about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Player Compensation is LIVE + State of the Early Access

Greetings Wayfinders. It feels great to write to you about something other than servers and login queue for once! We wanted to highlight some things our team is working to address that linger from the Early Access launch. We also wanted to discuss our first patch, first content update, and more!



We understand that Early Access was rocky, and we could have done better. We're happy now to report increased capacity, stability and no queue. We promised compensation for the aggravation and for the time you lost not playing.

TODAY The following have be granted to every account that attempted to login between 8/17/2023 at 12:00pm CT - 8/25/2023 at 11:59pm CT:

  • A Wayfinder Token to unlock a Wayfinder of your choice
  • 1100 Runesilver
  • 5 Reward Tower Keys

”Attempted Login” means having installed the game and pressed “login” and been presented with the EULA. Players do not need to have actually entered the game to receive this package.

We hope players accept this package as an apology for the state of the game upon launch, and also as a thank you to those that have stuck around and played daily. Use the token to grab a new character, buy a weapon or some housing decorations with the Runesilver, and enjoy the game in its much improved state. We also have something special for all you “Waitfinders” later in the year, stay tuned…


Store + Runesilver Purchases

We are aware that there continue to be issues with the store at times. We focused on getting people into the game last week and that is why this was put on the back burner. We’re happy to report that we recently solved the “Insufficient Funds” error players were getting, and players should now be able to use the Runesilver that’s in their wallet.

We’re looking to address the following soon:

  • You can make a Runesilver purchase, but the Runesilver never shows in your wallet
  • You can not purchase Runesilver at all

We have also adjusted the skin and weapons price discussed in our previous communication right at launch. Anyone that made a purchase at the previous price point has been refunded the Runesilver, and moving forward we’ve adjusted the prices permanently for similar weapons + items.


Customer Support Response Times

Due to the sheer number of issues we saw launch week, our customer support is slammed. We’re aware of some tickets being over a week old. While we work to catch up, we’ll also be fortifying processes and responses to hopefully streamline things and get back to players sooner. Remember the awesome Customer Support team is learning alongside us and you, so we appreciate your understanding and patience.


Cross-Save Lost Progression

When linking your PlayStation Network or Steam account to a DE account there have been cases of players losing progress because one of the platforms overwrites the other. We think this process can be a lot clearer and we’re going to be tackling it soon so it cuts down on frustration as well as Customer Support requests. Currently that data is not deleted or lost, and Customer Support can assist you.


Big Bugs We’re Tracking

We wanted to make sure the community was aware of 3 big issues that we have prioritized due to the conversation from players on Discord, Reddit and social sites. All of these fixes are underway and once we have a solution we’ll hotfix as soon as we can.


  • Talon of Pyre - Currently if you’re in a Highlands instance and it disconnects you, it’s probably because someone in that Highlands has taken on the Talon of Pyre world boss and in some scenarios it can totally crash the highland instance. While we had a fix in our first patch, sadly that did not resolve it.
  • Selling Accessories - This is a frustrating thing for all, especially those that demand a nice clean inventory. We are currently tracking a fix and hope to have it in soon, we do not have an ETA.
  • Weapons showing as Rifles - This one is also tricky and our team is working on it. We know that it stinks not being able to use your shiny new Tooth and Claw or Epitaph so we’re trying to get a fix in as soon as we can and will communicate when we have an ETA.


Patch 1

Patch 1 is live, with some fixes, adjustments and balance changes. We’re happy to report things like the Wurm will now appear sooner, while Dread Legion might not call for help as much as before. It’s important to note that this patch does NOT have a ton of adjustments or bugs you might have encountered in Early Access, as it was mostly locked before we went live, meaning the next patch will address some Early Access feedback directly. For full patch notes please visit Discord.


First Content Update

As you saw during the Level Infinite Showcase at gamescom, the first content patch is coming in a few weeks. This timeline has shifted slightly due to our focus on fixing the server issues, but it shouldn’t be too long. It’ll include a new weapon, new hunts, new quests and more!


