team and our art team and our
663s performance team 1999 demo runs great on
665s switch thanks for that de did more
668s perform the team did a lot of
669s performance just this week and we're
671s still we're still working on it but um
673s we have uh our performance uh crew
676s headed up by Demitri and our and our
678s programmers are working really hard on
680s that and I'm glad that you noticed um
684s will there be a moped skin for the
685s autonomy cycle we have one but it's not
687s hooked up oh we have a moped mesh it's
690s just not hooked up but we are working on
691s skins okay we we'll see I think you have
694s a someone is going to want that I know I
697s know at least one person in the world if
699s if it takes if it takes zero I don't
701s even think it's rigged to have like the
703s scrolling textures on the wheels and
704s stuff so like if it takes even a second
706s of work we can't fit it into 1999 at
709s launch I'm sorry we but if it's easy
711s maybe and otherwise like to be fair the
714s Prototype was all done on a moped
716s because it was the like like yeah like
719s to but it wasn't like made for it it was
722s just like we had the pose I'll send you
724s our one of our um oh because that's an
726s asset for like Street decoration in 99
729s yeah we had the street Deco before the
730s player bike
732s soia
734s hul uh okay we also will there be online
737s dance remote uh emotes yes really yes
742s okay for the player of course yeah
743s awesome oh cool all right okay will
747s there be more Proto planned after
750s I hope so I hope so too you're the boss
753s what kpis do I need to hit to ensure
756s a kpi what kind of um uh I don't even
760s know what a word would be what kind of
762s um it's kpi oh okay kpi is is you tell
765s me boss yep I know got have your kpis uh
770s I don't want to mock it I know people
772s have jobs so I'm not mocking anyone's
774s jobs it's just you on PS5 there's a
776s glitch with prot prota prota ephemera
779s where animations will show toot that is
781s known that is on the list that is known
783s y oh we still got time okay good uh qo
786s What is this please rework nidus to
788s celebrate the
789s infested please rework nidus to
791s celebrate the releas of the infested Lyn
793s his survivability is too low I hope my
795s prayers are heard I am pretty surprised
798s to see nidus rework requested but I
801s suppose there's an audience for
803s everything I will say I I know you said
805s you hope your prayers are heard but um
807s I've read your comment out loud there
808s really are no plans for that right now
810s so please um please be
812s patient so it's fine there's a lot of
816s warframes people want want tweaks and
817s stuff but uh anyway aera still has a bug
821s bre if you die after negation swarm you
824s are in an alive death state where you
826s can you are up and animated but nobody
828s can heal you and you cannot be healed so
831s that actually happens that's like me at
832s every party just like ignored Living
834s Dead Living Dead this guy in the corner
837s you want to you want to Cel see us at a
838s party
840s Celsius oh you're I'm not allowed to
843s drink celsus you're talking energy drink
845s Lord now there was there was an in
846s Rebecca unforunately has been banned
848s from Celsius due to it having four times
851s the caffeine of it was not it was not it
854s was not a good time uh okay uh weekend
857s at Bernie Steve all right we also have
860s hildren void void shell skins I will be
862s honest about void shell skins we've
864s pretty much put a Hiatus on producing
866s those for the time being so apologies if
868s you were into them for their tenure but
870s at this time they are a little bit on
872s Hiatus so Focus focusing on protos and
874s stuff right now yeah we're just trying
876s yep we're trying some new things uh we
879s are we still have a whole minute what oh
881s on the agenda Steve agenda item world's
884s biggest vet enjoyer equals me smiley
888s face what say that again Steve agenda
892s item the world's biggest vetch enjoyer
895s equals me smiley face AKA Sam D Sam who
898s played Soul frame all weekend isn't
900s obsessed with VCH VCH mhm yep
903s so uh right well we emailed people uh
907s who had been invited prior promo codes
910s so we got a big surge of players um
913s thanks for trying the game out how um
915s Prelude 7 uh was kind of awesome and
919s I've been playing it a lot and congrats
922s to the team and thank you for those who
925s were not in thank you for your patience
927s and for those that did play and
929s submitted bugs and let us know with
931s things I also appreciate it as well