about 1 year ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hey everybody it's sir snartz here from
4s Airship Syndicate hope everybody's doing
6s fantastic
7s um we do have a little bit of an update
9s obviously the global beta has ended for
12s a couple weeks now and the team has been
14s super hard at work and we wanted to keep
16s you guys informed as much as we can
17s moving forward as we get closer and
20s closer to Early Access I know it's still
23s summer
24s um hope you guys tuned in and saw the
25s newest trailer we are just excited as
27s you are to be able to put out a hard
30s date out there but we know people take
31s it really seriously they take time off
33s their jobs they really get amped up and
36s we want to make sure that we're not
37s going to have any sort of delay
40s once we're ready to release a date so uh
42s really do appreciate the patience it's
44s coming I promise we're working real hard
47s um but do have some exciting kind of
49s factoids to share in the meantime uh
52s specifically kind of let you know the
54s feedback is valued
56s um not only are we just saying that
57s we're working alongside the community
59s when it comes to these updates but we
60s want to try to demonstrate it as much as
62s we can there's only so much we can do
64s before it's in your hands but there's
66s been a lot of changes from the closed
68s beta build to what we have today and
71s what we're going to have tomorrow so
73s um hopefully let's Dive Right straight
74s into it so a few different kind of notes
77s if you didn't tune in to the the closed
80s beta video if you hadn't participated or
83s checked out our social media some of the
84s fun facts from just the the crazy amount
86s of people we had in the the closed beta
89s um wrote all the records that we had
92s which was awesome but we did just in the
95s five days only in five days
98s you all were able to complete over a
100s hundred thousand hunts so 183
103s 000 60 691 hunts were completed so those
107s are just boss fights essentially
109s um enemies killed 13 million six hundred
112s thousand enemies were killed uh again
115s baby spiders being slain the most with
117s 852 thousands of those uh and 415
121s 000 Expeditions so those are the Lost
123s Zone uh dungeon runs essentially so a
126s crazy amount of data um so thank you so
128s much for everybody who participated in
129s that closed beta
131s um and let's see what the the fruits of
133s your labor uh result in so uh even in
137s the last couple weeks we've already
139s squashed 2 000 bugs a lot of those came
142s from that future f votes so 2 000 bugs
146s um are just about closing in on
148s um since just those the closed Beta had
150s ended uh we have a lot more to go and
152s they keep popping up but we're we're
154s swatting them down faster than they're
156s popping up which is always a great sign
158s um but again
160s Early Access it's going to be the the
162s same process we're going to keep um
164s making improvements as they they come
166s down the pipes so great progress from
168s the team really proud of all the work
169s they're putting into it but they're
170s working hard for you guys
173s um so big changes let's kind of jump
175s into the first section here so combat
177s and movement we've been
179s keeping a close eye on just people who
181s even weren't even in the beta but had
183s you know their own oppressions and
185s opinions from seeing gameplay video that
188s you might have released from a content
189s creator or from other means
192s um and we hear you and we're working to
194s address it so
196s um we've noticed it ourselves there is a
198s little bit of potential sliding just
200s because of how tactile the action combat
203s is you're noticing that there's maybe a
205s little bit too much movement especially
207s like two-handed weapons or
209s um any kind of attack animations that
210s move your character a pretty substantial
212s amount so we've actually did some
215s adjustments to kind of the the targeting
217s parameters depending on where your
219s character is and when you start
221s initiating those those attack animations
224s um your character if you're in that
225s targeting range it will disable forward
227s movement so you're never going to slide
229s past an enemy and love your your attack
231s miss or something like that that paired
234s along with changes to the targeting a
237s lot of comments about and feature
239s outboat requests about targeting
241s improvements so we hear you absolutely
243s make some adjustments to that it's way
246s snappier is the best way I can describe
249s it but your character will absolutely be
252s tied into whatever creature you're
255s trying to attack you can lock on with
257s your controller or if you're on on mouse
259s and keyboard there'll be an indicator of