Roadmap Update

If you haven’t seen our roadmap, check it out https://trello.com/b/RgnuBh4m/wayfinder-roadmap! It was recently updated with a few things we prioritized based on your feedback on FeatureUpVote. These include Frostmarch expansion, Echo adjustments, and streamlining resources. We’ll continue to review requests, and features and be updating the roadmap from time to time.  

OK we lied at the start of this letter, I guess we will talk about servers some

We continue to make almost daily adjustments to the servers and matchmaking as a whole. We have more stability now than we did before and can operate at 3x our launch capacity, but are also aware that people are still disconnecting from time to time. We recently included a fix for “Unable to Save User Data” in the most recent patch and we’ll continue to monitor for issues and deploy hotfixes.


We’re thankful for those that have continued this journey with us and helped us out of the “Negative” to “Mixed” Reviews on Steam. If you’ve played Wayfinder at all, we kindly ask you to leave a review (good or bad!) as it really does help the game.


We believe we’ve turned a big corner with the game and can now turn our eyes to improving it with your continued help. Be sure to use FeatureUpVote for bugs and suggestions; the team looks at it daily, and many suggestions have already moved into our roadmap! Thanks again for hanging in during our rocky start; the team is hugely motivated by your passion for the game, and we’re so excited for the future.

-Airship Syndicate

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Player Compensation is LIVE + State of the Early Access

Greetings Wayfinders. It feels great to write to you about something other than servers and login queue for once! We wanted to highlight some things our team is working to address that linger from the Early Access launch. We also wanted to discuss our first patch, first content update, and more!



We understand that Early Access was rocky, and we could have done better. We're happy now to report increased capacity, stability and no queue. We promised compensation for the aggravation and for the time you lost not playing.

TODAY The following have be granted to every account that attempted to login between 8/17/2023 at 12:00pm CT - 8/25/2023 at 11:59pm CT:

  • A Wayfinder Token to unlock a Wayfinder of your choice
  • 1100 Runesilver
  • 5 Reward Tower Keys

”Attempted Login” means having installed the game and pressed “login” and been presented with the EULA. Players do not need to have actually entered the game to receive this package.

We hope players accept this package as an apology for the state of the game upon launch, and also as a thank you to those that have stuck around and played daily. Use the token to grab a new character, buy a weapon or some housing decorations with the Runesilver, and enjoy the game in its much improved state. We also have something special for all you “Waitfinders” later in the year, stay tuned…


Store + Runesilver Purchases

We are aware that there continue to be issues with the store at times. We focused on getting people into the game last week and that is why this was put on the back burner. We’re happy to report that we recently solved the “Insufficient Funds” error players were getting, and players should now be able to use the Runesilver that’s in their wallet.

We’re looking to address the following soon:

  • You can make a Runesilver purchase, but the Runesilver never shows in your wallet
  • You can not purchase Runesilver at all

We have also adjusted the skin and weapons price discussed in our previous communication right at launch. Anyone that made a purchase at the previous price point has been refunded the Runesilver, and moving forward we’ve adjusted the prices permanently for similar weapons + items.


Customer Support Response Times

Due to the sheer number of issues we saw launch week, our customer support is slammed. We’re aware of some tickets being over a week old. While we work to catch up, we’ll also be fortifying processes and responses to hopefully streamline things and get back to players sooner. Remember the awesome Customer Support team is learning alongside us and you, so we appreciate your understanding and patience.


Cross-Save Lost Progression

When linking your PlayStation Network or Steam account to a DE account there have been cases of players losing progress because one of the platforms overwrites the other. We think this process can be a lot clearer and we’re going to be tackling it soon so it cuts down on frustration as well as Customer Support requests. Currently that data is not deleted or lost, and Customer Support can assist you.


Big Bugs We’re Tracking

We wanted to make sure the community was aware of 3 big issues that we have prioritized due to the conversation from players on Discord, Reddit and social sites. All of these fixes are underway and once we have a solution we’ll hotfix as soon as we can.


