I've been testing in the simulacrum. Orokin Battle Group. Steel Path, lvl 190. Theres a corrupted Heavy gunner in the first row, and one in the second. Tested 50 times.
Acid shells failed to proc on the front row gunner, every time.
It successfully proc'd on the second row gunner, again, every time.
I was never on board with the LoS changes, but LoS on a niche weapon mod, with a hard 15m range cap, with linear falloff? Acid shells has such potential to be good (not GREAT, not BUSTED, GOOD) but using LoS just kneecaps any potential it has.
DE I love your game, and I'd love to make wacky off-meta builds, but the non meta stuff needs to FUNCTION. And the "fix" from the 1999 update hasn't actually worked, more raycasts doesn't help if all the LoS checks keep getting caught on the dead enemies' models. And you CANNOT come at me with "We don't want players killing enemies through walls" when you let Saryn still reign.
Just get rid of LoS for smaller stuff like this please, it does more harm then good. I'll even stop complaining about Dante if you do this for me.
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