261s what uh creature or monster that you are
264s targeted onto and your attack animations
266s are going to be directly focused on that
268s Target and that location rather than
271s potentially kind of swinging and missing
273s or a character like the Locking you know
277s switching back and forth too quickly if
280s you're there to experience it you know
282s what I'm talking about but if you
284s haven't had a chance to play yet just
285s know that we're really going to be
287s making the the combat feel as responsive
290s and accurate to what you're trying to
292s put as your inputs as possible so
294s definitely keeping an eye on that it's
296s feeling way better way snappier again
298s improve events to come down the pipe if
301s we think we need it but it's definitely
303s getting closer and closer to what we
304s want for that that final polished
306s product
307s um
308s perfect we got
311s um this is another big one too so action
314s combat is really one of the defining
317s features is the ability to
320s adapt to whatever moveset your your
322s opponent's doing
324s you know have to work on the fly if
327s there's a new spell or a new animation
329s coming in that you weren't necessarily
330s expecting when you're winding up your
332s attacks so we do want to strike that
334s balance between having you know the risk
337s and reward of doing a really big attack
339s that has like a big wind up and and
342s potentially punishing you if you if you
343s get it wrong but we also really want to
345s make sure it feels great that you as a
348s player have the agency to like hey I
351s read this attack my animations coming I
352s was ready with the block I was ready
354s with a Parry with a repost the Dodge
356s whatever it might be
358s um so we were a little bit too
361s restrictive on some of those attack
363s windows so
364s previously I think we had limited just
366s to daggers that you could do a Parry to
369s interrupt and attack animation but those
371s are really a quick attack animations
372s anyway so you couldn't really tell so
375s um we've actually kind of done a clean
377s sweep across the board that you are able
380s to react on the moment on the Fly frame
383s by frame
384s enable a Parry enable a block mid
388s animation swing even if you need to so
390s if you got the big heavy X you'll wind
392s up you're about to do it but like oh no
394s I need to block something Big's coming
395s you'll stop the attack and you'll go
397s into the block for it
399s um so we hope that makes it feel a lot
400s more responsive
402s um I personally think it makes a huge
404s difference it really does feel like you
405s have absolute control over the situation
407s if you read an attack is coming you want
410s to block it you're going to be able to
412s do that
413s um so we hope so people will be happy
415s with that change
417s um also just the the the warning so the
419s indicator there's a huge variety of
422s different attacks each enemy is going to
423s have and the attack and indicator wasn't
426s necessarily
429s was it wasn't standard across
431s standardized across the board as far as
433s knowing when that timing so we're
436s standardizing that if you see the attack
437s indicator
439s um popping up over an enemy you're going
440s to be able to reliably know when that
443s attack and when do you need to Parry and
445s how you need to respond to it rather
446s than needing to
448s um
449s you know kind of guess based off of
450s which attack animation it might be or
452s something in that so could make things a
454s little bit more
455s um easy to pick up on as you're playing
457s through the game
459s uh the big thing this is actually a huge
462s one
463s um so this is one it's not maybe
465s something you're gonna see immediately
466s but want to definitely address it
469s because it is by far probably the
470s biggest form of feedback that we hear uh
473s across the interwebs
475s um is just kind of what the character
476s progression looks like yes we're a
478s character based game
480s um you're not going to have a huge spell
481s book that you're going to be able to
483s swap in and out all the sorts of
484s abilities that you might be wanting to
486s do
486s but we still want we want those core
490s characters to exist and feel like they
492s have a kit
494s um and and really have a character
495s identity based off of the abilities you
497s get but we do see how there could be
500s some uh restrictions as far as just that
502s overall progression
504s um and and kind of that character power
506s fantasy that you're able to get into so
508s we want to address that so long-term
510s goals we're we're swapping some of the
512s core systems that were key to just
515s individual characters and now applying
518s them on an account side basis so as