  • Talon of Pyre - Currently if you’re in a Highlands instance and it disconnects you, it’s probably because someone in that Highlands has taken on the Talon of Pyre world boss and in some scenarios it can totally crash the highland instance. While we had a fix in our first patch, sadly that did not resolve it.
  • Selling Accessories - This is a frustrating thing for all, especially those that demand a nice clean inventory. We are currently tracking a fix and hope to have it in soon, we do not have an ETA.
  • Weapons showing as Rifles - This one is also tricky and our team is working on it. We know that it stinks not being able to use your shiny new Tooth and Claw or Epitaph so we’re trying to get a fix in as soon as we can and will communicate when we have an ETA.


Patch 1

Patch 1 is live, with some fixes, adjustments and balance changes. We’re happy to report things like the Wurm will now appear sooner, while Dread Legion might not call for help as much as before. It’s important to note that this patch does NOT have a ton of adjustments or bugs you might have encountered in Early Access, as it was mostly locked before we went live, meaning the next patch will address some Early Access feedback directly. For full patch notes please visit Discord.


First Content Update

As you saw during the Level Infinite Showcase at gamescom, the first content patch is coming in a few weeks. This timeline has shifted slightly due to our focus on fixing the server issues, but it shouldn’t be too long. It’ll include a new weapon, new hunts, new quests and more!


Roadmap Update

If you haven’t seen our roadmap, check it out https://trello.com/b/RgnuBh4m/wayfinder-roadmap! It was recently updated with a few things we prioritized based on your feedback on FeatureUpVote. These include Frostmarch expansion, Echo adjustments, and streamlining resources. We’ll continue to review requests, and features and be updating the roadmap from time to time.  

OK we lied at the start of this letter, I guess we will talk about servers some

We continue to make almost daily adjustments to the servers and matchmaking as a whole. We have more stability now than we did before and can operate at 3x our launch capacity, but are also aware that people are still disconnecting from time to time. We recently included a fix for “Unable to Save User Data” in the most recent patch and we’ll continue to monitor for issues and deploy hotfixes.


We’re thankful for those that have continued this journey with us and helped us out of the “Negative” to “Mixed” Reviews on Steam. If you’ve played Wayfinder at all, we kindly ask you to leave a review (good or bad!) as it really does help the game.


We believe we’ve turned a big corner with the game and can now turn our eyes to improving it with your continued help. Be sure to use FeatureUpVote for bugs and suggestions; the team looks at it daily, and many suggestions have already moved into our roadmap! Thanks again for hanging in during our rocky start; the team is hugely motivated by your passion for the game, and we’re so excited for the future.

-Airship Syndicate

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by kiku_ichimonji

This new weapon, is it one of the ones that accidentally got put in the shop and are supposed to be out very soon, or a new type entirely?

One of the ones that was on the shop for a short period of time

about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by arrieon

I appreciate the dedication to the community, the responsiveness of the developers, and my overall enjoyment of this game. I understand that new launches can be challenging, but I'm wondering how long I should wait before I submit a ticket about not receiving compensation. To be honest, I'm not too bothered by it; I ended up with Niss after the server bounced me, which was my initial choice anyway. However, having a token to keep would still be a nice addition

If you don’t see it and are within the parameters contact them.

about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by wacksez

I never pressed login in that time period BECAUSE of the server issues I read about everywhere..

Ngl I am a little bit salty for not receiving any compensation, when I was still technically "affected" by it.. :(

The honest answer is that we have no record of you playing. If you try and login and hit that button it automatically makes an account in our database. Without that we don’t know who you are and there is no way to get you anything. Steam and PlayStation network do not share any personal info for security reasons.

about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Onmius

I still have not got mine D:, I definitely was in the window for it.

I’d contact support

about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by amyrlinn

I've got the token (I think, if it's the 1 in the upper right corner of my menu), but I can't seem to figure out how to use it to unlock a character. Every one at Omen still has their full requirements.

It’s in the shop not at omen.

about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Prudent_Possession10

Dissapointed by the cut-off date. I've bought the game before the 25th but haven't attempted to login since I've heard about long queues and wasn't in a rush to get into the game asap.

As I mentioned to another player we have absolutely no way of knowing who a player is unless they hit that button. No info is shared with us via Steam or PSN. We have to go off the login attempt when it pings our back end.

about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Captainlunchbox

Any advice for someone who didn't receive the pack, even though I was a day 1 login?

I’d contact support.