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I’ll say first, I really want this game to succeed. I know it’s not really as great as warframe but I want a magic fantasy style warframe really bad. I really like the gameplay and character identity. With that being said, it’s really scary to see this games player count dip so low even though this game is in EA. The fact that the 30 day avg is sub 1k is a truly scary sight. What do you all think of this as the more active side of the community?

11 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

I posted this on Discord awhile ago, but I'll cross post here since these charts are posted twice a day.

Again, we appreciate everyone being here and helping us build in Early Access. I've seen some conversation about player numbers and decline and I've said it to people in the moment so I'll memorialize it here. We don't run Early Access to acquire new players. No one at DE or Airship has metrics and KPIs we have to hit about getting X players in by Y date, or we need to sell Z items.

We said it when we announced, we said it before Early Access, we put it into the game login screen but it's worth repeating that we are using this time to look at data and tune systems. Our next big attempt at improving some of the player experience and getting new players will be Founder's Season 2, with the ultimate goal being F2P in 2024.

This game is a marathon, not a sprint. While we hope players will come back in the coming weeks as we roll out more updates, more content and more fixes, the state of Early Access and the player numbers on both PS (not shown on any Steam chart) and PC do not impact our short or long term development plans or the support for the game.

11 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Fun_Experience5951

What are your short and long term development plans?

Will they be adjusted if player counts dip below a certain average?

I like the pretty words, but let's be honest - video games are a business, and if money isn't coming in, people can't expect services to continue.

Video games are a business and the main focus of that business is, and always has been since we announced the game to bring it out f2p, on all platforms not Early Access founder’s pack sales. Early Access is meant to get it in players hands, learn from them and have us learn about what we need to do to make a solid f2p game because the amount of players coming in then is a drop in the bucket to EA.

11 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by greasybirdfeeder

I was turned off by the paid exclusive character that had better stats. It was the only character I wanted to play and I wasn't gonna drop almost 200 to get the stat advantage. So I simply didn't download and play the game and I'm sure I'm not the only person who felt that way. That probably didn't hurt the game as much as other things but I was looking forward to the game and was totally turned off by that decision.

And all I heard from the community was "didn't you ever play warframe?". Nope and I never will if they give paid advantages.

Sorry you feel this way. Heroic Kyros is the exception and not the rule; a thank you to fans who purchased a founder's pack at $200 and believe in the vision of Wayfinder.

All additional Heroic Wayfinders added to the game will be earnable for free and by simply playing.