521s you're you're playing any of your
522s characters you're going to be getting
524s power that goes across your entire
526s account so you never feel like you're
528s missing out
530s um by neglecting your your main uh
533s wayfinder or whatever your main
535s character might be if you're playing
536s with any of your wayfinders you're going
538s to be starting to unlock progression
540s systems that are going to be available
542s for all of your characters account wide
544s we definitely want to incentivize
545s players
546s swapping up the gameplay playing
549s different wayfinders unlocking new
551s wayfinders fitting into different kind
553s of uh party roles and and you know
556s helping out a group of activity based
558s off of who you're selecting but now
560s you're going to have the ability or what
562s we're working towards is even more more
566s customization even in the later game so
569s yes that does mean we're essentially
571s we're adding two new account level
573s systems which are archetype and our
575s Armory level progression systems we're
578s going to have more details on it come
579s later but this is going to be more than
581s just stat sticks this is actually going
583s to be you know ability systems that
585s you're going to be able to slot into to
587s new new areas of your character kind of
590s UI to to customize how you play the game
594s as a wayfinder so I'm really excited to
597s share some more detail than that as we
599s get closer just know it's on the horizon
601s and we're listening we get it people
603s want to be able to have customization we
605s want to offer that so uh Echoes so
608s Echoes are a huge part of your build as
611s a wayfinder your
613s [Music]
614s all your stats if you're going to be
616s tankier if you're going to be breaking
618s posture if you're going to be doing
619s ability powered DPS or attack power DPS
622s this all really comes down from the meat
624s and potatoes which is Echoes
626s with that said we understand it's it's a
630s lot it's very confusing
632s um previously how the the system set up
634s it was just hard to find out exactly
636s what was the best Echo for what you were
639s trying to achieve so we're doing a big
642s overhaul to the organization of that
644s you're going to be able to sort you're
646s going to be able to have if it's very
648s clearly stated if it's going to be an
649s offensive Echo if it's going to be a
650s defensive echo in addition to that we
654s really love we touched on it with type
655s Echoes but across the board we don't
658s want everything just to feel like a stat
659s stick we want to add some diversity
661s there so we get some really creative
663s builds as far as just like what your
664s attacks are going to be so expect more
666s variety when it comes to the type of
668s Echoes that you're going to get rather
670s than just that modifiers so really
674s excited for you guys to see and get your
676s feedback on what you think of the echo
678s system once that's fully rolled out
681s um enemy at variants so attacking
683s America attack animations and enemies
685s themselves
687s um this actually is is purely because
689s you guys we were able to get so much
690s data uh from the beta of how
694s how long uh engagements took what type
697s of engagements they were what type of
699s mods what types of groups were spawning
702s um and we're noticing that you know
704s sometimes even like the big mini bosses
706s were taking as long as just like small
707s little uh groups and kind of fodder
710s enemies so instead of being more you
714s know individual packs of just okay this
716s is going to be this type of enemy that
717s spawns here and it's just going to be
718s that one variety we're going to be
721s implementing a little bit more of a mix
723s so you're going to have some big kind of
726s elite enemy mobs and tank your boys
728s alongside the smaller fodder and kind of
731s swarm type enemies and there's going to
733s be all sorts of variety that's going to
735s be coming along with this
736s the goal being we want interesting
739s encounters we want it to be variants we
741s wanted a different experience every time
742s you load up a lost zone go into an
745s expedition just roaming around the
747s highlands or any other open world area
749s we want you to feel like oh this is a
751s cool combination this is a new challenge
752s that I have to overcome what do I do to
755s to make sure I get out of this alive so
758s expect some variance with the the mob
762s density and spawn rates and composition
764s which is pretty cool
766s um
768s social systems oh boy so yes
770s improvements are absolutely coming down
772s the pipes here uh we noticed some of the
774s chaos that was just having global chat
776s open for for beta
779s um so some of the cool features that are
