12 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s So what makes the Reward Tower unique
7s is that it's more than just a linear progression of rewards that you unlock.
11s It's a bit of an adventure game of its own.
12s We're presenting it like a little isometric dungeon,
15s and as you earn keys, you're going to be able to hit
18s switches, solve little puzzles, get little bonus rewards.
21s One great thing that our Reward Tower lets you do
23s is when you purchase it, it stays with your account.
26s So unlike other free-to-play systems where once you've bought Battle Pass,
29s if you don't have the time to finish it.
31s It just goes away. That never feels good!
34s It'll always be there for you when you come back.