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I had to move my looks around because I wanted to make the new Nova skin in slot A but didn't want to get rid of the one I had, and didn't want to have to recreate the current one from A in C.

I did the thing where you link your look in chat and click on your own link to apply it to a different slot and started moving them around, and now my new Nova skin in my A slot is bugged. There's a giant black rectangle over my whole frame. It's in the arsenal, and stays over the whole thing even if I leave the arsenal and walk around my orbiter.

I realized with some fiddling that it was the new Volt ephemera I had on it that was bugging it. I now can now no longer use that new ephemera in the A slot at all, as well as Nova's new ephemera. Equipping either of these in slot A now makes that rectangle appear, and it's only those two ephemera that are affected.

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5 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link


What you are seeing is a NaN issue. It happens when a VFX does not properly read by your console.

Could you share your gamertag with me? Our team will have a look what exact effect is causing these black squares for you.


5 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by SublimeAtrophy


I'm playing the PS4 version on my PS5. I saw an old thread while doing research that recommended disabling bloom. I did that, but now the new Volt ephemera is just solid vanta black, but only the bottom portion is affected.

I noticed that you guys added a notification on startup that recommends downloading the PS5 version, so I did that. Haven't tried it yet, still downloading. Does that mean the PS4's version is no longer able to keep up with the game?

Thanks for the message!

Ideally you'd change over to the PS5 version of the game while playing on PS5 as that one is more or less and improved version of PS4 Warframe.

But don't worry, these black boxes are a bit tricky. We mostly get them on PC where they can be caused by a bunch of different things. In the end, it's an input that is not correctly read, so it spits out a black frame in confusion.

Our PS QA team will have a look if they can chase this bug down.