781s coming here uh you are going to be in
783s the region chat by default now rather
785s than just thrown into the Wilds of
787s global track Global chat will still be
789s around uh for the people who really do
791s want to uh broadcast their voice to the
793s World At Large
795s um but also we're enabling localized
797s chat so it's going to automatically
799s notice if you're speaking in whatever
802s your your Regional dialect would be and
805s it's going to put you into a chat before
807s that for the location so if you're
809s speaking Portuguese it's going to put
811s you in the Brazilian Chad Portuguese
814s chat
815s um so you're gonna be an easy experience
817s to talk with your fellow wayfinders with
820s a language that you all prefer to talk
821s in you'll also be able to manually
823s select whichever one that you want to be
825s a part of but again we hope that will go
827s a long way another big thing you will be
830s able to resize rescale uh that that chat
833s window to make it to whatever your heart
837s desires
838s um for your UI browser pleasure so
842s um
842s small thing but I know it's going to
844s make a big deal too a lot of you
847s especially those who are in the beta
849s um what else oh another big thing so we
853s heard you loud and clear
855s we know we want you guys to play
856s together and it's awesome that a lot of
858s you were finding friends but a lot of
861s you were only in groups of two and you
863s didn't want to be paired with a random
865s third-party member yes for Early Access
868s officially if you go to queue for an
870s expedition a hunt whatever it may be
873s there's just two of you you don't want
875s to have a third join in
877s you will be of an option just to make it
879s the the two of you so
881s um Duo parties are going to be allowed
883s three parties backfilling is going to be
885s an option solo play is going to be an
887s option so really give you all the tools
889s at your disposal to make sure that you
891s get whatever Expedition experience that
893s you want to have
895s um last one that we got here
898s um
899s oh this is kind of just going over so
901s again if you're new around here and um
903s you hadn't had a chance to jump into the
905s Beta it's I'm sorry to hear but we're
907s glad you're here now
909s um but we just want you to know that
911s we're really trying to work alongside
912s the community
914s um it takes a ton of work to be able to
916s you know adapt to our production
917s schedules try to keep everything on time
920s um and and build a game that we're
922s really excited and lives up to the the
925s vision of what we know it can be so
927s um it takes a lot of work it takes a lot
929s of
930s um effort from you guys as well too to
932s take the time and give us that that
934s feedback it's so easy just to go on with
937s the the other thing that's going on in
938s all of your busy lives but really really
940s do appreciate everybody who's taking
942s that time to give us that feedback
944s for us to make these improvements and
947s make the game uh all that much better
949s for it people who were in The Last beta
951s got to test out some of those changes
953s are as like the the jump dash for that
955s whole new kind of layer and complexity
957s and dimension of movement and combat
961s um and exploration we also increased the
964s movement speed
965s um doing the whole camera overhaul we
967s have even more improvements coming to
969s just how the camera Works especially in
971s those tight and narrow spaces the
973s material codex so you can really go
975s track down what you're looking for and
976s for how to to craft your wayfinders your
978s weapons
980s um performance issues in a whole lot
982s more
983s um just to name a couple of things so
985s thank you so much we're really trying to
987s try to continue to demonstrate we're
989s committed to working alongside you we're
991s building a game that's going to be free
993s fair and and continuously improving for
996s the foreseeable future so thank you so
998s much for everybody who has been here for
1001s all the tests and the betas up till now
1003s thank you so much for everybody who's
1005s excited for Early Access we are just as
1008s excited as you are I can't wait for us
1011s to give you a date unfortunately we're
1013s not ready to give that yet but just know
1015s it's coming
1016s um everything still seems to be on track
1018s which is awesome and
1020s um if you haven't done us already we're
1022s we're getting a ton a day but I love
1024s seeing our ranks climb in the uh the
1027s steam wish list so if you haven't gone
1029s to already please go consider tell your
1031s friends go wishlist on steam or whatever
1035s platform that you want to play on and we
1038s will see you in evanor for Early Access
1040s very soon hashtag thanks guys bye