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Hello all,

I was wondering if I was eligible for compensation despite not playing the game on the 25th? I dont mean I installed after this date, but that the game wouldn’t let me in so I just gave up trying to login for that day and officially begun my journey the day after. I logged in today to see I hadn’t received any form of compensation, so I was wondering if its worth contacting customer support over this matter as I read somewhere that of you even TRIED to login during the time frame you were eligible, yet my account has not received anything as of yet. I appreciate the help.

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about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by pr2thej

No reason has been given still why the 25th was the cutoff.

Great for the majority of course, but it's really shitty for everyone else who was left out for no reason

We have given a reason. Between the 17 - 24 the game was in a volatile state. People were able to play, but many were not due to the login and server issues. We solved the majority of issues the 24th, announced they were solved then picked the next day as the cut off as anyone after the 24th had a drastically different experience than those before.