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I have been playing with mostly Venomess and Wingrace but I was stuck with nightmare Terrysa mythic. Then I saw a video of someone one shotting the crab boss with Senja. I decided to pick her up and wanted to try her with Terrysa. I killed the boss in a minute with my unawakened lvl 20 Senja. She is so overpowered that nothing in the game comes even close.

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2 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

It warms my heart to see a post where someone has figured out The Gladiator. Usually posts about here just call her dumpster tier LOL

about 2 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Quixz_

I assume you are aware, but both senja and Lora have been bugged since 1.0 at least. For some reason their damage is insanely high when they get their channel bars up. No one seems to know what triggers the bug. I haven’t been able to enjoy Lora because everything just dies too fast even without echoes, talents or affinities equipped.

We’re looking into it.