
Wayfinder Dev Tracker

07 Jan


Originally posted by Quixz_

I assume you are aware, but both senja and Lora have been bugged since 1.0 at least. For some reason their damage is insanely high when they get their channel bars up. No one seems to know what triggers the bug. I haven’t been able to enjoy Lora because everything just dies too fast even without echoes, talents or affinities equipped.

We’re looking into it.

05 Jan


Try backing up your saves first, then delete the _Meta file from the save games folder.


It warms my heart to see a post where someone has figured out The Gladiator. Usually posts about here just call her dumpster tier LOL

03 Jan


Thanks for the kind words.

02 Jan


Originally posted by BlackberryUpstairs19

Enters congress with $50k in debt.

Accumulates $6mil in network over first 4 years in public office on a $190k/yr salary.

"Ok. It's time to ban public servants from trading stocks."

Yeah it’s crazy! It’s like she’s a normal person who ran for office and did her civic duty, and is able to recognize what needs to change for the future!

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ifeanyi: Haven't had much time to grind her out and I heard she's the only one that drops lvl 40 weapons. Will she remain available permanently?

31 Dec


Originally posted by ThatBaseball7433

No Tesla chargers listed is a big issue though.

My ford nav definitely lists Tesla super chargers that are available to non teslas.

30 Dec


Originally posted by FrostyWasabi8952

You likely know all this, but I recommend using the built-in Ford Navigation so the car will know where you are going and thus can make range predictions far more accurately (if you travel at speed limits or less), watch the efficiency Tile on the SYNC screen occasionally to know your current miles/kWh to avoid surprises, as well as pick your next charger via the Ford Navigation so if necessary the car with precondition the big battery as you get closer to your next charging session.

I second this. I have done cross country trips a few times with the Ford Nav and recommend it over CarPlay with Apple or google maps.


Originally posted by jimmyting099

Common theory is that all of these companies are being payed a lot more to push these unwanted politics so even the game doesn’t sell well they are still making money from a private investor (I’m not saying this is true but the theory is pretty commonly discussed)

This theory is so old, tired, and totally unproven.


Originally posted by xstasea123

Also, another question . You would have to imagine at a big game studio, not everyone there is going to be a left leaning they/them liberal ideolog. However they seem to be the ones getting into high ranking roles or becoming key decision makers . This to me suggests unfair advantages for these people compared to say someone who just wants to make good games without having any kind of political ideology behind them?



Originally posted by PrimarisShitpostium

Many of those reviewers gave similar scores to some major flops recently.

Name one game that got a 9/10 or 5/5 that was a flop?

29 Dec


This sub is constantly looking for drama. What is there to be suspicious about? They are sharing review scores. You’re then entitled to make the call yourself if you want to play it or not.

28 Dec


Originally posted by hpotter29

I bet this is it. Since they're building a "Fast and Furious" roller coaster at Universal in California right now I could absolutely see it being implemented in Orlando. And yes, let's cross our fingers about getting rid of the other "F&F" attraction.

They’re totally different tracks and layouts.

24 Dec


Working as intended. EOS is not a ghost of Christmas past and is how all online services work specially for cross play. If you start the game as normal, then select offline it’ll not use EOS.

23 Dec


Definitely not intended. Can you post any other details that can help us try and replicate this? Thanks.

19 Dec

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Empa: As the title says. I had maxed out wingrave on heroic difficulty, was nearing highest power possible, and when I booted up the game after the update everything was gone. Like wut.

I would appreciate some help devs. Like was data loss intentional or something?
And you can’t load any save backups from the main menu?
    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by coaltrain00: The folder in appdata/wayfinder/savedgame shows different file saves but there is no way to "use" one or pick it. I have tried deleting a combination of them after making a backup copy and nothing has worked to bring my 47 hours of game time back.
When you start the game and are at the profile screen in the bottom right you can view your backup saves. Do none of these work?
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You mind joining discord and dropping your log files?