11 months
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Whispers in the Walls: Update 35.1: Hotfix #6
iOS Specific Notes:
Added a memory warning popup when players on lower spec iPhones and iPads attempt to enter areas that will cause them to run out of memory.
- The popup will read: “Using a low-memory device may cause issues while loading this level. Do you want to continue?”
- Devices in question include iPad 10.2 (2021), iPad 10.2 (2020), iPad mini (2019), iPad Air (2019), iPhone 11 (2019), iPhone XR (2018), and iPhone XS (2018).
Areas can include Duviri, Deimos, Orb Vallis, and Dojos
- Note: This warning popup will not prevent players from entering the above area(s) in question. Players can choose to dismiss the warning, but may experience performance issues in these areas, depending on their device.
- Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in a teleport loop if they had Auto Run enabled when using teleporters such as the one used when entering the Orbiter from a certain spoiler Camp.
- Removed Placeholder [PH] text from the Account page in the Options menu.
Tusk Dargyns will no longer spawn in the Plains of Eidolon during Saya’s Vigil Quest.
- Killing these airborne enemies can be a challenge for new players, so we have removed them as they could prevent players from progressing through the Quest.
- Players with Overguard are now immune to the slow effect from enemy Necramech’s Necraweb ability.
- Slightly turned down the Grimoire’s projectile firing and impact sounds.
- Tweaked Konzu’s transmission timing when completing Eidolon Hunt Bounties.
Fixed Overguard earned on Warframe in Duviri from the Killer’s Confidence Decree causing players to be indefinitely invulnerable in the Undercroft.
- Now, Overguard earned from the Decree will be cleared from Warframe after entering the Undercroft.
Fixed Lohk Surges not spawning in Zariman missions when started from the Chrysalith immediately after completing the Angels of Zariman Quest.
- This also resolves being unable to progress in Bounties that had the “Find and activate X Lohk Surges”.
- Fixed Companions being able to pick up Keyglyphs in the Anchorhold, which would prevent Squads from being able to interact with the terminal to begin the search for the Netracell. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1381469-unable-to-proceed-past-1st-room-in-netracell-mission/
- Fixed the Munio, Mirror Defense mission not counting towards the “Crystal Clear” Nightwave Act (Complete 3 waves of Mirror Defense).
- Fixed case where pre-New War players replaying the Vox Solaris Quest could matchmake with post-New War players after selecting a Bounty in Fortuna.
- Fixed Clients being unable to use the interactable Blinkpads in Open Landscapes.
Fixed casting Grendel’s Feast on the Dax Equitem in Duviri causing the Dax to disappear off his Kaithe, rendering the fight impossible to complete.
- To prevent similar issues from occurring, the Dax Equitem is now properly immune to Warframe CC abilities as intended for a mini-boss.
- Fixed unread Clan/Alliance Inbox messages at times causing players to be unable to login.
- Fixed Clients at times falling out of the map after rush chomping while Maw Feeding in Duviri.
- Fixed being able to pull out a fishing spear while Titania is in her Razorwing form, causing the player to lose functionality.
- Worth noting that she was never able to actually use the spear in this form, as intended.
Fixed the Railjack Cephalon Blueprint still being available for purchase in the in-game Market.
- Since the Whispers in the Walls Update, the Blueprint is now sent via Inbox message after starting the Rising Tide Quest from the Codex - so there is no longer a need for it to still appear in the Market.
- Fixed physics getting whacky after using Qorvex’s Chyrinka Pillar to dive into a Sanctuary Onslaught portal or to approach the closed Fortuna elevator doors in the Orb Vallis.
- Fixed the Shard Hex and Shard Bane Ephemeras not properly reflecting the correct yellow color of embedded Amber Archon Shards.
- Fixed Translocators (where enemies spawn from) in The Index missions creating a huge field of low-rest blue particles that hang in the air indefinitely.
Fixed extreme blowout VFX after equipping the Bloodshed Sigil on both the front and back of your Warframe and setting its colors to white.
- We’re aware of a similar issue occurring with the Catena Prime Ephemera.
- Fixed the Legacy Mastery Sigil not appearing correctly for certain Legendary Mastery Ranks.
- Fixed a crash after placing a Domestik Drone in the Orbiter and going to the Drifter Camp Captura Scene.
- Fixed a script error in Zephyr’s Tail Wind ability.
Stay updated on the known iOS issues that we are investigating in the Warframe iOS Launch Build post.